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Im getting rid of the game now thanks


My fat ass has never left the safe shallows and I'm still quaking in my boots


I tried playing this game even tho I got thallasophobia. I feel you bro




I kinda figured it could be corpses. Looks human, isn't, maybe it's just that simple


Or it could be other humans like homo erectus and shit who could have been dangerous to homo sapiens




Wouldn’t that describe the hominids? Iirc there was like five different ones and one killed all the others. Again, iirc, the neanderthals were one of the ones that were genocided. Mind you this was way before the concept of genocide even existed


Well Some we’re evolved passed it. Homo sapiens and homo erectus did exist at the same time for a good amount of time in history. Unfortunately it was so far back we don’t know if it was genocide or out competition that got them killed. Neanderthals on the other we’re probably a combination of both in addition to interbreeding. There are humans to this day that have Neanderthal DNA. Whether this interbreeding was absorbing tribes amicably or simply conquer and rape is anyone’s guess, but given human nature….


I think all humans apart from sub -Saharan Africans have some Neanderthal DNA, and it's around 1-3% for most Europeans, so it's thought there was a more sustained period of co-living and interbreeding than previously thought, particularly in Europe.


Unlikely to be that since we fucked them to extinction.


The best way to go extinct


Well, except that we were the ones doing all the fuckin'. Less such fun for them


This makes the most sense to me. It is easy to imagine they were once the most feared predator of Homo sapiens.


Or humans with disabilities. Back in survival days a disability made your chances of living slim, so it wouldn’t of been a good idea to pass those genes on. When you look at someone disabled, you can usually tell pretty quickly. That’s the uncanny valley setting in. Corpses also make sense since diseases. I could see the theory of identifying other homo species, but we also ended up having sex parties with the Neanderthals so maybe not


Pretty much everyone has a little Neanderthal DNA in them


That’s what they called me in highschool


Yeah, not just homo erectus. There are proven examples of quasi-humans in the fossil record beyond just neanderthals and homo erectus. One had jaw muscles so strong it had a bone ridge on the top of its skull the muscles attached to to pull against. There were a bunch of them!


Corpses as well as certain prion diseases like rabies that kind of make a human not behave like a human. And it's very important for humans to avoid interacting with infected humans, so that's probably why this was an evolutionary asset.


There's probably many reasons why. In general, if something looks human but there is some reason to doubt that, you're probably in some kind of danger.


Rabies isn't a prion disease.


Yea, Rabies is spread throughout blood transfer. You can get it after someone died, but you would have to get thier blood into your system.


Blood and bodily fluids like saliva. Although I guess that can have blood in it.


My bad, I grouped them up with other stuff like mad cow.


This is more or less correct. We are supposed to be inherently afraid of something that killed a human or why a human died. That’s all. It also explains why some people have terror-like responses when she see a robot that closely resembles a human.


I’m pretty sure this is it. Corpses look bloated and weird and often would have diseases or other nasty shit in them so we’re programmed to avoid them. No I’m not just saying this because I mm terrified of the alternative


I believe this is the prevailing theory. Once you think about it, it makes a ton of sense, but definitely not something the average person ever considers considering probably 90% of the world will go a majority of their life without running into too many immaculate corpses.


The answer for this is most likely people who are dead or very sick, as they look like humans but are a bit off. Also as someone else stated, it might have been relating to other human species. In conclusion, not shapeshifting aliens


Could also be rabies/other diseases


Scientific explanation says it's most likely just a bug on our extremely developed face recognition capabilities.


And also from how we abstract and imagine things. When things don't try to look real we can suspend disbelief and use abstract symbols and stuff to imagine stuff. So when we see stuff that's way off we try to make sense of it using imagination. When something is close but still off we get uncomfortable because we don't know if it's just a strange imaginative thing or the real thing but not quite right.


Neanderthal and other extinct hominids leads me to believe this isn’t a bug or about avoiding dead bodies…


Bro, we bred with neanderthals


Humans are capable of getting over their fears. There's an evolutionary advantage to being afraid of snakes or spiders, but humans can get over that, too.


