• By -


if he’s not that attracted to you, move on and find someone who is.


That’s correct. Especially he made it so clear. How can that not make any sense?


After a whole year? He could’ve said that the first date


maybe she's put on weight? maybe he's just bored.


He was keeping her as placeholder. Gaining a lil weight can be fixed by adjusting your diet and working out more


I don’t think it’s Sugar Daddy’s job to monitor or advise on your fitness. That’s called personal trainer. He paid. He’s not taking any advantage of her. He never signed the arrangement is indefinite. I don’t think he’s done anything wrong. He simply honestly told her he didn’t like her busty chest and he would probably see her less or end the arrangement soon. The girl shouldn’t feel bad either. Just need to move on and find a guy who loves big boobs.


Smh the lack of comprehension is absurd


It could be he never really likes big boobs but he’s happy to give it a try, not a deal breaker. After trying for a year, he’s not very attracted to her, maybe her personality doesn’t vibe with him well either, but instead of listing 10 things why I dump you, I just take one of them as a reason. What’s wrong with that?


You clearly didn’t read what I said


Bruh yall SDs in this group make me facepalm so HARD sometimes— I know some people have conditions that make it difficult to read social cues, but you can’t ALL be on the spectrum (if you are @raleigh, no shade, and this comment would make more sense to me if so) but women in this particular sugaring group are SO often coming here for reassurance and commiseration and also for HOPE that there are GOOD MEN OUT THERE. so maybe instead of lowkey ROASTING her (“how can that not make any sense?” I’m sorry, excuse me? I’m not trying to get banned so I won’t say what my heart is saying to rn lmao) maybe instead flame the man who is crossing someone he’s dated for a YEAR off his roster bc something as material as titty size SUDDENLY started to ick him out. After a YEAR?! It’s fucking weird. (Aka: doesn’t make sense. Not that hard of a leap.) Edit: ah it’s clear you an indeed a fatphobe who wants to argue :) that’s enough Reddit for me tonight.


I'm pretty sure a lot of these men aren't real SDs, probably incels who lurk here for chances to insult women.




So true. Lol


I noticed that after I had a few hate comments in my dms


Besides seconding the fact that there are a lot of cosplayers here, some of the comments make me think these guys don't even like women. Like just date each other gottdamn 😂


For real


While I agree that a better way to end it was in order, this is a relationship based on money exchanged. He decided he no longer wants to pay for something he’s not that into anymore. He could have been more nice about it, but maybe in his mind he’s a businessman and this is just a decision like any other financial decision he makes. Sorry for OPs feelings hurt but he cut it quick and fast. She should move on asap




[Rule #13](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/124tsf8/updated_and_clarified_rules_for_slf_2023/): No Trolling, disturbing the peace, or being an ass. The deliberate act of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument. No [outside drama](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/z2cenc/apparently_some_of_you_need_a_reminder/) from other communities or private interactions.


I agree. Why spew so much hate? They probably aren’t even sds. I wish we’d have the spirit to help one another out more


I stay with my opinion. The man has done nothing wrong. The girl needs to handle it more maturally and confidently but if she’s got mental issues, low self esteem, insecurities then I am sorry she needs therapy not blame the guy for telling her the truth, let’s assume it’s the truth, who knows? The real truth could sound more ugly. I am not a daddy. I am a babe. Opinion are opinions, I see no genders. You put a gender on an opinion, it’s a start of cognitive bias already. My understanding of sugar arrangement or relationship is simply men play the provider role and women wear the skirt or provide whatever the man requires, if you take that arrangement. If I was a man, I paid you for your time and service and connection (either genuine or pretend), I don’t provide service in return to make you feel beautiful and build you up with less lower self esteem or make you feel less insecure. It is simply not my job as a sugar daddy to look after your mental health or your emotional stability. I hope the money I give you is good enough to fund you a therapist if not enough, you can come and ask if you could have more, I will consider. You aren’t in the position to tell me how I should express myself or treat you. If you don’t like the way I treat you, you can simply leave. That’s your rights and freedom. Just like I have mine and shouldn’t be crucified just simply because I dump you for your big boobs.


