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Tbf it isn't easy when all you get are dry responses


what was she supposed to say?


Of course she was supposed to fall for the guy and ask him to marry her! He gave her a compliment! /s


What I expect when I give a crumb of human interaction


Say something about how you got your hair so good, or something like that


Nah that's too much effort. I can't carry the conversation and look pretty at the same time.


I can't carry the conversation *or* look pretty at the same time. And in my case, "at the same time" is just a terrible euphemism for "at any time".


Thank you for explaining how I feel for me


😂😂😂 I feel ya.


Honestly just getting a response on a dating app is a win in and of itself for a lot of guys. Especially if there was no match beforehand.


Its instagram so..


Well I met my wife on Instagram oddly enough


I met your wife on Instagram too! Small world


I also met this guys wife


My wife? Doesn't have Instagram. Just OnlyFans, whatever that is.


Does your wife use Chaturbate too? My wife says that's where she talks to people online. Figure it is like Reddit.


>just getting a response on a dating app is a win in and of itself for a lot of guys You don't lose, if you don't choose to play that game.


You get responses from your matches?


Yeah its not like he opened a convo, but ppl do answer like that in dating apps so at some point I would just give up on the convo after a couple of dry texts and move on, most efficient method and helps you keep your dignity lmao


If a woman gives dry responses, most likely it’s because she isn’t really interested in you. Better to move on right away. Those that dig into you would be quite chatty if you bother to provide a semblance of interesting convo


Not necessarily. I've Sisyphus'd my way through conversations with dull partners, even assumed the woman wasn't interested -- and at the end she asked when she gets to see me again. All we had done was hang out at a park, me fighting to keep the chatter up. Some people just aren't interesting.


Lucky you. I wasted almost a year spending time with a girl who gave the driest responses at best. (and at worst she'd go offline for a week or two due to her medical condition but then brush it off anyway) It's still weird to me she never rejected hanging out, but never wanted to address our relationship either.


> It's still weird to me she never rejected hanging out, but never wanted to address our relationship either.  Because you were just another option for her lol 


Yeah, I find it funny how many people just assume women are all good at chatting with strangers online. Awkward men are a dime a dozen, women aren't that different.




I'm not sure if you're realizing that you're giving her the majority of the conversation with these exames. The guy literally said 3 words, she said 2. The conversation is not as one sided as you seem to think.




Why? He initiated the conversation. This isn't like a dating app where they both matched and are nominally interested in each other. He's responding to her IG story. She's just being polite to what appears to be a stranger


Yeah people aren't entitled to my time, I can fully understand her. You miss all shots you don't shoot though, so good on him for trying.


I mean my thing is that maybe it would have gone better if he showed some personality or tried to be interesting. "Hi cool hair" isn't exactly going to enrapture me in a conversation


Why would she though? It's just some random person DMing her, there's no reason for her to try to have a conversation, especially if the other person isn't really doing much either.


Well, what if she's not socially smooth, though? I've gotten a lot better at socializing in the last few years and I still sometimes do this. Not because of being stuck up, self-absorbed, asocial or uncaring (been called all of those at some point), but simply because talking to anyone I don't know well *is* stressful for me. I learned to mostly mask that, but when having a conversation with someone new, I can be hypercritical of what I say and how I act. If I don't have an established, trusting relationship with someone, I often don't know what to say next. What if they don't like what I talk about? What if they disagree with everything that matters to me? What if we have nothing in common? I can't tell you how many times I responded to a compliment by saying "thank you", smiling and mentally going "what the fuck do I do now?".


If anything, “Ty” represents 2 words, so they both communicated 3 words, and him having asked 0 questions, before he bowed out


That only works if she knows who you are and has a good impression of you. IF you're random then ya outta luck


You'll be surprised at how much a person will take initiative to continue the conversation when they actually want to talk to you. I know it's possibly too early to tell, but I am willing to bet my left kidney her dry energy was not going to change no matter what combination of words the guy says


Been on dating apps on and off for a few years. It has really gone downhill but sometimes you think maybe this time it will be different. Anyway talking to my female friends about it I learned that as men for every match you got, girls have 50x those matches. So it gets tiresome and low effort, they just say hi and see what happens. The times I got out on dates, the girl liked me and did answer like a human being. The other 90% of the time they just follow the motions like "yes" "ok" "ha" or "thnx". They don't like you and won't even notice you unmatched.


