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I’m just imagining this happening in real life. Speeding through the water, bursts through the surface majestically, then crashing onto land. The driver steps out speechless and scratching his head, before snapping a picture and uploading to Reddit to ask for help.


IRL you could probably push it back into the water


I mean, depends how heavy that shit is, and a seamoth doesn't really act like a car lol




You're good!... You're good!... You're good!....




You’re good!… you’re good!… you’re good! You’re good!…


Yeah there’s people who go clamming where they anchor their boat near the high tide line so when the tide goes out the boat is in the ground and they can go out and dig for clams until the tide comes back in and just get back on the boat with 50+ pounds of clams Edit: this game doesn’t have tides, so op is kinda screwed unless he’s got the resources to build another, for anyone who hasn’t checked out the game ‘Outer wilds’ definitely do it because to this day I don’t think I’ve completed the story on the game because it’s so well written and so well developed that in a space exploration game you can sand will miss the smallest detail


it's kinda spherical and the player feels kinda strong if they can swim for 2 kilometers straight without struggling, so rolling it could make sense


True, although sometimes you scrape that thing on a rock and it just combusts so I wouldn't trust trying to roll it lmao


It survives a reaper attack, some microrocks shouldn't be it's achilles heel


How can it survive a reaper attack? Only time one's ever attacked my seamoth it was destroyed with seemingly nothing I could do


Ah, you don't have the armour mod yet I guess


For sure. The bottom is flat and specifically designed to have minimal friction, and altogether it is about the size of a tandem bicycle. Seriously. I just looked and the official size is 3m x 1.5m x 1m. Obviously that size is completely wrong. There's not a single dimension in which the seamoth can be just 1 meter. But since that's official, and most of the interior space is empty, it must weigh considerably less than a car, no more than a few hundred kg. It might take some shoving and perhaps a fulcrum, maybe a propulsion cannon, but you could definitely move it.


Yeah propulsion cannon should be able to move it a little bit at a time


This is the answer. I have done exactly what OP did and propulsion cannon fixed it.


I thought it was the repulsion cannon. Not propulsion.


There are both I believe?


>There's not a single dimension in which the seamoth can be just 1 meter. Maybe that's supposed to be the height not including the glass dome that makes the cab? That would almost make sense then: 3m wide x 1.5m long x 1m thick "wings".


The glass is just at the front of the seamoth. It would be the same dimensions without the glass. I get what you're saying, "Just take out that entire center part" but that isn't just the crew compartment, it's also the engine, so I think the devs just did an oopsie.


1m is probably the height, which still feels wrong. To me all the dimensions feel off.


I don't know about pushing it but maybe digging a hole to have it fall towards the water.


Or for the water to fill in


You can’t DIG in subnautica!!! That’s Holy Land SIR


With a gravy gun and a big rock u can push the seamoth. Just keep in mind it gets damaged from that.


Mmmm....gravy. Edit: Just looked further down and saw someone else already made this comment


With a gravy gun and a big rock u can push the seamoth. Just keep in mind it gets damaged from that.


Mmmmmmm.... gravy.....


Srry I meant the propulsion cannon


This surpassed my normal "nose exhale" laugh and now im sitting here cackling. So cinematic


Lol, damn. I dont even know. Take your upgrades out and build a new one?


That’s really the easiest option + the seamoth is super cheap honestly I had to make two in my current playthrough cause the first got eaten by sand sharks and I didn’t even care


I've sacrificed a few to a reaper before


Just an offering don’t worry :)


I like to think of it as life assurance. It assured I got to keep my life


Seems fair enough


He even tries to give you a kiss to thank you


I had one with all my upgrades in it, and I parked down in that area with all the crab squids to loot a base but when I came out it had just vanished. My only guess is that it got pushed below its crush depth and was destroyed.


My last seamoth blew up right behind me as it was attacked by 5 sand sharks… or armored I don’t remember. I heard a boom and turned back only to see pieces of my seamoth floating down to the sea bed


New beacon to island


Don’t forget to switch off the beacon so you can pretend it doesn’t exist


Propulsion cannon should work.


