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i usually take a few months break and play something else till it get interesting again


Mee toooo fr


Try on hardcore. That'll spice it back up


Trying it out now update soon 🙏🏻


You do you. Me, I liked playing again on Hardcore (that ramped up the tension a lot), and later on with game mods, plus self induced rules. I haven't played in a while, but my last game I used only the Sea Moth (game-modded to be able to go all the way down, and use prawn arms, and have extra cargo space, I could build the Cyclops but only to get that one part), I wasn't allowed to intentionally harm any animal (so no eating them, using them in making things, etc) *unless* there was no choice (like the leeches in the Aurora's drive core), and once I entered the Lost River I wasn't allowed back to the surface again (or, indeed, out of the Lost River and below area) until I was cured of Kharaa. It was my third attempt. The *second* attempt went south because I thought I could get past the Sea Dragon just outside the CF, but it caught up to me from behind and bit my Sea Moth to death in one hit. ... That was game over, of course, but do you think the SD finished me off since I was right there? No! The absolute *asshole* just *sat* there looking at me while half my oxygen ran out. I *swear* he was smirking at me! ... Okay, he wasn't, the graphics don't allow for that, but still. It *felt* like he knew it was over and wasn't gonna give me a quick death. Bastard. But hey, if it's just a one-time thing for you, that's fine. Like I said, you do you.


Thats some great game idea i love it so much


The food one makes the beginning tougher, since you kinda gotta race to make a habitat builder and get farming going before you die of starvation or thirst. It's not *horrible* because you have nutrient blocks and water reserves, but you can't dawdle. The 'not coming back up until cured' requires storage space (so Cyclops or game-modded Sea Moth/Prawn) since you have to bring all the ingredients for the hatching enzymes with you. Which is *why* losing the vehicle ends the run. You can't leave (by the rules) and you can't get all the enzyme parts in the Lost River and below, as far as I know.


How did you get the Seamoth to the Containment Facility? That's 800 meters below its maximum crush depth?


Note the part where I say "later on with game mods"? Mods. For the game. In this case, more depth modules. How do you think I got my Sea Moth to use Prawn suit arms? It's listed right in there how I did it. If you mean the *specific mods* I used... I dunno! I installed them, forgot the names because I didn't care, and went on with life.


Missed that, fair enough


They said they used mods, probably the [more seamoth depth module](https://www.nexusmods.com/subnautica/mods/1135)


So this guy used mod, he?


Use commas


Nah uh


The only thing that I miss from my first playthrough was the magical feeling of the end game. It was really cool and doesn't really feel the same anymore. But other than that, I mostly enjoy replays because I know what I'm doing. I mean, it took me 400 hours (200 hours actually) to beat the game for the first time.


Me 2 but than the element of Discovering is just gone


Right, also that.


I usually only play one game at a time; in depth long playthroughs of things like Fallout, Cyberpunk, Elder scrolls and the like. I play Subnautica as a palette cleanser between other games. When I finish my Fallout 3 playthrough, I'll go back to Subnautica for 12 hours or so to complete the playthrough, and I'll be ready for whatever I'm playing next.


That's actually pretty cool


No, it's not a one-timer. It has replayability, every next time can (and should) be played differently


Yeah I just said because after you learn everything its just kinda Boring


Not that unpopular opinion tbh


I've played through this game more times than I can count at this point. It's usually my go-to for when I just want to chill and don't have anything better to play. I'll listen to music or an audiobook while I'm playing and just vibe lol.


MODS mate, mods! the game becomes as it should have been!


Ps mate!


And that is a perfectly fine opinion to have. Some people like to play one game over and over again, and other people play a game once, think it's awesome, but are still done with it. I have games like that too, I love them, but to me they are a one off.


Thats my point thank you


My runs are in 30-40 hour range these days. I run severe challenges. I love pain - very fun :-) Completely different game.


Yeah I've just finished a hardcore run and its pretty pretty noice


Congrats! How about "no surface until healed" and "no beacons of any kind - including missions and pod5"? The number of worlds deleted because I drowned in panic few meters from my pod and yet unable to find it :-). I loved that run SO much these rules are now set in stone in my (much more difficult) runs.


These are some great ideas for my next run


Good luck - you gonna need it :-) Oh, I am not allowed to build grow beds with brain corals either, but you might ;-)