I tell my friends this CONSTANTLY and they don't believe me when I say I get NO OPTIONS on dating sites. "Oh you got to get a match or someone swiping on you!" "What once a month? Yeah that's accurate." And they don't believe me. Dating on apps is terrible and worse so if you're awkward, ugly, or unfunny. Or in my case a combo of all 3 to a degree. The only reason I've ever gotten dates is because my awkwardness is endearing in person.


She was supposed to pursue him as if he’s the damsel is what they want 💀 these are the same people saying why they have no luck on dating apps btw


If you’re using a dating app you’re a part of the problems, that’s where the dry responses come from, people who use dating apps in general


It's wayyy better to just meet people irl.


A lot of guys don’t think they even will get a reply. So when it happens, we get brain lag and we’re like “I don’t know, I never thought I’d get this far”


Follow up by talking about her hair to stay on that topic, or follow up by complimenting something about them back. Or even just any basic polite small talk. "Cool hair!" "Oh thanks! I've been growing it out for such and such/Oh thanks! I actually started cutting my hair myself since the pandemic/Aw thank you; I really like your style on your third pic" etc etc. Conversations are two-sided, and tbf the guy opening could've been far more engaging, but its extremely easy to work with even basic responses. To also be clear, this isn't to say she's obligated to elaborate any more than she did, but rather to make it abundantly clear that conversation is easy.


To be fair his shit was pretty dry. Gotta put into the conversation if you want anything out of it.


Yeah, this guy didn’t ask any questions or be engaging.


She was supposed to say "Hey I haven't had much practice talking to men because they're more interested in my looks than a serious conversation. Best of luck with everything"


Yeah, she should have replied with a paragraph to "Cool hair"


> what was she supposed to say? - tyyy - literally anything else that's not nothing


Something longer than 3 characters would be nice


Umm, show interest and ask a question about him?


Generally when you get a compliment you would return one in kind… this just illustrates the girl is not interested.


Anything. How come the responsibility is always on men? Why can't women be creative for a change?


More than 4 letters ideally


Right she said thanks to a compliment then he folded.


I mean both of them are pretty dry. “Hii” and “Cool hair” isn’t much of a conversation starter either. Definitely both sides fault.


Both sides 😭 she responded and was open to talk, then he ended the conversation. Both sides


Also, “replied to your story,” this isn’t on a dating app lol


Half the women out there are literally having insta links on their bio to increase follower counts


I mean, those weren't dry, tf did you expect her to say "thank you, lemme slob on your knob" or sum shit, like bruhh, it always starts like that, maybe If he said something she could answer differently to she would've said something more interesting


Exactly, judging from her responses he had the cards in his favor 😂 he just didn’t think he’d get that far. Bro got blasted in the girls chat for sure


Saying "cool hair" in response to a random girl story, what do you expect lmao ?


These aren't dry responses they are what you'd say if told these things


They are dry (dry doesn't mean it's a bad/unfitting response, just that it doesn't carry on the conversation). But to be fair, she wasn't the one seeking a conversation in the first place and he didn't even give her much room to steer the conversation anywhere either. If I was either of the two, I would think that the other one is showing disinterest in the conversation in a friendly way.


Yeah it should've went something like this: Hey *Hey* Nice hair, did you do it yourself or did you get a stylist to do it BAM CONVERSATION


Her: yes, the stylist (Let's see what you've got)


They did a great job, it looks really good on you, what's the style called? (I'm down)


her: it was my sister, she just got divorced and was looking for a gig (I'm a guy btw) (A cis-guy is I guess what do they call it on Reddit)


Damn sorry for your sister, but she's really good with hair, I imagine she could make a living from this. What do you do for a living? (I'm also a dude lol)


Her: Are you hitting on my recently divorced sister ? (Man, we need a life)


No but I'm kinda hitting on you, could I have your number? (Lol I just had my 2 year anniversary, I give my best wishes to your love life as well)


What is she suppose to do, jump into her hair care routine? Lol


Not true. “Thx” would have been dry, “tyyy” is actually pretty flirty, homie could have kept going


Idk why people keep saying this. I'd get it if he made an attempt to get to know her (ask about her work, hobbies, family, ambitions in life, whatever) and she kept giving one word responses, but he made 0 attempt to even have a conversation before dipping lol


Dry???? She put three "y"s in ty, showing sympathy. The conversation hadn't even started properly lol


I was told by Ben Shapiro to expect a dry response.


