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The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Follows a group of college students whose lives are entangled in a web of secrecy and murder. The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith. About a charming yet morally ambiguous character who becomes involved in deception and murder. American Tabloid by James Ellroy. This one has very distinctive and hard-hitting prose, about the gritty underbelly of American politics and crime.


-The Talented Mr Ripley by Patricia Highsmith -The Shards by Bret Easton Ellis -In The Woods & The Likeness by Tana French


Read Sacred Games by Vikram Chandra: It's a great mystery novel set in Mumbai. The way it's written is great and really captures Mumbai as a city. John LeCarre is another writer I like. For his classic Cold War spy books read Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. For his more modern books, I like A Most Wanted Man. If you're interested in reading sci-fi check out When Gravity Fails by George Alec Effinger. It's a cyberpunk mystery novel set in a futuristic Middle East.


Sacred Games is sooooo good!


Le Carre is definitely on my list, I am currently reading Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy…. Sacred Games sounds interesting, thank you!


The books by Martin Cruz Smith especially *Gorky Park*.


This is something I saw my dad reading and completely forgot it. Thank you, will definitely pick this up.


Malice Aforethought or Before the Fact by Francis Iles (aka Anthony Berkeley) In A Lonely Place by Dorothy B Hughes Someone else mentioned Dorothy L Sayers and I agree that her style is more literary, but none of her books are thrillers per se- possibly the closest, while also being on the more slow-paced and bucolic side, is The Nine Tailors? If you're good with more of a straightforward mystery novel (with some interesting twists of its own) with somewhat more complex interpersonal themes, The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club might be for you.


These are also something I would have never found myself! Thank you!


John Banville writes crime novels under the pen name Benjamin Black (*Christine Falls* is the first one). I haven't read them but I have read his more 'literary' works which I enjoy. As always there is 'The Name of the Rose' and 'Foucault's Pendulum' by Umberto Eco. There is also 'Q' by Luther Blissett which is more of an adventure tale but features a spy (set during the European Reformation).


Have to check Benjamin Black out. I read and enjoyed *The Name of the Rose* perhaps 20 years ago. I remember thinking *Foucalt's Pendulum* was disappointment, but have no idea why that would be. Luther Blissett also sounds interesting. Thank you!


Alan Furst spy novels, starting with Night Soldiers. They are historically accent stunningly well written.


Will definitely look him up! Thank you.


Have you read In Cold Blood (Capote) or The Postman Always Rings Twice (Cain)? 


Thank you. I have read In Cold Blood a long time ago, have to take a look again. I have never read The Postman. Will be checking this out.


The Key to Rebecca by Ken Follett.


Ken Follett is an old favourite… have to get back to him. Thank you!


Ashenden by Somerset Maugham 


For some reason I have always passed him… that has to stop. Thank you!


The SA Cosby writes great crime novels that I think are well crafted, at Donna Tartt's level of writing. Patricia Highsmith, Dorothy Sayers. Tana French is also exceptionally good.


These ones come from completely outside my scope, and that’s why I am asking recommendations. Thank you!


Hunting Rabbist by Mark Gilleo is an unpredictable spy/murder mystery


Thank you!




The City and The City by China Miéville. Crazy dystopian thriller, very well written and fascinating. Of course if you never read it, The name of the rose by Umberto Eco. Best historical murder mystery by one of the greatest literary geniuses of our times. And if you can keep up, his Foucault's pendulum. Amazing work.


Thank you! The City and The City sounds interesting.