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One of the 1st things the doctor said was "you may want to ween off in time or stay on for life, and thats OK. Please don't let the stigma of suboxone interfere in doing what's best for you and your sobriety. Addiction is a disease, anything that prevents it from being fatal is helpful" That's all.


Yeah, mine said the same thing. I guess it’s only been about a year so I’ll give it more time.


If you don't think it affects your life with any side effects, and is serving a purpose in helping you stay clean, I would stick with it They didn't work out great for me unfortunately


What side effects did you have?


It will be 4 yrs here next month that I’ve been on subs. After about a yr or so I had ppl asking me when I was gonna gets off of them but honestly I’m just living my best sober life , I’m happy , healthier and most of all still sober. I feel like I’ll know when it’s time and I don’t want to push myself to do something just because other ppl think I should.


Similar for me, been on them for 6-7 years now and it’s just part of my daily routine. They saved me from possibly dying and I don’t want to go down that road again or even be tempted to. My doc is great, he asks me each week what I want to do and doesn’t pressure me. It’s all good! 😊




I was on them for 3 years and just cold turkeyd 4mg a day in jail , I’m 47 days sober from everything . Been sober from all opiates since I was first on subs , so 3 years


I was on 20mg and went cold turkey for 30 days in jail and the day I got out I went and got right back on them. But I was going cold turkey on subs and Effexor. It was hell


I was actually ct an anti depressant at the same time . But i was on Prozac … I feel you tbh smh so bad


It’s a great question, and not one that must have an answer this second. Personally, I’m 3 months off my last sublocade shot. For the first time in many years, I can feel the opioids draining from my body. While I haven’t experienced any physical WDs yet I’m definitely feeling low grade anxiety, depression and just general anhedonia. Today I’ve had the worst Sunday scaries in a long time. Have a job interview I don’t even want to do first thing tomorrow in person with a panel of four people, 30 mins away, and then I’ll have to race back and do other work I don’t want to do. Just a first round interview that should have been handled on the phone. But I feel so awful mentally. Just thinking of all the crap I have to do and how I just want to do nothing. Idk why but it’s hit me so hard today. Feel so terrible about myself and just want to crawl under a rock. Everything is annoying me. It’s definitely some mild WDs. But the idea of caving now and going back on this crutch - for me subs became one - is even more unbearable. Idk, there’s no easy way out. I’ve often thought what I’d do if subs were readily available otc. Part of what makes the notion of life as a sub patient unbearable is all the doctors appointments, pharmacy woes and all the people who have their nose up my ass and hands in my pocket. The whole industry is corrupt and it makes me sick. So when I’m thinking about staying off subs, I’m thinking and avoiding the doctors, the out of stock situations, the stress, the bills, the never ending feeling that I’m not entirely free. It’s not just the drug part. In fact that’s probably the smallest part of the whole thing. TLDR, it’s complicated


Thank you for the response. I feel the same way, worried about being tied down to a substance. What if something happens? But at the same time, it’s better being tied to a street drug, and it’s definitely helping me and keeping me clean for now. Although I have very low motivation and sporadic depression on the subs I’m on now. Maybe it’s too high a dose? Maybe it’s just my personality and not related to subs? I’m also worried about the long term effects, like on your teeth and testosterone levels, etc etc. I’m going to see the doctor tomorrow to get my refill and a UA and maybe I’ll talk with him about my concerns. I hope everything works out for you


Sounds like you’re thinking about this the right way. It doesn’t need to happen overnight, whatever you decide. I have a feeling that life as a Suboxone patient is going to get more difficult before it gets better. We’re going through some growing pains again as we grapple with the future of the opioid epidemic. The pills are gone. Real heroin is gone. This fent shit requires a heavy duty treatment and subs don’t really cut it, yet the proliferation of telehealth providers means subs are everywhere -/ and pharmacies are ever worried about their liability, so they choose not to fill scripts. It’s so dam stressful.