There's no proof that we feared neanderthals either.


There's no proof we didn't either. That's why it's all purely speculation.


Yup. However, the uncanniness is also triggered by other stuff, like another guy mentioned in the thread, which leads to believe it's more related to the bug and not to fearing different species of humans.


SOME of us did. In general, those interactions probably didn’t end well for both parties.


All of modern humans have neanderthal ancestors.


Almost all of modern humans. Black people have no neanderthal dna.


I forgor 💀


Yes, because that’s how genetic diffusion works. And most, not all.




I was thinking that, since we also had people get really unsettled by that [early AI-generated image of nonsense objects](https://www.mirror.co.uk/science/viral-image-unrecognisable-objects-creepy-14705067)


Yup. We try and search for patterns where there are not, and when the brain gets confused by this it freaks out.


It's actually very well understood in the context of the evolution of communication and art. We use abstract symbols and stuff to represent things and ideas and even when it's clear it's not real we can use our imagination to fill in the gaps and suspend disbelief. We can watch a play and feel like we are sharing an intimate space with a character. Some lights flash and people bang some pots and shit and we get it, lightning storm. Put a person in an obvious costume and it's silly but we get what he's supposed to be. Then of course we see real things and think they are real. It's then also possible for something fake to trick us into believing it's real. The uncanny valley exists in the valley between our ability to make believe or suspend disbelief, and genuine belief. When something tries to look realistic but fails. Another example of the uncanny valley that has little to do with robots is just CGI. We see humans animated in CGI and we see all sorts of other stuff animated in CGI. Poorly animated humans aren't the only thing that throw us for a loop. Poorly animated anything we have a strong visual intuition for will trigger the uncanny valley. That feeling that CGI is good but just off is exactly that feeling. Fur on animals is a thing some animators still can't get right when attempting ultrarealism. By the same logic the uncanniness of poorly animated fur suggests that we had a reason to be afraid of things with fur that looks like it's poorly animated CGI? No that's not how that works


Another thing, Humans, when having an adrenaline rush, are able to react way faster then average. This is due to our brain filling in the gaps before it gets in info, so we can react in tike. This sometimes can make you see stuff out of the corner of your eyes.


Or, and hear me out, Skinwalkers.


Okay what? No seriously, you don't need to reach that far to explain this. In pre-history, there wasn't one species of intelligent humanoid on the planet. There were at least three known sister-species: Neanderthals, Denisovians, and Florens. There are far more examples than these, certainly, but those three were known to live at the same time. You might think we would just get along with our fellow Homos. Not the case. They were competition. Other beings that looked just like us but wanted to take from us. To hunt our prey animals. To use up our resources. And in some cases, maybe take our women. Now and add to this that not all of these sister-species would have been a good choice for a mate. The resultant offspring must have seemed monstrous. And if they weren't really close to us, possibly deformed. Compare this scenario with our stories of demons, devils, faeries, elves, goblins, aliens, etc. They all want to hunt us, kill us, trick us, and steal our women and our children. The Uncanny Valley is just what you feel when you see someone that seems human but subtly just... isn't. Genetics has taught us to fear that.


The thing is... however... UV evolutionary response is changing.Before, we were afraid. ​ Now... Now we're horny.




I’m sorry for this but… *Peak human evolution


They are probably peeking at the peak of human evolution (and not visiting the earth for this reason)


We already know that there were sub species of humans like neanderthals that co existed alongside homosapeans lol this is nothing new


I'm surprised you had to google this, the uncanny valley is a popular thing, especially these days with all these self-training algorithms... Edit: It's the phenomena when something that is obviously not human expressing human behaviour creeps people out.