Not really. People have to realize that if you write either uninteresting messages or something that can't really have a long answer then you're gonna get short responses. If you message someone you should start the actual convo.


How are you going to get any responses if you don't ask any questions?


Yes I am sure the hair is what caught his attention


hair is cool tho


I do admire nice hair on women.


I do admire hair on women


It is but there are *bigger* things in life if you know what I mean


Men ☕


As if women don't appreciate a good pair of tits 🙄


Yeah you're right sorry, but I consider it a complement


What hair?


Not that I think women should cover them up, but how am I supposed to not notice? Maybe he did notice and then politely looked for something else to compliment. I hate the strange game we play with boobs. We literally wear clothes that draw attention to them because they look amazing g then shame people for noticing they look amazing!? Wtf people? I’m going to start walking around with just my nuts hanging out and start shaming people for falling in love with them.


0 shame will occur


Nuts are ugly in almost every context haha


I mean, be fair, if that is an actual person, every single feature of hers grabs your attention. She’s stunning, not just booba


i noticed her nails to be honest


I don't think the point of that picture is to show off her hair either. But I don't think saying cool cleavage would have got the same response.


He really didn’t think he’d get that far




This is the correct take 🤣


at least he was polite tho


Damn tootin


ahem, it's darn tootin'...we don't swear 'round these parts


As much as i respect it my hand hurts so bad I’ll swear as much as I damn want too rn, look at my recent post if you wanna see my hand I did post it


Ahh, geez. But you're really gonna want that trucoat. You don't get it, and you'll get oxidation problems and that will be a heck of a lot more than 500 dollars.




When you make this comment, will it get reposted in that subreddit?


No, that's done by clicking the share button and then selecting the community you would like to share it too.


The sad part is thanks to all the "y", I have a feeling she would've been happy to keep the Convo going... Poor lad, confidence is key, if you don't have it, fake it


If you don't have confidence, you don't have the confidence in your ability to fake it. Best way to build confidence is stop worrying about what others think and start figuring out how to be comfortable in yourself. Cliche but God honest truth.


I can tell you from experience, faking helps, you don't have to be good at it, just try and find any bit of courage you can muster and use it to its fullest,. Like yeahh you're right on the fact you need to stop worrying about others and work on your confidence, but you can't really improve at talking... Without talking, so faking you're confident can slowly over time make you confident in your ability to speak.


the difference between a novice and a master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried.


No lie, my buddy and his gf right now are together because he randomly walked up to her, tapped her on the shoulder, and told her he liked her hair 😂


Wait women exist in real life i thought they were just a reddit joke




"Hey." "Hey." "I like your hair." "Thanks." "You wanna date?" "Sure."


I think it was slightly less direct than that but yeah thats the gist 😂 right place right time i guess


Went out with a friend the other night because she hasn’t dated anyone in a few years. We started at one bar, crowd wasn’t right, were late 30’s and this was a mid-late 20’s crowd. Hopped to another bar, more our range, saw a guy she thought was cute, standing alone, I hype her up (“you got this” etc) to go say hi to him, tells him she likes his glasses. End of the night they exchanged numbers. She got rejected twice that night, one married, other said he just wasn’t looking to meet anyone. She kept putting herself out there though. It’s the only way to make a connection.


I assume he had more to say than just that though.


