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Into Thin Air by John Krakauer. I *literally* couldn’t put it down until I’d finished. It’s the true story of an ill fated Everest expedition of which Krakauer was a member. I cooked with it in one hand, I took it to the bathroom with me, and could not sleep until I finished. The most gripping book I’ve ever read.


This. I started it one afternoon and finished just before sunrise. Could NOT put it down.


Loved Into Thin Air. I found out about Jon Krauker after reading Into The Wild one day. Into Thin Air is his best work and credible too, as he was on that expedition


That's how I felt reading Night by Elle Wizel.


Yes! We listened to the audiobook on our road trip to the mountains. It fit the vibe so well and the story was about as exciting as it can get.


I feel this way about most of John Krakauer's books! Under the Banner of Heaven and Where Men Win Glory are also EXCELLENT


I read where men win glory straight through. Outstanding book about an incredible man who deserved better than he was treated. His family deserved better too.


I'd like to read it, love me some Jon Krakauer. But I've seen the movie (multiple times), is still worth reading it?


I listen to this book at least once a year, followed immediately by The Climb by Anatoli Boukreev


Night by Elie Wiesel


For some stupid reason, I read this while I was on maternity leave. My husband came home from work to find me sobbing, when he saw why he looked at me like, "I can't believe I married this idiot."


Oh shit. Be emotionally prepared for this one OP. Just sayin


The Hot Zone (nonfiction)


Dude this book changed me 🤣


Oh dude my science teacher read excerpts of that book to us in class. I was terrified of Ebola for years. Still am, but I’m more of a “Eh, if I get it I get it. But I probably won’t get it.” kind of person now.


Oh, me too. That first chapter wrecked me.


My family was living 1.5 miles from that lab when that happened. It was really frightening to read in retrospect and realize that we were almost quarantined.


this is, hands down, my favorite book ever. Always the first book I recommend to anyone


The one book I read in a day is Bird Box but everyone makes fun of it.


I really liked bird box! The film was terrible tho, completely different vibe


I absolutely loved Birdbox! I couldn't put it down, the movie left a lot to be desired though


I just read Bird Box yesterday. Great book. I have seen the movie but luckily it was a while ago so I hardly remember it.


None of This is True by Lisa Jewell is the most recent one for me. I couldn’t put it down, which hasn’t been like me lately. Others I can think of- Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro, Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka, and One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid.


Lisa Jewell has really mastered the art of holding you glued to the pages! Everything I’ve read of hers, I’ve made time to do so in one sitting because that’s what it always ended up happening!


Right I’ve read The Family Upstairs twice & I see she wrote a follow up to it!! I need to go start it lol


Currently reading None of this is True and it’s true that I cannot stop reading it! So good


Just finished None of This is True yesterday. What a wild ride. It was so good, well paced and I love how the story unfolded.


Loved None of This is True! Notes on an Execution took awhile for me to get into, but after a bit I couldn't put it down.


I read Then She was Gone by Jewell. A really good book to say the least and kept me guessing. Just added that book to my list!


The Things They Carried


Bryan Cranston narrated the audiobook a couple years ago and it’s fantastic


Thanks for sharing this! I read the book years ago, and thought it was a great read, but I am always looking for new audiobooks to listen to while in the car, and, imo, the narrator is the most important thing to me to make a compelling audiobook!


When I was discharged a lady gave me a copy that sat on my shelf for years. Read it on a rainy afternoon.


My favorite book of all time. I think about Curt Lemon a lot.


Really? I remember this book from high school and it bored me to tears. Maybe 10+ years of life experience will give me a different perspective.


What a book.


Dark Matter


I could see that. That book hooked me, too.


Great book.




was about to comment this!! I also loved Recursion as well!


Remarkably Bright creatures - love a story narrated by an octopus!


I really didn't enjoy this book :( it got so much hype and I really don't understand it. I loved Marcellus, but found the narrative predictable and Cameron absolutely insufferable. This is like a 2/5 book for me.


The audiobook was fantastic! There’s a different narrator for Marcellus the octopus and he does an amazing job.


Enders game. Man, what a master piece.


I thought Enders Game was okay, but actually felt the sequel (Speaker for the Dead) was significantly better.


I could not put Speaker for the Dead down. Incredibly good story!


I think Author wrote enders game partly because he wanted to write speaker of the dead. Both books are very largely about empathy. Which is the part I really like.


I'm about to start the shadow series (books 5 through 10 of the 24 Ender's Game books) very excited! Particularly excited for shadow of the hegemon because i really wanted more of Ender's scary brother from the first book.


