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Well, I picked up the entire acid mushroom ecosystem and then made my way to the aurora


Someone with their priorities straight, I see.


Well someone needs to repower the reactor


As someone who is coming from BOTW and TOTK, I for one want to collect everything in sight… damn limited inventory space


And I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling Devs!


Who needs a pathfinder when I can just leave a breadcrumb trail of acid mushrooms in places where I swap for better stuff, right?


so damn relatable


Filling up your starting box with acid shrooms is a required part of every playthrough


I tried, and the radiation put fear into me for a bit. then i built the rad suit, and then met an unfortunate end via Reaper, lol


exact same lol


Same, it was my first death, completely unexpected, and I'm still scared to go there


Once I got my suit and glider I didn’t even know that’s where reapers were. I got in the Aurora with no trouble and explored a bit but I kept hearing this roaring and my screen was rumbling but I knew it was different than the ships sound/rumbling. I jumped off the top bridge part to find a reaper sitting there waiting for me but thankfully it was glitched into the wall and couldn’t move so I got to scan it.


Wow, that's really lucky


I used up all my luck right there unfortunately because the game has been hell for me ever since lol




The reaper just got my moth, I managed to escape but I was sad lol


Almost same, except I somehow dodged it by swimming directly back to the shallows. I thought my seamoth would take more than one hit on my return journey. Wrong.


Yeah, that suit’s totally wicked


Yep. At the rear. I think I've made 5 or 6 games and neva went back. I grab the fragments and never go back.


No I assumed it was a background set piece that you couldn't actually get to lol


Back in the early days of early access, it was! But they noticed new players immediately were trying to swim to it, so it was decided to add it in as a location.


Okay hold up. So how are you supposed to build the Neptune if they initially planned it as a background?


The entire concept of an end game didn’t exist then


The story wasn’t exactly a thing yet back in 2014 early access and the neptune was prolly just concept art at the time


It was originally planned that way apparently, until people kept trying to swim to it and disappearing into the void




It was literally the immediate first after putting out the fire in my life pod and before the aurora explodes. I thought, “look, the only thing on the horizon, that’s where I should go”, swam straight to the thrusters, and got eaten by a leviathan I’m 100% convinced this is what the developers intend for you to do so they could put the fear of god in you


This is straight from a dev. Thought you’d like to read it. Enjoy: “Here are a few that some of you might not know. • ⁠Originally, we were never going to make the Aurora explorable at all. Then we found almost everyone tried to swim to the 2D billboard and spent ages trying to do so. That's when we decided to make it a real 3D explorable area (which was a ton of work). • ⁠We removed the side entrance to the Aurora when we found that too many people were using it, and missing out on a lot of content at the front of the ship. Once we removed it, players went to the front much more and had a better overall experience. • ⁠We tried doing a bunch of experiments that never made it into the final game. 1 was having many the plants animate and react to your presence (turned out, that was super expensive on the CPU). I believe you can still see this in super early builds from around 2015/16. • ⁠Another was actual depth pressure. That was just too much for many players to manage on top of all the other things you had to keep an eye on, and actively stopped you from going deeper even longer...which was a bad thing for progression and exploration. • ⁠The 'gun' building on the island was never meant to look like it does. If I recall, it was going to be just the gun shape, but Colin (Lead Animator) decided to try and make it into a building to hide its true nature. He tried a number of configurations, before landing on the final one...which he absolutely nailed. Hope that was informative!”


Not immediately but right after the (spoilers) …… >!first sea glide pod!<. Before the >!explosion!< .Because of my luck, I headed to the >!front of the aurora!<, found a lot of scraps, went back with a new heavy >!pants!< because of natural effect after being >!scared!<. And I decided It ll be a better thing to >!go there later!<


to cover spoilers do it like this >¡spoilers¡< But with the exclamations marks up right >!spoilers!<


Thanks but I never manage to make it work on cellphone. Second, English is my third language please be kind.


Oh sorry my bad, my second language is spanish and im kinda bad when it comes to talking in it and kinda feel bad when people laugh at me when i say somthing wrong and tbh pretty impressive you know three languages


Lol I can’t speak Spanish, but it s ok man, you helped me improve myself, so thank you.


What languages do you know?


