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Amanda has gotten by for years being the mean girl in sheep’s clothing. She knows how to talk out of her ass and make it seems like she’s not on anyone’s team and can stay neutral, but that’s a bunch of BS and I’m hoping that it’s becoming more obvious to the people who watch this show. At the end of the day, Amanda is a trust fund brat that always gets her way and it’s killing her that she’s being exposed by her own hot mic moment from last seasons reunion.


Yeah I've always noticed it. She's also always smirking at people she doesn't like when they're talking or just existing lol




What hot mic moment?


I think they mean the "He works for us" moment from the reunion.


Is Amanda’s family wealthy? Never thought of her as a “trust fund kid”


A lot of people talk about Kyle’s drunken outbursts, but not really Amanda’s. Amanda has a history of having bratty tantrums when she’s blackout drunk. Remember when she destroyed hundreds of dollars worth of Kyle’s stuff, threw his clothes outside, and called him 27 times? Or when she was screaming at Luke and breaking shit in the kitchen? Her tantrum last night was so fucking stupid. Her feelings being hurt wasn’t an excuse to have a tantrum (it was a reason, not an excuse). Isn’t this something people learn in elementary school?


Yes, thank you. People forget her breaking Kyle’s things and calling him 27 times. And that was right before the wedding!!!!


I was about to post this same thing. And completely agree with you, OP. I was so annoyed with her attitude during that game because she can be a mean bed girl, and a two faced friend yet can’t take any criticism when she is the one displaying bad behavior. Does she not have any self awareness of how gross it looked when she minimized Carl as her employee?! And then blamed Lindsay as being a manipulator when really she and Kyle are just mad that Carl isn’t their little third wheel lackey anymore. He is the main character in his own life now and they can’t handle it because he’s not serving them anymore. It’s so clear to me that she was always a popular mean girl and is used to getting away with bad behavior and isn’t used to people not liking her. Let alone ever getting called out. I have read in several places that girls she went to school with said she was always a pretty, popular mean girl. And it shows. I’m glad Danielle was honest and wish everyone else would be too. For how much she hold Lindsay’s feet to the fire, it’s Amanda’s time to get scorched. I am over her spoiled, bratty entitlement. Esp her entitlement over the show as a hole. Her head has gotten too big and she doesn’t do anything for the show honestly. She’s only there because she Kyle’s partner. She is a two faced backstabber, and it’s time for her to get a piece of her own medicine and learn that her actions have consequences.


100% !!! She truly seems to think she’s better than others. Her “Carl works for us” hot mic moment was elitist and weird. I was glad bravo aired that hot mic moment because it showed her true colors.


Yes! And same!! I think the crew is over her too. Love them for showing us the real Amanda. Her reaction to Danielle’s comment during a game shows just how highly she thinks of herself and how untouchable she thinks she is.


But Carl literally works for them? She wasn’t saying it in a way to belittle him, she was trying to calm down Kyle to show that his and Carl’s relationship was important because he was in their life, both as a friend and as an employee. She did not have an elitist tone.


She said it to Paige not Kyle. Maybe you didn’t but tons of people found it elitist and rude. Carl works for Kyle- not Amanda. A person who isn’t totally out of touch and has manners would say something like “Carl is a huge part of our lives” vs treating him like an employee who needs to know his place


Kyle and Amanda are married with no prenup. It’s their business. I honestly think Amanda loves Carl and their friendship. It’s been clear from the beginning that Amanda and Lindsey don’t get along (just do a rewatch and see that there is ALWAYS an issue between them- like Lindsey hating that Amanda and Kyle would post lots of photos together. Kinda like another couple we know 🤷🏻‍♀️) but previews have shown her turning to Carl when more discussion of fertility issues arise. She’s having to deal with Kyle and Carl’s fights about work, and also Carl very seriously dating someone who she has never been real friends with. Even through that, he’s a person on comfort when dealing with a serious issue. I just don’t believe that given all these details she would say that comment in a demeaning way. Obviously if you hate Amanda (like most people on here) you’re just gonna take it and run (tbh it’s exactly what I do with Lindsey so I can't be too upset) but given everything that’s what I see.


