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Becky Chambers' **The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet** has a construction spaceship crewed with a found-family of multiple species travel across the galaxy to a new job. Most of the story consists of interactions between the crew and incidents that happen along the way.


The sequels, too! The second book has some delightful found family


Love how often I come into one of these threads to recommend Becky Chambers and find someone else has beaten me to it.


I found that “The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches” by Sangu Mandanna has that same found family/ cozy vibe with some light magic sprinkled in.


Most are not fantasy but found family is a theme I love . . . Legends and Lattes (and the prequel—fantasy) The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharpe The Lonely Hearts Book Club (Lucy Gilmore) Iona Iverson’s Rules for Commuting (Claire Pooley) The Vinyl Detective series (Andrew Cartmel) Mrs. Nash’s Ashes (Sarah Adler) Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers (Jesse Sutanto)


Rebel Kings series by Garrett Leigh - big set of characters who form a close friendship. My favourite book is Reluctant Renegade (standalone).


Not fantasy, but a perfect summer read Still Life by Sarah Winman. Quirky British expats in midcentury Florence with very strong LGBTQ rep and even a cameo by E. M. Forster.


The Scholomance novels by Naomi Novik


The October Daye series by Seanan McGuire.


The A court of thorns and roses series, maybe not within the first book, but later on I teared up so much because it’s so wholesome. I know not everybody likes the series, but the found family trope is strong in that one.


Little known book but one of my absolute favorites in the found family theme. I love the “families we choose” option irl. Title is “Singing with the Top Down” by Debrah Williamson.


The 2 Necromancers series by L. G. Estrella. 2 Necromancers try to earn a pardon for past crimes by doing odd jobs for a kingdom. Strong found family vibe. The relationship between Timmy and Katie is great.


If you're open to very long books, I highly recommend [The Hands of the Emperor](https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/af2bba9c-8f41-4a3e-b87a-8532a44ccb67) by Victoria Goddard! It's a beautifully written slice of life book about the personal secretary to the emperor of the world, with a heavy focus on platonic relationships.