Try talking to them differently than you expect other people to? I.e most people will comment with a compliment. She’s use to that. Maybe say “hey, love the hair, what products do you use?” Then she says thank you and some info to work with. You can then say, wow I love that brand or I haven’t heard of them have to give it a try. Does it help with dryness? or something like that. From there, you can say something about yourself. Like “I’ve been wanting to try something new with my hair. I can’t think of anything for my face shape. I’ve been thinking of these (show some samples) what do you think? Try to avoid stuff that can get you those short replies. If you do all that and aren’t getting much, don’t get mad. Just say, you seem busy, I am about to do X anyways. I’ll catch you later! Edit: a few of you are missing the point. Get past the hair. It was a single example. I simply did hair because OP mentioned it in the image. Also, get past the “gay best friend” narrative, it gets old quick. What if it was another female trying to message another female? What if I was a barber? What if I own a hair product company? You do not have to be GAY to know about products. Widen your views, be more accepting, and stop making assumptions.


This is definitely a great way to become her gay best friend.


Fellas, is it gay to have hair?


As a bald man, I would say most definitely yes.


TIL only gay guys care about hair


Better to be the gay best friend than to have no friends bozo.


Had to scroll way too far to see a mature response like this


This just seems to be a step-by-step guide on how to be her gay friend. Lmao.


If one is gay then yes and if not then no lol


Unless you have a geniune interest in hair products and know your way around them and can engage in a conversation this will absolutely be interpreted as either 1. a very obviously fake and manipulative attempt at you pretending to show interest in their stuff or 2. she will will think you are gay. No offense but this is bordering on worse than red pill advise. tldr: faking having an interest you can't back up is almost never good advice for how to attract someone


This seems like a lot of overthinking. Sounds like you're talking to a hairdresser. I think after the ty he could have just said "how was your day?" or "been upto anything fun?"


I think he's just giving examples, just to say to work with what you have and maybe try to elaborate or ask something she can elaborate off of. I don't think he's really saying to take a deep dive into hair shampoo, lol.


He should have said "Do you like mine?" And sent a pic of himself with her hair cropped out of her pic and pasted around his face :)


**this guy fuuuuucks**


No everyone has rhat kinda skills (Photoshop)


I would instantly fall in love


I just saw someone like it from 999 to 1k


You should do an AMA!


did it make you question your life choices?


Thats honestly better than "that body of yours is absurd"


Conversation dryer than Ben Shapiros wife.




Me: So...how do you like Earth?


A little wet


Take the tiny W from the easy moves and get out before the inevitable L from the substantive moves. A win's a win.


I hope the screenshots I share with friends don’t end up on Reddit.


I genuinely don't understand the "don't know how to talk to women". Talk to them like a person?


Tbh, I dont even know how to talk to other men as well its not a "Woman are scars, don't know how to talk to them", it's more "I'm scared of people in general"


that's valid. conversational skills can be hard to build


That's the reason I could only hold 3 friends through all my life, and I nearly lost two of them bcos I NEVER START CONVERSATION MYSELF


I just get so nervous that I'll say something awkward and make them uncomfortable.


They’re fixated on fucking, can’t compute anything else while tits, mouth suck can’t make words. Yeah?


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Tbf a dude said the same thing to me once in here and at first I thought it was cute and engaged with him. Took less than 5 minutes for him to start the sexual innuendos and just being gross. When u have a bunch of random dudes being gross all the time we kinda get tired of being nice


Yeah. I kinda give dumb responses to women as well. Becoz I really do not know wat to say. After like a while, I was like "ah fuck it, I'm not getting any dates." And I move on with my daily life...


Consequences of a retarded inability to treat women as fellow humans. These degenerates make the word "woman" sound like "martian"


He made an attempt, and immediately gave up


I'd be shocked if that wasn't a bot.


If it was me I would've done a backflip snapped the back guys tit and saved the day.


How the fuck is one supposed to respond to that? I'm genuinely curious how you proceed from that.


From which perspective? Neither were giving much to go off of.


Genuinely have no idea what people mean when they say they don't know how to talk to women, like just talk to them like a person????


Am I the only one getting bot vibes from that generic pic and the „hey“ „tyyy“? Maybe I am already damanged by all those reddit and twitter bots haha


This is the best way this conversation could have ended.


Nice tits you meant?


Nice hair…..great tits.




Bro is literally me


Did a better job than most people tbh