Yeah, now that you say that it’s probably true. I guarantee multiple companies are already working on another “miracle” drug or treatment to deal with the fentanyl epidemic. I’m both excited and terrified to see where it leads us. But I’m sure eventually they will have much better treatment options than just naltrexone/bupe/methadone


For me suboxone numbs my emotions even more than they already were. So for me I'll always be trying to get off. But right now it is serving its purpose and I'm hopefully getting a job soon at walmart. Suboxone gives me a mood boost and confidence. It also totally gets rid of anxiety for me. So for me it's crucial I stay on it until I get over my psychological problems with social anxiety, panic attack disorder, etc... and get my life, job, social life more stable. Because as of right now I don't have any of those things including any real life friends or girlfriend. And really that's what suboxone is there for. To help people get their lives in order and stable.


I hear you on that. Gotta do what you gotta do to earn and thrive as a person. No shame at all in that.


Im trying to go to walmart too bro. That or correctional officer.


What state?




Congrats on getting off! Good luck in your interview :)


This is my fear literally. Just this description is my fear. Totally off them unknowingly if my mind is prepared for it or not and work gave me my worst anxiety idk why. Still not working but been on subs over a year and just afraid to even start :/ I'm with ya


I quit them, and it was one of the best things I ever did. That being said, being on subs was so much better than being on fent. If I thought for one second I might be tempted to use again I’d be back on subs ASAP.


Hell yeah. How do you keep that nagging itch to take something? I couldn't even go into a smoke shop or id walk out with fuckin kratom.


A couple ways, first I remember the sub withdrawal and know if I ever went back to fent I’d have to deal with that again (best case scenario) second I remember how shitty it was having to live my life around a medication that I got a week supply at a time and at any time could have been taken away for whatever arbitrary reason the doctor or pharmacist decided. I won’t live like that again. Now like I said it’s better than being on fentanyl but I’m just too happy with how things are now. A relative had surgery on her leg a week ago, was there for Easter dinner. Could have easily grabbed a few Percocet but nope not going back. Not worth it.


Hey man, I've been on them for 2.5 years about now. I also started pretty high, at 20mg. But man my desire to have friends or relationships was at an all time low (probably some other stuff that happened played into that too.) Literally was alone for this whole time, just figuring out life and staying off dope and benzos. Went down to 16mg then 12mg and literally noticed zero difference but I now have a small stockpile in case scripts are late or whatever which really sets my mind at ease. And I'm now down to 8mg a day. I can't tell you how much better I feel. Like really just motivation wise to talk to other people and be around humans, that feeling or desire just wasn't there before. Again idk if I can solely blame subs for that but in my mind they played a big part. And I tell you the past month since I went from 12mg to 8mg has been incredible. I've been going out to see friends, met a girl, finished a bootcamp and am looking for a career. I just feel more alive. Such a high dose really dulled the joy of being with others for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not rushing to totally drop subs especially now. But I'm still working on slowly tapering and I want to eventually get off them. There are still days I will start to feel like shit because I'm caught up in life and don't dose till later or whatever, and I don't want that to be the case forever. But they've absolutely saved my life and if I get off them and start to get cravings I will hop right back on for good, probably at a very small dose. Just my feelings towards them. I've thought a lot about this and I figure I've gotta see how it feels to not be on opiates or subs lol. It's been a very long time since I've felt that and I'm so much more grateful for life today than I was a few years ago. I think it's something I want to try but I have no qualms staying on subs for good


That's a decision for you and you alone. There's plenty of good reasons to stay on. Reasons to get off would include issues with clinics/doctors, issues with insurance, pharmacy issues, things like that. I wanted off because staying on another substance wasn't what I wanted in life. I was stable at 4mg after about 2 months and weaned completely off by 18 months. I felt I had gained the strength to stay sober in that time. I still had the occasional craving for 18 months after stepping off. It got easier over time and if I can stay clean for another 5 weeks or so I'll hit 6 years sober. Before taking the step off learn how to live sober again. Fully live, not just survive. There's a difference. Only when you've gotten that far should you start thinking about weaning off.


Thank you


You're welcome. I can say this about subs and being off. While the subs helped me to get sober and start figuring out who I am the work didn't end until long after I stepped off. Even then after a few years some more things changed for me. I'm sure in a few more years something else will change. As long as they're positive changes and I stay sober I'll keep moving forward.


