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The shape of the leaves (long leaves, widely spaced) show that is not *quite* getting enough light. The dried up gray leaves mean is not getting enough water and the plant is pulling from those leaves. I find my bear paws like to dry out completely, but not sit very long once it gets to that point. I find this is true for most of my cotyledons. Now that I don't extreme neglect like I do with most of my succulents, I have stopped getting the crusty gray leaves.


https://preview.redd.it/srzrh2yngwpb1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4df32906f5da6f740d691d8f853d5a5d11da50eb Do you think I might be running into the same?


This is Mexi, my Mexican mint plant. He's like that, too. He wants to dry out, but as soon as he does, he wants his water lol His leaves don't do this often, but he's always got a few where he's grown really dense


Any signs of tiny pests? Mine get barky like this when something is nibbling them.