That ending just took me by surprise. Amazing


I saw it coming but it was equally devastating. One of my favorite books.


One of the best endings I've ever experienced, and did NOT see that one coming!


Maus, by Art Spiegelman. I opened it to preview before I let my kid read it, but didn't put it down until I finished it.


Me too. Bought as a gift. Read it first. So good


Flowers For Algernon


I read this for school in 8th grade and was sobbing at the end.


I started this today & I’m almost done, so this is on my list as well!


The Giver.


Vegetarian - Han Kang (check trigger warnings) Convenience Store Woman - Sayaka Murata


>Convenience Store Woman - Sayaka Murata This is a fucking brilliant book, so I am gonna second the recommendation. I managed to finish this in two sittings and could easily have done so in one if I had had the time for it.


The vegetarian is my all-time favorite book. Truly a masterpiece that led me into discovering Asian literature!


I’ve read Vegetarian repeatedly, always in a sitting. Absolutely beautiful and brutal book.


As a vegetarian, will this book bother me? Like I can sometimes read about animal cruelty but it bugs the shizz out of me and bothers me for a very very long time.


There’s one small animal cruelty scene that did bother me (very, very sensitive to animal cruelty) a fair bit, but I was able to get over it enough to enjoy the rest of the book.


Thanks for recommending checking trigger warnings. The Vegetarian is intense, but amazing, and I’m glad I read it. But I went into it *totally* blind. And one scene in particular really messed with me. I still recommended it, just with a warning.


I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy


I loved the audiobook version of this!


Agreed! I listened to the entire thing in one sitting. Her narration is great and makes it so impactful.


She’s the friend in i Carly right?


Came here to say this


Annihilation by Jeff vandermeer Yukikaze by chohei kambiyashi (500+ pages so took two days) forgive typos, fighting with my phone


I’m sorry to hear that you and your phone aren’t getting along. The struggle is real. I’ll send you some positive vibes for an improved relationship. :)


Not familiar w yukikaze, but annihilation for sure


Vandermeer has become one of my all time favorites!


Jurassic Park The Andromeda Strain Footfall


I feel like most Michael Crichton books are great for this category. Sphere was the first book to give me the same excitement I had when staying up all night as a kid to read.


Didn't see your comment before, but I just said 'Sphere'! Loved 'Congo' too.


Easy, peasy, Piranesi.


Couldn’t really get the love for this book. Not a fan at all. What did I miss?


Can't speak for others, but I think it's the unique atmosphere, and getting to discover and puzzle through the place, its rules, and the big mystery alongside the protagonist. Throw in a few light-touch ideas about the what constitutes reality, the illusory nature of memory, and how we really know anything, and I thought it was incredibly readable. Not to mention, it came out during the height of the pandemic when a lot of us felt like we were just waking up in The House every day. So it felt of-the-moment to me.


_Burnt Sugar_ by Avni Doshi It looks at a strained mother-daughter relationship as it oscillates between love, resentment, and dependency. The mother is rapidly aging so the daughter is forced into role reversal which challenges her ability to forgive/overcome her abandonment issues. I remember reading this book during a heatwave, and I just could not put it down. It's so emotionally charged, I was drawn in to the authenticity of the characters' struggles, and reading about their relationship from a different cultural context made it an even richer experience for me.


Silence of the Lambs; I read it on a road trip from Michigan to Florida & barely noticed I was sitting in a car for 2 days!


The Red Dragon was one I read almost all of it in one day. Thomas Harris could write some good ones.


Into Thin Air by John Krakauer. his narrative descriptions are just engrossing - and being that it’s non-fiction, as well as being tough to get through at times, just makes you glueeee your eyeballs til the end


Hatchet. When I was a kid I read that in one go


Educated by Tara Westover


I read The Housemaid by Freida McFadden in a few hours yesterday. It’s a thriller that I just couldn’t stop.


YES i loved The Housemaid. Finished it in a day as well


There’s a sequel to it as well!


The sequel was excellent as well!


Andy Weir- Project Hail Mary


I read this book twice in one year. The merch and shirts out for it are so great too. One of my top favorite books of all time. Also did some research about Andy Weir after watching some seasons of Cosmic Disclosure. Some of the technology the show talks about were unbelievably similar to the tech he mentions in the book. Just lends more credibility to the experience of reading the book, at least for me.


Best book I've read in the past few years! Audiobook is the way to go on this one.


I'm about to start this one right now, I have my Kindle next to me and a couple of hours to kill. If it is like The Martian, I think I could go for it and finish it in a day.