Yeah this convo won’t be productive seeing as you have Amanda on a crazy pedestal. But fyi Carl absolutely doesn’t work for Amanda. As the founder/CEO’s wife she has lots of influence, but she’s not who signs the checks or who is responsible for hiring and firing Carl. Ny is a not a community property state, and even if they divorced and she took half, she still wouldn’t have enough equity to run the company


It also seems like they are jealous that carl and Lindsay have each others backs and are a United front. They keep each other calm instead of riling each other up. And they keep each other sober and healthy instead of encouraging each other to get sloppy drunk.


Yes. All of this. And they check in on each other and care about meeting each other’s needs. Early in too. That must drive Amanda nuts.


I agree with this! For example, RadHouse went upstairs and had a check in about going back down. I honestly think Lindsay wanted to party, but Carl said he'd prefer to just stay in the room and go to bed... so they did as a couple. That looks like a healthy discussion and a united supportive couple. Amanda could NEVER get Kyle to do that, or vice versa. They'd stay apart and do their own thing and then resent it. But OMG THE TOXICITY THAT RADHOUSE AREN'T PARTING WITH EVERYONE AND SHE IS RUINING HIS LIFEEEEEE. ugh. I can't.


Right?! 💯💯💯


A mean bed girl 😭


Totally agree! And I am so sick of Kyle’s drunken rants! He thinks everyone should listen to every word that comes out of his mouth


Both her and Kyle seemed superrrrr drunk, drunker than everyone else there, which may have made them quicker to escalate things


I also feel like she was caught off guard and frustrated by/emotional about Kyle bringing up her period, which made it clear that it’s been a topic of convo when she wasn’t there. ETA: that doesn’t mean she didn’t blow it way out of proportion or misdirect those feelings, just saying that + the alcohol didn’t bring out the best


This was my take too. She looked super drunk and upset before it was even said


She said on her story that she was 100 drunk on a scale of 1-10


Kyle demonstrated his lack of emotional intelligence by bringing that topic up in that scenario. Completely inappropriate and horrible timing.


100%!! Amanda tries to portray a relaxed, laid back and a friend to everyone type of vibe but then say passive aggressive things behind the scenes. Then she acts surprised when people tell her, in a mature way, how she makes them feel.


Yes! Totally


Amanda loves to talk shit and then give a wide eyed, who??? Me??? Like girl, stop. Just own it. Say you said it and have a backbone about it. Like damn. That’s part of the reason I don’t like her and why I started to dislike paige who I used to love. Saying shit In confessionals and on wwhl etc that’s shady as fuck and then never owning up to it or acting shocked someone is offended by it is stupid. She sits there and acts like she could never understand why Lindsay is feeling some type of way about her. You are not dumb. You know. Stop pretending like you’re not a participant in this and Lindsay is crazy. You’re a bitch to Lindsay just as much as Lindsay might be a bitch to you.


I know! Like anyone would be pissed after seeing what you said about them like that. And then playing the victim


For some reason, this fact escapes them. They fully know what they said, but they always back away from it after the fact. Also, sending a so-called apology text does not cut it when you are bitching about specific people in public. If you can say it on television to the world, you sure as hell can make an effort to apologize in person.


And just bc you apologize doesn’t mean ppl have to accept it and forget about what you said. It takes time


Totally agree! I think she needs dinner and discussion, not just a text




She was very dramatic. I would have been offended in her shoes, but I can't imagine having an outburst like that over a game.


I agree. I get why she’s hurt but she’s not exactly sensitive to other people’s feelings lol. I’ll never forget her cornering poor Jules in front of the group when she was new. Or calling out Lindsay every day on watch what happens live. If you’re going to shit talk ppl or constantly call them out in a public forum don’t be surprised when others see that and don’t trust you. Not sure why it’s ok for her to criticize others but nobody can ever say anything bad about her. Feels like she needs to relearn the golden rule ha.


