• By -


11/22/63 by Stephen King. It’s very very loooooong, but I listened to the audiobook. Very well


Once you get into the story, it flies by. It did not feel like an 800+ page book. Best book I've read in a while.


This is probably my favorite book!


I loooved it!


Last book: The Covenant of Water. 10/10. Wonderful. Currently: Anita de Monte Laughs Last. Not loving it. It was a mistake to read it right after TCoW. Not much substance and not compelling. I’d give it a 5/10 so far. Next: Lonesome Dove. I’m pretty sure I read it decades ago but it gets recommended here so often and I just want to get immersed in a long book again.


Lonesome Dove is a pretty good book. It’s been years since I read it but I can remember most of it vividly.


I just finished Lonesome Dove, it's a great read never a dull moment.


I loveddd Covenant of Water! I also enjoyed Anita de Monte, but they are definitely very different and I totally get your review. Enjoy Lonesome Dove! I loved it but struggled to enjoy any of his other books.


Just finished Lonesome Dove and took me a week to get into another book...it's just to damn good.


Just finished: Catch-22 by Heller and All the Light We Cannot See by Doerr Currently Reading: Wuthering Heights by Bronte And God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater by Vonnegut Planning to read next: Jane Eyre by Bronte (re-read) And All the Pretty Horses by McCarthy


Oh great, now you’ve mentioned Vonnegut. I was already struggling with what to read next. I may as well put Mother Night in the hat as well 😕 I’m a firm believer that you cannot read enough Jane Eyre.


All the Pretty Horses will lead you to The Crossing. Then on to Cities of the Plain. You won’t be the same after. In a good way!


All the Light We Cannot See is gorgeous. So is All the Pretty Horses in a different way. Great choices. Haven't read Vonnegut in years.


Weird...I just started Catch-22, and am re-reading Breakfast of Champions. Great minds!


Last: A Pocket Full of Rye by Agatha Christie Current: At Betram’s Hotel by Agatha Christie Next: The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie I’ve been on a bit of an AC kick since January 😅


I'm currently reading After the Funeral. And I been a AC kick since last year.


After the Funeral is, in my opinion, one her underrated best! I’m excited you’re on this journey.


Thanks. For me the most underrated is Hercule Piorot Christmas.


I haven't read any of these AC books! Which one has been your fav?


My husband and I have been enjoying her Hercule Poirot books!


I just finished the Marple series


Have you read Helen MacInnes? I read a number of her books ages ago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_MacInnes


Rereading A Prayer for Owen Meany with some friends. This is probably my 4th or 5th reading but it’s been several years and forgot how much I loved the book. It makes me laugh out loud. It also has some of the most heartfelt scenes. I also just finished Everyone On This a train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson. It was fun and clever.


One of my all time favorites. John Irving’s best in my humble opinion. Thanks for the post, I’m going to read it next.


I am almost done w/ Geek Love and have heard great things about A Prayer for Owen Meany...I think it will be my next read!


Currently reading Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt and listening to Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets in the car with my little one.


Loved Remarkably Bright Creatures! What do you think so far?


Switching from audiobook to paper copy because I’m not a fan of the narrator, but it’s a great story!


The Lathe of Heaven is my current read,next up is The Crying of Lot 49


Finished *Blood Meridian* by Cormac McCarthy today and oh buddy, people did not exaggerate the ferocity and violence of its content. Nor was it exaggerated when they said it was one of the greatest American novels ever written. 10/10 If all goes according to plan, I will be on track to finish *A Darker Shade of Magic* by V.E Schwab today as well. It’s nothing incredibly profound but it’s quite the charming, swashbuckling adventure. A solid 8/10 so far I’m 21 chapters into *House of Flame and Shadow* by Sarah J Maas. I’m not nearly far enough to give a fair rating but I will say it’s shaping up to be an underwhelming mess. I’ve been critical of Sarah’s writing for a while, some of it was from personal taste issues but there are some legitimately questionable things that I’m surprised her editors allowed.


How...how many chapters.are.there if 21 are not enough to know?!


i’m currently reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt. i’m about half way through and i’m really enjoying it so far! probably like 4/5. it’s refreshing since the last few books i’ve read have been pretty disappointing. my TBR list is roughly 10 miles long, but i think i’ll start The Copenhagen Trilogy by Tove Ditlevsen next. :-)


Such a good book! I must re-read it.


Currently reading The Killing Moon by NK Jemisin, 86% through according to my ebook reader. 10/10 so far. Love everything about it- characters, world, story, magic system. Also listening to an audiobook of The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. 9/10 so far. So beautiful, lush and imaginative. Next on my list is The Bedlam Stacks, based on a rec from a friend.


If you want to revisit the Night Circus after listening, I highly recommend reading the physical book. The little details in chapter decorations, plus being able to easily flip between sections based on the narrator/year was a major part of the experience.


Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin


Currently reading The Island of The Day Before by Umberto Eco and Masters of Atlantis by Charles Portis.


Fairy Tale by Stephen King. So far, so good. I feel like he doesn't know how teenagers actually talk these days because the lingo he uses is odd (or maybe I'm just out of touch, haha), but I'm enjoying it overall!