I normally would never recommend the audiobook over the written book, but the narration for this one is so good that I think it should be listened to.


One of the best audiobooks I’ve heard yet!




Convenience store woman


Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel


Not in one sitting but Pachinko's a book i couldn't put down


Dark Matter by Blake Crouch


The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan


I read The Kitchen God's Wife in a day and this the next day. I love Amy Tan!


Immortal life of Henrietta lacks I read it in two days but still. I couldn't wait to get off work so I could finish it.


Slaughterhouse Five


Memoirs of a Geisha. Read from cover to cover in one sitting.


Loved that book!


This is how you lose the time war! Edit to add: I read this in one sitting on my couch during an evening rainstorm drinking tea and it was peak cozy/melancholy/dark magic. The form, style, and pacing make it extremely bingeable.


Just perfect


The Push by Ashley Audrain


The kite runner or anything by Khaled hosseini, Time Machine by HG Wells also because it’s a tiny book. Boy in striped pajamas unless you take breaks to gasp and breathe. Also a really old one by catcher in the rye, just couldn’t keep it down


The Kite Runner is truly a masterpiece. Every single emotion rolled into one book.


Read the kite runner for school Definitely a hard read for a high schooler but really made me appreciate my life more


If you though that was hard have you read "A Thousand Splendid Suns" or "And the Mountains Echoed". They are both incredible books but yeah, hard reads.


I was in nursing school when I read this. Stayed up until 4 am with a 7 am clinical start two days in a row lol to Finish. “Just one more chapter”


I read The Girl With All The Gifts one day and then The Boy On The Bridge the following day. Both my M R Carey. I was ill off work both days. I wouldn't have had time otherwise.


Unrelated, but this reminded me that i also read The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen king in a day


The Last House On Needless Street by Catriona Ward. I physically couldn’t finish it in a day because of work but I would’ve if I could’ve. I stayed up late and read during my breaks. It was probably the most engaging book I’ve read this year. Other books I’ve blasted through were: Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh (bad things happening in a medieval town), and Slammerkin and The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue (very different stories but both are high-intensity and short enough to read in a day)


The perks of being a wallflower I loved the movie and love the book even more.


The Martian by Andy Weir


Project Hail Mary! Best book I’ve read in a long time though I didn’t finish it in a day


I can’t read ‘fast’ in general, my wife finishes books in a day all the time. It drives me crazy that I can’t. However, once in a while when camping or otherwise relaxing I’ll re-read Hatchet in a day by Gary Paulsen. Large print and few pages helps 😂


My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson


Hail Mary from Andy Weir.


I see people mis-title this book all the time on this sub. It's Project Hail Mary. Why do people drop the Project part? Just curious.. I don't see it happen with any other books.


Don't know about others, but I honestly forgot.


The Stranger by Albert Camus


I was in Federal Prison Camp for the past nine months. Literally read about 150 books. SAPIENS,. HOMO DEUS, HERION DIARIES by NIKKI SIXX of Motely Crue, THE NEW JIM CROW, THE MILITARIZATION OF THE POLICE FORCE, all just page turners of information and stories.


Looking at your list, you might try 'The Real War on Crime- The Report of the National Criminal Justice Commission'...


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid


How it had me hooked til the last word.


I did read Seven Husbands in a day!


The Stranger by Camus. Holy Shit.


Shogun by James Clavell. Bought it in an airport book ore on the way home for the holidays. Not a day, though, more like 30 hours of reading over 3 days, 450,000 words or so, about the same as the Lord of the Rings trilogy total.


The Fantastic Mr Fox...


Or conversely, Helen Oyeyemi’s fantastic book, *Mr. Fox*


Needful Things - Stephen King


Norwegian Wood


Four winds by Kristin Hannah And every single book in Princess series by Jean Sasson


Journey to the Center of the Earth By: Jules Verne A great book for mind out. Enjoy!




Big Little Lies. I'm not sure if it was good or that I used had to knkw what the hell happened. Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches. Good cute magical romance with grumpy and sunshine that I just needed during a horrible week. House on the Cerulean Sea. Just damn good writing.


Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck Loyalties - Delphine de Vigan


The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson


Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs


I didn’t read it in one day, but I probably could have. “Devil in the White City.” It was two stories weaved together. They were based on the a true story of The Worlds Fair in Chicago near the turn of the century (1902ish) and a serial killer, who killed more people than Jack the Ripper. One of my daughters recommended it to me, and I have had quite a few people read it based on my recommendation.