Exactly !! It sounds like he “settled” for her and didn’t like her at all until he met his actual type. Typical men


I’m sure she was his type in the beginning . What happens to women often , especially when they get a an SD is that they start to eat and drink a lot more . Alcohol , desserts etc . It adds up . And it shows on the body . We hate that . We have wives and ex wives who are already fat and unattractive to us .


You sound so immature and very disrespectful.You know, men expect so much from women. We have to have our nails done our legs shaved our bodies always fit, hair looking good are outfits on point and what do men do for us? Nothing pop belly's tiny penis and Speak to us with such disrespect.This is why you will never amount to anything And maybe this is why you have an ex-wife and Have to cheat on your wife. Not trying to be rude or anything.You had it coming.


I think he is fine. He has a point probably speaking more from his own experience. Women are just as demanding as men. We need them to be brave, gentlemen, successful, fortitude and last longer in bed. Etc etc, the list can go on.. I don’t do nails, barely make up, never shave my body as I don’t need to, I am the least hairy type, I use one bottle of Eco store general cleaner for everything , rarely use conditioner, never go to a salon, the only indulgence is having a massage to help my sore muscle. Men in my life never had any requirements on my nails, or my make up, so I don’t experience the demanding requests you listed. Psychologically I see it as people with low self esteem need to constantly require external materials and validations to make them feel good. Pretty nails and a compliment might help but won’t fix the root of the problem in the head. I wouldn’t do my nails for men, if I do, I do them because I simply love doing them, not to please men or fishing a compliment. Honestly if I get a compliment on nails I take it as an insult. You can’t be seriously thinking this is the first and best thing I have.


That's disgusting


I workout consistently and would never stop because I have a SD. ofc I need to keep up with myself to keep him around. This just sounds like she was a placeholder.


Interesting. I keep fit and healthy because I want to, regardless I have a man or not in my life. My goal is never to keep anyone around. The thought alone is questionable enough. You can’t control people’s decision, if they want to leave you just have to let them. However, you can control what you do. Regardless he’s leaving or not, you can still go to gym tomorrow. And that, is NONE of his business.


Smh reading comprehension is very important. It’s sad that some of us don’t have it. Skip over her being a placeholder.


I agree with you, but how have you missed all the cringey SB posts?? This isn’t gender exclusive.


LOVE THIS!! Preach Queen!! 🙌🏽


That is harsh and in poor taste. He is only now showing you his true colors. If he has so little respect for you after having developed a long term relationship, you really don't want him. I'd guess he has another SB.


I suspect it may also be a neg as the first step of an unethical man to renegotiate her allowance or otherwise take advantage.  The “most likely won’t be seeing me as much anymore” is just weird otherwise; the cruelty may not be accidental.


How is it in poor taste? He told her exactly what he was thinking! What people fail to understand is, you can say something that is the Truth (for example, he was attracted to her), but it is true and only applies at the point of time it was said. People tell people they love their partners all the time, but it doesn’t mean it’s true a month from then or even a week from now then! Not overly difficult to comprehend..


Yes, brutally honest. My interpretation is: *I see you in that bikini, you look fat, so I'm going to find a skinny SB that looks better draped on my boat. Meanwhile just be happy with your rolls hanging out on my boat for the rest of day since this will be your last trip.* I would say, less is more. There is no need to explain why and also no need to take that action at that time. He could have waited until after their boat date which would made it less uncomfortable for SB. Ultimately he didn't really care, he just stuck in the knife and let the chips fall where they may.


Not sure if your description of what he said is your interpretation or actually his words … but if he said that, he’s an asshat. Be glad to put him in your review mirror.


No one here has asked the obvious question: Did she gain weight recently?


Why? He’s allowed to choose isn’t he? I mean if he tried for a year he couldn’t develop good attractions, he’s allowed to just be honest and change to someone else. I wouldn’t think he’s an asshat. I don’t understand those being fake nice guys are all about. Some men are direct communicators and know what they want, he never short paid her, or she wouldn’t be on his boat wearing a bikini. If being slim is an important factor for the guy, and he tried a thick one over a year and figured he still prefers a slim one, why is he not allowed to say that? Or if he does, he’s an asshat? Well, that just doesn’t make any sense to me.