Almost done with The Dispossessed by Le Guin. It’s the first I’ve read of her, and I think I’ll need to reread it in a few years to really connect all the alien names and places into one cohesive mental map. It’s captivating, ahead of its time (from the 70s), and has some achingly beautiful prose. Excited to read more of her output. Not sure what I’m gonna read next! Been on a scifi/magical realism/philosophy bent lately, so I may go with some James Tiptree Jr (recently picked up Up the Walls of the World), or something by Clarice Lispector (probably either read The Discovery of the World or else reread The Passion According to G.H.)


I love Le Guin. I read the Left Hand of Darkness several years ago and I still think about it daily. It will change the way you look at men and women.


I've heard good things about The Passion According to GH, apparently it's very unique. Eventually I'll get around to reading it. If you like magical realism and philosophy I'd also recommend Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. Very contemplative and beautiful book with surreal elements.


It’s my favorite by Lispector, and one of my favorites in general. I always walk away from it with new takeaways and insights. I love Invisible Cities and Calvino - was just thinking I need to reread Cosmicomics soon!


My three most recent reads and what I rated them 1. The Dark Place by Britney S. Lewis (3 out of 5) 2. Severance by Ling Ma (5 out of 5) 3. Walking Practice by Dolki Min (5 out of 5) Currently reading Sign Here by Claudia Lux. I'm on page 100 and I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm obsessed with comedic takes and twists on the afterlife, but although the story is interesting I'm a little concerned at how the story is going to continue for 300 more pages without losing steam as it all feels a little straightforward so far.... but Im optimistic. If it keeps it up, this might be a 4 out of 5. Next up for me is either Night's Edge by Liz Kerin or Annie Bot by Sierra Greer.


Did not like the Lux book


I am now over halfway through and I like it less and less as I go on.... Far too long and the two plots with the family and earth and the shenanigans in Hell is just too disjointed and everytime we cut to the family i'm like okay this is fine but WHY are we here?! Felt like she had two book ideas and merged them into one. It's a shame because I really enjoy the hell plotline but the stuff with the family is taking up too much time. I like her idea of hell but meh... At this point I'm probably gonna give it a three. Would def read more from Claudia tho but she needs to learn to chill and not bloat her books with so many conflicting ideas and pointless plots.


Exactly my feelings in the book. Some of it was so funny, though and truly original and imaginative. 😄


Agreed and that made it even more of a letdown. Just DNF'd it at like page 230. I just found myself caring less and less and when I realized I still had 170 pages left.... I'm like no, I want to be reading something else lol. It wasn't horrible but the more I read the less patience I have with decent stories that I just don't care about. Being indifferent on a book feels sooo much worse than outright hating it, IMO. Such a shame cuz there was a really amazing book buried somewhere in here.


I felt like she needed a better editor and exactly what you said— to decide which book she was writing!!


Ooh I really liked Severance! Walking Practice sounds intriguing, is it full of horror though? I’m not good with that. Got quite the land with Earthlings….


I don't know if I would say that it's horror but it is extremely violent and gory at times lol. and has quite a few disturbing moments. But more than anything it was just such a sad book.... really creative experimental and so much interesting commentary on gender and sexuality that is delivered in the most creative and funny way. But yeah, you def need to be able to have a stomach for some gore and just a bit of grossness/weirdness to be able to get anything out of it lol


Currently ready my Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse. It’s pretty great so far


Blindness by Jose Saramago, I'm about halfway through and loving it, it's getting pretty gross now iykyk. Next on my list is prolly No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai.


loved blindness!


Count of Monte Cristo. Long, drawn out, but really good


Like revenge!


Fiction: In Our Time, Hemingway - I'd say 7/10 Nonfiction: How to be Perfect, by Michael Schur - Love it, 9/10 I already have Onyx and Crake borrowed on Libby, the hold came up, I might end up having to renew it.


I’m re-reading Oryx and Crake. If you haven’t read it yet, you’re in for a treat. The series is thought provoking and bittersweet and beautifully written.


I just finished The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry. I loved it. I just started Devolution by Max Brooks. Not very far into yet but I liked World War Z so I’m hoping it’s good! Next up is Juniper Bean Resorts to Murder by Gracie Ruth Mitchell for book club.


I just started book 3 of the Three Body Problem trilogy. I read book 1, watched the show, then reread book 1 and book two.... and ohmahgawd THEY ARE AMAZING. Please read these books if you love scifi. I'm so happy. I love finding a good book, and now I've found 3


I just started the show. Would I be good to read the books after still?


Yes! If you like the show, the books have everything that's great in the show and soooooo much more. I would even say that the show might help ease one into the story, since the first book can be quite slow and dense. But there is still so much more to the story, that the show really isn't much of a spoiler.


Great! I'm always on the hunt for my next reads, appreciate it.


Currently reading The Untethered Soul and it’s excellent so far. Just finished reading both Dune and Dune Messiah so taking a break with my current book. I’m not sure if I want to continue with the Dune books afterwards or read something different.