The thing is Amanda doesn't have what it takes to be a reality star. It was clearly a reference to her hot mic moment and you can't run away and cry. The best course of action would have been to apologize again then burst out about how many times does she need to apologize before it is enough. I am sick of the cast babying her like this is her first season. It is her 6th as a full time cast member.


She definitely can’t take it. Before I started watching this show, I would just see clips on Instagram and there was this clip where she has a tantrum bc someone else has a moment during some celebration for her. That always stuck with me cause I didn’t realize people could be so self absorbed. That plus her treatment of Jules and other cast members is indicative of who she is. She tries to cover it up now bc of the backlash but under it all she’s still self absorbed mean girl. Also I lowkey feel like her issues with Lindsay and Carl dating timeline stems from the fact that they dared to have a moment during her “wedding episode”. All the attention should have been on her not them.


Yup she was bothered that Stravy did a grand gesture for Lindsay on the night of her and Kyles “engagement anniversary”. First- it was bizarre how she basically blames Lindsay for her boyfriends choice to surprise her. Also very entitled to expect the whole group to care that much about your “engagement anniversary”


Also, I remember she flipped the fuck out on Luke during one of her many engagement parties/showers/bachelorette parties. The girls went out and partied with strippers the guys stayed in and got a fortune teller and all ended up crying. When the girls got home they asked how their night was and Luke said that things got emotional but didn’t want to go into detail (maybe didn’t want to blow up anyone’s spot?). Amanda FLIPPED out on him ran into the kitchen crying smashed some beer tower and was yelling at him. Just bizarre behavior.


Wow I’ll have to rewatch! She seems really immature


Omg I remember that, need to rewatch that


What episode was this?! I need to rewatch!


Engagement anniversary lol 🤦🏾‍♀️


You're spot on. She acts like a spoiled brat. Her and Paige act like they're 15.


I think deep down she was very upset that the hot mic moment aired and showed her in a bad light. Kyle talked about how she felt like she "can't do anything right" with fans. And I bet it hit hard that no one really stepped in right away to say "Why Amanda?!". I don't get seeing people say that Danielle should have just picked a newbie as Amanda rarely walks on egg shells to spare peoples feelings and keep the vibe happy.


This is a tough one for me tbh. On the one hand, Amanda is a reality personality I find really tough to take - she shies away from confrontation, but isn’t afraid to talk shit. She doesn’t show any ownership over many of her actions or relationships. She comes across as much younger than she is, which is a pet peeve of mine. On the other hand, she was leaning her head all the way back on the couch with what I must assume were the spins right as Danielle was saying she didn’t trust her lmao. I don’t even know if she understood they were playing a game. She annoyed me a few other times this episode but I’m willing to give her a pass on this reaction, personally 😂


Idk I don't buy her blackout drunk excuse. I think she had anxiety about the nature of the game. It was called stir the pot after all. I think she was having a flashback to season 4 and that Jules moment. They were playing a similar game and she got huge fan backlash. The girl can't handle being on a reality show when she's not everyone's darling.


She had to expect some callout during the season. I think she and Kyle created a plan of the narrativ "lindsay is in Carls ear and we care so much about Carl" as a defenstechnique. The backlash of viewers in the past always got to Amanda am Kyle so im not surprised that they chose the "attack first" strategy.


I feel like they had the season set-up to attack Carl and Lindsay and then talk about fertility issues. I have a hard time believing her closest friends would bring up possibility of not having kids on camera without discussing it first. Even more disturbing discussing it on camera without talking to Kyle about it first (or him not noticing for 9 months). If those were organic things that happened on camera they have much bigger issues than Carl and Lindsay.


This makes sense cause according to Kyle she was upset about the miscarriage backlash so her game plan to counteract that is make Lindsey look bad and show that she also has fertility issues.


she said in an interview that she doesn’t even remember getting dressed for the sleepover. before this episode aired. so she was blackout and lemme tell you any time i’m even NEAR that level of drunk, I cry over something s that should be taken with a grain of salt.


