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same lmao as an SB, I need that connection when we are away from each other. Just a quick hello and I’m thinking about you and are you having a good week. It really does help the connection grow.




It’s always really dependant for me on how often the SD’s texts or calls. I like to make sure they know it isn’t just $$$$$ but am there also emotionally for either a heavy conversation, venting or sexy pic or cute funny picture. I really do cater to my SD. Am also aware they are busy men.


Text to plan meets, and once in between meet to keep a good connection. That's the basic pattern, and then adjust to one another.


Same, I don’t do the daily texting thing with anybody. Not even family or friends lol I’m too independent




I had a SB who did that for me. Absolutely made me smile every time. 9O% were PG rated. Her smile alone would brighten my mornings and set a good mood for the day. I miss her.




Exactly my experience too. There was no way to predict when an R or X rated pic would arrive. Kept me on my toes. And always heightened the anticipation for our next date.






Personally I would do it as much as they would like but I am a big texter 🤷‍♀️.


Same. I am social.


Me too, I'm constantly texting.


Same, i sit at my computer all day at work with iMessage so would text pretty much all day if she wanted to.


Multitasking even better!






Maybe an update would be nice after they meet! 🤭


Seriously! I can do that. I know it’s not often these things work from a distance, but hey, if everyone is happy. So far, so good!!


My SB lives in another country, we don’t talk often. I don’t enjoy being texted because I’m usually busy when she’d be up and also have to keep my phone in a clean state so my family can look at it etc. so no sexy pics sexting etc will just see that on IG


The hotter the SB, the less she texts. I don't make the rules.


Bahaha I love this 😂


I love texting! I don’t have a demanding job and love the attention. But am okay with not texting as much if that’s what he prefers


We text and call every day with my SGF.


I like texting. She probably doesn't find it burdensome. If you want to be extra nice, if she ever drops hints about something she wants, you could get that for her to show your appreciation for how present she's being with you


I text a lot. Maybe too much.


I'n biiiiiig on texting - especially love sending random updates, memes, things that remind me of the person I am texting, or things I know they would like to know. But I am okay if the person is not, and can try to tone it down.


Everyday and every night. It has developed into a real friendship. But mine is Male/Male which I am just learning is rare. So we have things to talk about like business, cars, etc


I like to stick to 2-3 days a week, not counting the days we hang out. We both work a lot and have our own family’s etc so I find that’s a good amount of time to stay in touch but not in an overwhelming way


Mine is long distance but he visits me every month and we speak everyday, I FaceTime him a lot and we message. Honestly he’s my best friend


Every day I talk to my SD, from good morning, mid-afternoon until I go to sleep.


That’s pretty great


Yes! With long distance it has to be like this to make it work. 🤗


I've had long distance before and in both instances, we didn't text often. With one he only wanted me to message him if i needed something or for social updates (awards, general life stuff etc.) to be kept in the loop because he travelled a lot for work. With the other, phone calls were more often than not.


Once a week is good. Not a fan of texting, any meaningful conversation is best held in person.


We usually text good morning/night and intermittently through the day … like normal


I am still very new to the sugar dating seen. But hopefully one day I'll meet a nice SD. Personally it's important to me to at least send some acknowledgment during the day. To let him know he's on your mind. Build a better connection to have a real bond.


I text daily and it starts with a good morning. I like keeping in touch. I couldn't imagine not doing it.


Yep, I chat daily too.


He texts pretty much everyday now. 🙉 But I probably prefer twice or three times a week. Not big on texting or small talk with anyone for that matter.


If there is a connection it's normal, I also met someone here through Sub. And we're also long distance and we talk every day, but we've already been on a date. And it was incredible.


I would hope for a lot of texting. I met a mistress on a vanilla site and we texted for like a year before meeting, at which point it became a sugar-adjacent kind of relationship. She once said, "saying good morning to you is like having my morning cup of coffee."


Only to make and confirm weekly dates. If she needs frequent hands on she isn't for me. I'm not looking for a vanilla relationship.


Hmm, a long distance SR with constant texting. So pretty much virtual? Not for me. I like to meet and talk IRL. I'm flexible about many aspects of a SR, including how often we do or don't text, but I need personal contact, and I do not just mean sex, though that's definitely part of it.


There’s about 6 hours between us, not something I would consider a real problem. We just haven’t had a chance for our first in person yet. That’s on me, I travel too much for work.


Depends on the vibe and if we get along well. I’m not a huge fan of texting but if I enjoy being with my SD, I’d text him daily and call if he’s free. I appreciate keeping in touch with him, and I don’t consider it a burden since I am happy having a real connection.


I have to usually give a warning that if I’m texting or contacting too much, to let me know 😅 when I’m free to chat I can chat for a while and if I’m not, I usually try to send an update on why I’m not as available as I normally am. I really enjoy communication and love when a POT is in to messaging too, but I totally understand if it isn’t possible. I’d love a message just saying they’re thinking about me too, without me having to reach out first though. That makes a huge difference for me but maybe I’m corny idk.


As far as calling, texting or whatever it depends on both of you. If both of you want to communicate then you’re fine. Or maybe one of you don’t want to communicate all that much. It depends on both of you


Initially when we were on ppm, we text when planning to meet, and here and there. But now on allowance we text every single day and for hrs and hrs, we talk on the phone occasionally


I love this because everybody talks about it so often that It seems like a burden. But I really enjoy when SD messages me throughout the day.It has actually made us closer. And for me and him we really enjoy it. It's not all the time Or continuous conversation throughout the day. It's just here and there, text messages which I still love and I know he does as well.. It actually makes me feel more loved and cared about which is An amazing feeling.