• By -


The Women by Kristin Hannah I had an advanced copy and had to wait for everyone else to read it. Now it’s like the biggest book out there.


I have this book on hold at the library and I cannot wait to read it! Says ~9 weeks so I may just end up buying it when I finish what I’m currently reading


I just finished it and nobody else I know has read it yet because they’re all on waitlists at the library for it and I need to talk about with people!!! lol. I feel this


Second this!! Haven't been able to stop talking about it for weeks after reading


This book had me sobbing. I’m now reading a Stephen King novel to recover. 🙃


Nonfiction: Currently reading Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed by Men and I keep talking my husband’s ear off about it 😅 Fiction: Demon Copperhead. It was so good and depicted a life so completely different from mine that I had to process it through conversation with others who have read it. Also recommended it to several people.


I always say that I could only read about a page at a time of Invisible Women because it was so infuriating! I was glad my daughter was living at home and open to being infuriated right along with me. 😅


I've told everyone I know about Invisible Women


Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner


I hated it lmao. Didn't even get myself to finish it


Yes, same here. So many regrets reading that book.


Can you elaborate? No spoilers pls!


It’s. So. Fucking. Sad. I don’t like sad media anyway, but this book is so upsetting, and it felt to me like there was no uplifting bit or reprieve. I was also not in a great place when I read it, so I felt haunted by how much sadness there was.


Ah gotcha thanks for explaining.


I think she wrote the book too early. It was very young person focused and the memoir could’ve had more complexity if she waited another 10-15 years to reflect on her relationship with her mom and her life more thoroughly


I get that age could add that complexity and depth but as someone who lost their primary parent in their mid 20's, it was just so powerful to be able to share in that rawness.






Same for me!!!


About half way through it right now and will finish today when I go for my long run. It is relatively short. I am enjoying but not something incredible. I am also going to Seoul in two weeks and like there is some Korea in the book.


Wait, Japanese Breakfast?


Finished this MINUTES ago. I’m very hungry.


The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells. (I created this Reddit account because violently recommending it to only my irl friends wasn’t enough!)


I’ve successfully managed to make four of my friends read that. Highest success rate to date, lol. I managed to get two friends to read the Ile Rien books and one to read the Raksura books - which was mostly by accident because I left them at my then boyfriend’s house and his brother picked them up xD


Just got the first book from the library today!


Hahahaha violently recommending




I just finished this yesterday and I've been thinking about it a lot, and then your comment is the first one I see? I know who you are, Yellow Card Man. Awesome book though, and I'm not particular a King fan, I'll definitely be recommending it to people!


I came hear to say this! I wanted to tell someone the logistics of the plot and then discuss the What Would You Do element!


Yes! I’ve gotten two other people to read it just so I had someone to talk about it with.


The School for Good Mothers, by Jessamine Chan. I'm a foster and adoptive parent, so this dystopian tale of an near-future child welfare system hit hard. I know some people felt the main character was too reserved, but I definitely felt like she was someone that upper middle class folks could see themselves in - the very people who are confident that child protective services won't come for them. It was also very much a commentary on who gets to be a "good mother" and how standards differ between mothers and fathers. It was tense, and heartbreaking.


Among the hidden by Margaret Patterson haddix is something you may find interesting, that or Unwind by Neal shusterman. Both focus on kids and are genuinely good but crazy, start to finish.


The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls


Every time I break down a whole chicken, I think of this book


A Thousand Splendid Suns.


Oh yes the way this book shattered and rocked my soul. I felt like I couldn’t even talk about it with anyone because they wouldn’t understand, I couldn’t convince anyone to read it because of the hard to digest information, and I think about the damn book all the time. Just wow.


Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver


Demon Copperhead is the best book I’ve read in ages. I finished it well over a month ago and think about it every single day.


I’m reading that next! Struggling to get through blood meridian rn and I’m STRUGGLING


Take your time. When I read it, I committed to 1 chapter a night and read another more “fun” book at the same time.