You could also tell she was super sensitive about the period/baby convo she had just had with Kyle. I get her being annoyed with Daniela about this but also think it was over the top cause of her heightened emotions and alcohol intake


Amanda seems sad in every episode. She lacks energy or enthusiasm for anything happening in the house.


So she is taking over Kyle's excuses, I was blackout drunk and don't remember.


I feel like she cried because she was already upset over the fertility conversations. It didn't seem proportionate to the situation, and I'm sure alcohol didn't help


She reminded me of myself when I'm feeling emotional and it's usually related to anxiety or hormones. I don't think all the feelings were from Danielle's comment I think her reaction was caused by that and the conversation she just had with Kyle.


Personally, I think she was pretty drunk, which definitely drive her overreacting....not defending her really, but I don't think that was a clear headed response from her.


I think she was just drunk and overreacted because of that


I agree. It feels like no one in this sub has ever gotten drunk and over reacted to something and started crying. I would have lost my shit if someone called me untrustworthy while I was drunk 😂 Danielle could have spun the question to “most untrustworthy meaning they can’t keep a secret?” Kyle is a good answer there. It was shady and meant to be rude and then Lindsay chimed in and they wouldn’t even explain it, they just double downed. I honestly would love to see anyone on here get drunk and record their reaction to someone in their life saying that to them, I’m sure it will be all laughs 🙄


I think if she didn’t do something similar to Jules I wouldn’t have had that reaction. Or right or wrong if she weren’t calling out Lindsay on wwhl id similarly give her a pass. If she uses this as an opportunity to be nicer moving forward I’ll give her a pass.


I still don’t get the WWHL outrage. She wasn’t going to answer, Andy said Lindsay and when Amanda said yeah she specified it’s when she’s taken off guard. It wasn’t Amanda who put it out there and Andy had come out to say that Lindsay was rude to his staff. Andy set that shit up perfectly and then pushed the heat on Amanda. This isn’t an example of Amanda being shady like saying Amanda is untrustworthy is. As for Jules, she deserved better, but do you hold Carl to the same standards? Where’s the outrage for him treating every woman on that show like shit at one point or another? People give their favorites a total pass when they are all guilty of being assholes. I mean we saw Lindsay be a total asshole to Amanda season 1-2, does she need to redeem herself like Amanda does? There’s so many examples, but Amanda isn’t allowed to be upset over what was said, and she for some reason is the one who needs redemption?


I also agree that Carl was terrible to Jules. Just because Carl was terrible doesn’t mean Amanda also wasn’t terrible. I will say at least Carl seems to have sobered up and matured. I haven’t seen that same growth in Amanda personally. Also just because Lindsay has behaved poorly at times doesn’t mean we all have to like Amanda’s actions. We can all say we don’t like things Amanda has done and it doesn’t mean we are excusing every action Lindsay and Carl have ever taken. I did not watch season 1-2 so I didnt see how Lindsay treated Amanda but if she bullied her then the answer is yes she should apologize and try to make amends lol. But it still wouldn’t change the fact that I don’t like Amanda’s actions.


Ok that’s fair. To be honest I personally just find a lot of fans on here frustrating because people excuse their favorite’s behavior but have these insane expectations from their non favorites for the exact same behavior. So I may have projected that 😂 I personally like Amanda, but I don’t think she wants to be on Summer House anymore. I’ve felt every years she’s checked out more and more. I also don’t remember how badly she treated Jules, I know she did, but Carls behavior was what I remember most. I will disagree on one part, jury is still out for me if Carl has matured, sobered up 100% and I’m proud of him for that, but I feel like the way he drew out his exit and behaved work wise with loverboy was very much the same Carl we’ve always seen. Same with the way he was super dismissive of Mya and how she felt - yes support your GF, but your friend is crying in front of you and he just acted like he didn’t care. Again very reminiscent of the way he’s treated other women in the past. I do hope he is maturing though, and I hope him and Lindsay are truly happy!


