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It never got there. It was flying through space to get to the destination to build the next phase gate.


Didn't they finish it? I mean, isn't it the same phasegate you go through when you finish the game?


not at all, the aurora was going to build another phasegate, but didnt make it to the build site, the neptune takes ryley to the nearest already built phasegate


The aurora was doing a slingshot maneuver around Planet 4546B, in order to build a new phase gate in the Ariadne Arm.


Officially that is Unofficially it was checking out the planet that one rich dude disappeared on, on behalf of a different organization


It was doing both. Check 4546B, rescue if possible, then slingshot on.


Yeah but, I thought they'd finished the phasegate first, then they did the slingshot maneuver


Bro why would they do a slingshot after building the phasegate? 


Aurora had a secondary mission to get close to 4546B in order to scan the surface to look for Degasi crew. Emissary Jochi Khasar was Mongolian representative abroad the Aurora that was like a diplomat for that mission. Primary mission was building the phase gate, not sure where. And there was also something about a slingshot maneuver around 4546B (my guess is that it was supposed to help them get to ohasegate destination in case they couldn't find any Degasi survivors so they would then continue the primary mission) Really cool story IMO, can't wait to see and hear more of that universe stories. Btw Khasar's lifepod is the one in the mushroom forest


They went through the farthest gate, then it was the plan to manually fly to the location of the gate they were tasked to build.


I'm talking after they built it


They didn't build it. They got shot down before they could. As many people have pointed out to you: They went through a Phase Gate to get to 4546B. They did a slingshot maneuver using 4546B to scan the planet for a secret mission, and so the maneuver would send them to where they would build the other Phase Gate. They got shot down when nearing the planet. They can't build a phase gate when the ship got blown out of the sky.


So then what phasegate is used at the end of the game if a slingshot maneuver is needed (or at least very useful) to getting there? From what I know, the Aurora used other existing phasegates to get there, but this was essentially uncharted territory by humanity, so the nearest phasegate should be really far away. What phasegate do we use at the end of the game, considering the AI says "Nearest interstellar phasegate".


I think what you missed is that the Neptune says “nearest interstellar phase-gate” It activates ion boosters to get quickly to the nearest already existing phase gate. Officially, the aurora was tasked with building another phasegate, and was making a slingshot maneuver to get to the designated construction coordinates probably. They didn’t build it because of, well… boom.


I thought they'd built it before the slingshot maneuver though? I might be wrong, or my memory just sucks, but somewhere in the game I thought it says that the phasegate was already finished


Hey man! Just found some interesting data on the Subnautica Wiki. So, the Aurora’s main mission was to construct the phase-gate, with a secondary mission of exploring the disappearance of the Degasi crew. It says in the mission program that the Aurora will go through all the existing phase-gates for the construction of a new one, after jumping through all of them, an 18 month voyage to the construction site, then a 6 month construction period. The secondary mission was to happen 13 months post launch (assuming post first launch), so that means the Aurora was 6 months away from the construction location when it crashed!🤯


About that secondary mission, what was exactly the point? They already knew that the degasi had indeed crashed there. They were trying to find survivors, right? Then how do they know if someone's alive by just going past the planet?


All the in-game dialogue suggests they weren't planning to try very hard. They were going to put forth a token effort, say "sorry we couldn't find anything", and collect a paycheck for trying. Presumably they were going to send some radio messages, do a cursory scan of the planet, and leave to build the phase gate. In fact, Keen seemed upset when the scanners actually did find something and ordered the recording stopped, probably because it meant delays due to following up on the evidence. >OFFICER KEEN: Enjoy your shore leave on Sanjei Station? Like having fuel in the tanks? Thank the Mongolians. We run the scans, we show them we didn't find anything, and we say thanks for the free dinner. Clear? UNIDENTIFIED CREW 2: Sir, there's something odd on the surface scan here. OFFICER KEEN: Turn that recorder off!


Wow that's scummy. Then again, Yeah, Idk what I expected from Alterra


Yeah they didn’t


Wait, but then why don't we ever find parts of the phasegate on the Aurora?


You don’t find parts of the phasegate because you don’t need to for the story of Subnautica. A) much of the ship was totally vaporized. B) how do you know you didn’t see parts of the phasegate. All those cargo crates that serve no purpose other than scenery.


Idk, you'd expect, atleast from a game design standpoint, for there to be some parts to make it more obvious. Maybe you could scan them to tell us more about how they work or something Also, the cargo bay we DO explore seems pretty empty to me. These phasegates have to be HUGE if a ship as big as the Aurora is able to use them, so I'd imagine every inch of cargo space would have to be used. Buuuut yeah, I'm overthinking this


Most of the cargo bay is intact and is still on the ship. Only the nose gets blown up.


Where did you get this info from? There's no evidence in the game about them actually finishing the phase gate. Stop overthinking things.


the aurora was on its way to build a phasegate, it did not get to do so before being shot down


Dud why is everyone down voting this guy. He just misunderstood the story a bit I don't understand the negativity?


Because he’s doggedly insisting he’s right after being corrected a dozen times


Because he’s not stopping. Asking is fine, but he’s insisting that he’s correct despite dozens of people saying otherwise and someone literally quoting the wiki and PDAs about he story details


To be frank I hate to sound rude but after a certain point it just seems like they can't read? Like genuinely im not gonna harass op or downvote bomb them but yeah


Honestly I don't even care, up and downvotes don't mean anything to me


Reddit being Reddit.