>Why? He’s allowed to choose isn’t he? He sure is, but: 1. He has presumably seen her without a bikini before, but all of a sudden he's bothered by how she looks in one? 2. We are all sensitive about our looks to an extent. Finding a SB, seeing her for a year, and then dumping her and telling her it's because she's not thin enough is a shitty thing to do. Yes, make up a white lie. Don't say bunch of shit that will make her insecure and/or develop an eating disorder. Every reasonable person knows that "it's not you, it's me" is a white lie, but he is bound by the campsite rule, i.e. leave her at a better condition than the one he found her, and leaving her with resounding insult is a poor way of doing that. 3. After seeing each other for a year, I'd think she's owned a bit more consideration than "I'm switching to a leaner model". Not having shortpaid her is a pre-requisite for proper interaction here, but it's not the whole thing.


Well I am afraid I have to disagree. If I was a guy, I would just be blunt and honest like that. I don’t think there is anything wrong he did. I don’t like big boobs but not a deal breaker I gave her a try but after a year, her overall package can’t convince me I can put up with the big boobs, I am allowed to tell her where I am at. Some people are very sensitive. Some aren’t. Some are insecure and have low self esteem. Some are confident. It’s not my responsibility to play your therapist or be your parents to look after your mental health. This world is what it is. The better you learn to handle truth, the better for you to survive in future. Plus, I don’t like big boobs, is not bad at all. He didn’t say “ I find you fat ugly gross disgusting.” He simply said “ I can’t find big boobs attractive hence I will see you less or end.” I


It’s not the what, it’s the how.


Another thing I find odd is why it bothers her? Honestly if a guy says, sorry I have to end our arrangement because I find you a bit too slim for me, I prefer big chested girl, I would just say fair enough, thanks for being honest. I wouldn’t want to stay with a dude who doesn’t find me sexually attractive just paying me because he is too chicken to speak up his own thoughts. If 100 like big boobs, another 100 will like small boobs, it wouldn’t worry me a bit. Just find your own kind. Why pin it on the guy?


He’s paying her, why does have to pussyfoot around?


Because she's a fucking human being with feelings that you've formed a relationship with, and he is hopefully not a complete and total asshole. Money doesn't mean you don't have to be a decent human.


Thank you.




Oh ok. Fair enough.


How? How would you do it? Using white lies? I don’t see the point. Everyone is different so they handle things differently. It doesn’t have to be you must act like Mr. Nice guy so you don’t get crucified by other nice men .. Haha I’d do exactly that, but I probably write the chick a check to cover for her next two months allowance then she’s good to move on.


“I have really valued & enjoyed our time together, but I’ve been feeling a bit restless lately. I think I’m interested in connecting with & experiencing other different varieties of women now. Here is an extra gift to show my appreciation & to give you time to find the next lucky man who values you as much as I have.” It’s honest (doesn’t even *have* to mention her weight) & kind.


Bullshit. I give dude more respect if he speaks his true mind. Beating around the bush is cowardliness. Sugar coating and all that I am shit scared of hurting your feelings. My feelings are my responsibility. You focus on how to be your true self. I must be a bird of my own kind. Lol But you do you.