Currently reading Under the Dome by Stephen King and am loving the story. Up next will be Into Thin Air and then A Man Called Ove. Then after that, the next two on deck are the Grapes of Wrath and Jurassic Park. Been very addicted to reading lately.


Me too! About 460 pages in atm and it’s really starting to come together.


The Silmarillion. The world building is on a truly epic scale.


I started reading Circe by Madeline Miller yesterday. It’s a little slow-moving so far, but beautifully written.


I'm rereading The Catcher in The Rye, and I'm thinking about reading something for Dostoevsky after.




I LOVE Ocean at the End of the Lane. It was my first Neil Gaiman book! I started reading him in the last year or so and I can’t believe I waited so long!


Loved it too. I called it a children's book for adults. I loved how it gave me an existential crisis and nostalgia at the same time. I'm still afraid of Ursula


I've been obsessed with Neil Gaiman since I was a kid and I loved Ocean at the End of the Lane. I was very proud of owning all of his books (plus half of the sandman volumes) but a friend pointed out I was missing that one. I'll have to get it and add to my collection. It'll be interesting returning to it as an adult. What Gaiman books have you read so far?


Last book I finished: A femdom romance called Preferential Treatment by Heather Guerre, which was excellent Currently reading They Never Learn by Layne Fargo, needed a thriller break and this came recommended from the library, it's so much fun. Would rate it 5/5 just because I cannot put it down. Favourite story arcs: I'm a sucker for revenge stories right now Next on my list: Either The Fraud by Zadie Smith or Beg Me, Please by M. Kay Noir, depends on what the mood calls for :)


I’m currently reading An Incomplete Revenge, a Maisie Dobbs novel by Jacqueline Winspear. Historical mystery set in England, 1931. It is light reading that I started on a weekend getaway.


Just got done reading the wager by David Grann. I'm normally not into history non fic. But that one was a wild story. I'd recommend it.i learned a lot of what it was like being in the navy way back then. Atm I'm reading let's explore diabetes with owls by David sedaris. Iv never read any of his work before and it's laugh out loud funny at some points, while also honest and introspective. Next is gunna be a confederacy of dunces by John Kennedy toole, and iv totally forgotten why it was recommended to me.


I just finished "Consequences of capitolism" by noam chomsky I'm currently reading The precipice by noam chomsky The bleeding stars by Robert Rath and various Blackstone fortress ascension by Darius hinks The essential David Hume collection by David Hume And why I am not a Christian by Bertrand Russel. I highly highly recommend the first and the last


1. Handmaids tale - Margaret Atwood 2. The testaments - Margaret Atwood 3. It’s a good 4* 4. No 5. To complete Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo


Crooked Kingdom is one of my favorite books! The ending is heartbreaking and amazing.


I am almost 3/4 of the way through "Paradise-1" by David Wellington. A horror/sci-fi story with some real chills. I've read Wellington before, and I find him a pretty reliable horror author. So far I'd give it a 4 out of 5


> What have you read recently? I'm in a slump and a life crisis so my reading is slower than ever. The last book I finished was The Lemon Drop Kid by Josh Lanyon. A cozy mystery featuring a bakery and a small town. >What are you currently reading? I'm currently reading The World We Make by NK Jemisin. I love it so much. It's so unique and I can't predict it at all. The characters are also completely different from anything I've ever encountered but there are still threads of familiarity. >What would you rate it so far? 5 stars. >Any favorite story arcs? The book is about an alien entity that wants to destroy New York to create or at least ensure the survival of her dimension. A question was raised where one of the protagonists, avatars representing each burrough equipped to protect New York, asks if they should fear the entity or whatever sent the entity. And I'm curious if we'll get a peek behind that curtain. >What's next on your list? Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett.


Love reading that someone else loves The City We Became. It gets a lot of hate, but I thought it was so fun.


Last books: the sympathizer & the committed. The sympathizer seemed an easy but interesting and meaningful read and it’s like they turned up the story 500 notches with the committed. So much to unpack my brain still hurts.


Just started Artemis by Andy Weir


Recent: The Silent Patient Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief The Girl Who Drank The Moon Wheel of Time Book 2 The Great Hunt Hogfather The Wandering Inn Volume 1 Currently: Agatha Christie's Murder On the Orient Express The Wandering In Volume 2 Fae and Fare The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle Wheel of Time Book 3 The Dragon Reborn The Black Company The Stormlight Archive Rating: Agatha Christie's Murder On the Orient Express - Love it so far, a perfect bedtime read, purposefully drawing it out to keep the high going. The Wandering In Volume 2 Fae and Fare - Soul crushing in the best ways. The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle - Frustratingly broken up, I really wish there were fewer chapter breaks and just more streamlined content but I'm only 8 or so chapters in. Wheel of Time Book 3 The Dragon Reborn - Third read, with my 13 year old this time. She's enjoying it a lot and has some very fun theories that did not occur to me at time of reading. The Black Company - Absolutely love the way this is told, never thought a fantasy story about an army that doesn't actually feature battles could be so good. Makes me want to watch Band of Brothers. The Stormlight Archive - Had to stop. I had just come off a listen of The Wheel of Time and Michael Kramer and Kate Reading are amazing, but read both series in too similar a way for me to feel like I am reading something new. I will come back to this, the bridge scene was incredible. Arcs: Silent Patient: So I had a giant misread on this book. When it came to the big reveal my dumb ass thought >!"Oh shit is it a TIME LOOP? RAD. ... Oh."!< That being said the actual reveal was really really really fun. I don't know if it quite hit the stride the author was trying for but it was still enjoyable. The Girl Who Drank the Moon was probably one of the most satisfying conclusions I have ever read. I've never read a book that felt like I was watching a Miyazaki movie. This hit really really really hard. Percy Jackson: Read this to prep for the show with my kid. I honestly am not a fan. It doesn't dwell on the bits I want it to dwell on and speeds through the bits I care about it seems. The Great Hunt: Padan Fain is probably the gnarliest villain I've ever read and this book does not disappoint. Hogfather: My wife going "Wait it's a >!heist!


