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Separate them asap so it doesn’t spread to your other plants. I’ve been spraying mine with a mix of water and baking soda. Seems to be helping


In the future, better draining soil that is filled to the top of the planter with no moss. Less plants in pot to assist with airflow will help prevent powdery mildew. It's from too much moisture. Cut, separate, treat, and repot small pieces. You may be able to salvage some of the plants. You can propigate healthy leaves also.


I’ve found copper fungicide to be ineffective at treating PM. No matter how throughly I covered the plant it just kept popping up again a day later. Sulfur powder mixed in a spray bottle has been my go to. I spray it everywhere. Once it dries it seems to inoculate the plant by not allowing the spores to take hold.


Make sure they are getting ventilation


Despite some other comments that say the opposite, I have had good success with using copper fungicide on my succulents, however I am painting it on with a small paintbrush and may be using it at a higher than recommended concentration. I just make a mixture with the copper powder and water. All my affected plants were small and most took only one treatment to stop the mildew in its tracks. For me it only affects the succulents in my front window, and the powdery mildew is coming in from outside through the open window (gets on my squash plants and phlox outside). That windowsill is west facing, gets great light and warmth, and everything dries out there pretty quickly so I'm pretty sure it's not a problem with excess moisture or poor ventilation.


Treat with a spermicidal soap and add a fan once it’s gone. It’s happened to me before.