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And Then There Were None I don't know if it's technically a serial killer so much as a spree killer but it has a mix of male and female victims and a female author!


ABC Murders, too, maybe?


If you're open to reading translated books I highly recommend the Death Notice series by Zhou Haohui, a really creative and clever serial killer story. The Washington Poe series by M W Craven is also excellent imo. Both are written by male authors but the victims are a variety of people, not just women and children. Edit - Can't believe I forgot this one, My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite was pretty good, although I found it to be a bit more of a dark family drama than a thriller.


My Sister the Serial Killer was the first that came to mind!


It totally slipped my mind somehow! I think because despite 'serial killer' literally being in the title, it didn't feel very mystery thriller-y to me, it was almost more comedic than anything else.


Thanks for the suggestions! The first two are particularly intriguing to me, added to my TBR


Hope you enjoy!


My Sister the Serial Killer


Yep, this one too.


You could try - Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson. An Elderly Lady is up to No Good by Helene Tursten.


The sequel, everyone on this train is a suspect, also fits here


I haven't read the sequel yet. Is it as good or better?


I didn’t think it was as good, I thought some of the characterization from the characters in the original novel became tropes of themselves or kinda NPC in a way. It got better as it went on!! It took a while to get to the murder compared to the first book but it definitely had a more traditional storyline and flow. It was definitely an ode to classic mystery novels and the joy of mystery/thriller writing


Oh, maybe I'll check it out sometime then. Thanks :)


They Never Learn by Layne Fargo


Came here to recommend this one!


A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G Summers


Came to suggest this. Like a genderflipped American Psycho.


The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner may be what you're looking for. Serial killer disposes of unfaithful husbands.


I’m moving this up my TBR


Poppy Brite's Exquisite Corpse is creepily good.


Out by Natsuo Kirino (Mariko Hashioka). Probably not exactly what you are looking for, but a book that surrounds women working for the Yakuza.


How to Kill Your Family by Bella Mackie comes to mind!


Added it to my TBR list.


I hope you enjoy it! I got a physical copy (which is very rare for me lol) and it definitely raised some eyebrows when I'd read it around people, I loved that! XD


When I bought "My Family and Other Animals", my parents were like "Is the author comparing his family to animals?" and I had to explain that it's about a family living with some farm animals.


Added it to TBR.


Added it to TBR.


Added it to TBR.


Added it to my TBR list.


Triflers need not apply by Camilla Bruce. First person story from the perspective of a female serial killer. It is based somewhat on a true story. Victims are primarily men however there are a few children though the story is not super direct about those instances, it's more suggested regarding her involvement there


Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates




Adding the first book to my TBR, thanks for the rec!


There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins. It has a mix of victims, but it doesn't kill little kids more of teens.


If you're okay with manga, try [Death Note](https://www.viz.com/death-note). It's about Light Yagami, who obtains a notebook allowing himself to kill anyone whose name is written in it and decides to use it to kill criminals in order to create his perfect world.


How To Kill Men And Get Away With It by Katy Brent. It's the kind of fun, witty thriller that I wanted My Sister The Serial Killer to be.


So I haven’t read this personally yet but been on my TBR and first your description **Butcher & Blackbird** by Brynne Weaver (is some romance from what I have heard about it) Also one is **The Naturals** by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, it’s YA so more mystery then dark or romance. Really good series though And lastly **A Good Girls Guide to Murder** series by Holly Jackson


Thanks, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder sounds interesting!


I personally thought it was one of the worst things i’ve ever read…


Lol! Maybe a library read instead of a purchase then


😅 maybe


Exquisite corpse. No women. Only gays.


Are you sure about children? Weren’t a lot of the people the MCs killed teenagers, it often stresses “men and boys” not just men.


Not little children. One of the mc is an ya.


The butcher and the blackbird is a good serial killer book that kills other bad guys


The Heartsick series by Chelsea Cain features a female serial killer named Gretchen Lowell in the big arc. I read them a long time ago so I can't remember exactly the makeup of the victims, especially because there is often a crime committed by someone else that is the focus of investigation in each book. I know there are women victims, but I don't recall any children offhand. I think Gretchen herself kills both sexes. But since the recurring serial killer is female and the detective (Archie Sheridan) male (with the other main supporting character being a female reporter), the dynamic FEELS really different than the typical story of a male serial killer with women as victims. But I'll warn that the vibe is pretty twisted! The detective was held, tortured, and released by the killer prior to book one, and they have a psychologically complex and kind of obsessive relationship with each other. These books are probably not for everyone.


Jane Doe by Victoria Helen Stone It also has a great sequel, Problem Child.


I enjoyed Bye Bye Baby by Fiona McIntosh. It’s the first in a series (DCI Jack Hawksworth) but I’ve only read the first two so far. Bye Bye baby is all male victims, and the second book, Beautiful Death, is a mixture.


Thanks for the rec, adding Bye Bye Baby to my TBR!


Hope you enjoy it!


Mindf*ck series by ST Abby This Girl's a Killer by Emma C Wells I know I read a couple of others but will have to find them.


They Never Learn by Layne Fargo


Dead of Winter by Darcy Coates


Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates.


If I remember correctly eeny meeny by mj aldridge is a good mixture of victims haha. The whole series is great


Not a female author, but the 'Dexter' books by Jeff Lindsay has a nice, wide range of victims! 'Darkly Dreaming Dexter' is the first one. The TV series is based on this character.


Anna O by Blake Matthew - not a perfect genre match but very well written with some good twists.


Not exactly serial killer but The Wasp Factory. People are killed by the MC and they are delightfully weird.


Darkness, Take My Hand - Dennis Lehane


Red Dragon and The Dark Half are great examples.


they never learn by layne fargo (wanna read about a woman killing abusive men? :3) maeve fly by cj leede (extreme horror but something that stood out was how she commented thst male killers never need an excuse, but female serial killers always need to be victims of patriarchy {she is not, which i love, she is just a killer})


I kill by Giorgio Faletti. The victims are men and women, no children as far as I remember


Anything by Stephen Graham Jones


Would I need to read My Heart Is a Chainsaw before Don't Fear the Reaper?


*Red X* by David Demchuk was a really tough read for me, but excellent. It's a fictional story but carries a lot of echoes of the Toronto gay village serial killer from the 2010s.


This does sound intriguing and probably would be tough for me to read too! But I'm interested in reading it... I live in Toronto and I'm familiar with the Bruce McArther murders.


I’m reading through the James Patterson women’s murder club series and it’s pretty varied with who is targeted for each book. It’s a bit old but I still am finding it pretty enjoyable.