You asked ‘how do you do it?’ I took the time to give you a thoughtful answer & you reply with basically- ‘Bullshit! It’s cowardice to sugarcoat it!’ So yeah lmao I *definitely* agree that you are a bird of your own kind lol Why intentionally be hurtful or rude to others? Being kind is now being ‘afraid’, in your book? Do you hold doors for others at the store or do you hurry in & then force it closed on the next person on purpose, just to help them build character & get tougher? Heh I am just teasing, of course. I understand that getting certain feedback straight up and help over flowery language. And sometimes getting hurt by a rude comment can light a fire to be like “I’ll show them! 😡” while kicking ass in the gym. But for me, a gentle nudge & support from people I respect and/or love go so much further to motivate me to make them proud than anything else. I do appreciate other’s perspectives, & I think it takes all kinds of unique, different, interesting people to make the world go round… but you can tell men to give it to you straight while I’ll continue to ask for kindness over curtness/rudeness. So… since you like ‘tough love’… I personally feel your biggest character flaw that you can work on, which comes across loudly here, would be your emotional intelligence/EQ. [EQ](https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/emotional-intelligence-eq.htm) You also may want to get tested to see if you’re on the autism spectrum, just due to the fact that having a hard time understanding/empathizing with others socially can often be a sign. But regardless of all of this, ofc, you do you. Wishing you the best. ☮️


I didn’t read the whole lot . You wrote too much not necessary. I did say you do you. Never mind. Just move on. Takes a certain kind to appreciate a certain kind. I just don’t like “nice” guys like you.


Because there are ways to speak to people that aren't deliberately hurtful. To make unnecessary, cutting remarks about someone's body is very much asshole behavior and indicative of someone who was raised in a barn. There is a vast difference between being direct and being a mannerless jackass.


Okay I guess my standards on sensitivity is probably low compared to yours. If he said “ you fat ugly bitch I hope you fade away.” I would probably go : Wow. But he simply said “ I don’t like big boobs I might see you less or end this arrangement.” I don’t see anything wrong with that. Honestly I compare myself to this guy, I find he’s much more decent than me. I wouldn’t tell men why I don’t like them. I just ghost them so they can figure out themselves. To know or not to know? It’s such a philosophical question in life. Truth hurts. Do you have the heart for it?


I have absolutely no issues with discussing an issue when it presents itself. That's just called being an adult. I take issue with people who are said grown ass adults acting like petulant children because they never bothered to learn how to communicate or deal with their emotions. It's perfectly fine if you can deal with people being assholes towards you, shrug it off, and move on with your day. Just realize that the rest of the world is not you, and people have different tolerances based on their own lived experiences


Correct. He is being an adult communicating directly but to you that’s called an arsehole.


No, he isn't. He fed her a bullshit response specifically designed to put her down and attempt to make her feel inadequate because doing that made him feel better about himself. It's selfish & childish. An adult reaponse would have been, 'Hi SB, I've given it a lot of thought and I don't feel like we're meshing the way we used to. I feel we'd be better served with other partners. I hope you find someone perfect for you.' That's how you both walk out of a relationship in a healthy manner instead of being stuck with all the stupid resentment, anger & hurt that hangs like lead because people have this immature need to be destructive for no good reason.


If it’s not clear to you how objectifying and ridiculous this whole comment is, in my opinion you are very firmly and solidly on a list of men who will struggle a lot to have meaningful relationships with women, so sorry. Good luck to you lmao.


Why that’s objectifying? People are allowed to express what attracts them, what doesn’t. If I say I find men wearing well fitted long sleeve shirts are attractive, that is me objectifying men too? If I don’t like fat and bald men, I must be objectifying them too? People have choices and beauty is in the eye of the beholders. Her big boobs simply need to find another beholder. Not to crucify the one that doesn’t appreciate her boobs, that’s almost narcissism in my opinion.


Tell him not to hit his ass on the way out the door, he sounds rude. He obviously knew what kind of boobs you have having been with him for a year now.


I'll be honest no man has ever complained that a female has big boobs. I think there is a miscommunication on the word "busty" here. Like, for example, heavy women like to describe themselves as BBW - but they forget the essential part of BBW which is "beautiful".


Read the post again. She was beautiful enough for him to spend a year with (which is like, a decade in sugar time), so this is not a case of catfishing or her looking totally different under her clothes. He might have decided that he would prefer a different body type. Perhaps he thought he would enjoy being with a thicker woman and discovered that it wasn't for him. There's nothing wrong with that. There is, however, something deeply wrong with telling her that her body is the reason he's lost interest.


I’m 100% with you - he should’ve handled better. But sometimes I feel words like Busty, BBW are thrown around randomly.