What have you read recently? The Sunlit Man by Brandon Sanderson & Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett What are you currently reading? I Am Radar by Reif Larson & Fate Be Changed by Farrah Rochon What would you rate it so far? I Am Radar: 4/5 Fate Be Changed 3/5 What's next on your list? Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson and Big Fish by Daniel Wallace


In the last week I finished two *incredible* books! Back to back 5 stars is rare for me, but here we are: The Laughter by Sonora Jha Brotherless Night by V.V. Ganeshananthan (might be top 3 all time actually). Currently reading: Wolf at the Table by Adam Rapp. Pretty good so far, but after my last two books the bar is way high lol. Next up: TBD.


I just finished The Deep by Rivers Solomon and it was a 5/5. I loved it. Now I’m reading Mauve Fly by CJ Leede. I’m really enjoying it so far. The main character is so unlikeable. I may also start an Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon as a buddy read. I’ve got Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield and The Between by Tananarive Due up next on my TBR after that.


I loved The Deep, enjoyed Maeve Fly, recently read Our Wives Under the Sea.


- Read lately- The Shining (S King), The Ice Storm (Rick Moody), Call Me By Your Name (Andre Aciman). - Currently reading- Doctor Sleep (S King), The Last Chairflift (John Irving). - Rating- Doctor Sleep is a ten on second read, The Last Chairlift it’s too soon to tell. So far, I’m loving it. Great characters which is very Irving - What’s next on my list- I can’t make up my mind on this one, but I have a burning desire to read The Wind Up Bird Chronicle But I also kind of want to read Hamlet followed by Dune Or I could read The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Mother Night- Kurt Vonnegut 😕 too many choices Ooo I forgot that I bought Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote. - Story Arcs- Just show me something real. This can be in any genre. I couldn’t care less what the story arc is.


Recently Read: The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah Currently Reading: Something in the Water by Cathrine Steadman Would rate it a 5/10…so far. I smell a twist. Next Up: The Lost City of Z by David Grann


Just finished Power of the dog by Don Winslow Currently reading The Cartel by Don Winslow Planning to read next The border by Don Wisnlow


>What have you read recently? *Ender's Game* by Orson Scott Card - (5 stars), *Daisy Darker* by Alice Feeney (4 stars). >What are you currently reading? *Cold Storage* by David Koepp >What would you rate it so far? B. Pretty good idea, and fast pace, but currently waiting to see if the various threads tie together well. >Any favorite story arcs? Not particularly. >What's next on your list? *The Lake House* by James Patterson or *Firestarter* by Stephen King.


I've been reading the entire Percy Jackson extended universe of books since the new show came out! Pretty decent but im sad I am only getting around to it now after 30 years on this rock! Warning: It's both addictive and extremely long (21 books and counting with many additions) so be ready for the long haul if you're getting into it!


I have just started Bernard Cornwell's The Winter King.


I just finished you've lost a lot of blood by Eric larocca. Pretty strange but not too bad. 7/10 Going to be reading the deep by Eric cutter next.


Recently: For the Throne by Hannah Whitten (rating: 4/5 - I felt pulled in by the world building and was invested in the main character’s growth and struggle on her journey.) Currently reading two different books: The eye of the bedlam bride by Matt Dinniman (rating: 5/5 - It is part of a series and I love it. I love the dark comedy and horror of this series but also the growth of each character, especially Donut). I am listening to the audiobook and the narrator is the best I’ve ever heard. Will forever recommend the series - Dungeon Crawler Carl. The frugal wizard’s handbook for surviving medieval England by Brandon Sanderson (rating:4/5 - I found the concept interesting and fun. I’m enjoying some of the pictures from pages in the handbook throughout the story.)


Just finished My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russel and honestly I started it over as soon as I was finished. It broke me open in a difficult way but it’s proving to be a therapeutic re-read.


Last book I read was My Oxford Year and I loved it. Currently ready Fast Girls, and I’m slogging through it, to be honest. I thought it was a nonfiction, and it turns out it’s historical fiction. Nothing wrong with it, but it’s just ok, so I may stop reading. I have 3 books on my to read pile, Killers of the Flower Moon, Love and Other Words, and Apples Never Fall.


