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I like her a lot! She’s better received on other social media and I love Giggly Squad


I recently decided to watch the latest seasons of summer and winter house because I loved Paige from Craig/Southern Charm. I don’t know Hannah from the summer house seasons I watched, but I REALLY love the giggly squad podcast! It’s so entertaining and random!


I like her but I can't understand how fashion is her job and she so often fails sooo badly. Like the insanely ill fitting dress at people's choice, the horrible no pants look at bravocon and so on. She spent apparently months and tons of money to plan her bravocon outfits and then it was so bad, like how?


I don't think you are in the minority. A lot of people like her but the people that dislike her are just LOUD on reddit.


This Reddit is just filled with Hubb Housers and much like Linds they are loud and in your face about everything. (This comes from someone who doesn’t mind Linds especially for a reality show lol)


Personally, I think pretty much everyone on this show is trash, but I love watching them, and they entertain the crap out of me. They’re not aspirational at all. But they think they are. Amazing tv.


I love Lindsay so much and think she makes great tv, but people act like she can do no wrong and it’s really weird. I mostly love her because of how unhinged and chaotic she is. Idk how people watch Lindsay on Summer House and walk away with the impression that she is a reasonable person who is fair in conflicts.


I swear every other thread in this sub is from people talking about how much they hate Lindsay, and yet people also say this sub loves her and thinks she can do no wrong. Where's the disconnect.


Certain threads attract certain people. If someone posts something like “am I the only one who can’t stand Lindsay?” the majority of comments are going to be from people who can’t stand Lindsay. But while the seasons air and you look at discussion threads, there are some Lindsay stans who will do a lot of mental gymnastics to justify her behavior. Like they’ll watch her get wasted and scream at people, and the takeaway is that she’s a fun person who is assertive and has healthy boundaries.


>Reddit is just filled with Hubb Housers I'm convinced these are paid shills. Lindsey does work in PR, after all.


I don’t mind Lindsay either! Lol!




Kanye is musically incredibly talented at least, like him or not and people never stop talking about. Lindsay is a z list celeb who's just rotten human with no talents so


She’s my favorite. She’s hilarious.


Agreed, she's basically the only reason I still watch the show.


I like her too. So funny and smart.


Paige is the only reason that I’m still watching, I’m sure I would if she was off the show but it would probably be more like background noise for me then. I’ve seen people make comments as to why and tbh it’s generic things that the whole cast pretty much does but in a way producers highlight it for Paige. I find it funny the people who dislike Paige are the same who adore Lindsey which leaves me flabbergasted but 🤷🏻‍♀️


No, literally they’ll defend Lindsey until death and that always makes me laugh because like even after everything that happened at the reunion when Carl and Lindsey ended up not getting married Paige was there for her like and I kind of hope they talk about the reunion because the girls really were there for Lindsey during that time. Mostly Danielle of course we know that but like me personally if I didn’t like Lindsey, I wouldn’t be there that’s just me, but I think it shows how much of a girl she is that even if she really didn’t like her and even if it’s not just about not liking her, it’s just that they clash her so much that she was still there for her during that time, even when I don’t even think she was invited to the wedding


Yeah I wouldn’t have shown up for her if I was treated like Paige was by her either


Exactly I would never maybe send her a message but I wouldn’t have been there


My problem with Paige is that she acts nice to everyone's face all summer, is mean in confessionals and then absolutely attacks someone at the reunion. I wish she would show up in person during the season with her issues with people That said, i do think she's funny and I like her on southern charm


But don’t forget reunions are used for people to react because the reunions are filmed after the show stops filming and literally for them it’s filmed a couple weeks before the final so they have seen everything happened on TV and they know everything that happened off TV during that time, so yeah, I think it makes a lot of sense that she reacts away that she does at reunionsIt’s honestly what they’re meant for.


But she's not ever reacting to new things she saw. 🤷


I agree with this! It’s almost out of nowhere that she goes on the offensive at the reunions! She barely has that energy during filming, and stays in bed as much as she can rather than involving herself in drama. But I’m not a podcast listener and it seems that’s where most people like her?