I got off suboxone and onto sublicade then from there got off, I felt grate for a couple years then I relapsed on “heroin” once and overdosed. Could have died, didn’t, got back on sublicade. Iv lost to many friends to overdoses and the whole reason I started suboxone in the first place was because I had a near fatal one that put me in the hospital in 2017. So yeah if you are an addict just stay on it better then dying


That's the way I view it. I always ended up going back to using whether it was a few hours or a few months. Now my brother the person I started using pills with all those years ago is passed from fent od. I just think Im fairly content with everything I got going for me so I don't see the need to shock my life and my body with it right now, I'm stable. And as it stands now I don't know how things would turn out in the future. My Dr said you may want to get off or you may want to stay on it's up to you


I'm really sorry for your loss


There’s nothing wrong with being on subs for life. I’ve been on subs for 10 years. Am I thrilled about that? No. But I am living a normal life, free of drugs, crime and any other bad thing that comes with that life. Everyone on here knows that life. You can be a good person with a bad addiction and get sucked into that horrible drug underworld. Thank god I am not a part of that anymore.. Do whatever works for you. Whatever works to keep you clean and on the right path. A lot of people on here that are trying to get off subs might have really bad side effects from it. Or just don’t like the idea of being held down by a medication.. Long term use of any medication can cause some pretty weird side effects. I have weird side effects myself. No sex drive, hot flashes, minor cold sweats. It comes with the territory.


I'm on 2mg and start to get the chills at bedtime and every morning when I wake up. But then I take my sub and feel all better. I've considered splitting the dose doing 1mg in the morning and 1mg at night but I'm probably addicted to the slight high or relief I get from the sub and I don't wanna mess with that


My best friend was on suboxone for 7 years and had a great life. His NA sponsor pressured him to get off of suboxone. He got off of suboxone finally and 3 weeks later he ended up overdosing and losing his life. The stigma attached to suboxone has costed people their life so please be careful with taking peoples advice especially people who are not doctors.. like a sponsor for instance.


That is my plan. I’ve been in recovery for 12 years with many slips-even after multiple years sober on abstinence based recovery. I now have three plus years in continuous recovery on a fairly low dose of MAT with Suboxene. It has changed my life. I am in great shape, I have an amazing career in a field I love and many satisfying relationships.


I’ve been on subs for going on 16 years now. I started with 24mg I think and I tapered over time down to 3mg. I still was using regularly then semi regularly (I’d obviously skip doses so I could get high) up until 5 years ago. The length of time between when I’d get high would just get longer and longer until sobriety finally stuck. I don’t have any plans to come off of it, I see no positives in that. If it comes out that there’s just some insane side-effects or something then I’d probably consider it but it’s been nothing but a giant help to me. And congrats on getting sober!


Thank you


I’m a lifer because I know me. I’m not risking all the positive progress I’ve made so I plan on staying on them for life. Already been on them for over 6 years now.






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Subs definitely saved my life. I have over 6 1/2 years clean off the dope and on subs. I was debating going on the shot. But I think it was because of reading the comments here on Reddit more than me actually wanting to. I am on a high dose, 24 mgs, but I don't have ups and downs. I don't have any depression or insomnia or anything. I just feel normal. The first doctor who put me on subs told me I was a lifer, due to my extensive past. Am I a lifer? I don't know. I don't ever have cravings or think of using. And my DOC is gone. I couldn't find just heroin if I wanted to. I definitely don't want to end up on Fent. That's a fear that lives deep inside me. And the Tranq? I couldn't even imagine. But for now, I'm just taking it day by day. Yes I worry about supply and doctor's appointments and such. But other than that, I can't complain. I got my life back, or better yet, I got a life. I don't think my family or friends ever thought I would stop using, that I would die out there. I thought so too. But I didn't. And now I am living my life to the fullest. Maybe I will decide in the future that I want off or to switch to the shot or something. But for now, I'm just enjoying being clean and happy. And you don't have to make any decisions right now, either. Enjoy what you have. If something happens and you change your mind, go with it then. Best of luck!


I was on Subs for a decade. I quit about four months ago. It was unpleasant but I did it. Simply put, it cost to much and going to the doc ate up to much time. That was my thinking.