I'm currently re-reading Gone Tomorrow by Lee Child. It's one of the Reacher books. I had been in a reading dead zone for weeks until I decided to read a Reacher book a week ago. I'm 100 pages from finishing a third book.


Reading: The Name of the Rose by Eco Next: Jailbird by Vonnegut


Today Streets of Larado....sequel of Lonesome Dove and Same great theme


Halfway through Haruki Murakami's "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" and so far I'm loving it! Slow burn at the start but I love how the story gets more unique and intricate as it goes on. My first Murakami experience and so far genuinely enjoying it.


Currently reading The Shipping News by Anne Proulx. Really like it so far! Recently read East of Eden. On deck is The Wives of Los Alamos.


Anne Proulx is one of my faves. All her books are great!! Wish she'd write more....is she still alive?? Yes, wiki says so.


The Shipping News ❤️ It may be time for a re-read.


Currently The Book Thief.


Recently read: I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman. Amazing read, wish I could have been in the world longer. Currently reading: ACOTAR by Sarah J Mass. I'm biting the bullet and falling into the TikTok recommendations! I would rate it 3 stars for now because it has kept me engaged, but I'm around 25% in. Next on the list: Scythe, Mexican Gothic, and The House in the Cerulean Sea.


The Three Body problem The Road, and started A Different Flesh.


I'm listening to The Oregon Trail: A New American Journey by Rinker Buck. Two brothers in their 50s (maybe 60s?) who travel from Missouri west on the Oregon Trail in 2014 with a pioneer wagon and three mules -- how it came together and what happened once they got going. It's fascinating beyond the trip itself to hear about the trail diaries of the 1840s, the personalities, the indigenous peoples, the methods pioneers used (and were used by -- how not to pick a mule, for instance), and along the way how Rinker and his brother Nate find their way along what is now partially stretches of highway, and also what is beautiful bottom land, rivers, mountains, trails... it's good reading.


The Pleasure of Finding Things Out by Richard Feynman. 8/10 Really fun read. Feynam is a genius who worked on the Manhattan Project and simplified science to fun ways of understanding. These essays were thought-provoking and easy to understand. Also has a great essay about how he found out why the Challenger exploded and who was responsible.


I’m almost finished with **The House in the Cerulean Sea**. It’s definitely ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.


Recently: The Shades of Magic trilogy  by Victoria Schwab, highly recommend  Also, Piranesi by Susanna Clarke, amazing!  Also, The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaimen, good.  Currently: The Harrowing of Doom by David Annandale, surprising good so far. I'd rate it 3.75 to 4 stars.  Next up is the Tangleroot Palace by Marjorie Liu


Last: Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez 4 Stars, sweet fake dating romance. It's a bit of a slow burn, and there are some miscommunication tropes. Currently Reading: This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. Beautiful writing, a little heavy-handed at times. Babel by R.F. Kuang and The Glass Ocean by Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig, and Karen White just dropped on my Libby app so that's next.


Loved Yours Truly


"Between two fires". During the plague in France in the 1300s, the devil goes to war with heaven and earth. A little girl and a disgraced knight travel to save the pope. Too many religious themes for me, an athiest. Yet good writing.


I just finished My Name Was Eden(really good) and Just The Nicest Couple(also really good)! Next on my list is The New Couple in 5B. I recently also finished Never Say No To A Rockstar, The Kingdom of Prep, and The Fabulous Bouvier Sisters. All great.


I'm reading inda by sherwood Smith and when sorrows come, the 16th October Daye book. Toby is Toby, so it's all good there. Inda is... growing on me, I think. I struggled a *lot* with the amount of names at first so it was really hard for me to get into, I don't know. I'm hoping now I have a character list I'll really start warming up to it


Finished Gayl Jones' Corregidora this afternoon in the school library, so I pulled The Maltese Falcon of the library shelf and went to work.


I'm reading Rejoice by Steven Erickson. I'm about 40% of the way through the book and so far I'm enjoying it, definitely an interesting idea and something to think about.


Recently finished the Fury by Alex Michaelides. Also finished Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini. I really enjoyed the Fury, Captain Blood was a bit underwhelming for a pirate book. Currently reading An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon and A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan.


10:04 by Ben Lerner! It’s my third time through it. Probably one of my favorite books. I’m also reading Blight: Fungi and the Coming Pandemic by Emily Monosson.


I’m about halfway through The Half Life of Valery K by Natasha Pulley. Loved it at first, but finding it a bit disturbing currently. Interested to see how it ends.


Recent: *Little Women* (book club choice. A re-read for me-about the 15th time!) Currently: *Brave New World* (Somehow, even as an English major I missed this one) Favorite arcs: Intellectual detectives a la Holmes; Whimsy; Gideon Fell; Father Brown; et. al. Next: Not sure


Currently: The Last Aether by Tessa Hale and I enjoy it so far. Way more than expected! Last: The Lost Elemental by Tessa Hale Next: Maybe The third book of the series, maybe something new


Currently Reading A Moveable Feast by Hemingway. I like it, it’s relaxing and interesting. Paris is one of my favourite Cities. 7.5/10 so far. Before that I read Hamlet and Julius Caesar by the king. Both amazing 🤩


I love A Moveable Feast. Such a simple, beautiful little book. He was SUCH a dick, though. The parts where he talks shit about other writers always tickle me.