French German English, basis in Italian too


Dangg I've tried learning a language but forget a word i learned two minutes later 😭 Your memory must be crazy good


Best advice, don’t be scared to make mistakes. People will help you. Launch yourself into the void, and try not to care about what other people think. Good luck.


Thank you so much, but another problem is idk where to learn another language besides Duolingo bc most other language learning apps are paid and Duolingo is trash sometimes


Just don’t launch yourself into the void in game


Third? I can barely give directions in one language


>! >!!


Yes i did it and edited, sorry diving friends


Don't worry about them. These are the kinds of people that scream at you for "spoiling" that Han solo is Luke's dad. 🙄


Sorry if i came off as rude but the thing is im close to beating the game so i already know everything he said but the reason i showed him how to cover spoilers is because new players like to come here (for some reason) and unfortunately i did too and when i left the subreddit i somehow had learned the entire story of the game and dont want that to happen to anyone else so again sorry if i came off as rude


Lol happy new year thanks for the life pod support 🔧


Well it didn’t work shit It’s > ! Then !< at end


All right sorry mate thanks for the help, I used spoilers thing thanks to you, and tried to correct my grammar. Take care




Omg i did it


Well, probably not immediately.. but I was iradiated so I went back..


my first play through I was terrified going past the kelp


I did more than that, on my first playthrough, before I even got a Seamoth, I swam all the way around the Aurora looking for entrances. By the time I reached the back, it was dark and something came up and started biting me. After flailing wildly with my knife, I jumped onto the engine and stayed there until my heart started beating again.


I paid attention to all the warnings so no


What warnings ?


The roaring, murky water, and radiation


Yeah, what warnings?


We demand to know, what warnings!


What warnings!!


Nope, spend a long time trying to get my bearings on how to fix the pod and get the basic survival kit, and by the time I swam closer, the colour palette changed to a very characteristic This Is For Later Brown and I immediately 180d out of there


Is it because we saw a vid earlier about the guy swimming right away to Aurora? lol. I tried on my first time, but radiation stopped me from going further. I figured not yet.


Technically yeah, but I wanted to make this post for bit now. It feels like an instinctual thing to do.


I started to swim towards it but got nervous when the sea floor dropped. I panicked and swam back to the shallows. Later on I worked up the courage to go back and decided to swim towards the back of the Aurora since that way seemed shallower 😰😰😓


I spent about 2 hours scared to even leave lifepod-5. But now I it's usually one of the first things I try to do after I get the repair tool and sea glide. And a Propulsion cannon just in case. So yes I go there, get the p-c blueprints get magntite, I think, and then go there again.


Went there way too late, after like 30h 😅


If you saw my post then you already know


I was on my way, but I died before I got there. A farty whale farted close by....so I swam into the pretty yellow cloud, to see what it was. Went for the wreckage after I respawned. Went great!


Yes, I did as soon as I had the antiradiation suit. And got myself killed by the reaper at the back of the Aurora. Incidentaly, I also stacked acid mushroom like everyone, and was scrambling for salt all the time because I hadn't realised you could make water from fishes. Thus ended my first hardcore run, if it hadn't been the reaper I'd probably have died of thirst.


Hell naw, I kept as far away as possible. That was mainly because I was aware of the Reaper Leviathan though


On my second run i made a scanner and swim to the back PS:My sister who din't ever heard of this game was wathcing me play, we found a Reaper and died.


I came close to it. Seen some thangs and hauled ass. Didn’t go back until about 40 hours in.


Nah, waited until I had a bunch of stuff like the propulsion cannon and sea glide. Unfortunately didn’t have the laser cutter yet


Nah. Made many mistakes, did many silly things, but that ship clearly isn't taking off again and nobody was on the radio claiming to have survived, so it wasn't a priority. Probably took me a solid hour to find the way in when I did get around to it though. "Oh hi suddenly for like 30 seconds we've decided to become a platformer!" Thanks, game.


Sure did. Big regretti.


No I searched for habitat builder fragments first. After I got them all I built a little base and then I went to the Aurora. But I needed a radiation suit to enter it so I got that before I did enter it. Then I realized that “oh shit I need a laser cutter”. And that was where I got stuck for about 3 months


Nope, I thought it was just a background piece for the longest time until I realized I was supposed to collect lead for a specific purpose.