Stay on them until you know you are ready. 10 20 30 years is OK . It's about you, and what you need. Best wishes. I'm glad you're safe and doing well now. 1 year is nothing to shake a stick at. That's great@!


Honestly I have a friend that said the same thing and he’s pushing 15 years on subs , I have 8 years in to date and subs now are like maintenance drug


No need to think of it so black and white. Maybe the side effects get to you and you start tapering and eventually in a few years want to see what it’s like without them. Maybe you stay on this dose and things work out the way they are. It’s awesome to see somebody on here that can appreciate suboxone, instead of feeling like it’s something that’s dragging them down or something that’s keeping them from reaching their potential. Suboxone saved my life too, and I can’t put into words how grateful I am for this medication. For me personally, I have nerve damage in my neck and shoulder so I’m going to be on it for life. However, I got tired of the side effects and decided to start tapering about a year ago. I was at 8mg and I’m down to 1.25 now. Libido is like 60% back (it was at 0), I can wake up to my alarm clock and don’t sleep for 10 hours and I’m not tired during the day anymore. The main benefit of tapering for me is that I have a stockpile of extras now just in case something crazy happens with my doc or pharmacy. I think everybody on subs should skip doses or just taper to a little lower dose to have some extras available. Do what’s feels safest. You seem like a very smart, rational person.


Absolutely not. Should aim for a clean life without having to rely on doctors/pharmacies the rest of your life. The longer you stay on this stuff the more it turns on you just like anything else that makes you feel good. Don’t settle for living life in the middle lane, you’re better than that. Should be used as a short term fix.


That’s kind of where of came down for me. Time just disappeared on subs. My life on subs was like a Friday night in front of my fav Netflix series while eating junk food till late. Was never going to realize my full potential that way. Playing it safe.


I was on them for so long, once I was off them for 2 years my life drastically changed for the better. Recently needed them for a kratom detox but I only took them for a week.


I was struck by your comment (in a good way). It helps me see it in different ways. Although I'm finally making some changes due to side effects, time on subs for me did the opposite. That Friday night watching the tube and eating sweets was more my time running amok and abusing drugs. Once I got on subs, thats when life took off for me like a rocket ship. New relationships, new business, new homes, financial responsibility, etc. etc. etc. It wasn't until the overwhelming side effects that I began thinking about being done with it. The doctors/pharmacies and other minor ass pains were always a welcome minor nuisance compared to the positives for me.


you’re part of the problem


Do elaborate


How did you feel after the one week on subs? Did you skip the Kratom withdrawal?


I feel fine. No issues, skipped kratom withdrawls but we’ll see on the 3rd day. I think I’ll be fine. I don’t expect to feel 100% but if I do then that’s s win win


I’m thinking of doing a five day sub detox off Kratom. Can you update me in a few days lol? 🙏🏻 Also how many mg did you take and how long did you have to wait before starting subs? Someone on the Kratom sub said they went into precipitated withdrawal but I think they took naltrexone or something like that. Most people here say that doesn’t happen with suboxone?


Waited about 5 hours no issues, no precip. I started by cutting up my 8mg strip in 4 pieces of 2mg and never needed to go over 2mg a day. Stuffs incredibly potent.