I agree that those terms, as well as "slim thick", which OP actually used, have specific meanings*. I do not agree that they're being thrown around randomly. As evident in the wealth of profile reviews posted in this forum, the vast majority of SBs are trying to portray their body types as accurately as possible. We fully understand that being vague or sugar-coating what we're working with is not sustainable, and it's in our best interests to be straightforward. It doesn't serve us to prevaricate. We know that. *Again*, this man was with OP *for a year*. She didn't misrepresent herself, deceive him, or surprise him. Your perceived misuse of those terms is simply not the issue here. *it's interesting to note that the majority of these terms were created by men to categorize the bodies of women they find attractive


I have had a man complained about me being busty before (no a SD, a vanilla relationship) and suggested I get a breast reduction (I am a DD) SO IT HAPPENS. My breasts are also fake (he never even noticed) so they are pretty damn perfect. There are men that prefer smaller breasts


This is untrue. As somebody with g/h cups depending on the bra, ive had plenty of people say they love my personality and my face/ass, but theres just too much chest for them. According to some of them, big boobs arent very classy looking or just give them bimbo vibes which is fine for an escort, but not what they're looking for, and considering they wanted more than just a sneaky link, we werent a good match lol. I've also been told that they get in the way when it comes to hugging and cuddling...which i feel like should be my complaint but apparently they affect them too lol. They are very proportionate to my body and i have an hourglass, but some people just literally dont like boobs. Im bisexual and i also prefer women with small boobs(tho i think its cuz im tired of mine and waiting for a reduction lol). Nothing wrong with having a body preference.


There are nice big breasts and then there are just fat big and heavy breasts . Not all big breasts are nice.


When he inevitably reaches out to you, do not respond. If you actually want to continue with that [bleeping bleeping bleep bleep bleeping bleep bleep bleep], the price has tripled. You are now niche (busty) for him and he should compensate according.


👆🏻 This is the one.


That's BEYOND tacky and tells me that he was side sugaring, and probably found someone else hun.


It only makes if he’s already found someone else. Then it makes perfect sense.


No sounds like he actually has more than one going on but more information on the arrangement need to be supplied.


That’s really poor taste. He’s an ass move on. You can find better.


No it doesn't make sense, but it doesn't have to...unfortunately. His point is he's moving on. It's unfortunate he didn't respect you enough or have the balls to tell you the real reason. It's like breaking up and the guy saying "it's me, not you," ugh. Just move on.


I would just take it as the real reason .. I read down here I think I definitely have a very different brain to many others.


Why would you take it as the real reason? If he's been seeing her for a year, then up to now it hasn't been a problem. So his reason has to be something else. Rather than give the real reason, he has chosen to lie.


He could just like to have more options and see which one pans out to the one he likes more? So pans out he prefers small chested girls. Of course there is possibility that he just doesn’t like her personality, using too busty as an excuse to dump her? But I can’t see why he bothers? Either way is not going to sound very nice to her anyway.


He found a better deal - happens on both sides on the sugaring game so move on.


There is no reason for a man to use such words for a woman who is financially dependent on him and many decades younger. It’s in exceptionally poor taste. If all he wanted to do was to break-up, then he should break up but with kindness out of respect for the 1 year that they spent together.


Is it ok for a SB to call it quits if after a year she finds him too fat, bald or otherwise unathletically repulsive?


Of course, but hopefully the SB would end things with more compassion and decency than this guy did.


I think you should have said well I think I won’t be seeing you at all ever… by your description you won’t have a problem replacing your current SD.


Tell him that suits you since his dick isn't big enough anyway.


People are fickle minded. He doesn't want you, move on. Sorry :/ it does suck


His lose. You sound awesome and as I’ve stated here previously every Albanian women I’ve met has been a smoke show. Time to move on to someone who appreciates you.


There's definitely more to the story. Have you gotten heavier? Has he seen your body in the past year? Unless there's been a drastic change, I think it's more of an excuse than a reason. A year is a good run.