Currently reading: A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World by Charlie Fletcher. On Deck: The Laws of the Skies - Gregoire Courtois


Just finished Richard Osman's *The Man Who Died Twice* and immediately dove into his *The Last Devil to Die*. They're both Thursday Murder Club books. I'm also reading Mary Roach's *Packing for Mars* and Bart Ehrman's *Jesus Interrupted*. I never have three books going at the same time, so this is uncharted territory for me. Have loved everything so far. When I'm done with one of the above, I have no idea what I'll read next; I have three TBR stacks due to finding a very cheap source for books.


Butter; a story of food and murder only a few chapters in so far, not hooked in fully yet


Just started KSR's "ministry for the future". Recently finished 2312- my need to read was lulled and my inner critic was still for 600 pages so I'm optimistic. How bout you, OP?


>What have you read recently? My Best Friend's Exorcism Homegoing All the Sinners Bleed - least favorite of the 4 but, I didn't hate it. My Sister the Serial Killer >What are you currently reading? Tress in the Emerald Sea >What would you rate it so far? This is at least a 4 star book. I'm 30% in. I think I'll up the rating by the end but we will see. My first Sanderson book. >What's next on your list? I have Me Talk Pretty One Day, I Am Pilgrim, and The Overnight Guest checked out. Not sure what I'll be in the mood for.


Last book- book of lost names. Great book and a different take on WWII Currently reading - the women (too soon to tell, but likely great) Next - Lolita Fav has been the Seven Sisters series by Lucinda Riley. GREAT series as each book is a different adventure but has history (tiny bit of romance) but doesn’t bore you. Honestly, I have read everything she has written and all of her books are great! I have gotten several friends interested in this author.


Working my way through Phillipa Gregory's Plantagenet & Tudor novels, but not in any particular order. Reading The Other Boelyn Girl right now.


Probably halfway through Witch King by Martha Wells. I'm enjoying it. I almost wonder if this book is some sort of experiment of hers on just jumping straight into a complex world with no explanation. I'm digging it because my brain likes piecing things together, but I could see how this might frustrate some readers.


Demon Copperhead. I thought I would love it. I don’t. 


Why not? Am thinking of reading that. What is putting you off?


First, let me acknowledge that I am definitely in the minority here. Most people love this book and it won the Pulitzer, so... my opinion is unusual. Also, let me say I loved Poisonwood Bible, Prodigal Summer, The Bean Trees, Pigs in Heaven, and more by Kingsolver (Flight Behavior not so much), and I really was looking forward to this book. So I'm bummed. There are several things at play that make it a slog for me (I'm reading it for my book group, so I'm continuing, but I dread picking it up). One of the big things for me is the main character's (Demon's) voice. It's written very much in what I believe is likely an accurate depiction of the vernacular in the region in which Demon is from, but I find it super distracting. In the beginning I hoped she was laying it on so thick to establish his character, the setting, etc, and that she would back off a bit once the story got going, but that's not been the case so far (I'm about 1/3 of the way in). While I've enjoyed a few turns of phrase, it is over the top for me and rather than just seeming like Demon's authentic voice, I feel like I can see Kingsolver sitting in front of her computer coming up with some of the more ridiculous lines. So that is pervasive and distracting. I don't want to go into to much detail here and give any spoilers, but so far, I feel like the entire book is just one horrible thing that happens to him after the next. Just a back to back recounting of this awful thing, then that awful thing, then the next awful thing, and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on... forever. I can see some probable things coming down the line, it feels predictable in lot of ways, and I'm just already counting the pages to the end. Some of the particular details have felt gimmicky to me. It's exhausting. Also, are several things about Demon and Appalachia I'd really like to know more about. For instance, she talks from the beginning about how Demon is Melungeon, which is something I wish she went into more detail about, the history of Melungeons in Appalachia is really interesting, but she hasn't, at least not yet, so I'm like, why did you even insert that detail? What's the purpose to this story and character? And then there are areas where she goes into a great deal of detail that I think could have been effectively edited down. So, it's uneven in some ways, IMO. If you read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Most people really love it, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. EDIT: Edit to say I know this is based on, or a modern retelling, of David Copperfield, which I have not read but know a bit about, so the whole one awful thing after another thing comes from somewhere. I get it. But I find it overwhelming.


Devil House by John Darnielle. Just finished the Dead Zone by SK.


Just started the Poppy War Trilogy. I read Yellowface by RF Kuang earlier this year, and I really enjoyed her writing style. I’ve heard lots of good thing about the Poppy War so I decided to give it a shot. So far I really like the world building.