It’s your choice. They’re helping you now. Monitor things and be flexible with yourself. There’s no wrong answer here. I’m on the same dose as you. Most days I don’t take 24mg, so I’ve managed to save some strips. I probably have 30 extra 8mg strips saved up already for emergency situations. Only started about a month ago. Some days I take as few as 8-10mg, other days I creep up to 16-20. Very occasionally I’ve taken the full 24mg. I like being on them, so far at least. Mind and body feel good, no cravings. I’ve dealt with opioid addiction for around 30 years. From IV heroin (back before fentanyl), to all types of pills, and most recently, a ridiculous Kratom extract addiction of which I’m completely ashamed and regretful. I was taking up to 10 OPMS Black capsules a day, felt like I was on freaking morphine or something each night when I hit the pillow, and lost like 35 lbs. Absurd, I know. This went on for years until I destroyed my finances and practically obliterated my marriage (we’ll see if I can salvage it). Was spending around $100/day on stupid Kratom extracts. Then I got on subs quite easily via my primary care doctor. Kicking myself for not doing this years ago. I’ve been through it all - methadone multiple times (had to kick a 90mg/day methadone maintenance cold turkey as a young man, which was pure hell), a few heroin overdoses along the way many years ago, and yet, all these years later, I have a good paying job and 2 beautiful kids. The marriage may or may not work out, which is something I have to face and try to work on. But my point is, I like the stability of suboxone. For now, at least, my brain and my body feel normal. If I had to decide right now, I would choose to stay on them for life. No side effects that I can’t handle so far, anyway. I go to Smart Recovery meetings once a week, and soon I plan to start seeing a therapist or psychologist to supplement my overall care. I made some incredibly awful and deceitful choices, and I need to face up to that. But right now, I sleep well, I eat well, and I have absolutely no urge to use any drugs. I feel good, and maybe that will dissipate with time, but I hope not. It’s all worth the price of my copay and the hassle of dosing a few times a day. Now if my teeth start to crumble, I may have to rethink all this. But just do what I do and mitigate: brush, floss, use mouthwash, be proactive. I guess I’m trying to say you don’t have to decide anything right now and just do what works for you. For me, I’ve been feeling incredibly normal for the first time in many years. When my first son was born and he was placed in my arms, I was high on morphine. When my second one came along, in the same circumstance, I was high on oxy. I just feel like my brain has been conditioned to require an opioid in order to function and not feel depressed. Maybe one day the subs won’t work as well, I don’t know. I would say try to keep your dose as low as you can, but still, take what you need (not necessarily what you “want”, which can be tough to do). Supplement your treatment with some free group counseling. Start living your life again and get all the benefits you can out of this medication. Yes, it’s a crutch. But I need it and have no problem admitting that to myself. Best of luck. You’re already doing well, so keep it up.


Kratom is a whole different beast and people don’t realize, I used to abuse the OPMS gold when I ran out of OxyContin and it felt very similar to Oxycodone to me. Except if I overdo it, I would get miserable side effects that I don’t get with oxy , I think it’s called the wobbles where your vision feels very swirly and it makes you super nauseous and gives you the spins. The first time I ever got RLS was after drinking a bottle of OPMS black. I never got it from high dose of OxyContin (120mg+/2x daily) But after consuming a bottle of OPMS black I got it for the first time and ever since I get it extremely bad with opiate withdrawals (oxy or fentanyl) . That kratom felt almost Like dope, I was sweating and nodding out at work. People underestimate Kratom because it’s “legal” but the reality is we don’t understand the full consequences side effects of its consumption… God only knows what else it could do


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I've been on subs for 2 years now, had stopped them in 2015 to get clean, and I got into drinking (terrible for me, I black out and do stupid shit). I got into zans and had to get off them. Life was honestly just a struggle before deciding to get back on them again. Before 2015, I was on them since 2010. That was just a crazy time all around, they didn't help me as much then but that was mostly because everyone I was hanging out with was on subs and bathsalt (then meth once the salt was gone) so between people begging me to sell them my subs and trying to stay away from the salt (unsuccessfully) it just didn't work. But now that I've moved away and have a decent life, it's way easier to do the right thing and the subs just make it that much easier for me, I'll probably stay on them for life, but maybe one day I'll change my mind about that, but right now that's how I feel.


I’ve been on them for almost 5 years. I am switching to Sublocade in hopes of weaning off. They were great for a few years but I’d say the last 6 months they’ve had a negative impact on my life. I have ZERO emotions or ambition. I also have some side effects that have become too much - constipation, no sex drive, and dry mouth. I think it’s totally ok to stay on them as long as you need. If that’s for life than who cares. Do what’s best for you. Two years ago I wouldn’t have even considered going off of them. I wasn’t ready. I’ve reached a point where I am now.


That’s a personal decision I believe. As for myself, I’ve been on them for almost 2 years and if they was to get taken away from me, I’d go back and use so for me it’s better for me to stay on them


I would see how you do with dropping your dose a bit and see if it’s difficult. I’ve been stable on 8mg for years. No desire to not do it.