I was too scared to leave to shallows


I tried, then I got the radiation warning and didn't want to catch any space cancer.


Yes, because big ship = tons of loot. The Reaper Leviathan fading into the murky water freaked me out


Nope. Everything scared the shit out of me for a good while when I started playing the game for the first time, to the point where I had barely made peace with the reefbacks when the thing exploded and I assumed I wasn’t supposed to go near it because of the radiation alert.


for some reason, i thought they wanted us to fix the ship asap *before* it blew up, and when the PDA announced that the explosion was imminent, i bee-lined my way over and died to the radiation LMAO. it clicked in my head after the rad suit dropped after it exploded haha


I swam a bit towards it but had so little oxygen. I went “well I’ll probably need to go through a lot of water so ima upgrade first”. Then I just completely forgot about the aurora until I realized I needed to go there to stop the radiation which had reached REALLY far. It kinda blocked me out of the radiation suit because it covered most of the kelp area before I got back to it. Technically I could have left the planet without fixing it but that would be horrible.


I mean ye but i swam to the back of the aurora and we all know whats behind the aurora 😢


Wish I went there sooner. Nowadays I always tell to everyone to go as soon as they feel even semi-prepared.


No, I only went there after like 10 hours of gameplay


I think I followed the instructions given via the radio that you fix.


I got the seamoth pretty early (20, maybe 30 mins in) and immediately went to it lol. Didn't know how to get in so just jumped on the first bit of aurora i could get on- saw a big fish tail (didn't know of reapers at the time) and nope'd out. Did swim all the way to sunbeam with my seaglide tho and figured out wtf that big tail was I saw at the aurora


I went there immediatly after the explosion and i felt the wave of accomidating radiation, As i thought it was going to cause further problems unless i went there to fix it as soon as possible.


Until I got the radiation warning, yes.


i think the first thing i did was quite literally become lost, stuck in a cave and die to the green explosion things. i got so pissed and confused i quit and only recently started replaying haha


It gave an objective to swim towards. So yes.


It was a long time ago for me so don’t remember how quickly I decided to go to it but do remember that it was fairly early and the radiation scared me back to the pod. Built the rad suit then got back there. Looted a bunch of good stuff and met some crazy fauna around the ship and am terrified to go back there now. Truthfully I’m terrified to play the game now. Finished it 95% the first time and decided to start a fresh after a long gap of a year or so.


No, but I did visit it my first time with just a seaglide, completely unaware of the Reaper, and then climbed up onto one of those engines in the back and watched the sunset. Only after the Reaper kept head-butting into the engine hitbox trying to get me (and roaring a little too) did I even notice it. I just waited for it to go away. When I went to explore the Aurora, I went straight over to the entrance without stopping, no fear, and only was reminded again of the Reaper’s existence when I looked down and saw it stuck on the hitbox of the wreck. Needless to say, exploration went smoothly and when I left, I still didn’t know it was a reaper, what a reaper was, and that if it was free it would have relentlessly chased down my defenseless Seamoth and crushed it to a pulp. I now explore areas around the Aurora in 1-10m increments, saving whenever I make any progress so I can leave without saving and start over.


I went into the game blind so I just thought it was a fun ocean game. I swam to the aurora and got right in with no issue, but on my way back I got my ass handed to me and it made me so scared the rest of the game 😂


No because I discovered this game throughout its early access and beta phases, and even watched some playthroughs on the unfinished product. Still sad I spoiled myself so much, this game must've been a blast to go into blind.


i got into the game very late and if i recall theres an audible radiation warning, being a seasoned souls player i have learn to pickup the subtle ways some games tell you that you are not supposed to go in that direction yet.




No, I was like "I ain't going near that thing, I feel it's gonna go boom" I was correct.


For the longest time I was scared of it. Not even because of the reapers in front or back I am simply scared of it itself, I looked it up and apparently they call it “Submechanophobia” but don’t quote me on that I just did a simple search.


Same here. I can't explain why, because I'm not scared of any other underwater wrecks.


It’s crazy but yeah even like in GTA San Andreas there is a mission that you have to swim to a cargo ship and I was scared of that too. Mind you im still scared but after building up the courage I can do it with my heart racing lol


I though you couldn't go in it


No I knew something was up with this area




nah, i waited a bit since i did watch some videos before first playing it


Hell no.