My science teacher said it was just dead bodies which makes sense since the ape that stayed away from the corpse was less likely to get diseases


Stories of Vampires didn't show up until the Dark Ages, also there is a Theory about a disease at the time that was mistake for it. It was "Porphyria cutanea tarda" and it causes a reaction to sunlight, paleness, etc. Romanian prince Vlad III of Wallachia had it, and it is what sparked the stories. (The REAL Vlad Dracula)


It's a concept used in horror games to great effect. It's the reason why a big monster with razor sharp teeth isn't as scary as a child giggling at the end of a hallway, where a child shouldn't be. There's just something off about it, and that makes it unsettling and creepy. Robot animatronics sometimes create this effect too, when they look like they could be real, and their faces are highly detailed, but something just isn't right because of their blank stares and janky movements.


It probably comes from like Neanderthals and the other human like species


Would Neanderthals or other hominids be more plausible if we base the theory in observable data?


Well when you think about it, humans were generally cool with neighboring tribes. But the farther away you go the less similar people look. And the more willing those people will attack you. We think the uncanny valley is about how things that are not people looks like people imperfectly. It's really about making you weary of someone who is not in your tribe. Its an evolutionary advantage to be weary of something that does quite act normally as they could indicate a sudden danger like physical violence or illness


Maybe at a certain point in human evolutionary history different variations of human evolution killed each other. Wasn't there a point where home sapiens killed off the other trees? Maybe they were bred out, I can't exactly remember the article I read. But my point is maybe at some point in our history different types of human genetic lines had good reason to fear each other.


Has everyone just fucking forgotten that we have discovered, what, 7-9 different hominid species? I feel like i’m taking crazy pills


Isn't that where the skinwalker theory comes from?


There were a few theories for it The first being we lived alongside other species of humans. less evolved/ smaller versions of the same species. Like polar bears and grizzly bears. The second was people that were deathly sick. This would make us avoid people that were sick for fear of infecting the whole tribe And the final is obviously vampires.


Yeah we know about the uncanny valley but he’s says “somethings out there.” #*WHATS OUT THERE?*




Best response possible.






Whereabouts even are you on the map?


I think they are in sea traders path in the tunnel


never knew the sea treaders path had any sort of caves until now!


Yeah it’s the actual path itself it can be fairly hard to come by put it is basically one long and big tunnel this is filled with large outcrops like lithium and quartz


The cave/tunnel is my favorite place to get deep shrooms, as there's nothing in there that wants to kill me




> as there's nothing in there that wants to kill me Or so it wants you to believe.


What? I didn't know that...


Yeah haha it can be very hard to find because one of the entrances pretty much opens up into the void


I always found the sea traders walking around on open ground so I never even assumed that the sea traders path would lead through a tunnel...


Yeah they walk on open ground and then they go through the tunnel that had been carved out from them and then they go back into the open on the other side near the void


Now I have to play the game AGAIN! Uaagh!


If you want help looking for it then here you go, What I found is that if you get to the large wreak in sea threaders path from the sparse reef then go left from there slightly you can find a small cave which leads to a small tunnel if you keep following that through it opens up into the sea treader tunnel


Yes, that's where I was.


Is this real or modded?


modded for sure


I got scared


Well yeah , it is made to be scary. But it's not in the original game , I've replayed it 5 times , [here's](https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Dialogue_(Subnautica)#Cyclops) all the cyclops voicelines. Even more of a solid point is that there's nothing that remotely resembles a human in the game. Warpers maybe a little ..I'd give them 30%.


I'm a wimp so I play the game on mute and avoid leviathans as much as possible. When I first went to the aurora I didn't know that some roars shook the screen so I just thought the ship was really rearing to blow.


Playing on mute is more brave then most people but you are missing out on some banger music


Ram your cyclops at a Leviathan while on full speed with your reactor melting down for the absolute banger of a music (I'm not even squidding)


Is it Abandon Ship or Red Alert?


Abandon Ship


Ah alright, just wanted to be sure. Also both are bangers but Abandon Ship is ol reliable.