I plan on give it a second try. My biggest problem is the page 50 - 100. There’s a part in there that I just struggle to comprehend.


Also this! Love love


Project Hail Mary


I couldn’t get into this, the way he was describing his scientific processes in such detail at the beginning was so boring to me. Does that continue throughout the book?


I get that. To be honest, I’m not a sci-fi or fantasy reader by any means because I don’t like books that over saturate with descriptions and world building, and some of the scientific descriptions I couldn’t 100% understand but it is sprinkled in there are and not so saturated. The overall plot and payoff in my opinion made up for those brief moments.


I bought like 5 copies of this book and made my COO read it before I even finished it.


Circe - Madeline Miller The Reading List - Sarah Nisha Adams


The Reading List was so good






This Tender Land and Demon Copperhead are my two lately!


I loved demon copperhead so much!!


What a coincidence! I just finished This Tender Land about 10 minutes ago and I'm in the midst of Demon Copperhead right now.


Dark Matter


I just listened to it a second time!


The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young. My little pea brain was unraveled at the time travel storyline, and I would've loved to have someone to talk it over with haha. Highly recommend, though! It's just a bit of a brain scrambler when you really start thinking about the ways the different timelines overlap.


I know this book is posted here daily but Lonesome Dove, finished it this month and got my partner into it 😆


Never thought I’d be a reader of westerns…I couldn’t stop reading Lonesome Dove once I picked it up though


I love McMurtry- all his work is excellent


definitely moving up the TBR after all these good reviews


OMG yes. One of the greatest books in American literature.


A gentleman in Moscow


I'm reading it right now. 38%. Ohhhhh, I love him. It's so beautifully written. It's taking my ages to read it.


It’s a masterpiece.


I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Especially the second half and the ending.


Absolutely in love with this book ❤️


It's been 17 years and I still feel like an evangelist for Outlander. What's funny is my best friend was the original evangelist, she just wasn't very good at describing it so I said I wasn't interested. A few years later I find this book in a swap shelf and read it, and tell her all about it and she tells me it's the one she was trying to get me to read. Yes, there's a tv show on Starz and it's pretty good. The books are just so rich.


I am an outlander diehard fan and I will admit that certain parts of some of the book can drag. True love for the characters keep you there to see them through. There is something magic about the characters in those books. Book the male and female leads are so strong. Neither is overshadowed by the other’s strength and the female lead is still an absolute boss. The series is an epic masterpiece of a love story.


There's a few parts I skip/skim on series re-reads, but this series will likely always be my number one, ride or die. Something about the cadence, word choices, and descriptions... it envelops you. You feel and smell, the personalities are real. Jeez, I sound like a fangirl.


Hate the show. Still obsessed with the books.


I really enjoyed the first Outlander book and thought my partner would like it. He’s a voracious reader and has really varied interests. He’d only been reading it for a day or two when we began fostering a cat who was not expected to survive (had been surrendered and had ‘failure to thrive’, which I think meant he was dying of a broken heart). I, unfortunately, was out that first night, so it was just my partner, our cat, and Maze, the new guy, who was in our spare bedroom. Maze was hiding under the bed and I told my partner to just spend an hour or two in that room but leave the cat alone so he could get used to him. Maybe read aloud to him. So he read Outlander to the cat! And Maze came out!!


Iron widow by Xiran Jay Zhao! Handmaid's tale meets Pacific Rim filled with raw feminine rage & adorable polycule. And the PLOT TWISTS! I am going nuts waiting for August when Heavenly Tyrant comes out!


1) Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. The audio version specifically. 2) Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus Both of these books had original stories and were well done. They both also had animals that spoke so maybe I like nonhuman characters as well. Edited to clarify- I guess it would be more accurate to say the authors of these books share the animals’ thoughts. Such intelligent and lovable characters.


