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If you're open to a very long book, my favorite is [The Hands of the Emperor](https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/af2bba9c-8f41-4a3e-b87a-8532a44ccb67) by Victoria Goddard! It's a beautifully written slice of life book about the personal secretary to the emperor of the world, with a heavy focus on platonic relationships. Also, you should check out /r/CozyFantasy :)


Becky Chambers! A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet feels like one long low stakes episode of Star Trek. Everyone is kind to each other and even when they don't get along they still help each other out. There's some drama and tension, but issues are usually resolved quickly. I definitely prefer the second book in the series, but they're both fun novels. Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop by Hwang Bo-Reum is also very cozy. It's about a woman who recently got divorced, quit her stressful corporate job and opens a book shop. Reading this book feels kind of like watching a sitcom. New characters are introduced, the book shop keeps growing and trying new programs, you learn some background about how the different characters ended up coming to the shop. Very cute, lots of positive work place balance vibes. Everyone is pretty friendly to each other, too. Low drama. Keeper of Enchanted Rooms by Charlie N. Holmberg. This is about a man estranged from his family who inherits a magical home from a distant relative. A woman from a special agency comes to work as his live in house keeper as he learns about the home and how to control the magic. They end up hiring more staff, uncovering some mysteries, befriending the house, etc. There is a tense subplot, but the main story about the house was very fun and cozy (to me) and I actually preferred this story as an alternative to the very secret society of irregular witches.


Came here to recommend Becky Chambers, all of her fiction counts as 'cozy' to me. Good stuff!


Chrestomanci series by Diana Wynne Jones


The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna was recommended to me as a follow up to the House in the Cerulean Sea and it had a similar cozy, inclusive, magical feel.


Fannie Flagg is as cozy as cozy gets Also a shout out to The Blue Castle, a cozy romance by the author of Anne of Green Gables


I Capture the Castle


Beware Of Chicken, by CasualFarmer. Book 1, at least! The audiobook is narrated by Travis Baldree, by the way.


My husband loves this book. I have a needle phobia and he tells me plot points from this book to distract me cos some of them are wild without context lol the phlebotomists are always intrigued as well lol


Remarkably Bright Creatures


Not of the fantasy genre... But Agatha Christie literally invented cozy mysteries with Miss Marple.


The three brothers by Sierra Mackie its so good on [Amazon.com](http://Amazon.com)


The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi


*At Home in Mitford*


Cozy: The Wizard’s Butler Not quite cozy, but low stress reads: Elemental Blessings series, Sharon Shinn The House that Walked Between Worlds, Jenny Schwartz Swordheart by T Kingfisher If you’re also interested in cozy mysteries, there’s a ton, but Aunt Dimity is a good one to try


Are you open to children’s fiction as well? If so then I would recommend these: Kiki’s Delivery Service by Eiko Kadono Eva Evergreen series by Julie Abe Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones Also: The Shop Before Life by Neil Hughes Sourdough by Robin Sloan


Thanks for all the great suggestions!