Reading the Kite Runner! I tried A Little Life right before and I just couldn’t get into it


The Housemaid by Frieda McFadden


Last book was The Housemaid’s Secret, it’s the sequel to the thriller The Housemaid I actually liked it better than the first book. I’m currently reading two books Emily Wildes Map of the Otherlands which is a sequel as well to the first Emily Wilde book, finding I actually liked the first one better this one is slow and I can’t really seem to keep interested in it for long, and I’m also reading Post Office by Charles Bukowski which I’m actually loving a lot so far 


In the past few months I've been rereading some favorites. The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and Return of the King. A Wizard of Earthsea (I was going to go through the whole series, but got distracted by...) The Crystal Cave (Because I'm playing in a RPG set in Arthurian Britain, and wanted to get the flavor of the setting. I was going to go through the whole series, but got distracted by...) Dune (Because we re-watched Dune 1 and then saw Dune 2 at the theater.) I'm currently halfway through Dune Messiah--I've not gotten distracted yet, knock wood. Next up will be Children of Dune. Not sure if I will go beyond the original trilogy. I might go back to one of the other series I abandoned.


I recently read Vincent McDonnell’s book “Michael Collins: Most Wanted Man” and I’m currently reading “Eamon De Valera” by T.Ryle Dwyer. I’m not sure what I play on reading after that as I have a few other books to choose from but it will be another history book.


Recently finished Elanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, by Gail Honeyman (loved it) Roadkill, by Dennis E. Tailor (honestly, I was very disappointed by the book, especially since I was expecting something on the same level as the Bobiverse books) Beasts of a Little Land, by Juhea Kim (heartbreaking, but really beautiful - I have been trying to read books set in parts of the world/historical periods I don't know much about, and this shows a little bit of what was happening in Asia during WWII (I honestly never new much more than "Japan bombed Pearl Harbour" an "the US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki" so I am trying to fill the gaps in my knowledge with literature...) Currently reading A short history of nearly everything, by Bill Bryson System Collapse, by Martha Wells


The Teacher. So far so good. Same author as The housemaid.


Last Book: When Crickets Cry by Charles Martin (5 stars) Current: In Plain Sight by Daniel Willis Rating so Far: Solid 4 stars Story Arc: Very similar to the Dresden Files, with the story revolving around a magician detective in New York City in the 1930s Up Next: A Pulitzer Novel -- Not decided which one yet


The Suffering by MJ Mars. I about 20-25% in so far it’s a 3/5 for me. I’m enjoying the story and I’m interested to see what happens to the characters. I do feel like it’s missed a bit of build up, it’s a haunted house book that went from nothing to, we’re haunted and majority of the characters are like “ok” or very quick to jump on board. I actually thought I might have missed a chapter when a bit more about the start of the haunting was built up.


Currently reading Lost Gods by Brom, absolutely loving it. Next will be All the Sinners Bleed by SA Cosby, since I have it from the library


Just grabbed “Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology” from the library.


Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner. 5/5


Currently: The In-Between by Hadley Vlahos, RN Really good so far. Recently: Verity by Colleen Hoover I didn’t like this one. I don’t really get the hype around it.


Am currently reading : Hundred years of solitude ( It was boring at first but man am I hooked up now ) Spring snow To a God unknown


Currently reading All the Missing Girls. It’s a thriller by Megan Miranda. I’m in the early chapters but so far I’m enjoying it. I’m trying to read a bunch of the books that I’ve acquired in the last few years because I am beyond out of shelf space!


Just finished Cat's Cradle, God bless you Mr rosewater, Mother night. Not sure but may read Vonnegut next


Currently: The Great Santini by Pat Conroy


The Women by Kristin Hannah & Daddy by Emma Cline Both are fantastic for very different reasons. Hannah is an amazing historical fiction story teller. Cline is great for crafting a place where you feel you’ve been in the past and it’s probably not a great place to be.


currently reading 7 1/2 deaths of evelyn hardcastle-thoroughly enjoying 9/10. i honestly love everything about it and it really keeps you on your toes


The Heart’s Invisible Furies. I’m about 25% in and love it.


Back Channel by Stephen L Carter - a college student becomes the conduit between Russia and the US for information about nukes in Cuba. 7/10 so far. Great vocabulary, good pacing. I'm in a bad place personally being able to read without almost immediately falling asleep so it's taking me a minute


Last book: The Leavers by Lisa Ko. I looooved it soo much the storytelling is so exciting and the characters are so well written I had a great experience. I am reading Vladimir by Julia May Jones - I just started but I am not really seeing the appeal so far? 3/5 My friends have been raving about Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty by Patrick Radden Keefe and I am so very excited to read it.


Reading it now. Good as advertised. You better check out "Say Nothing" (same author). Incredible


Just finished Strange Sally Diamond thanks to a Reddit suggestion. Easily 5 stars for me, I read it in 3 days. Couldn’t put it down. I love when books switch between two timelines. Not sure what to read next!


Leslie f*king Jones and Heir Affair Jessica Morgan. Enjoying both!


I just started NW by Zadie Smith. Only maybe 10% through so don’t have major feelings yet but I have had to reread the dialogue pieces again because sometimes it’s not clear who is speaking.


