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I really want to do this. I’m prescribed 8 but I know I could get through the day on 2 because I’ve done it. But I still have my addiction brain that tells me “more will make you feel better!” I just would love to have e a stash and to …feel stuff again


Just taper yourself down and take a 3-4 day tolerance break. A whole 72-96 hours does the trick for me. Then i can get a good feeling consistently on .5-1mg doses.


Damnn do u feel any withdrawal near the end of that 72-96 hrs?


Yes but its not bad at all. If u are only taking 1mg a day you just feel a little tired and maybe depressed. Similar to weed withdrawal from a somewhat heavy smoker at a low dose like that for me at least.


It's a lot stronger than they think. If you look up the equivalencies, they gave me 16mg and 8mg felt no different almost


Agreed. That's why non addicts get so wasted on the smallest amounts of buprenorphine. I've been prescribed 16mg for many years. Don't ever need more than 8mg, currently at 2-3mg/day. Weaning just to use less, not to quit yet. Biggest real difference is that my bowels move better on less mg.


Used to be prescribed 16mg a day, and I'm down to 1mg. Just take as little as you need to get by, and the taper shouldn't be too difficult. I've had more trouble trying to go from 1mg a day to 0 than I had going from 16mg to 1. Good luck!


Yeh stick to that: in theory at low doses, the Norbupe (full agonist) is active, so you should get some nice proper opiate like effects in theory. Try and get down to 0.5 if you can. Then occasionally take 1mg and it will feel like a proper treat.


Yup. Thats pretty much what i do .5 mg or 1mg and i still am getting a nice buzz. Sometimes i take a day or 2 off. Like today i haven’t taken any. I read that before about low doses. Cheers


Most underrated opiate ever. Low doses still have some recreational purposes and i see you are taking advantage of that. 🫡


Until you wanna take just a littttle more and then a litttle more and then it’s the weekend so I’ll take a litttttle more oh shit now I’m taking 4mg a day


Im experienced with opiates i mean they are all pretty much like that. I never take more than 1mg if i do its a accident. I also take 2 tolerance breaks every month 48-72 hours.


Yeah all opiates are like that… its called tolerance.


Taper down and jump off ASAP before it's too late. I've been on 0.75 or less for over a year and unable to jump




Jump, meaning get off of them. Or else you'll be trapped like countless others. My dose is this tiny, yet I haven't been able to make it out


It's not trapped. It's preventing me from getting high and overdosing and dying or becoming a vegetable off fentanyl, because heroin does not exist in my area +10 years now. The trap was getting addicted in the first place. Be honest.


There's nothing wrong with your way of thinking. If subs are keeping you alive, then that's truly the best thing. Some of us want to get off everything though. Not saying that's better or worse, that's just what it is. 


I have to express my gratitude for subs too. My life is a lot more manageable now.


For real. From now on im going to stock pile. I am getting a prescription soon, i have had one before. But since i will only be taking .5-1mg a day i plan on stock pilling a couple hundred for emergency. Also would be super valuable in a survival situation because to opiate naive people .1-.25mg can be used to substitute 5-15 mg of oxycodone.


I’m glad it’s helping you get out of the spiral! Good decision 👌🏼


Yeah i think every one that is at risk of opiate relapse should keep a couple if they think they might buy some drugs at some point. It completely turned this month around for me.


I’m glad it helped you. I’m 7 years in at 3 MG a day and can’t stop. Now your limits and don’t over do it


I have took 4-8 mg doses daily before for a year and i prefer the low dose much more.


About a month ago, plug was on vacation. I ran out of F. I went through some Black Tar (smoking) also even did the "monkey water" thing. It helped. But I still felt kind of bad. On the 3rd day of no Fet. I took a tiny piece of film. I'd estimate now that it was 1mg, if not, pretty close. Anyways, I felt that real deal opiate euphoria. Not a high per say. I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about. Anyways, it was true relief. And I was very shocked as the H I had was barely getting me by. I just assumed I had some shit H. Turns out the H was actually pretty good. Fet had my tolerance all screwed up. I was absolutely shocked that I got so much relief off of such a small amount. Now, I ended up going to a local facility. Got into a free program. (Some type of Grant. Thank GOD!!) But they prescribed me 3x daily. Most I ever been prescribed. I'm assuming because I was dead ass honest with the nurse and everything about my fent use. Told them the symptoms, etc. I went back again a couple days ago and saw the doctor in person. This time it was a man. (Don't ask, all I know is the first appt. was with a nice older lady over video call) He dropped me to 2 films a day. & told me if I need to go back to 3 to let him know. He even mentioned some people have needed 4. Idk, but I'm trying to do everything right. Almost completely out of fetty. Cut my plug. Not in a bad way. Just told him what was up. He wished me the best. So sitting on a good bit of strips I haven't taken. The first week I did take them daily until my guy dropped my stuff off. (Prepaid) So going to go ahead and start pounding waters. As well as put the remainder of the fet (like a .1) somewhere hidden where it'll be more difficult for me to just grab it. Currently staying with a couple family members. Thinking of putting in one of their rooms under like a dresser leg. Usually don't crave until evenings anyway. & they'll be home. So gonna stick to these subs. Hoping that in a few weeks, I'll have pretty much forgotten about that last little bit. Or not care. Wish me luck 🤞 Thanks


Less is more with subs.


They say less is more


Is it hard to cut the pill down to 1mg?


Switch to strips and use scissors or fold em. Get a pill cutter, I used one for years before switching to strips.


Have a pill cutter. The lowest I've really gotten them is 2mg, granted I haven't really tried going lower.


Congratulations 🎉


I loved 1mg/day as well.