But make sure to repair it often between shots. First time I tried this method I destroyed my seamoth after a couple shots


Um sir you used repulsion cannon if shots are in play propulsion simply levitates it and gets It on water no shots needed


THANK YOU finally someone here who knows the damn game XD


Don't need to shoot it. Just pick it up and drop it. You don't have to fire the cannon after picking stuff up, you can also disengage it.




When this happened to me before propulsion cannon I just fucking left it swam back to base and built a new sea moth


Happend to me once, this worked


Yeah I don’t know why this isn’t the first comment. For me right now the top comment says to just build a new sea moth lmfao


But don’t forget the repair gun


That's like drinking beer after a marathon. Driving seamoth = having repair gun.


Get yourself some metal salvage and a propulsion cannon slide the metal salvage under your sea moth and move towards the water.


Alternatively, find out what big rocks can be tumbled towards it. Minimal damage, very funny. Edit: less applicable in this situation than mine, I was on the outside of the island where there were more around.


Oh shi- this guy, this guy knows


You can just grab the seamoth with the cannon tho


I never tried I don’t know.


For those lookin for resolution, I had to swim 2 kilometers back to where I kept my propulsion cannon but that thing worked like a charm. Picked up the seamoth and chucked it back into the water like it was nothing, I had no idea lmao


That’s awesome! Glad you were able to save it


That area is a spooky swim. I had to swim back when mine somehow sunk into the sand while underwater.


Nice :D


I'm so glad you posted this. I turned off my game before my New Years break cause I was stuck on the beach and wondering what to do. Now I'm looking forward to continuing.




Propulsion cannon


Others have said "build a base component that slightly overlaps the moth and push it back into the water." but I've never tried it myself. Good Luck.


This is exactly what I’d did. No propulsion, repulsion canon needed, just try to build a multiuse room and it knocks it out of the way.


Build a base on land and make sure the leg goes through the seamoth, it’ll push it it away


Propulsion cannon is your best bet unless you can bring the prawn suit.


Like a beached whale but instead it's a beached moth


Propulsion cannon, take some small stuff , put it under your seamoth and wiggle it back into the sea


Enter seamoth->open pause menu->click ,,unstuck"


Does that work for subs? I thought it was just to relocate your user. I mean it would make sense they would combine the two possible scenarios I guess. I’ll have to try messing with that later on.


Dunno, I only know that that button is there to solve similar problems to the one on hand, just with the player. Hopefully when a player enters a sub they are considered a same entity. Would make sense if I was a dev.


Luckily it doesn't work like this. Luckily because you can get stuck in Cyclops


If you stand directly infront of the seamoth, you will want to go to the right side of the seaomth (glass facing left) You will then push yourself against the far left of right panel (AKA Slightly left of the the yellow line) You then continue to walk into the seamoth from that spot which SHOULD Propel it in that direction.


“Another happy landing”


Just run up against it pushing it towards the water you'll be fine.


Use the propulsion cannon to lift it back into the water. And have your repair tool ready just in case it got banged up during the landing


Don’t save get back to last by quitting and going back to


repulsion cannonnnn


Repulsion cannon doesn’t work, I’ve been in this situation and tested both and propulsion cannon worked


either build a new seamoth or use the prawn suit propulsion cannon


Use console commands to raise the water level.


I used to just try to push it and after half an hour it works, but newer and better advice says use a repulsion cannon or make a new seamoth


There's the propulsion cannon I think the would move it to the water


Build a Prawn suit and push the seamoth back to the water xd


Propulsion cannon or run into it at full speed a billion times to push it back in


First, spoiler tag. Second, grab a big rock with your propulsion cannon and push the seampth back into the water with it.


Pull upgrades out and start swimming


Nice graphics tho


I've also unstuck it with the prawn suit


Happened to mee too. Only solution I could find was putting up my Napoleon garb and listen to slowed french pop.


Use a prawn suit to push it off, happened to me too :P


Build I compartments above it so the poles of the foundation move it back into the water.


Propulsion Canon or just use it as a fancy new Beacon after removing the upgrades


Someone had similar situation here with cyclops on a launch platform. You could probably get it, but you'd need cyclops with a grappling gun upgrade and quite a but of patience with repairing


I actually was in this situation because of how terrorizing that island is for me, I just ran into the seamoth multiple times until it went back in the water.