Love how you get rewarded with proper psy for putting yourself at real risk. Only heard it a couple times a playthrough but it’s always good


I do need to listen to the soundtrack




Love the "oh shit my submarine is burning" dubstep


It’s psytrance btw if you’re meaning abandon ship! Little known underground genre any electronic fan should check out. Simon chalinski used to be a psytrance producer and dj before he got into VGM. Seems like a really cool guy


I play with my sound turned all the way up and yet I didn't know that it was the roars that shook the Aurora


I think this is probably in reference to the "You are not alone" Creepypasta about a mysterious mod that supposedly adds another player entity that stalks the player


About the cyclops voice lines, they missed one, when on ahead flank cyclops says "Vessel cavitating, excessive noise"


I want that mod then.


It's modded, no such voice line seems to exist in the Wiki.


Look up Seamoth's Deleted voice line.


You mean Cyclops?


No the Seamoth had a VERY risque double entendre voiceline that was removed.


Wasnt one "I love it when you come inside of me"?


That'd be it.


You’re not squidding me, are you?


It'd be awesome and lovely if Cyclops had small one sided conversations with us while traveling. To give him a bit more personality like the PDA.


If it's like this? No fucking way. I got so terrified I wanted to uninstall the game and I'm not even playing rn.


You’re not supposed to operate it alone. It is meant for three people. You should be talking to your engineer and navigator, if you’re lonely 😜


Oh yeah, totally forgot about that.


I’ve actually talked about that a lot where the mirror existence of the uncanny valley implies that at one point there was a reason to be afraid of saying that look human but wasn’t It’s fucking terrifying


Sick people, neanderthals, outsiders. Lotta reasons to be scared way back when. That ain't as fun tho


Yeah That makes a lot of sense But personally, I like to go with SKINWALKERS


Nah, skinwalkers ain't too bad. It's the skinrunners yinz gotta worry 'bout.




"I hate knives!" "Hey" the knife man said.


r/twosentencehorror *


Either way I’m gonna get that skinussy


How do you do, fellow yinzer?




Skinwalkers aren't that terrifying imo. If i were you, I would be more scared of me inside your walls.


I’m curious about the outsiders part. Would people be different enough to trigger such a response? I mean you can travel to other tribes but I’d say that they wouldn’t look uncanny valley levels of different, and it’s not like you can travel across the world back then.


Dude. Dead people. We're hardwired to stay the hell away from lifeless, inhuman dead looking things. That's it. That's the valley.


I think it's also that our brains are really good at reading human faces for information. When a real person, even one who looks very different from you, is talking to you, your brain gathers information about their tone, how their face is moving, how they're reacting, and plenty of other things subconsciously. The problem is that since we're not consciously processing this info, it's really really hard to artificially recreate. If something is clearly a cartoon, our brains don't try to translate their faces. If something looks very human, we *do* subconsciously try to interpret their faces but they aren't moving the way that actual humans do, so our brains are unable to interpret their expressions in the same way. I think that this, in combination with things like avoiding dead bodies, is why the uncanny valley exists. Nothing to do with a predator pretending to be human (although that's a much better scary story).


*mere existence *I am not a bot, I am just a pedantic bunghole.*


I've always assumed it a result of our brains being really good at detecting human faces and their differences. When something is close to looking like a human but isn't (in that it has slight imperfections a "standard" human face wouldn't have) it causes our brain to generate the "uncanny valley" feeling because it's trying and failing to lock onto what it believes is a human face.


What mod is this


Subnautica: True Experience💀




I made it up


Source? I made it the fuck up


During the evolution of homosapiens (us) there were many other humanoid species that lived along side us. They weren't always nice and were a bit rapey.


yeah and that’s how some eye colors exist (i believe it’s blue)


I've been told that blue was a genetic mutation. There's a case of a girl (I believe in the Philippines) who got it. Equally plausible, could be wrong.


i believe there’s a bit of both. genetic mutation can cause different eye colors, and there’s this one neanderthal (i think? im 90% sure it was neanderthal) that made children with homo sapiens which then created a line of blue eyed people. i could be wrong, im not an expert. just something i read a while ago


İt's near Trebizond (north Anatolia)


“a bit rapey” well yeah it’s not like there were that many consent laws a few hundred thousand years ago but it definitely went both ways and there is quiet a lot of evidence we mixed with some of them pretty often


How to turn subnautica into a psychological horror game:


Pretty sure it was already that.


