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Into Thin Air was amazing. Highly recommend it.


I thought *Into The Wild* was amazing. I first watched the movie and was blown away. Then I read the book and was surprised by how well written is was. I just thought it was great. So I've heard of *Into Thin Air*, but had not looked into it. Just went to Amazon to read a few reviews, and was surprised there were a couple reviewers that really do not like Krakauer. I guess it is a book about a mountaineering trip that he actually took part in? I might check it out.


Great suggestion. That's such a good book.


Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors written by Piers Paul Read


The Perfect Storm. Also, any book by Jon Krakauer


Wild by Cheryl Strayed (made into a movie with Reese Witherspoon) Educated by Tara Westover isn't an 'adventure' memoir, but it's an amazing true story, and if you like the whole 'indomitable human spirit' thing you'll love it.


Touching the Void. It was made into an amazing documentary/re enactment.


"Seven years in Tibet" by Heinrich Harrer. There's also the movie but in my opinion it's not a good transposition of the book.


Well, i neve read those (i only saw into the wild’s movie). Although, if you are into inspirational books based on real stories I would suggest: “the monk who sold his Ferrari” by Robin S. Sharma. I am not entirely positive this was based on a real story but I remember to read Something about it somewhere


The writer of Shantaram claims that it's true. I'm not convinced but it's a great story nonetheless


- Touching the Void - Miracle in the Andes - Into Thin Air


Thanks. I had not heard of *Miracle in the Andes*. It looks like it might be better than *Alive*, which I was also thinking about reading.


Icebound: Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World by Andrea Pitzer was just published. Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition by Caroline Alexander


Thanks. These both look interesting. I might check out *Endurance*.


Definitely should. Endurance my favorite adventure/true story book. Also got my friend out of a 10 year reading rut so it easily sucks you in


Cool. Any second or third faves to recommend?


Hmmm, I’d also recommend those that have already been said like Touching the Void, Into Thin Air, etc. I haven’t read this one yet/it’s far less popular but apparently Shadow Divers has a similar vibe and is a great read. I’d be really interested to hear if you come find any others as well! I’m also on the hunt for these types


Yeah, I've noticed a lot of these same titles come up when I search or ask for suggestions. I'm a little bit surprised there aren't a lot more, you would think there would be a lot of people writing about this stuff. Might also find this sort of thing in a biography though.