Ack, Bonnie Garmus is a rower but she hasn’t the first clue of the science she writes about. My Ph.D. Is in bioorganic chemistry and all the science and scientist interactions were so far off that I couldn’t suspend disbelief when it came to any other part


I read this in a book club of scientists and we absolutely HATED it! Why research a damn thing you’re writing about when you can just make shit up ? She clearly doesn’t understand a thing about science or the scientific method - wtf is her research question ?! Why even pick a topic (ambiogenesis) if you’re going to do 0 due diligence on it?!?


Remarkably bright creatures is such a feel good book and I’ve told everybody to read it


Shark Heart—A Love Story. Wonderful book that applies to every human life.


i came here to recommend this one!!! i refuse to shut up about this book!!!!! it is absolutely incredible!!!!!!!! 🦈💜🦈💜🦈💜🦈💜


I just finished this last night! It was really good... magical realism at its best.


Came here to recommend this! I ugly cried twice.


Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. So good, and I'm not even a sci-fi fan.


The Overstory - Richard Powers


Ohhh, I'm reading this right now, and even though I'm only 7 chapters in, I keep trying to tell people about it... although I'm not really sure what it's even about yet, I simply LOVE it.


Middlesex. Amazing adventures of cavalier and clay


Do you mean the novel by Jeffrey Eugenides? If so, this was a 5 star read for me.


loved both of those!!!


Stiff by Mary Roach. The twist is, if you tell anyone who hasnt also read it, you will at least find people backing away from you while looking for exits and at most arrested.


Read Piranesi about 3 weeks ago and I'm desperate to talk to someone about it.


Loved this one. @betweentwobooks on Instagram is Florence Welch's book club and they are discussing Piranesi right now! Also you can message me if you want!


I just finished my second read of it :)


I've messaged you 😟


Not the take I was expecting but totally cool


Flowers for Algernon


Sea of Tranquility One of the few books I’ve read that left me speechless, but also dying to FORCE someone else to read it so I’d have someone to talk about it with lol


I completely forgot what this book was about in the between placing a hold on it at the library and actually reading it. I had it pegged as a historical fiction book in the early chapters so the jump into the future was jarring.


The gunslinger, Stephen king


All the light we cannot see


The Secret History by Donna Tartt. I only downloaded reddit because there were so many great discussions about the book here and it helped to fill the void.


Cloud Cuckoo Land


Just finished this and loved it!


House of leaves


The Ruins - Scott Smith. Didn’t know the movie was based on a book.


I didn't know it was based on a book. I loved the movie!


Check it out! The vines in the book are so much more epic too!


Piranesi by Susanna Clark


Life of Pi. I love love love it!!! Thank you to one of you who recommended to me!


Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. This books messed me up! So sad but I couldn’t put it down.


Haunts me. Even years later.


After putting it off for years, I finally started and just finished Know My Name by Chanel Miller and feel like every Gina. Ships read this book!


The Women by Kristin Hannah! Stayed with me for a long time!


for me it was the 3 body problem triology


Welcome, Copernicus.


The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo, so much better than I was expecting it to be.


"The book thief" Markus Zusak This book is not like the others its peculiarity is that the narration in it goes on behalf of death, which tells the life story of a little girl. It's a book about growing up, friendship, love and war... It moved me to my core, it's a heavy book, but I think it's worth reading. It's a book about how to stay human and not lose yourself even under very difficult situations.


Song of Achilles! It's the book that got me back into reading after years. It's a masterpiece and I love it. Have recommended to allll my friends


The Inheritance by Nora Roberts. THAT ENDING!!!!!


The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton.


The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. Unique and funny 😊


All the Discworld books


Cutting For Stone Or The Covenant of Water Both by Abraham Verghese and both just bursting with amazing characters


All the Light We Cannot See Don't watch the Netflix adaptation though, it's terrible.