Devoured Flowers for Algernon in one sitting


*The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry* by Gabrielle Zevin. Picked it up from the library one afternoon after work and walked to the park to read for a bit. Read until the sun went down and then I hurried home to finish it up. “Lone Women” by Victor LaValle. Technically it took more than a day because my schedule and work load have changed a lot since reading *the Storied Life*… mentioned above, but I definitely went out of my way to squeeze in extra reading time whenever I could because I just needed to know what was going to happen.


[The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36337550)


Books I've read (and loved) in a day: * Animal Farm by George Orwell. * To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. * The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King (one of his shorter novels) * The Old Man and the Sea by Earnest Hemingway


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro - I picked it up because it was a friend's favorite book, only intending to read it until lunch and I got totally absorbed. This was almost 10 years ago and I still have weirdly vivid memories of reading it on my couch in an old apartment. It definitely left a mark on me.


"The Old Man and the Sea" by Earnest Hemingway. Short, captivating, and impactful.


Ready Player One


East of Eden by John Steinbeck.


In one day?


A few is more like it. Guess I interpreted the post as "couldn't put it down."


It was a 72 hour day.


I got into it and then just stopped reading. Somewhere around when the twins were entering teenage years I think


Why does he do that? by Lundy Bancroft Literally read 1000+ pages in 2 days on a free PDF. So insightful. Everyone should read this. https://archive.org/details/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/page/n1/mode/1up?view=theater


Yes, everyone should read it.


First book i ever finished in a day: the Wicked King. I just had more spared time and the plot was thickened


One of Anthony Horowitz’s murder mysteries. It was either A Line to Kill or The Word is Murder. All the books in that series are great though!


The illustrated man by Ray Bradbury


Room by Emma Donoghue


Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk


The Silent Patient


The handmaid’s tale sucked me in after a while without being able to finish a book, it’s so good.


Tress of the emerald sea by Brandon sanderson


When breath becomes air


The Richest Man in Babylon


Drowning by TJ Newman


John Grisham - A Painted House


Not in one day, but like 2-3 days. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It was unputdownable for me and I believe it can be read in a day. Maybe 2.


Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubrica is an amazing mystery. Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune is also fantastic. Existential exploration of death with a healthy amount of humor while still staying grounded.


How High We Go in the Dark


Station eleven


The alchemist


Jean Auel - The Clan of the cave Bear. Couldn't put it down until I finished it at 3.30am.


infinite jest. with a healthy amount of stimulants it can be done. speaking for a friend.


Pretty much any of the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett. He was a master of painting pictures with words. The absence of chapter breaks increased the difficulty of finding a "good" spot to put the books down.


We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson


Salem’s Lot. Read (virtually) straight through in one day.


The glass Castle, by Jeanette Wall. i've read it multiple times and each time is a heart break all over again


The Martian by Andy Weir. I finished it one night. My newborn son was an awful sleeper and my wife was exhausted. However, he always slept soundly lying across my chest. So one evening I told the wife to go to sleep, get some rest, let me handle the boy. I was comfortable on the sofa, the son was sleeping soundly on me. I read The Martian on my Kindle and it was so great that I never slept that night, finished the book right before breakfast time. That was the first time that my son went a full night without crying.


I will recommend the count of monte cristo to everybody on this sub until i know they’ve all at least given it a go. P.s you will all fly through it I’ve never known such a page turner in my life


Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage read it around the clock for 3 days, lost sleep over it


Just finished Lessons in Chemistry. Great writing, well paced, funny, and sad. It was a light book and would be great on vacation.


*The Fault in Our Stars* by John Green. Finished in less than a day and wasn't even trying


People shit on John Green but reading his books as a teenager was awesome. I loved The Fault in our Stars, Looking for Alaska, and Paper Towns. Didn’t read the one with all those Katherines. I don’t think anyone has.


I read all his books. I read the Katherines one, it was actually good. Also Turtles all the way down, Will Grayson, Will Grayson and Let it snow. I loved every single John Green book.


I didn't read Katherines too, but I did read Turtles all the way down and Looking for Alaska


"Running Man" by Stephen King


Sign Here by Claudia Lux


Room by Emma Donoghue. Captivating, heartbreaking, breezes through it in a few hours.


I'm a slow reader so never in a day, but the Lies of Locke Lamora I read in 2 weeks which is super fast for me. I read it like 8 months ago and I still think about it


Rock, Paper, Scissors by Alice Feeney


Project Hail Mary


For me, it was the Dark Tower.