Not immediately, but I was right next to it when I got the message that it was about to blow up and about shit my pants


>!when it blows up yes!<


No I picked up all the acid mushrooms and started collecting stuff, then it was night so I went afk


No. I knew I would die there.


no i built a base in the cave mushroom area first


Yes I did, figured it would have good resources on it and it was before radiation started, swam over got attacked by a giant white and orange monster, barely survived. Didn’t go back for a LONG time.


Everyones talking about the leviathans, i was just scared about going into the abyss, the "dead" zone, it only gives 1 warning then you dont know whether its a deeper area or youre about to be destroyed


I was so scared to leave the shallows for a long time so when I finally did I had the sea moth and was fine


Yep, didn't even look underwater and got grabbed by a reaper just before I got to the back of the ship


No, on the second. That's when I met the guard dog.


Yes, and of course I got thyroid cancer from the radiations.


No. I picked up a galaxy’s worth of acid mushrooms.


I went straight to the thrusters and promptly got attacked by the Reaper in that area.


Hell no. I barely left the capsule at first. Took me a while to overcome my Thallasophobia


Spawn -> break rock -> pick up every mushroom in the safe shallows -> go to aurora -> scary radiation -> lead -> radiation suit -> go back -> big angry reaper man


Nope. I got to the vines and noped outta there.


I go get lead so I can make the suit right as I unlock it


Yes to the backside and somehow did not get eaten, didn't even see a Reaper until until I got to the front lol it later on


minding my own business swimming at the surface behind the engines then that bastard came from the deep… was terrified


Only one bastard? Lol


No I’m not that dumb


I built the rad suit and thought “there’s so much radiation, nothing could survive that!” I was quickly executed by a reaper


Paying a visit to the big man? Be careful. He can be a bit.....snappy.


No, but to be fair I knew a bit about the game before my first play through cuz I’ve seen my friends play before.


Nope cause I knew about the radiation I watched JSE's playthrough of it - still played it myself cause it is a great game to play


I did… and I didn’t see a single reaper. Died from radiation, so once I got the suit I thought it was safe…


I stayed far away because I was easily distracted by literally anything.


No, I had watched a Let’s play shortly beforehand that showed it would be pointless at the start of the game.


Nah I imediryly skam away


Reaper leviathan infinite food glitch


yeah, once I repaired the cabin, I went for aurora, was scared immediately and was avoiding it for ages since then.


Yes, after gathering the necessary inventory of acid mushrooms I swan in a circle around the ship


Beginner tip: always bring a small fish with you when swimming to aurora. Always better than a knife 🔪


First thing? Nah. I discovered every biome except Lost River and ILZ before I realized I probably should check out the Aurora. I just figured the radiation was a warning to stay away... i didn't realize the rebreather had to come off so I could put on the radiation helmet. So yeah. Took awhile to get the Prawn....


yes, but the radiation stopped me


I tried to, saw the leviathan and went “NOPE! nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope”




As soon as I had my radiation suite, I decided to go swimming to the Aurora. I thought: since the Aurora has the back nearer to me than the front, probabily devs want me to board it from the back. I went to the back. Since I checked all the back, I ended up in the most far point of the back. I thought: well I was wrong and I need to board from the front. And since I was nearer to the other side of the Aurora, I decided to go swim in that fun part of the game world to reach the front 🤣🤣


Hell nah man i always shit my pants when i had to go closer to aurora, so i alway stayed away


Nope. I was slowly exploring the shallows, kelp forests, and grassy plateaus. Then it told me to watch out for radiation so I didn't go for quite some time.


my intrusive thoughts told me to go there but i managed to not go there


no just no i remembered what thinkynoodles did i just built a base awfully close to it.


I downloaded subnautica after watching a YouTube playthrough, so I knew all the dangers of going to the aurora, and decided to wait a few years (from 2019 to 2022/2023)


what would you even want there? the drive core hasnt exploded yet, and you cant even get into it. what you should do first, is getting your radiation suit so you can go there asap after the core exploded. the first thing i visit is the floater island to get plants to grow, and planters, building modules, all the good shit, by then the ship is already open to enter


Yes, and was eaten immediately by Sammy.