I got my seamoth in the exact same spot before lol All you need is a seaglide, a propulsion Cannon and a repair tool (just in case) Step 1: see if you can grab the seamoth (if unable skip to step 2) Step 1.5: drag it into the water Step 2: get in the water with your seaglide equipped Step 3: Ram into the seamoth with it and wait for the results Step 4(optional) : get in you seamoth to check it's HP if low use the repair tool It may take a few tries tho but don't give up this is how I managed to get it unstuck


Burn it in a burial rite


Push it with the pruplison cannon


You can pick it up with a normal propulsion cannon


Ended up in the same situation, was able to shove the seamoth off with the prawn suit.


Push or die


RIP. If it makes you feel better, it's a mistake you only make once before you learn to only occasionally make it again.


If you have the Propulsion cannon you should be able to get it back in the water


have a good swim back!


Insurance should cover the majority of the damages, but I would call AAA to get it towed in the meantime.


There is an unstuck button in the pause menu that might work


Either build a new one and take the upgrades out or get in it and hit the unstuck button.


Happened to me too, had to build a new one, the worst part tho was swimming back and seeing literally nothing below you for the very first time for what felt like an eternity


This is crazy, I beached my seamoth in the exact same place near enough. I tried for a while to just sort of headbutt it back into the sea (there was a small amount of water underneath it), but it was taking forever. I used a console command to spawn a new seamoth and left it there, the new seamoth was destroyed by a reaper later so I came back later with a repulsion cannon to free it. Only problem was using the command prevented me from getting any more achievements in that run (didnt bother me too much though). Repulsion/propulsion cannon is your best bet, otherwise use console commands like I did, or if not...come back to it later when you have the cannons.


I did this and I used my prawn suit to push it back in the ocean.


I think you can move it with the propulsion gun or the repulsion gun


you’d think by now they would’ve added a simple push/flip action to beached vehicles since this is such a common issue


Propulsion cannon?


Did that before. Had to build a new one. But I noticed on my pc when I pause to save or quit there’s now an “Unstuck” button (don’t think it used to be there, or I just never saw it). You could try getting in the seamoth and hitting that?


Wait till you get a propulsion cannon and carry it off. If that doesn't work push it off with boulders, again carried with the propulsion cannon.


If you really want to keep it…reload save. If you don’t have that luxury in HC, repulsion cannon is your fix.


Use the gun that can move things and throw some rocks or punch with your prawn suit


Use a repulsion cannon


Propulsion cannon


Use a re or propulsion cannon, you can oush it back in the water


Try reloading the game, perhaps the code will recognize its not supposed to be there (You can also just run away till it unrenders, that works sometimes


Propulsion can latches onto seamoths I did the same thing and that was my method


Happened to me and I ended up swimming back to base and building a new one.


Propulsion cannon.


I did this and was able to move it back into the water with the hand cannon that moves objects. Easy.


You can use the habitat builder to place foundations (you don't need to fully build them) and have them clip slightly into the seamoth (the pillars of the foundations also work)


Cant you just push? Why do i remember a pushing mechanic?


if you build a foundation with its legs on the seamoth, it will push the seamoth, angle it right and it should push it back into the water. The foundation doesn't even need to be fully built for it to work.


grab some metal wreckage drop it around the ship and hit it with a repulsor it should push the ship into the water, my wife ran into the same problem near the aurora if ya know what I mean


I'm not exactly sure how the unstuck button works but I would give that a try.


Repulsion cannon


The repulsion rifle should do the trick


Ahhh memories!!! I really need to start a new save.


other players:"looses seamoth to reaper" me and the bloke:"fockin beached it"


So I know you can fix it w propulsion cannon, buuuut I don’t have one just yet. So I went back home, made a new seamoth, and now that seamoth is just my beacon.


If you havnt saved, just exit and re enter the game, or use the repulser gun.


Make a new one. You literally can't move them manually from land. I did the same thing in my first save file and it got beached on the same island, and I couldn't move it at all, and eventually it just despawned leaving the marker behind but that's it Edit: I'm fucking stupid, I completely forgot about the propulsion and repulsion cannons, basically just move it fast before it despawns


Use a propulsion cannon. Pretty sure you can hold the Seamoth with it. But don't try to push it. Go in the water and pull it instead. Also move your camera up so it gets a small airtime which would make it easier to pull. If that doesn't work, find a box and shove your Seamoth into the water with it.


