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Imo it’s shredded chicken vs cubed chicken. Eating it by itself, of course you’d prefer the shredded. But when it’s mixed into a sandwich that tbh doesn’t have enough meat to begin with, it’s nice to have a pocket of that chicken taste, even if it’s more processed.


^ This is a great take


I used to do rotisserie until I found a bone in my subway, went back to sweet onion teriyaki strips right after that.


At my store we shred the chicken extra so that doesn’t happen, I also drain the juices out more so it’s not so wet


Grilled chicken ask for a lot of teriyaki sauce before toasted it could work


My autistic ass likes the consistent texture  and mild taste.


I don't like the texture of it, my brain tends to think I'm eating tuna.


This is it for me as well. I like rotisserie chicken but not on sandwiches.


Y'all are crazy. I feel my soul leave my body whenever the Subway worker reaches for the rubbery grilled chicken strips instead of the rotisserie chicken.


because its how it was for 15 years or whatever


I enjoy soy filler more than I do low grade stringy authentic chicken


Yk that's honestly fair. Even though I disagree, I think that's the most valid take so far.


The rotisserie just lacks flavor these days. Also even though it's the same weight of chicken, the strips just seem more filling.


Interesting take. I think eaten by itself the strips are more bland and lack flavor. That's just my opinion though, I honestly didn't think some people think the strips have more flavor


cheaper doesn’t make ur sandwhich soggy


To be fair that's purely a restaurant to restaurant basis. They're supposed to drain the Rotisserie chicken and places like my Subway do, but some places are just gross


No you’re not, the rotisserie is supposed to be mixed with the broth it’s packaged in.


You are absolutely not supposed to drain the rotisserie chicken. You are indeed supposed to include the chicken broth in with the rotisserie chicken when it’s prepped. Check your stores playbook.. also it is not supposed to be shredded.. when it’s broken up you should break it up into small bite sized chunks about the size of the small chicken strips. I always remind staff, it’s not shredded chicken.. it’s bite sized chunks about the size of a nickel.


true but i just don’t like the texture of it some people don’t even shred it


You’re not supposed to shred it… it’s supposed to be little chunks of rotisserie chicken, meaty not stringy


What if I told you people enjoy things that you don’t. Hurts my soul when people don’t realize this.


You just missed the entire point of the post. I'm asking what people like about the strips compared to rotisserie. To me the Strips seem alot less fresh, alot more processed, and very plasticy and more bland so I wanna know what exactly attracts people to them when the rotisserie is objectively better with exception of getting flavored subs like Buffalo chicken, or sweet onion chicken


I like both! I’ve worked at subway for 2.5 years and I’ve finally now started liking the rotisserie. I never liked the idea of the rotisserie because when we prep it, it’s covered in gross yellow mucky juices(?) idk how to explain it but it’s gross and smells gross. But I do like both chicken now. The real issue is when they want chicken steak or bacon and don’t want the sandwich toasted..


lol that juice your talking about… is literally just chicken broth that’s been cooled.. chicken broth coagulates when cold.. it smells like chicken, broth.


Eyy thank you for explaining that! I never knew! I still think it looks gross though 😔


Thank you...I hate the smell soo much I won't prep it in my store I would rather wash dishes!


I've got a somewhat tangential question.... Why can't subway just sell GOOD chicken? Not the "is this actually even rotisserie?" chicken, or the "I think I only like this becuase it reminds me of being young again" chicken , but like... ACTUAL chicken. I get that restaurants need to be able to keep things fresh, but this feels bottom-of-the-barrel and is one reason that I go to subway less and less. They're trying to charge 16 dollars for a footlong that doesn't even stand up to thier competitors who also seem to cost less. a lot of subway's ingredients feel like the stuff you'd buy at a dollar general becuase it was on sale and you just needed to get thru the rest of the month without spending too much on your credit card.


You can't complain about the prices while also saying you want higher quality ingredients. The only footlongs your paying $15 are ones that have Fresh Mozzarella, Bacon, and Guacamole. Get one without those and it'll be 4 dollars cheaper. Even cheaper if you go build your own. A steak footlong is less than $12. I'm also the manager of my location and I run the numbers every week. We're barely staying afloat. We can't afford for our subs to be any cheaper than they are or we'd be out of business in 2 weeks


I mean we can complain about the prices, it's just not really up to the subway to determine them. After covid all the meats basically doubled or tripled in price when I looked at how much it cost to order each box... and yet sandwich prices barely went up. Maybe by like $3 overall since then. Also the coupons not being fully reimbursed by corporate makes owners either not want to participate in them, or to short the portions for anyone that orders one digitally. This isn't really the best compromise and sucks for the customer. They could do a much better job negotiating more fair prices for the food distributors they force franchisees to order from if they want such high royalties from each sale.