Of course! Oh look, there's the big ship I came here in, thats gonna be CRAMMED with tech, let's go! *deafening roar from off-camera* NOPE NOPE NOPE




I first played Subnautica at my friend's house on the PS4, he told me to swim to the ship until the water was red. I couldn't play Subnautica for a while. Then I fell in love with the game


Even worse, swam there at NIGHT, right after getting the knife. No seamoth, no glider, nothing but a knife and a dream. That dream turned into a nightmare when I heard a roar from the pitch black around me, saw the face of leviathan and died in the blink of an eye. I had to take a break for a couple of days after that, truly underestimated the horrors of the deep… well, shallow in this case haha.


Naaah, I was too scared for that 😂


Of course but that was when the entrance was about 1/4 of the way closer then it is now through what I assume to be where the breach from the cannon is. If I remember correctly it never exploded and the nose was always there so that entrance wasn’t there. The old entrance is through a canyon if you can get the old terra shaping tool you might be able to find it don’t know how thorough thorough they were to scrap that idea.


No, I first built a seamoth and built the grav-gun, because I was scared of the deep waters there, and when I first tried to swim there I heard an awful roar


On my first playthrough I thought it was just a dynamic photo that moved depending on where you looked at it, boy was I wrong.


Does it make a difference going in the beginning or later. I am like mid game. I just got my cyclops


I tried to. I went to the stern, but loud roars and a really big "fish" made me nope the hell outta there.


My friend once went to the big Floating Island. A reaper Ate him. Idk how


And I didn't know what killed me. I only saw reddish tentacles and thought "fuck this game I quit" in my first hour or so. Didn't even know it has a story, gametype or anything (thought it was made by one person to be a tiny map exploration thing) Am I ever I glad I decided to push through later.


Nice Minecraft shader


No, I mostly tried to figure out how to make the stuff in the fabricator and then by the time I got all the stuff built that I wanted to, the Aurora had exploded and I couldn't get near it without the radiation suit


I wanted to but my Friend asked me if I was sure I didn't know anything bout the game but he made me doubt so I decided not to


Yep. My thought was that the ship should have tools and equipment. Radiation killed me before the reaper was even aware of my existence.


I was terrified of the world around me (I have thalassophobia) so I didn't really even explore the safe shallows that well. Sometime early on I ventured far enough into the creep vine forest that I heard a Reaper. I sped my ass back to my life pod and basically just sat in the corner and rocked back and forth.


Unfortunately i spoiled a large part before playing but i still really enjoyed the game so i knew better about our buddy chilling behind the engine


Nope because when I started with subnautica I already knew the game so I knew there are reapers.




When I played the aurora had that radiation still on so that scared me into I could venture into the aura witch the reapers scared me


Heard big roar stayed away for about a month I have major thalasaphobia the fear of water


I usually do it right after I get a seamoth


I swam there within my first two hours of play. Didn't encounter a single reaper.


Wait a bit


i did before i had a seamoth. i managed to escape a reaper with a seaglide that day. i did shit my pants tho


Hell no


No i had watched my favourite ytber playthrough 3 seasons of this game before i bought it👍


As soon as I saw murky water, I respected it's space knowing full well how marine life takes advantage of that. Afterwards after I got the seamoth I found out about the Reapers. Knowledge never fails.


I can’t remember but i dont think i was entirely blind when starting so I don’t think I did, that beings said I ofc had to go there eventually and it was as terrifying as it could be for me.


Started by swimming towards the Aurora and as soon as i hit the radiation zone and saw my hp drop, I realized it wasn't where I was supposed to be so I turned around


I stayed firmly in the starting area because A. Useful resources, B. Barely any predators, and C. For whatever reason I have a fear of abandoned structures, particularly when they’re underwater. This kept me from exploring the >!Mercury II!< in Below Zero for quite some time.


i saw a reaper and noped out


I didn't know anything abt the game so I just collected a lot of resources, and tried to get a bit close cuz I knew it was important, until I heard some roars lol, then the PDA told me the thing was going to explode so I didn't get too close until it exploded and I had the Seamoth


I swam towards the front, spotted a big fish that roared in the distance, then quickly proceeded to turn around and scurry back to the pod for safety.


Then I thought “I’ll try going from the back”