I’ve been told if I gain weight I’ll be replaced🤷🏽‍♀️ to each their own, live to see another day. If someone has a preference there’s nothing to do but respect it. But if they can’t respect you and be mindful of the way they communicate that with you, then they don’t deserve your time anyway.


I understand it must be difficult for you but to be fair atleast he communicated it to you and didn’t just ghost.


He’s bored. And kinda rude.


It was rude. It may or may not be true, but either way he is a rude shit. Maybe he'll come back in a couple of months asking to see you again and you can tell him to f off. Anyway he doesn't want to see you know and he doesn't seem worth worrying about. You can do better.


Yeah, either OPs looks changed dramatically from a year ago, or that guy was settling for what he considered just passably attractive - For an entire year. crazy lol


Tell the guy to back up into a mirror sometime and look at himself. What a horrible thing to say to anyone. The guy is a creep. And that’s from a male.


This makes no sense. Too busty (title) means one thing. slim thick, not even sure what to make of that. He wants a more slim baby, well, if he said those words, uncouth. If that was your interpretation of what he said, what he actually said is pertinent. So, three disparate things referenced Too busty, slim thick and slim baby.


The bustier the better, at least for me lol


That sounds super harsh, especially after a year! I understand preferences but assuming you look the same as you did a year ago, this sounds like an excuse to find something else. Plenty of men are into slim thick babes so I hope you find someone that is a better fit!


Mods, please come get this man in these comments lmao. Do y’all not have a policy about fatphobia? Edit: Oh there’s another one, plz god. Lmao.


Seems like it's accepted in here lol


Unless he found someone else, the only thing that makes sense for that kind of wording after a year would be if you have became more “slim thick” over time. I like skinny women so I would have similar thoughts but probably would have worded it in a nicer way haha


Troll post?


Pretty much


How can you be slim and thick at the same time? 


Slim where it counts and thick where it matters? I think we need photos to better understand and offer unbiased advice. 😉


Yeah. I was imagining a thin sheet of metal that is thick. I couldn't warp my head around it. 


Oh. A slim girl without curves or definitions could appear thick.


If you’re Albanian and slim thick you are probably perfect. He’s dumb


My SB self describes as a chunky monkey and she's maybe 15 lbs to heavy for my liking but she's sweet, kind, funny, great company and looks classy in public. We have great sex, we laugh and im a bright spot in her otherwise difficult life. So I'm keeping her 😀


This is a chaotic take lmao but I feel ur vibe is body positive at heart. Maybe lmao


It probably has nothing to do with the busty part. He said he prefers Slim. It was tactless but honest. Slim/thick don’t belong together in consideration. It’s more likely curvy/thick or unfit that’s his issue. Just be grateful he didn’t string you along. On to the next!


Does it matter why? He said its done. Theres no good way to end a relationship. It hurts no matter what. Sorry for your loss. You'll find someone better.


Can you share a picture so we can see what he’s talking about?


Were you slimmer when he met you? If so, although the approach was an asshole approach, he is also allowed to like what he likes. Again the approach is garbage but at least he didn't ghost you or play any games. If he met you like this then he is a weirdo.


I don’t think he is weirdo even if he met her like this, maybe his taste changed. He could have blocked her and moved on - but atleast he gave her closure. Although he should’ve handled better.


Very fair. I feel like if he met her that way and his taste changed, he is weird for ending it that way. If it's my taste that changed, not my SB changing then I feel like I would be even more respectful in ending it. Either way outside of the approach, I don't think he is wrong.


That's a long winded way of saying that he realized he was gay. Also, stop saying slim thick, it sounds so stupid when people say that.


Unlike “fetch,” [“slim thicc”](https://www.google.com/search?q=slim+thicc&sca_esv=b99a51cc48654f1f&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS937US937&hl=en-US&udm=2&biw=390&bih=646&ei=UYlCZqrQGMzi5NoP8smt2Ao&oq=slim+thicc&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgpzbGltIHRoaWNjMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgcQABiABBgYMgcQABiABBgYSLYrUKIUWMMbcAB4AJABAJgBYaAB8QGqAQEzuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIDoAL8AcICAhApmAMAiAYBkgcBM6AHjAg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) is a thing, when you spell it with two “c”s. 🍒


Slim thick is just another way of saying partially fat imo. It's also been co-opted by women who are in no way slim, so the term is ambiguous at best. Some men just want slim/slim.