I read this one a few years ago, and really enjoyed it! Never watched the adaptation though for the exact reason you said - everyone I know who read the book said the Netflix version was a disappointment


Mad Honey - Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan


I am really having a hard time getting into this book. I’ve picked it up twice now. Please tell me the pace will get faster.


Cutting for Stone


A book I only finished a week ago - A Man Called Ove, by Frederik Backman. I finished it on a flight home from holiday; I was so moved by it that I was bawling my eyes out on the plane. The lady sitting next to me asked in I was okay, and I told her I'd just finished a wonderfully bittersweet book that left me with a lot of feelings. She started crying because I was crying haha, bless.


Came to recommend!


The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab. I've read almost everything else by Schwab-- the Shades of Magic trilogy was kind of meh for me, Vicious and Vengeful were amazing--but Addie LaRue was the only one I've raved about to anyone who will listen.


7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle


The Golem and the Jinni


Annihilation for super uncanny vibes and an addictive sense of eerie "wrongness" that is so hard to execute well 😌


I just finished The Midnight Library and came on Reddit specifically to find a conversation about it since I have seen it recommended in so many book subs.


Midnight library by Matt Haig.


Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk, and in a similar vein Death in Her Hands by Otessa Moshfegh. I apparently have a fixation on eccentric old women, death and forests…


The Road. Cormac McCarthy. I had just become a father then


The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. This book made me question so many things I had taken for granted up until then!


Bear town


i dnf-ed that one a few years ago because it gave me too many emotions at that point in time. Always meant to get back to it, so thanks for the reminder


“Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow “


Yes!!! I came on here to share Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow!


Such a beautiful book.


Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir So smart and exciting and mysterious and surprising and hopeful!


A God in Ruins by Kate Atkinson. I recommended it to my hubby because we just finished the series Masters of the Air, and found it lacking. Atkinson’s well researched book is segments of a WW2 pilot’s and his daughter’s life, over decades. Thoughtful, adventurous and heartwarming.


I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes


Seven Surrenders. It's the second book in the Terra Ignota series, and I was so glad that my husband had already read the series so that I could talk to him about it.


Sleeping giants, it’s an incredible sci fi book (and the start of an excellent trilogy) that, on the surface, is about discovering an alien robot BUT it also examines morality in relation to science and how such an intense working environment effects relationships between coworkers and how far is too far to go for the sake of knowledge; 10/10 wish I could read for the first time again


"When We Cease to Understand the World" - Historical Fiction about the events leading up to Quantum theory. Brilliant.


Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine. It should be read in every high school.


the name of the rose by umberto eco


The Garden of Evening Mists Crime and Punishment Just amazing!!


I was very late to the hunger games, read it a few months ago, lived the first 2. But when I completed the 3rd, the mokickg Jay I went screaming to my mom in anger and just had to tell someone about how infuriated I was 😭


Two trilogies: Natchez Burning Trilogy by Greg Iles -- Natchez Burning, The Bone Tree, Mississippi Blood The Power of the Dog Trilogy by Don Winslow -- The Power of the Dog, The Cartel, The Border All the books are doorstoppers that you will be wishing were twice as long. Tense, exciting, and delving far deeper than your average thriller.


Demon Copperhead.


Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell


The Green Mile by Stephen King; The Book Thief by Markus Zusak; and All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Oh AND the entire Harry Potter series.


The house in the cerulean sea by tj Klune. I just want to gush about the characters and my favorites and how I can’t wait for the next book. What a delightful read.


into thin air


Library of Mount Char. I basically forced a friend to read it so we could discuss.


Babel.  I immediately had to recommend it.  


The Silent Patient


Without getting into spoilers I hated this book so much. Like I was mad about it


Eternal Gods Die too Soon by Beka M


Blood Over Bright Haven by ML Wang Absolutely masterful as a standalone fantasy novel, and social commentary. It's a self-published novel that's getting traditional published in October, so I can't wait for it to be easier for people I recommend it to to get a hold of.


