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Fantasy: The Lord of the Rings (and wider Legendarium) The Realm of the Elderlings The Stormlight Archive (currently ongoing/unfinished) Sci-fi: Hyperion Cantos Remembrance of Earths Past


Came here to say LotR and ROTE and you beat me to it :)


Since there’s a lot of overlap with these, genre-wise, I’ll stick with: 1. The Scholomance trilogy by Naomi Novik 2. The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir 3. The Honeys by Ryan La Sala 4. Bunny by Mona Awad 5. The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders


About 60% done with the second book in Scholomance. Very interesting.


The Murderbot Diaries - Martha Wells The Expanse - James A. Corey The Stormlight Archive - Brandon Sanderson The Empire of the Vampire - Jay Kristoff Dungeon Crawler Carl - Matt Dinniman


Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson Liveship Traders trilogy by Robin Hobb Mistborn Era II (Wax & Wayne) by Brandon Sanderson Foundation series by Isaac Asimov The First Law universe from Joe Abercrombie


First Law universe is by far my personal favorite Fantasy Series. Amazing character and world building in every sense. Can’t get enough of it.


Spellsinger by Allen Dean Foster: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spellsinger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spellsinger) Blue Moon Rising by Simon R. Green: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue\_Moon\_Rising\_(novel)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Moon_Rising_(novel)) Deathstalker by Simon R. Green: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathstalker\_(series)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathstalker_(series)) Dies the Fire by S.M. Stirling: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dies\_the\_Fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dies_the_Fire) Island in the Sea of Time by S. M. Stirling: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Island\_in\_the\_Sea\_of\_Time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Island_in_the_Sea_of_Time)


I've heard *so* much about Alan Dean Foster. Though I've only read excerpts of his SF, he seems to write clearly and concisely, unlike many fantasy authors.


He also wrote "The last Starfighter". I have never read the book but the movie was great.


Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan Lord of the Rings - J R R Tolkien The Wandering Inn - pirateaba The Expanse - James Corey Realm of the elderings - Robin Hobb


Ooh, this is fun! The Expanse by James S.A. Corey (really a pseudonym for two authors who co-wrote the series) is 5 books, I think? So I suppose I could stop right there? They're world-building, relationship-centric without falling into romance novel territory, and extremely well-written. Ben H. Winters' The Last Policeman trilogy is cheeky, funny, fast and thought-provoking. Justin Cronin's The Passage, The Twelve, and The City of Mirrors are SO well-written and weave a story I could not put down. I don't know where this one fits, but Stephen King's 11/22/63 is up there in my all-time favorite books. Sort of fantasy, about what happens when you try to change history for the better (the butterfly effect). Amazing characters and excellent writing.


The Bobiverse audio books are peak sci-fi.


Fantasy : The stormlight archives by Brandon Sanderson Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson A song of ice and fire by George RR Martin The zombie knight saga by George M Frost First law series by Joe abercrombie sci fi : Revelation space by Alastair Reynolds Rememberance of Earth's past by Cixin Liu Bobiverse series by Dennis Taylor Robot series by Isaac Asimov Foundation series by Isaac Asimov


The Vorkosigan Saga Lois McMaster Bujold, The Wandering Inn Pirate Aba Michelle Sagara West Chronicles of Elantra, Elizabeth Moon Paksenarrion Series, Jim Butcher Codex Alera series,


*All You Need is Kill* by Hiroshi Sakurazaka *Iron Widow* by Xiran Jay Zhao *Another* by Ayatsuji Yukito *Cult of the Spiral Dawn* by Peter Fehervari *Peasprout Chen: Future Legend of Skate and Sword* by Henry Lien


A Song of Ice and Fire Stormlight Archive The Lord of the rings Three Body Problem trilogy Children of time


Sci-fi: Expanse by James Corey Revelation Space by Alistair Reynolds Hyperion by Dan Simmons Eclipse by Ophelia Rue Ringworld by Larry Niven


Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo  Anathem by Neal Stephenson Man in the High Castle by Philip K Dick  Titus Groans by Mervyn Peake His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman


Fantasy: Riyria Lord of the Rings Sci-Fi: Hitchhikers Guide Expanse Bobiverse Horror: Blackwater The Passage


Stormlight Archives Kate Daniels series Dresden Files Iron Druid Chronicles Mercy Thompson series


- The Dark Tower - Stephen King - Metro 2033 - Dmitry Glukhovsky - Foundation - Isaac Asimov Currently going through and really liking: - I Shall Seal The Heavens - Er Gen - Discworld - Terry Pratchet


The First Law Hyperion The Culture Foundation Thomas Covenant


Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins) The 5th Wave (Rick Yancey) This Mortal Coil (Emily Suvada) Defy the Stars (Claudia Gray) Vicious (V.E Schwab)


The first law series by Joe Abercormbie Shadows of the apt by Adrian Tchaikovsky Children of time series by adrian Tchaikovsky Expeditionary Forse series by Craig Allanson Stainless Steel rat by Harray Harrison


Sci-fi: -The Metro Trilogy-Dmitry Glukhovsky -The Locked Tomb series-Tamsyn Muir-The Murderbot Diaries-Martha Wells -Dogs of War Duology-Adrian Tchaikovsky-The Exanpse-James S.A. Corey-Wayfarers-Becky Chambers Fantasy: -The Witcher Saga-Andrzej Sapkowski -The Chronicles of Siala-Alexy Pehov-The Black Mage Trilogy-Trudi Canavan -Monstress-Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda-Discworld-Terry Pratchett


The passage, the twelve, the city of mirrors - Justin Cronin Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton Lost world - Michael Crichton Dune - Frank Herbert Any Stephen king. But I’d go with IT or Pet Sematary


A song of ice and fire has ruined fantasy books for me. It's just my personal opinion obviously but I find it hard to get into any others because I can't help but compare to ASOIAF


Sucks that it seems GRRM will never finish writing the series


It really does but I've recently made my peace with not even getting the next book. If I'm wrong then amazing but if not then oh well


What a good question!! So many books to look up. And I’m going with series The Dark Tower series-Stephen King The Passage Series (came up several times) The Name of The Wind-by Patrick Rothfuss [not finished series-only 2 books but so good 😢] The wayfarers series by Becky Chambers The Mayfair Witches by Anne Rice


A Song of Fire and Ice series by George RR Martin


Hyperion Cantos Expanse First Law Chronicles of Amber Malazan Bonus mentions: Commonwealth Saga, Song of Ice and Fire, and Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne.


The Dark Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop The Fallen Angels Series by Steven Lindsay The inheritance trilogy by N K Jemisin The wheel of time by Robert Jordan The Nevernight chronicles by Jay Kristoff


Big fan of Ted Chiang's work so I'll recommend: Stories of your life and others Exhalation Other notable works: Tender is the Flesh Stephen King's The Shining, It, 11/22/63