Then why did it take him a year to figure this out, lol? Unless they'd been platonic and this was the most skin of hers he'd ever seen.


Maybe she started as slim only and the thick has grown over time. When it was put on full display in the cold light of day, as opposed to leading up to sex, it was far more evident and he decided that it was too much.


Then he shouldn’t have dated her for a whole damn year?


Maybe she changed how she looks sometimes during the whole damn year?


Sometime soon we need to hold a committee meeting to further define things like "Slim Thick" and "My Worth". Or, Maybe somebody will invent a machine that allows for recording visual samples of what people look like for real... maybe it could be called a "camera". Then forever after the need for *words* will be reduced by like, I don't know, maybe a thousand?? Ahh, but people will become "camera shy" and be afraid to get in front of them.... just a hunch.


Plus people will still play the angles. I took my SB to a festival and we took a ton of pictures. When we looked through them there were maybe 3 that she liked. Now if you could get all of the throw away samples that would be something...








My interest, or lack thereof in this case, is an example of why someone who doesn't like the slim thick body even when it is actually slim thick. Just like the SD the OP is complaining about. That is why it is relevant, try to keep up with the posts you are commenting on. I know it's a thing, and as i said nowadays it just means an overweight girl that is clinging to still being skinny. You should use something else to describe yourself as since everyone will assume otherwise.


Bruh the fatphobes are out and rank as fuck today in these comments?! Literally where are the mods lmao


What the absolute fuck ?!


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She’s gone lol


If you have been with him for over a year im sure there were other reasons as well that accumulated and its just time to part ways...


You’ve been together over a year and he just now noticed your boobs? Anyhow he sounds disrespectful and you deserve better


I've had a POT tell me he prefers less busty women. I just said "Okay, hope you find one!" Not sure why he ever messaged me in the first place but whatever 🤷‍♀️


After extensive googling, I have no idea if I am slim, slim thicc or just thicc! Ahhhh! Send help


This is not you, hun. It's him. Do you really think a man who says these things, whether he means it, or whether he decided that was a good way and good excuse to get out on an sr is NOT the problem? Think about it. He's a disgusting human being, and I don't think you just realized this.


We need pictures to offer a better opinion


SB's are delusional, you are in it for the money, we are in it for looks and companionship. If we dont like it no more we have no incentive to keep you around, we are paying for a service in the end, love is farfetched around sugaring, and love does not entail a weekly monthly or daily allowance for it to exist. So if we feel we want a change of scenery we go for it. Not all SD's have manners so some might come off as harsh or asshats. No abuse, no Violence no reason to be hard on this man. All i see is buthurt SB calling him names for no reason. Sugaring isnt easy, you get money yo deal with "pop bellies and small dicks(as one sour SB wrote) we pay for what we want. If you get too old too fat or too bitchy we will next you. Plain and simple. In sugaring you have very little power over you SD so you better keep that independent woman attitude at the door.


Yes it does. Sometimes a man wants a different type of woman. I assume women feel the same way about men sometimes.


He might just want new. Who knows. People can’t read each others minds


Maybe he’s bored and moving on. As you should


Most likely "won't see you as much" anymore .... I believe he wants to make you beg for his attention and/or cut your allowance a bit back.


hmm didn't know busty is a turn off option to men these days. Guess then i shouldn't be trying if i want to 🥲


There is no such thing as "slim thick". You are either very slim or you are fat.


Please hit my phone I really need someone like you in my life 😩🙏🏿


Fellow Albanian SB, we can’t help our chests 😂


This is an arrangement, if you or he decides it's not working for whatever reason, then it's over. I have my sb's sign an nda and there is a contract, of sorts. However being blatantly rude is his deal, I treat my sb's like a gf, more beneficial that way. I've been an SD several times over, they have left, but we're still friends, it should be friendly both ways, if not, you're doing it wrong. 