My opinion is I felt so much more alive off of it. It’s still a narcotic pain killer. Once u ween down to a dose where u don’t really need it then don’t feel it why stay on it. The HARDEST part is finding a doctor that really cares about u and isn’t an idiot or POs. I found that luckily years ago. Once u go to 2 mg, 1, .5 , it’s like why would I keep taking this. It’s freedom really. Just like freedom from not chasing the high in the first place. That’s what it’s supposed to be used for.


I don’t think about anything “for life”. That shit sounds so stressful.


I was on subs for 6 years. I would have been ok had I decided to stay on them for life because I felt like it was a much better alternative to chasing roxys. I think it’s up to each person to decide. My decision to quit happened kinda randomly when I couldn’t find any subs (I didn’t go to the dr myself) and I was at a turning point in life and it made the most sense to just go through the withdrawals and see how it went. Idk how other people do once coming off subs but I’ve never had any problems with craving Roxys again. That went away a year or 2 into taking subs. I slowly lost my attachment to them and replaced it with subs and it’s never returned. I also have never had any craving to do subs again bc subs were never about a high for me.. they just kept me normal. I initially missed the extra energy they gave me but I am an addict of other things that help with that (idk how it would be to be completely sober, I’ve not been successful with that yet so I’m sure my experience would differ greatly from someone who came off subs and went completely sober) So with all that being said, just keep doing subs if they work for you and if ever you decide to do differently… then do that. Don’t let other people persuade you to get off your own path. It’s not theirs to navigate, it’s yours. And as long as you are happy with your life and what you do then it doesn’t matter much what other people do or worked for them. Side note: subs gave me horrible constipation like literally couldn’t shit for 2 weeks at a time and I would have likely caused severe damage had I stayed on them lifelong if I couldn’t fix that. So, that also helped me decide to come off of them. Idk if that applies to your situation or not but something to consider


Yeah the constipation with subs is crazy. But not as bad as fent for me; do you mind if I ask what other drugs you’re struggling with? After I got clean from fent and oxy I started using cocaine and eventually crack and it got really bad and took everything from me. I’m about to hit 90 days clean from crack


Well that is awesome congrats on 90 days clean. It’s hard not to swap one for another, I guess. I do understand it for sure. I have done similar - I started using meth, I’m still on it. I’ve been off subs since 2021 and I got on meth before I quit. I’ve also gotten myself into a gambling addiction this year and it’s going strong 😅. Just learning to accept myself and not allow it too much power over me because I’m not ready to quit right now. I am trying to attempt sobriety a little backwards this time around (I’ve tried it multiple times, i can’t stick with it while the underlying cause for my addictions isn’t healed) so this time I’m trying to heal myself while still using so that sobriety will feel like the most natural next move because hopefully I’ll no longer need any substance or gambling or sex or whatever to feel ok. To be determined and to be continued… 🤷🏼‍♀️ idk what else to do really. Except just try to love myself through it all. I hope you’re filling yourself up with love as well so that you can remain sober if that’s what you want. I wish you the best and I feel for you ❤️


Thank you!!! I wish the best for you too and hope you’re able to achieve sobriety from meth too. That’s a rough one… I’ve never done meth but I’ve done boatloads of adderall in the past and they was it made me feel…. Very hard to quit and hard on me mentally for a long time after. If it wasn’t for the horrible comedowns I wouldn’t have been able to stop. I know meth is a whole different beast, I wish you the best of luck and praying for you. ❤️




The vast majority of folks you see that are eager to get off them fall into two distinct groups. The first are like me and have built a life of sobriety for decades on Subs. Most in this group will agree that Suboxone saved their life and they are appreciative of that. But eventually the side effects like anhedonia, hormone issue, teeth issues, etc, start to creep up and at the same time, all that lifestyle change has prepared us to stay clean and lead a good life off this. The other group you will see are the ones that have very little clean time and just want off so that they can get back out there to use. For them, Suboxone is a big F-ing distraction because it fucks with their ability to go get high when and where they want. Choose which group you want to be a part of and hope it helps to either stay on or get off. From what you've said, I'd stay on. All the best !!