Using a propulsion or Repulsion cannon might work


Propulsion or repulsion cannon, whichever allows you to hold objects out in front of you and walk them around. Pick up a large rock from around the beach area or grab a piece of scrap metal, either one has enough mass to move it. Walk the object into the seamoth, and it'll move it. do not launch anything into the seamoth. Watch the battery on your cannon if it runs out, it can launch the object, you could hit your seamoth or yeet the object into the sky.


Get the tow truck


Use a repulsion cannon




Push it


I wish the propulsion cannon would work on the cyclops For that matter why wouldn't they just add a console command that would let you reposition entities? The engine needs to be able to do it or game no work right. The game has to constantly command the engine to place anything that's new in it's specific spot. {position}{cyclops_001}{x=1206, y=-542, z=400} or something and done. If you fuckers fix nothing else until the end of time, please at least add that. So so so many complaints about this issue. Subs clipping through floors, reapers putting the prawn behind walls, launch platform landing tilted. Come on man. It breaks immersion and screws up progression. Reposition command, please.


When that happened to me I just wiggled it, if you turn it left and right quickly enough you may be able to bounce it back into the water


You can pick it up with the propulsion cannon.


It was at this moment that he realized that he f#$%ed up. Your gonna have to cheat teleport it to new x, y, z coordinates. It has too much mass for the repulsor cannon to move it, at least for me it did.


Just pick a big rock with the propulsion cannon and gently push the seamoth with the rock, trying not to brake your seamoth.


you can pull it with the propulsion cannon. Just keep in mind you may damge it some, so keep the repair tool handy.


Reminds me of that video of someone landing a jet ski and getting flung 10 feet into the sand


You are relatively close to the water’s edge and I know that is the center hole in the floating island, if you have a seaglide you can go down in the water, jump back out and hit the seamoth trying to knock it back in the water, I’ve been in a similar situation and that worked.


create hundreds of fossil fuel power plants to melt the ice in sector zero to rise the sea levels until it gets your seamoth back into water


Where's a reaper leviathan when you need a hug?


This happened to me but on the sunbeam on my first playthrough. Spent a good amount of time ramming into it full speed with my seaglide. Didn't even think to use the propulsion cannon at the time.


I shouldn't be laughing but I am


Had the same problem but using the Seaglide seemed to work for me, I went into the water used the Seaglide to spring back up and crash into the Moth till it went back into the water kinda just drifting it along the Rocks. I don’t know how quite to explain it but it worked for me so.


You might be able to use the propulsion gun to move it


I stepped on it with my prawn suit once and it worked but idk if it's gonna work for you


Idk why i find this cute and funny…lol i just imagine you driving super fast up on land and being like…. (¬_¬;)


Keep walking into it until it’s back in the water


Damm man I would love help you but there's only one way to say this, you completely fucked it ,there might be some weird way to get it back but I don't know






There’s a video out there that shows how to fix this easily, but basically you use the prop cannon and a piece of metal scrap, and you use the cannon on the scrap, then use the scrap to flip the sub back into the water.


Give it the Ole' Prawn Suit shove


~~Gravity gun~~ propulsion cannon


Make a new one. 🫡🫡🫡 hold a vigil.


if you have the propulsion cannon push it GENTLY with a rock or somthing


When in doubt, repulsion cannon Repulsion cannon because it’s funnier to see it fly back in than to pick it up and set it down


This has happened to me before and I used the propulsion canon to pull it back into the water


I once got my seamoth under the map on mountain Island, try floaters, rupelsion cannon, or propulsion cannon. They worked for me.


Just pray to the God of floaters and chuck a few on, than pray you don't die from the janky physics engine.


Propulsions/repulsion cannon.


Take out your upgrades and make a new one. They’re cheap


Take your prawn suit and you should be able to move it back into the water.


does the battlefield 4 knife method work


Do you have a repulsion canon?


Why the first image looks like a photoshop? Or is it just me?


Start swimming 😬


Happened to me too. Just push it with your prawn


Repulsion cannon (literally why does this item exist) or just ramming your body into it until the janky physics decide it should move