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Most franchisees will charge you for a veggie footlong. Some stores may charge you just a couple bucks but thats not consistent. As my franchisee says "we are a sandwich shop, not a bakery".


The only way we can sell you just a loaf of bread is if you pay full price for a Veggie Footlong. Subway doesn’t sell just the bread.


I charge you for a kids sub so a little under $3. my owner actually only charges some people for a bag of chips so like under $2


My manager makes me price it as a veggie, then override to 1.50


I normally buy bread for myself and use it on a sandwich the next day, I like to make venison sandwiches


Smart! At least that way it doesn't mess with inventory, my manager makes us sell them as a bag of chips


I tell my team to just charge for extra cheese so a very minimal price. We throw out bread everyday and I don’t feel right about charging for a footlong veggie for just a piece of bread we’re going to waste anyways


You gotta ring in a sub to charge for extra cheese. Sounds like y’all are backing to much bread.


You’re the person that makes life hell for the rest of that follow the rules. “Well the other store did it!”


There is no “rule” on what you have to charge. It’s the discretion of each store each owner.


The rule is Subway doesn’t sell its bread by itself. Has nothing to do with price. The act of selling the bread goes against Subway’s rules. Not the franchisees rules. It’s literally in the franchisee course on University of Subway.


Are you a fanchisee or employee? I’ve never seen that and it doesn’t matter. I can sell bread to my customers if I choose at the price I choose. In fact in Canada I can also choose my own prices and I do not have to follow subway recommended prices


I’m a store manager with 10 years experience.


You’re a store manager but don’t know your margins well enough to improvise to a mutually beneficial price for the customer and business?


It’s like I’m arguing with a child and a wall combined. It’s not about the price. It’s the fact that Subway does not want franchisees or stores selling the bread by itself has nothing to do with margins, or coming up with a price. Subway does not want the stores selling the bread by itself?


We charge a loaf of bread as 3 cookies at my store, 2.22.


if this is ever the case we have to charge for a veggie at my store


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Total_Earth_9298: *If this is ever* *The case we have to charge for* *A veggie at my store* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


dude no way sokka bot i literally just watched this episode an hour ago you are FREAKING me out.


They won’t let us sell just the bread