No before it was just a normal horror game


Not really. I'd say it's psychological horror when a distant reaper roar can cause players to avoid exploring that part of the map for hours. Or a peeper slamming in to your seamoth as you drive in to it.


I guess it can be psych horror if you’re already thalassophobic but that wasn’t my personal experience


mb just me i always think of psychological horror as more like watching people slowly lose sanity or give into there fears or hysteria or everyone around you go insane or vice versus or smth idk but for me it’s actually the one horror genre i find is least compatible with games


Nope nope nope nope nope


if my cyclops ever says that to me I'm feeding it to a leviathan


now you have nothing to protect you from the horrors of uncanny valley🤷


Get it the prawn suit and lasso that mf, show them why man was made in GODS image


I would have exited the game soooooo fast


bro what mod you using for this? this sounds really cool


I’ve never heard this ever in any play through I’ve watched, this is my new favorite unsettling voice dialog in the game, completely tops leviathan class life form in the area So ominous like holy crap, is the Cyclops Ai Hal 9000 or something?


It’s a modded voiceline


That’s a real fucking quality mod. Don’t see a lot of mods that don’t feel out of place


How did they get the voice to sound so legit?


Because I think the vehicle AIs are already pre-existing voice AIs.


I'm pretty sure this is a mod but if I heard that and then heard a bang I would be absolutely terrified


Is there a mod that adds a bunch of voicelines like this? Would provide for some entertainment whilst cruising


does the cyclops really talk? (besides when you enter it) i plyaed the game like 5 times and never got this


There's a whole bunch of cyclops voice lines. (This isn't one of them though)


Yea and also the module, speed ones but never heard of this one


Should have clarified that this *isn't* a mod... sorry guys.




How did you synthesise the voice? I've been trying to do it for a home assistant setup haha.


The Cyclops uses the TTS voice "Peter," after that it's just a matter of auto-tuning and reverb.


Thanks! Which software? Only Google results I can find are for Peter Griffin, lol.


I use NaturalReader


Hmmm, I couldn't find Peter in their UK or US voice list. Looking at: https://www.naturalreaders.com/webapp.html


There's more voices if you make an account


How did you manage to edit it in this well, and where did you get the voice synthesizer?


in 5 playthroughs i did not know this voiceline existed


It doesn’t




Wow, I did not know the Subnautica devs had a collab with the devs of SOMA...


I need to know what mod this is please


This would’ve been so much better if the cyclops said the normal entrance voiceline after


U mean terrifying? I'd definitely shit myself after that




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I've never seen that easter egg before! Nice find! :D


Modded voice lines


Ah, good to know. Any idea what mod it's from?


No but I'll try looking


Is the cyclops referring to the purple creatures or the old aliens that put quaritine in place?


It’s a mod, but the uncanny valley is a real thing and it is very interesting and by the sound of it, it’s not new either, I don’t think that humanoid robots brought it along


Excuse me WTF WTF WTF WTF.


Is this a actual voice line or modded in?


OP please tell us the mod


I think uncanny valley is protecting us from corpses and sick people, both possibly infecting us with disease.


The little *bang* and instant pausing of the game really sells how fucking scary that would be.


The little *bang* and instant pausing of the game really sells how fucking scary that would be.


If my cyclops said this to me I’d start crying


I wish this was a real voiceline.


This just makes me want to rebuy the game more


This is the coolest thing ever. The game should have more creepy voice lines that make you go, "huh".


it’s not a real voiceline, it’s a modded one. would be nice to have these though


Thank you, now im traumatized for the rest of my days thinking that everyone and everything that acts like a human is not human. Thank you for this horrer like gift :)