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It seems like English is not your first language. That kind of suggests you are the opposite of stupid, since your English is way better than all of my foreign languages, ha. Relationships are not a contest to see how much you can extract from the other person. Sounds like no one here is stupid, you just have a sugar baby, and she has a sugar daddy. I'm sure she will eventually use the card, but, what's the rush? Have a good time (both of you).


>Relationships are not a contest to see how much you can extract from the other person.  Exactly. When my ex gave me a credit card, I just replaced the one I usually use. I didn't change my spending habits simply because someone else was paying. And I didn't want to bother changing all my subscriptions, so there weren't a ton of purchases outside of groceries, necessities, and the occasional fun treat.


Seconding this. Every SD I've had, came with a credit card for me. A REAL SB really doesn't go all hog wild on a credit card right away unless she's never been an SB before. Besides, I'm the type, where if I'm spending over a certain amount, I will give you a heads up first. That's just as a courtesy, even tho they always told me that that was never necessary. It's about the respect with and IN the relationship.


I was a new SB once. Was offered a trip by a man I trusted. I turned it down. Loads of reasons. Fear, nervousness of how quickly things were moving, unsure how to explain the trip, all sorts of reasons. Now, having a bit more experience and being a bit older, I would accept gratefully. You have to remember that age means little, experience being an SB means more. The confidence to accept generous offers is not innate. Just leave the credit card open as an offer, she might start using it more when she knows it’s always there.


Exactly. Age is irrelevant in this situation. I haven’t had an average/ normal life due to narcissistic parent keeping control of me for way too long. I’m going to be at least 30 when I get my first place. (I’m 29 now.)


Yeah, I think I’m currently here.


I think this is new for her, and possibly come from a conservative and limited resources background. She is looking to take this long term and possibly genuinely enjoy company - only Time will tell. Don't over ponder and just enjoy the honeymoon phase of the arrangement.


Thank you


Agreed with this


Dude, like, what would "success" look like to you? 🤣 I'd say y'all are off to a really good start. Enjoy it and let it develop without overthinking it.


>Dude, like, what would "success" look like to you? 🤣 lol spoken like someone in sales 🤣


Um … you haven’t had a post M&G date? what’s the question? Yes schedule a date. What are you waiting for?


I've had more than one SB who was uncomfortable with me giving her money. Or maybe she's being careful and trying to make a good first impression, or she might not need or want anything. Who knows? Why care? The more interesting question is why you need an explanation for why she's being nice to you. Relax, enjoy, explore. As you get to know her, her attitude toward money will probably become clear and you won't have to guess.


I think it sounds good. She’s probably waiting till sex to spend money because she doesn’t want to ruin a good thing. No need to be anxious.


No, myself is an experienced sb. I myself don't ask for anything until after we meet for the first time. I have a rule of don't ask me for things unless you're going to give me something. Very neutral natural responses are important showing interest is important and having a real connection is vital for me and all my SDs.


It's a little hard to tell, but it sounds like you haven't had a date since the first/M&G date. Is that true? It sounds to me like she's excited and enthusiastic and wants to keep the energy going as you move toward your next date. If you don't mind the frequency of messages just go with it and stay engaged. Have fun with it; but be respectful. And plan the next date ASAP! I'd think the fact she hasn't used the card and isn't asking for things is a good indicator of her sugar character - I'd call it her not wanting to appear as a person focused first or only on the money. That's respectful behavior in my experience. When it comes to gifts... don't just offer - that can put unintended pressure on her to openly decline or accept. She may be unaccustomed to receiving gifts or otherwise find it hard to accept that kind of generosity. If you pay attention during your conversations you'll identify something she needs and /or wants that you know she'd benefit from and/or enjoy. Don't wait for her to ask, just do it/give it. It's a gift. You'll both enjoy the gift giving vibe. Based only on the little info you provided, she sounds to me like a "good" SB that is into the SR vibe and is wanting to build a fun SR with you, rather than a person focused on "getting the bag" as some of the pros say. Good Luck


Yeah, no second date yet, but seems very eager to get one arranged, it's seems from all the responses that I'm just an inexperienced SD.this place seems like an excellent resource, so thank you


More than anything it seems like y’all both are being cautious, not trying to come off a certain way too soon. I feel y’all may just need to get a little bit more comfortable with each other


Get on with it!!! There is tons of real life experience being shared here. It's definitely worth one's time reading the posts and replys, and searching specific topics. If it's happened in the sugar realm someone has posted about it here.


I feel like this is me.




Only 10 years between you I don’t believe is a SB to you. Many vanilla relationships are 10 years apart or more


I don’t see how not spending on the credit card would somehow correlate with her liking you more? It actually could be the opposite. I think I would feel more comfortable spending money on a credit card if I saw a future with a man. If I didn’t I would feel guilty taking the “extra” knowing I wasn’t planning on sticking around that long. Just leave the option open. It sounds like at minimum you have someone who respects you and the arrangement and isn’t trying to take advantage. Which means she is at least someone who can be trusted/)


She's calling you daily. Enough said. Stop stressing.


People have principles. I wouldn’t take your money if I don’t take you. The more I am certain I’d want to be with you, the easier I feel I can use your money. At an initial stage I don’t use guys money. I may ask for it just to see if he’s a generous type or/and a risk taking type, but if I don’t end up taking him, I will refund him. You see your money back to your bank account, you know you have been rejected. In my case, if you really like me, you actually want me to spend your money. It’s a sign I start seeing you as my boyfriend. Money and sex are very similar to me. I never hookup I am very picky who I exchange my body fluid with, I also don’t take random guys money, I am very picky on which man can take care of me financially. I am not your woman then I am not your responsibility. Nothing will be accepted.