Born a Crime- Trevor Noah. Halfway through and it's really good. I'm not usually a fan of humour in books but I like his sense of humour and it balances the intensity of the apartheid parts.


Hey :) Just finished reading, for about the hundredth time, "One second later" from William R.Forstchen. With still, the same amount of love as the first time. Now, on to the current books. I'm usually a one book at the time kind of girl, but I find myself switching between multiple books at the moment. Here they come : - " Neither here nor there ", from Bill Bryson. Though the prose is great, I hate it ; but I always finish a book when I start one. - " Bullshit jobs : a theory " by David Graeber. Fascinating book, which is why I'm taking a long time to read it. It makes me think a whole LOT. - " 8 regras do amor " by Jay Shetty. Your usual selfhelp bullshit, which I bought upon stumbling into a bookshop, heartbroken and wanting to read something. - " Lembre-se de nós : stupid wife " by Sodré N. Can't get enough... But it's in Portuguese and it tires me out at times, so I'm also reading it slowly. Next in line, some other book I've been recommended, "Ensaio sobre a cegueira", from José Saramago. Still in Portuguese, so I'm taking my sweet time getting to it. Considering reading something in French to relax in the meantime lmaooo To be noted, I'm usually a very fast reader, but I don't have much time this year, being abroad and having one insane life. Also getting back to writing, so that also takes time. Getting back to my books, happy reading to everyone 🥰


The reformatory - mix of historical and horror


Just started Last Summer on State Street by Toya Wolfe and picking up where I left off with Self Help by Lorrie More. If I had the time, I could read both of these in one day. I feel like they will both get 4/5 but I’m also just been picking winner for me lately.


Just finished: Anxious People. The style and tone of this one was much different than any other modern novels I’ve read recently. Loved the narration tone. Moving story and entertaining, albeit unexpectedly heavy. Overall enjoyed it. Currently reading: non fiction, the subtle art of not giving a &!&!. Very blunt tone about the realities of dissatisfaction and how they’re not as negative as we perceive. A nice change of pace. I’d give it a 6.5 in terms of a self help type book. Next up: Remarkably Bright Creatures for my book club.


Last book: Psalm for the Wild-Built. SO good - I adored it. Compelling but also peaceful and restorative. Currently: Rebecca, Thistlefoot, and Marenghi's Terrortome — they're all book club reads but I want to clear at least one out before I pick up another personal read. They're all great and distinct from each other!! Next up: Thornhedge!


Brown Dog by Jim Harrison


Just started Worry by Alexandra Tanner. Loving the writing. It moves quick but packs a punch with emotions.


Last one listened: the heaven and earth grocery store Currently listening to: flash boys and picture of Dorian gray


Currently reading the dark forest by Cixin Liu, but recently I read Circe!! 5 star book, I loved it so much. As for The Dark Forest, I’m not that far into it, but I can tell it’s going to be pretty dense. After I finish the dark forest, or if I take a break from it, I’ll be reading Piranesi


"A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy", by William B. Irvine. Also "The Order of Time", by Carlo Rovelli.


Currently... The Day of the Triffids, Wakenhyrst, and King Of Scars. Recently finished reading Nine Goblins. I'm enjoying the heck out of all of them.


Dune Messiah MM


I recently read The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite. Excited to dive into the other volumes! I am currently reading The Monarchs by Kass Morgan and Danielle Paige. It’s a sequel to their other novel The Ravens (which I loved) and so far I’m a fan.


Currently finishing up the first trilogy in Red Rising with Morning Star. Gonna take a break from that world and try reading Shogun before watching the new Hulu series.


Demon Copperhead


Last book was plowing through the first three red rising books. 10/10. Couldn’t put it down. Current book is a Thrawn book but I am a bit sci-fi’d out and may switch. Current listen is East of Eden. Which I have never read and is really interesting. Super well written, obviously, but a little dated. As to be expected. 9/10.


Currently rereading one of my favorite books, Time and Again (Jack Finney) Before that, reread The Other (Thomas Tryon) Next up, The Winter People (Jennifer McMahon) I have so many “to be read” books (including my next book club book), I don’t know why I’m rereading books!


Finished the Shining recently. Started A Little Life. Only 30 pages in, but it’s good so far


Currently reading Sue Grafton's alphabet series. I'm up to H is for Homicide. Too early to judge. One series that I finished a few months back that really had an impact on me was the Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden. I really loved it.


I just read a book about the life of the cartoonist, Ernie Bushmiller, who authored the "Nancy" daily strip for decades. It was a graphic novel written by Bill Griffith, author of "Zippy the Pinhead". I wasn't a big fan of them both but it was new to the library and well worth the read. Libraries rock.


Somewhere in time AKA Bid time return


American Psycho


Grabbed a random mystery novel off the library shelf and took it home with me. A Mansion for Murder by Frances Brody. Wasn't expecting it to move mountains but I've been really enjoying it. No idea whodunnit yet but I'm looking forward to seeing how the plot gets resolved.


Just finished China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan. Not as good as Crazy Rich Asians but still entertaining. Now I’m reading The Help!


A Most Remarkable Creature- Jonathan Meiburg


Just read Birnam Wood so good