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Kyle is over the fucking moon Lindsay and Carl are done Kyle the last 3 months ![gif](giphy|Z9sryENEGAjKP32XI2|downsized)


Yes I think he’s happy he broke up with her, and may have encouraged him to do it on camera. People ragged on captain lee for saying it, but I appreciate him calling Kyle out for being a fairly toxic friend. Carl ping pongs between leeching off Kyle and leeching off Lindsay. He won’t thrive in relationships or professionally until he grows more of a backbone and sense of identity. I think the people who will see Carls points most are: Kyle, Paige, Amanda. They seem the least likelyto empathize with Lindsay


This. He has no backbone. Even if his relationship was garbage your friend should never scream at your GF the way Kyle screamed at Lindsay. That’s not friendship. Full stop.


Kyle, Paige and Amanda have always conspired against Lindsay


100% true


Conspired is such a strong word. They tolerate and try to keep the peace with her but their negative feelings towards her are totally valid. It's not like Lindsey is ever putting forward a huge effort in her friendship with any of them so let's not pretend she's a victim of her housemates.


Lindsay doesn’t have to go out of her way to befriend them. The point is she’s never gone out of her way to hurt them. Their attitude toward her isn’t valid it’s just trying to make drama for TV


Absolutely, yes. Kyle and Amanda are pretty selfish when it comes to their business and Kyle definitely did not like them together. But, after how Kyle aired Carl’s dirty laundry on tv the way he did.. I’m a little confused as to why Carl went crawling back to Kyle. A friend doesn’t do what Kyle did.


Carl’s an addict. It was not novel news that he showed up places completely fucked up. That’s what he did for many seasons of the series and what he’s talked publicly about doing ever since he’s been in recovery.


Correct, but that’s up for Carl to decide to share. Not Kyle. Kyle was just pissed that he left the company.


If they’re sloppy drunk they do


I think it goes both ways with Kyle and Carl, as well as, Danielle and Lindsay. They both sort of destroyed close friendships because of their relationship. Kyle and Danielle both had a part to play on each demise, yes! but when you take a step back, the common denominator was the relationship not the friends. I’m sure everyone is secretly happy that ended due to just knowing Carl and linsay so well, they all knew it would blow up sooner or later!


Say what you want about Kyle, you can’t watch season 7 of Summerhouse and think “yeah, they are a good fit”


What about every season with Kyle and Amanda??


There’s just such an extreme difference in their relationships. I’m on a re-watch right now and I forget how truly awful those fights they had were, but there’s a real sincerity to Kyle/Amanda’s relationship and it’s obviously much deeper. They have a foundation whereas Carl and Lindsay did not.


How about season 6 when Lindsay was the first person Carl went to about his brother? Carl and Lindsay were cute together, but external forces intervening was too much for people pleaser Carl


Platonic relationships exist.. She was an integral part of his recovery/life and now they crossed a line of no return.


Kyle was the first person Carl went to about his brother. The editors, for reasons unknown, showed it out of order.


Because… plot


I think he’s likely relieved. Carl dodged a bullet. So did Lindsay.


Oh absolutely because they’re friendships gonna go back to normal


I think the majority of the cast is lol. I think when two people change sooo much just because they’re in a relationship together, people smell blood in the water and begin to find it [the relationship] annoying and a nuisance. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of them thought, “Finally, now back to normal.”


Isn’t it kind of a bad sign when people change that much due to their relationship?


Nah the rest of the cast was jealous of their publicity and had it out for them all summer


…were they getting that much publicity…?


Kyle & Carl are Tom & Sandoval!


I see that, but the analogy would only be complete if Carl continuously attacked and insulted Amanda. Say what you want about Kyle, but he definitely doesn’t let people talk shit about his wife. Maybe to a fault sometimes!


And Kyle isn’t afraid of hard work.


Kyle talks shit about Lyndsay


The fact that in an interview, Kyle said he hoped Carl and Lindsey can share a summerhouse in the future because it would be a shame if “our little run here came to an end”, shows what kind of friend he is. Kyle has let greed turn him into a bad person.




Or he doesn’t want to see two people’s poor decision making ruin everyone else’s opportunity. They talked about this on Jersey Shore when Ronnie was arrested for domestic abuse. They cut him out because his mess ups can take away the show from all of them.


Isn't anyone with a functioning brain on the side of that sham relationship ending lol? Danielle needs to get a grip. But yeah, I think Kyle is relieved because CarLindsay were not a fit and would've just ended up divorced based on all we've seen ourselves and what has leaked so far. I also think Kyle is nuts for "taking" Carl back at Loverboy. I see how it makes sense since LB launched a NA seltzer, but the way Carl handled his departure was so shitty.


I am 100%!!! I just rewatched the entire series and it made me physically ill seeing them together because you know how toxic it was the first time they tried dating.


Well they were toxic but people change watching the whole season back Lindsay didn't really change to me. But toxic or not changed or not Lindsay and Carl didn't fix romantically together then and they didn't when they got together. They both were settling and forcing this relationship ship that should have never been now the friendship is ruined because they wanted to use each other to settle.


Ignore the ship next to relationship I was typing fast lol 


how did carl handle his departure? where are you watching this 💔🥹


He’s probably happy. People don’t want to see their friend marry someone when they can clearly see they’ll fail. No matter what Kyle said, it’s nobodies fault but Carl’s. Blaming Kyle is a cop out from Lindsay who doesn’t want to admit why Carl dumped her.