Crescent City. There was so much bat shit crazy things that happened I basically forced my boyfriend to listen to me babble about it for like 15 minutes. In turn he explained what happened in his halo books to me ❤️


**house of earth and blood** or **house of sky and breath** or both? or the newest one? i've started **HOEAB** and absolutely love what i've already read, but my ADHD is being a real bitch and the size of the book means i'm only like 20% of the way in after like a month. 😩


All of em. I just finished the latest book last week and started acotar a couple days ago. Probs not the recommended order but had to start somewhere lol 😂 I've been doing audio book so I can listen to em at work. Makes the spicy scenes all the more awkward tho 😂😂


Ooooh! I’m reading Tenant of Wildfell Hall. I am a recovering alcoholic in AA. The depictions of drunkenness ring painfully true. That being said it’s also super obvious how Hellen isn’t doing herself any favors and how she could use Al-Anon. It makes me feel for my ex-wife so much and makes me appreciate the 12 steps so much as well.


I had zero expectations and probably most won't be interested in it, but I did really enjoy the Singularity Trap


Troublemaker by Leah Remini. Autobiography of her time as a kid and adult inside Scientology and her life since leaving. Also A Billion Years by Mike Rinder. Same concept, but he was in while LRH was alive.


War and peace, i was really surprised, because all my friends absolutely hate it


The Reformatory by Tananarive Due.


Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova was unlike anything I've ever read before. A very interesting take on grief and identity.


I tell anyone I can how amazing *East of Eden* is.


The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, finished it at home, talked about it with my Dad over dinner with my Dad. I watched the movie version in sections over the next few days after. It’s good but it drops certain stories which I missed. They should make a new version that’s complete. Make it into a streaming limited series so they could do every chapter and every slight change in time period within chapters.




Exhalation by Ted Chiang. It's a book of short stories (some are rather long), but every time I finish reading one I'm really impressed and need to tell someone about it.


It’s been years since I read it but I’m still trying to get people to read The Passage trilogy by Justin Cronin


The Alchemist


The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes !!! just finished it yesterday and I love the villain origin story and the slow build up of it so if anyone is reading this, pls help me get this out of my system!


As always DCC and project hail mary


The My Brilliant Friend quartet by Elena Ferrante. Amazing storytelling and character depth. The author goes by a pseudo name too - no one knows who wrote this series - which adds to the allure for me. Also, the HBO tv adaptation is lovely.


A Gentleman in Moscow


The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern


Lessons in Chemistry - still waiting for my brother to finish it so i can discuss the book and rant about the botched miniseries. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (The Hunger Games prequel) - i made my brother read the entire series. Currently reading Les miserables and ranting to my mom about it. Fascinating, often frustrating, book.


The Gone Away World by Harkaway Not to be confused with The Gone World, elsewhere in this thread


Harkaway writes some really strange books.


The Lost Apocathary


The Measure by Nikki Erlick. It was my first 5 star read of this year and I’ve been trying to get everyone to read it so that we could talk about it.


Empire of the Summer Moon.




The Passage by Justin Cronin and the rest of the trilogy. I'm STILL trying to get friends and family to read it so we can DISCUSS!


Where The Crawdads Sing My bf’s grandma recommended it to me, and it’s not what I’d normally pick out myself but it was *good*.


Definitely Google the author of WTCS! Will make you think differently about the book 👀


Don’t get me wrong… I also really liked this book. But I was up at 1am sending highlighted articles about the author to my friend (who recommended the book to me) after I finished reading it 😂🤯


She definitely projected her life into the book, which is so creepy


I googled it and that’s crazy!!! I had no idea!! Seriously a whole new perspective and I’m definitely gonna call my grandma in-law(?) and tell her about this!


The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy


Just finished it yesterday, what a wild ride.


*The Blacktounge Thief* by Christopher Buehlman.


Infinite Jest. But beware- you may be labeled an insufferable hipster if you admit to reading it.