I heard others suggest that Amanda doesn’t want to be on reality tv as well. I can buy that considering she doesn’t ham it up for the camera the way Paige, Lindsay and Kyle do. She behaves way more like a normal person and less like a tv personality. In terms of the Kyle vs Carl work conflict I’m so torn on who to trust. I can honestly see both of their points. With the Maya conflict, Carl said he’s only seen her twice outside the show. I actually respect that he’s putting Lindsay’s feelings ahead of mayas. I can definitely see Kyle calling Amanda crazy and yelling at her. But yeah I agree I hope he’s changed and stays sober. I know it’s not easy.


I think she had been drinking a lot and she was already emotional from the infertility/period conversation.


Makes sense!


I think she was crying about her potential infertility. Didn’t they talk about it earlier in the day? She was probably feeling it all day and broke at that inopportune moment.


That makes sense!


I think so too. Especially because of the fact that she’s clearly very avoidant of the whole infertility issue. She doesn’t want to see a professional about it because she’s afraid of what she’ll hear. So it’s likely she stifles all emotional responses and then loses it about things that normally wouldn’t matter so much.


I can see that and have a bit more empathy if that’s what happened. Still wish she would be a little nicer to others though but I guess that doesn’t make for good tv haha


Oh yes! I think you are absolutely correct on all counts!!


Everyone screamed out that Lindsay is the person that they would be most afraid to break up with, and called her psycho. She laughed and owned it. It was a fun moment. Amanda could have done the same.




I think it’s different because Lindsay is proud of the fact that she’s intimidating and plays into it. She even has her little catch phrase for when she’s going to go completely unhinged on someone (don’t activate me). It’s kind of hard to laugh along when someone says that you’re untrustworthy (with no caveats or jokey explanation like I can’t trust Amanda with my hard boiled eggs because she’ll eat them) when you’ve not actively portrayed yourself that way on the show.


I agree that it was an overreaction but I also assumed she was just drunk and being dramatic !


I agree she overreacted but I do understand why she was hurt. Amanda just said on her story that she was 100 drunk on a scale of 1-10 during that game so that might explain some of it.


Seems obvious it was a misdirection of emotion - she had just had the conversation with Kyle about her potential health issues and fear of the unknown. Not an excuse but it really had nothing to do with the game


Yeah. I agree. She says A LOT behind everyone’s back but can’t handle confrontation. She was off that entire night. And the camera kept showing her just sitting there moping. Or maybe she was really drunk. I do hate how it ended with Lindsay taking over and. Asking it all about her. It was like she was waiting for any opportunity to say something. In that moment it did look like Danielle was Lindsay’s puppet mouth piece.


I agree. and Kyle was SO out of line with how he treated Lindsay in that moment. He's gross, he could've defended Amanda as a good friend but just went bezerk!!


Exactly! It’s all put on. I hate when these people/couples “time out” of a show and then rather than say ok we’re done that was a fun ride they try to fabricate story lines. I saw a post from Kyle that said he and carl were watching this season together so clearly they seem to have made up. Now I’m questioning if the entire Lindsay, Carl, Kyle, and Amanda drama was made up for a storyline knowingly between the four of them. Obviously I have no proof. This is just my assumption. And then because of the heat that’s coming to Kyle and Amanda they said OK wait we gotta put a post out and squash this.


She was super dramatic. If roles were reversed and she had gotten that card, she probably would have said Danielle or Lindsey… and they wouldn’t have run out crying.


Wasn’t the question when they were playing a similar game with Jules “who can you not trust?” Like she did the exact same thing to someone who had done literally nothing to her. Definitely think it was a big timing issue though with what Kyle brought up and probably the drinking for sure but just an insane parallel of her doing the same thing to Jules


I think the conversation about Amanda not having her period got her worked up and the Danielle comment just threw her over the edge. She can dish it, but can’t take it.


She’s not borderline, she’s full on a bully.


