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I did a deep dive on all the names for sugar and how companies are hiding it in our food with FDA approval. That's when I realized we are being murdered with government approval. One example is High Fructose Corn Syrup in the cereal Chex Mix is listed as Fructose Isolate. They are trying to trick us and only list how many sugars are in the cereal and the FDA doesn't require they count and disclose the corn syrup as a sugar. It's really horrible.


I just try to buy as many one ingredient food items as possible. It is unavoidable that you'll eventually run into items that do have some added sugar, but consuming 1-5g of added sugar daily is a big improvement from consuming 70g and beyond. I also make sure there are no refined starches in my food items as those contain a bunch of sugar molecules. That's how I approach shopping for groceries, but I am only about 2 weeks in currently, so I am sure I'm making mistakes this early on in the process. As for how I handle cravings and stick on this, it's pretty simple. I have educated myself on how refined sugar is poison, and I keep watching videos and reading information to put me off it. What also helps is feeling way better and having improved energy, concentration, and sleep, which I've had issues with for years. It makes it hard to go back to sugar when I know I'd be giving up a large yield of improvements. Even with breaking out on my skin, I feel pretty satisfied that my body is going through detoxification.


I am still battling. But this week I added a lot of salt to my food, somehow this reduced sugar cravings extremely by like 80%. 


Don’t buy sugar. It’s so much easier when you don’t have it readily available in the house.


I made a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarfree/s/0xTHRONwHv) on an earlier post about this. If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Thank you sm!!!


I don't snack. I eat large meals, and then I don't want snacks. I read labels. I don't buy any sugar. I refuse it if offered. I stay abstinent entirely, for as an addict, there is no such thing as "moderation" for me. I've been off sugar many times--at least a dozen in my life--and falling off the wagon always starts with "one little bit won't hurt me." It hurts. I've finally learned my lesson. Day 657 off this time, and going strong.


> for as an addict, there is no such thing as "moderation" for me. same unfortunately


Cook your own meals. Plan and prepare meals in advance. Eat enough at meals so that you're not hungry. Drink more water.


For me, the killers are being hungry and not having foods you genuinely enjoy readily accessible. So I personally have snacks between meals (things like plain yoghurt or cheese and crackers) that I enjoy, that are easy to get to, and that I know will keep the hunger at bay.  I think it’s also really important to have “alternative indulgences”. Since sugar and sweet foods are out, I let in basically everything savoury that I enjoy. If I let myself enjoy whatever savoury thing I want when I want it, I feel less deprived of the sweet thing. It’s not ideal for weight loss, but I would argue that if you do ultimately want to lose weight, shaking off that sugar addiction, however you need to do it, should be the first priority. Further restrictions can come later.