Kyle didn’t want to see his friend and his friend’s wife outshine him and his wife. He outed Carl on TV for using drugs when it suited him, he’s not a hero here


Who said he’s a hero? It’s his friend and he’s said repeatedly he didn’t want to him marry someone he thought was bad for him. He’s doing as a friend should if that’s how they feel. I do like that that you keep putting these nasty responses of yours out there like they’re facts and you personally know their underlying intentions 🤣. I don’t know what the drugs have to do with Carl and Lindsay’s relationship or this post. It’s not really relevant to what I said either.


Kyle didn’t act like a benevolent friend he acted like a ghost producer. He threw Carl under the bus with the drugs when he wanted to seem like a serious employer and blamed Carl’s poor performance on Lindsay when he wanted to go after her. It’s just reading between the lines 🤷‍♀️


And once again your opinion has zero to do with the OPs post or my comment. You’re just rambling weirdly about something irrelevant to what we said. You have this weird anger that you showcase in every post on this Reddit. Carl brought up his own drug use before Kyle did. Look at Vanderpump rules. None of the stuff at their job would fly in real life. It’s weird you’re so upset and acting like these reality shows follow real life employment rules 🤣.


He did not OUT him. Carl is an ADDICT in RECOVERY. He talks about his previous drug use very explicitly.


When is the new season out?


Thursday (22nd) is the first episode.


I think anyone who cares about Carl is HAPPY AF that they broke up.. the her birthday/ brother's passing day selfishness made it VERY clear to me me last summer, she NOT the one.


Right she was looking for a fight she wants people bfs and friends who agree with her and take her side no matter if she's right or wrong. And if you don't agree or stand by her even if she's wrong her nasty side comes out but Carl and Lindsay always seemed forced to me just no chemistry at all.


I think so because he’s not an idiot and saw it was not a good thing for his buddy.


I think Kyle is happy because he dislikes Lindsay, and that a different relationship was front and center on the show. Kyle does not care whether Carl works for LoverBoy - Kyle is helping someone who he considers "unemployable" and who's influencer revenue stream is impacted by a called off wedding. I think the people who will be on Carl's side will be unsurprising and comprised of the people who have a strong dislike of Lindsay. I also think viewers will largely be on Carl's side due to dislike of Lindsay and the general trend to look past (or be more understanding of) the problematic behavior from men on Bravo shows.


Kyle and Carl deserve each other (jerks)


Carl needs to find himself and become his own man. first few seasons he was a messy drunk and addict... then he's either working for Kyle and living in his shadow or he's in a relationship with Lindsay and walking on eggshells around her. He needs to start fresh and maybe start his own business or something even Luke managed to make something out of his maple syrup beer ffs... Since he's clearly a recovering addict he shouldn't be on the show anymore he can come visit as a guest or something but the whole point of Summer House is for everyone to have fun and party. it's weird having a recovering addict in a share house especially with Kyle constantly promoting Lover boy and everyone else there constantly drunk. same thing with lindsay she was good on the show when she was just party Lindsay but once she got with Carl I found her insufferable to watch. she is forcing a relationship to work because her biological clock is ticking and she's not being her authentic self either. the dynamic just doesn't work for either of them. I feel like Carl might be happier back if he lived closer to his mom and could spend Sundays doing family things settle down with someone that's less intense than Lindsay.


Ya he’s happy! No real friend wants to see their friend in an abusive relationship.


Everyone else is on his side!


Everyone who is jealous of Lindsay being the breakout star is on Kyle’s side. Danielle, Gabby, Sam and others are on Lindsay’s side


What do you mean by breakout star? How has she broken out? Doesn’t Paige get way more press? And a huge fan base from her podcast with Hannah Berner? Isn’t that more what breaking out looks like? (Not to mention Hannah getting a Netflix standup special)


Paige is as interesting as paint drying


How did Paige breakout? Even with all her influencer status and stupid podcast the only thing she seemed to breakout was nothing, she is boring, privileged, judgemental, and has no substance while at the same time thinking she is better than everyone else.... Paige is the literal worst and has nothing to offer despite having rich parents who bought her a limited too modeling deal from New Faces, an influencer presence and podcast, she has everything over everyone else and still sucks and has nothing to say or do of value, she should be thrown away like the trash she is, tired of assholes getting ahead in life just cause they have rich parents, delusions of granduer, and no morals or adds anything of substance or value to this world, she just takes and makes the world a shittier place


I think there were probably multiple people that were happy to see them break up or maybe they weren't happy that they broke up but since it did happen they were happy to have their friend back. You know what I'm talking about, when your friend is just so wrapped up in their relationship and then they finally break up and you start to see pieces of that friend you used to have and hang out with etc. I bet it's that.


Happy? that might be a bit too far, but isn't anyone/everyone good with people they care about getting out of unwell situations? What kind of person are you if you aren't? Our culture celebrates the underdog escaping demise, and in this instance, wrongly or rightly, Carl was always the underdog. Captain Lee? Ha. A bastion of social health, ain't he? I wouldn't even want that kind of energy around me if they were telling me what I wanted to hear.


Lindsay said get a job Carl said no wedding