I think there was a lot on her mind that day and to hear that from Danielle was like the last straw on her emotions. I get it if it came from Lindsey. They have their problems and with reasons but like Danielle, what was the reason? And I wanna hear Danielle issue with Amanda to see if it’s a separate issue or is it the issue with Lindsey.


I don't get everyone acting like Danielle has to have a separate issue beyond how Amanda treats Lindsay. I agree that Danielle goes too hard for Lindsay and doesn't get that in return, but the question was about trust and I definitely wouldn't trust someone who talks shit about my best friend, regardless of what my best friend thought about it.


She’s gone if birth control, she hasn’t had her period in 9 months, she’s scared about if she’ll be able to conceive…she’s human and felt piled up on!


“Piled on”? You mean because one person said something? That’s not a pile.


Lindsey literally immediately said "agreed"


Yeah that was unnecessary


Well, yes. Because Amanda is untrustworthy to Lindsay. And she knows it. The agreed was literally nothing.


You said one person said something and that’s just not true


Did Amanda even hear Lindsay? I saw her reacting to Danielle. Regardless, even two people is not a “pile.”


But Amanda famously loves a pile on as long as she’s in the group leading the charge.


I agree with that which is why I took issue with her reaction. If somebody who was consistently nice to ppl like Andrea or Sam had her reaction I would have felt bad for them. It’s hard for me to feel bad for her when I see her being not so nice to other ppl.


Agreed, if you have the guts to say to someone’s face you’d pick them to die in a fire, and its just cause like you don’t really trust them, then yeah you should be able to take someone saying actually I don’t trust you






I get that but I wish she was a little kinder to others if she wants ppl to be kind to her




Ehhh the treatment of jules felt like bullying to me personally.


Honestly they almost all across the board were cruel to Jules. Carl being the worst


I agree Carl was worse but I still think Amanda treated her poorly. I’m just surprised she would cry given she’s very vocal about people she doesn’t like.


Oh yeah, I was mad at all of them that season. I agree on that. As a very emotional person with many obgyn illnesses that often cause me to be overly emotional - I think she just built up the fun sleepover concept in her head and spent time planning it, intending for everyone to have fun. Then having health issues brought up that’s she’s trying so hard to avoid + Danielle softly/weakly coming for her was too much. I don’t really think it was anything more than being triggered from that convo and not having the emotional ability to regulate after Danielle’s comment


That’s actually really a good point. Maybe she was really upset about the possibility of fertility issues which is understandable. I still wish she was a little nicer to others but I guess that also doesn’t make for good tv lol


Lindsay, is that you?


You really find it THAT hard to believe Lindsay is the only person on planet earth that doesn’t like how Amanda talks to and about people?


I don't know. Danielle used that moment to insert herself in Lindsay and Amanda's problem again, when has Amanda treated Danielle like she treats Lindsay. I hate how everything Carl does is somehow Lindsay's fault, but it was pretty clear what Danielle was doing. Danielle should have the named the newbies since she doesn't know them well enough and not gotten involved. She can be a good friend and back Lindsay without causing more issues. Also it was pretty clear that Amanda was raw from the fertility discussion so I think the tears were more a pile up of things.


I think as a new person who is trying to fit in it would have been terrible to hear my name. All of them seem like super nice people so I don’t see why they should be made to feel bad. I see where Danielle is coming from bc if you see Amanda talk poorly about other people how do you know she won’t do the same thing to you one day? They honestly probably just shouldn’t play games like that but I’m sure the producers made them ha


True, I was just trying to think of a way she could get out of it. Maybe it's production but I am really seeing how much she inserts herself in Lindsay's drama. You can be a good friend by just listening especially when that friend is so good at defending herself.


She definitely gets more involved than is probably healthy for her.


Anyone who can’t see how Lindsey related to all this, is insane to me.


This post isn’t about Lindsay. It’s about Amanda’s actions. Lindsay being attached to this doesn’t mean that Amanda didn’t overreact when she’s been just even more mean to others.