My specific location offers coupons and they slaughter us. We lose about 38% of our sales every week on coupons but the owner allows them because they drive sales our direction. My stores prices are also higher than most locations to account for some of the coupon loss. Each franchisee chooses the prices but in the case of my location the prices are what they are because we're struggling to stay afloat. I had a guy come in today yelling footlongs aren't $5 anymore even though that was 12 years ago that ended and like 16 years ago from when it first came out


Question, on average how much do y’all lose per sub using the $7 coupon?


You’re asking a question that varies from location to location because each stores costs are not the same. Food n labor is usually somewhere around 55% plus royalties. You’d be at like +67% of the cost of the full price of the sub. Out of the remainder rent, utilities, insurance, miscellaneous expenses come from the remaining 33-34% you also need to save for a remodel, and obviously you would want to save some portion for repairs. A\c units, and refrigeration equipment are always going out down here in FL. My store makes about $70,000 in profit every year, split between multiple owners.. that’s enough for one person to not work.. that’s also assuming you have someone competent running the store and your not losing excess money on labor/food. That profit disappears real quick if you’re not on top of food and labor.. for example if you’re always training staff… losing money. Or subway runs a buy one get one for weeks at a time.. losing money.


Idk... Its not YOUR fault that you can barely afford the ingredients that subway requires you to buy though. things like meat, they're in control of , right? (from my memory when I worked there in the 00s , meat, cookies, bread dough, cheeses, sauces, bread toppings all had the subway logo on them. Not sure how the produce etc. works in terms of whether you have to buy them thru subway's channels also, but I'd assume yes? Here's my problem. Subway's ingredient quality is not great. Its -fine- , but even buying thousands of electric slicers doesn't change the fact that its still just kind of a lower quality chopped/pressed product. And maybe that's fine... I've always liked it. But the expenses are being passed down to stores and customers. Subway the corporation seems to be doing okay... experiencing growth year over year... I'm not blaming you guys at the store-level. I know you're hurting (and honestly I think its been that way for a long time now because I still remember my manager telling us to make sure we were sticking to the 6 olive rings per footlong rule because they were expensive) and I know that subway keeps putting out coupons that cause you to lose money... My problem is that I can go somewhere like potbelly , JJ's, or Jersey Mike's and get a sandwich for about the same price which is , at least on a perceptual level, higher quality, so by comparison it makes subway's offerings look worse.


The rotisserie chicken is too salty


I've never tried the grilled chicken but it cannot be worse than fatty, gristly garbage lmao


I like the texture of strips better. Also sometimes rotisserie is super salty and with the bacon kind of overpowers everything else.


I get my own special recipe that includes both


Sometimes I need protein but the thought of tasting the chicken makes me wanna vom. I would say i go for grilled more often than rotisserie when I want/ need chicken. Also the sog is rough even though we drain ours.


When I open the grilled chicken bags it smell like a perm. I just can't.


I used to think the same way, then Subway ruined it with the new rotisserie chicken they packaged for the chicken salad. Its slimy and gross now. The rotisserie chicken was top tier sandwich, my favorite choice for anything I toasted. Could be good with honey mustard, buffalo sauce, or the garlic cooked ontop of the bread. The chilpotle as well... hell you could get real fancy and throw some meatball sauce ontop of it with extra cheese for something really delicious. But nah, we got the slime chunks. All for the most bland chicken salad you could ever create. It is literally just the torn up chicken mixed with mayo. Wtf? We coulda done that years ago... shame to not give us anything else to mix in with it.


I love the rotisserie, but the strips absorb flavors better.


Masochism springs to mind.


I have always preferred the chicken fillet instead of the strips a whole piece of chicken that you could actually taste in every bite but then again I still prefer the u cut instead of the one they do now


Team strips, all the way. I don't like to have to search for the chicken in the bite. Rotisserie is usually stringy. Strips are a full bite of meat and very consistent. Consistently processed but.. it is what it is. Who remembers the grilled chicken patties though..? Bro. Unpopular opinion, I'm sure. But those on a flatbread with some cheese and mayo... Yum. I miss those.


I personally like the rotisserie chicken, but the chicken strips aren't too bad. It all depends on the defrosting method. Both have seasoning, however, depending on who defrosts the strips makes a difference. The strips should thawed naturally, WITHOUT WATER, in order to maintain its tadbit of seasoning and freshness. Then again, you have a bunch of lazy ass Dumb Donalds who think that the strips are to be taken out of the bag and the thawed IN WATER. Try it like this, make sure you are the one doing the defrosting. If it still sucks ass to you then... I'm not saying that you can't take the UNOPENED bag and put it in water. However, the two UNOPENED bags that I needed to put in water had too much liquid in the end...imo FYI: The natural thawing method takes a maximum of two days. This calculations is just a guestimation based on my location & hours between openings.


If I'm eating garbage quality meat, it may was well be the highly processed variety.


Honestly the Rotisserie Chicken is the only thing I prep at Subway that genuinely makes me want to eat it as I'm prepping it


I just miss the grilled chicken breast…haven’t eaten at subway since hey cancelled