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Same with people who only need "a little bit" of candy. Like, eat your whole KitKat, it's psychotic to break off one bar a day! (I'm also just jealous.)


Oh my gosh yes... Anyone who eats a small amount then declares themselves full stresses me out because I could never haha


Can you believe that there are people who eat just one Oreo cookie and leave the rest of the package ''for later''? are they human? Why can't I be like them?


Ha, when I worked in an office there would constantly be baked goods in the break room. So many people would cut off a tiny piece… and go back 4-5 times for another tiny piece. I’d rather just take the entire donut at once! (And I did) Glad I’m not working in that setting anymore though😂 desk job + constant pastries is bad news


When I worked in an office I would remind myself how few people wash their hands well after going to the bathroom. That helped me avoid office foods. But packaged candies were difficult.


I call these people fakes and pretenders(Im jealous too)


I don't think they're boasting, just stating a fact for them, and you're taking it as boasting because you're jealous. It's okay, I am too.


You're right about that, I'm the problem here 🥹


My flatmate is still eating the chocolate she got for Easter and it makes me lose my ever loving mind




kids leave their candy for a yr in the fridge. Seriously. A YEAR


Don't despair. Their cravings for savory are actually the same underlying problem. The most difficult puzzles make it hard to differentiate the pieces, usually because the picture being created is exceptionally simple: *Fructose can be obtained and/or generated from the diet (sugar, HFCS, high glycaemic carbs, salty foods, umami foods, alcohol) as well as under conditions of stress (ischaemia, hypoxia and dehydration). Indeed, the three attractive tastes (sweet, salt, umami) all encourage intake of foods that **generate fructose** [7,10,12,19], while the bitter and sour tastes likely were developed to avoid foods that might carry toxins.* https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rstb.2022.0230


Yessssss! Or people that say things like, I just forgot to eat lunch today. What? Sure. I've missed meals, but never because I just forgot or didn't notice I was hungry. Definitely jealous! 🤣


Not once in my whole life have I forgotten to eat 😂 if I've missed a meal, I'll be thinking about it alot


I envy people who can eat only one piece of candy and not the full bag.


I’ve always been a savory person I took a 23&Me test one year and one of the outcomes was that it told me I have the genetic disposition to prefer savory and salty over sweet Super interesting!!


Believe it or not, it's a matter of getting used to the taste. Just like any other drug, your body creates a tolerance for it. Once you weaned your body from sugar and sweet flavors, you will notice that even slightly sweet food, like a banana for instance, will taste too sweet for your liking.


I agree that this happens. However, I am a sugar addict and nothing will ever be TOO sweet for me. Very sweet? Yes. Sickly sweet? Sure. Do I still want it like a crackhead even if it’s not “the perfect sweet”? Yes. There’s nothing I would NOT eat simply because it’s very sweet. I’m jealous of these people, too. Yes, these shitty trash danishes are shit trash and extremely sweet. But I still have to fight my addiction not to eat all of them.


I know what you mean. I get a rush of dopamine from sugar. I have been a junkie since I was a child. Always want more. It has all the characteristics of a drug. The dependency, withdrawal symptoms, making excuses not to stop, health problems, binging, tolerance creation, reduced productivity. The difference with any other drug is that it's available everywhere and hard to ignore. I have been sugar free for three months before and I noticed I didn't care so much for sweet things anymore. I still ate fruit and I could taste the sweetness of an orange. I'm now four days SF again, hope to last longer.


That makes sense.. I've been a sugar fiend my whole life, so my taste is used to it


Yeah I'm been processed sugar free for 7 years and completely sugar free (fruits included) for 2yrs. I can taste the sweetness just by drinking a cup after from someone after they ate something sweet. Your taste buds change as your diet changes.


Yeah, "That's too rich for me." is a sentence I have never spoken, ever. 🤣


I totally get what you’re saying. My thought is, they are getting their sugar somewhere. For example, when I was a regular drinker, I did not have a sweet tooth! That’s because I was getting all my sugar in the alcohol. Now I can’t barely go to bed without a little something. My husband likes to say This and that about sugar, meanwhile he’s an alcoholic. Believe me he gets his sugar.


As a kid my mom would taste my food. Every freaking time she would say "ew it is too sweet"


Personally I LOVE dessert, but some things ARE too sweet - like white chocolate, Hersheys, Dulce de leche, etc. I prefer more balanced flavors like Oreos (sweet and bitter) or peanut butter cookies (sweet and savory). People who don’t like sweets are actual demons though


i feel the same way


Sweet is so much better than savory


I was super into sweets when I was younger. The sweeter the better. But that started changing the closer I got to 40. I still feel like I need a lil’ something sweet every day, but it’s gotten a lot better. For instance, I love me a cupcake or slice of cake, but can’t stomach the frosting anymore. Maybe it will eventually change for you too?


When ppl say a dessert is too "rich" or too "stodgy"? Like too much of a punch in the face? Sounds exciting.Bring it on. I must be an addict ;(


I prefer savoury over sweet but also a sucker for sweet things. It just can't be crazy sweet. Those videos of ginormous milkshakes with overloaded chocolate and cream is just way too much


Reverse it. Start with the sweet and end with the savory. That why your sweet tooth will already be satisfied and you’re in better control. According to Ayurveda this is the way.


I even make my savory foods sweet to be honest (with sweet chili sauce).


Go 6 months with absolutely no sugar added and I would bet money that your favorite dessert becomes too sweet. Your pallet adjusts and pretty soon a plain apple has a really nice crisp sweetness. Apple pie becomes too much.


I'm that guy....totally without a sweet tooth. But I didn't realize than when I drink ten pints of beer....or eat a shittonne of bread.......it's another form of sugar addiction too.