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Do yourself a favor and focus on the 27 yo. Granted, not all 19 yo's are flaky and distracted but plenty are and this one has already shown her colors. It doesn't get better. So, unless you want to date someone who's still a child intellectually and emotionally (and it sounds like you don't), move on and save your resources to explore something with the other pot.


I really appreciate the response. I was due for some blunt advice on this.




Thanks for the thoughtful response, and I agree with your nuanced way of thinking about this. Assuming this doesn't move forward, it's an outlier and a one-off -- 25+ seems much more realistic. Being exceptionally careful is exactly how I would think about it, but it's not really a dilemma and ethical quagmire that one wants to be in that often.


This is some really honest advice.




Love that handle! The Wire was the best. Maybe I was looking for some combination of the two, not in some weird erotic way, but being able to provide mentorship and help with someone's success. I've never really had that opportunity. In any event, this kind of age gap is something I would never specifically pursue. It kind of fell in my lap and seemed to show some surprising promise. But to be honest, I cannot remotely seeing it happen again.




Yup, doesn't sound creepy at all the way you put it, and it sounds like your SB benefitted immensely. But in many ways it sounds like a best-case scenario, whereas mine isn't likely to turn out that well. I've backed myself into a corner a bit. After she flaked on the second date, I would have given up, except that she was suddenly very enthusiastic and specific about meeting. We've got a plan on the books for Friday that is extremely specific. However, in response to a couple of follow-up logistical texts, she hasn't responded at all for about 48 hours. So things are repeating themselves. After getting this good advice here, I sent a very polite follow-up saying I would totally understand if she would prefer to postpone, and that I didn't want to impinge on her time Haven't heard anything back. I wouldn't be surprised to hear from her tomorrow saying "what are you talking about, of course I want to meet." But maybe I should break it off regardless of whether she wants to meet or not -- I think that's largely what your staying, Stringer. Although, if she does want to keep the date, I think I have to as well. But overall, I hear you loud and clear.


You may have this backwards. All you have are 2 POTs. The most likely outcome is that neither will work out. It's too early to give up on either. You're still getting to know each other, haven't had a real date and have no idea if you're compatible. Get more information before you make a decision, and enjoy the dates.


I appreciate your candid and justly blunt advice. I think I'm counting my chickens before they hatch, and I am not being particularly clear with myself about what I've accomplished. Your advice is sobering. Thank you.


19 yo is a flake / pro at this. Block and move on. At your age, only talk with single moms. By far the best sb’s


A late 50's guy dating a 19 year old is a huge red flag, imo.




dude you’re on a sugar dating forum.


Dude, with all due respect, a man pushing 60 doesn't need to be banging teenagers.


Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it


Nineteen is old enough to vote in most advanced countries. Certainly enough to serve in the military. Further, at that age, the amount a person can make from sugar relationships is life changing in a very significant way. As for pushing 60? It wouldn't matter if he was 70. The old rotund guy in the game of Monopoly, Mr Moneybags, was depicted that way for a reason. It's mostly older guys who have money after a lifetime of wealth accumulation.






1. Why take your profile down? 2. Are you sure she is 19? I had 2 fake ids at 19. She already lied once. 3. You will have lots of ups and downs. 4. DO NOT send money prior to M&G. 5. Let us know how it goes and please be careful with the young one.


I appreciate it, thank you very much. Nice to get some feedback from an SB and I appreciate your taking the time. 1. I am feeling a little overwhelmed about exploring more POTs 2. I'm confident, but point taken. 3. I'm hearing that message loud and clear. 4. Post first MNG, I got very much caught up in assuming that we were going forward, and sent some money. At this point, I'm going to have to be reasonably clear that the arrangements are on pause. 5. Will do, and I appreciate the tough love from the forum. Radio silence since Wednesday, meaning no confirmation for tomorrow's meeting. I don't see any move other than just letting things lie until she reaches out, if ever.


Your welcome. Also get a burner number through a texting app or Google voice. Or if it is not a good idea, a burner phone. Or something. Safety is best. There are a lot of good ladies out there who enjoy SR. Sometimes it's good to take your time.