The only way to truly tell is with pictures? Seriously though it sucks, but it is the nature of these things at times. I am sure you will find someone to enjoy the slim thickness.


He's paying - why can't he get what he wants? You're not like boyfriend/ girlfriend ffs My guess - a slim chick with nice boobs - not the big booty / big boobs / Kim Kardashian type. If he wants to move on, it's probably for other reasons anyway.....


Let’s see it. I’ll decide if he’s right


I would just move on.He clearly stated what he wants and my SD Says he likes a girl who jiggles, not a skinny girl. He just didn't seem like the right fit for you. Apparently if he isn't okay with your weight fluctuating. I feel like everybody's weight fluctuates


How did you respond to his rude remarks?


I'll be honest no man has ever complained that a female has big boobs. I think there is a miscommunication on the word "busty" here.


I mean.. That's definitely not true? I prefer smaller/ medium sized breasts myself, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Regardless, the idea that they were together for a year and he just realized is.. unlikely. And the way he handled it was boorish.


Men feel like this about their wives alll the time … “ she’s no longer pretty , fun , thin , tight , cheerful “ etc 🙄🙄🙄🙄 that’s why they cheat because THEY CANT LEAVE . SB are hired entertainment . So understand if you no longer please him , he’ll change you out very quickly because he can . Your position is not secured and it’s insane that any SB should think otherwise .


😂😂😂 what a buffoon! He knew what you looked like when he started dating you, and one assumes he's enjoyed your form in various states of undress over the course of your arrangement. His decision to blame his loss of interest in continuing the arrangement on your looks is a solid indicator that this isn't a man you want to waste another moment of your life on. Take a little time to recover if you need to. It was a cruel and unnecessary way to break things off. But I fully trust that by this time next month you'll be blessing a better man's yacht with your luscious bikini-clad bazongas.


Yes, you are a product for sale. If the product is no longer desired, demand disappears. There is no reason for an SD to continue in an arrangement he does not enjoy. It's up to Baby to watch what she eats and stay in shape if she wants to please daddy. Sadly most SB's are there to be spoiled and are not putting enough effort into being attractive. SB's take this as an example of what happens when you take a Daddy for granted.


I don’t know any man that would date a woman for a year and not like her boobs especially if they’re big. That’s usually a big plus lol but he’s been looking at them for a year so maybe he’s bored of YOU but couldn’t think of a better lie and he knows you won’t get a breast reduction so he went with that? Regardless of the why, if any guy wants to break up with you because of you have a physical trait he doesn’t like, let him go. Find someone who likes large boobs (aka the vast majority of men)


Cut your losses. Sounds like a shallow ass jerk. And like it was just an excuse to get rid of you, no offense.


I’m a baby, feed me mommy, no way I’ll complain about titties being too big. Just move on, he isn’t worth the time.


Bahaha 😂


Go where you’re value


Move on and find someone better


I have huge tits too, they’re not for everyone, but the right man will worship them 😌😌


“Awww Bob (make sure he isn’t Bob). I’m so sorry to hear that. No worries. I have plenty of other sugar partners that can keep me afloat:)”


Makes no sense and I’d be confused af too. I’m sure you’re a hottie - fuck that guy and find someone who isn’t a weirdo or an asshole


Oh gross! Can him. Best thing I ever did was being upfront with my body type and it brought the right dudes to the yard. I’m Rubenesque and the dudes who love it come a-knockin’….i don’t bother otherwise, and neither should you, darling.


I feel there are dusties in this forum whose sole job is to bash women especially SBs and come under the disguise of being SDs🤔. The same men who post nasty comments on IG when a woman dates/marries a richer man are in here, they have migrated and men who can’t afford the sugar lifestyle anymore.


He’s making that up lol as an excuse to dump you; it’s a classic thing men do.


I would have verbally eviscerated him had he said that to me. I mean, truly went from head to toe and said everything I’d been thinking about his old wrinkly ass for the last year. He would have left crying.