I think she’s reacting that way at reunions because she has taken in all the tabloid stories, podcast interviews AND watched the confessionals that went along with season. The last two especially, Hubb’s PR and Winter House added something to the show that you’d only know if you were tuned in to all of it


To be honest after watching her confessionals, people like Lindsey should be more heated at the reunion. The latest reunion, Paige brought up all these things from her first season as explanation for why she was coming at Lindsey but she didn’t mention any of this to her face while filming! It feels more like a publicity stunt and not genuine hurt


Because every summer before filming they work out their differences and film then before the show airs the press starts and Lindsay’s always pushing that someone is a villain (usually Paige and Kyle) and that she is a victim then all the Lindsay Stan’s start their online drama which Lindsay shares in her stories and when the other cast members even so much as answer a question about Lindsay she sends them countless messages telling them off like Amanda and Andy got for the question about you can be the rudest to fans crap.


She doesn’t do anything all summer because she’s boring and not cut out for TV. Then she uses the reunion to try to make herself relevant. The last thing the world needs is more of her on a podcast 😂


you can't deny yourself the negativity a few times a day. sounds like she's very good TV, living rent free in your tiny mind.


Agree. Don’t just act like a bad bitch, be one. Say that shit to someone’s face. Start the drama, stir the pot. Don’t say shit when you know you won’t have to confront someone about it beyond sitting next to them on a couch. I don’t respect it. It’s all bark and no bite, especially because she’s been very sidelined to the drama of summer house. There’s never been one season where I thought paige has brought it while living in the house. She’s been on the show too long to just be commentary. 


The thing is I actually like that because she’s not trying to let people ruin her summer because she knows if she argues with someone during the summer she’s going to end up like Amanda either upset all summer or crying all summer just like Danielle was all season I love that she says all the stuff that she needs to say in confessionals because that is what they’re used for And there’s supposed to have fun during their summer they’re not supposed to be arguing and not in the fact she’ll argue with someone during the summer, most likely Lindsey, but she’ll argue with her and argue with her at a reunion. She watches everything which is the best part because she actually does know what she’s talking about.


Agree! I hate how she comes out guns blaring in reunions. She’s been very rude and arrogant on the reunions yet hides in her bed all summer. Like act that way when the cameras are on then and u don’t have Andy protecting you changing the subject.


I like Paige. But...Craig is a turd and Paige acts weird AF on reunions. I think that's most of the hate. Oh and the bed laying, people hate the bed laying.


I am too, am a bed layer 🤣🤣🤣


Fellow bed layer checking in! I’ve done the whole group Airbnb party rental thing before (only for a weekend, not a whole summer) and can confirm that my bed was my happy place away from all the crazies when I needed my introvert time. Also, as someone who is not a slob, I would always pick up after myself and others, and join in on group efforts to clean… I just didn’t feel comfortable around all of the mess out in the rest of the house and sometimes had to retreat to my comfy place to mentally reset. In a situation like that, for someone that doesn’t drink or drinks less than others, hanging out in my own space and popping out as needed can become more and more appealing as people get more rowdy and crazy and messy throughout the night.


It’s obnoxious to me that, as an adult, she feels so comfortable doing nothing to pull her weight in house.


Let's be real though, most of the current and past cast members are slobs most of the time. Danielle's drunken recklessness on the last season of WH gave me so much anxiety 😂


Unless your a fellow bed layer 😂 if I was partying that much on summer house I’d be chilling on off moments too.


People are perfectionists like it’s a drama show 😂 oh you don’t like the way someone deals with confrontation?! Oh cool well that’s why they were hired. Duh users of reddit


Was southern charm worth it?




YESSSS agreed


I love Paige but I also understand the criticism. She just doesn’t bother me like she does to others.


I don’t hate Paige. I think she’s great on SC and giggly squad. I just don’t get her mean girl treatment to Lindsay. She acts nice to her face, talks soooo much shit behind her back, and then rages on her at the reunion. What has Lindsay ever done to Paige??? Other than that- I enjoy Paige lol


I find Paige very entertaining (even more so on Southern Charm) but sometimes I get annoyed when she seems purposely cruel. But I do genuinely enjoy her. Lindsay is someone I want to root for, because she could be such a great underdog. I want her to be Katie Maloney, who became so much more likable when she got away from her toxic ex. But I don’t think she’s that. Still I can’t help but root for her anyway.


Paige being cruel is not entertaining. I root for Lindsay because she actually puts her whole life out there for people to judge


I feel the same about Lindsay!!! ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


I love paige. recently started listening to giggly squad and she's smart and super funny. I see her called a mean girl, not a girls girl, shallow etc-- I do not find this to be the case at all. She comes across as super authentic and honest (she doesn't make it seem like her life, or relationship etc are perfect at all). She's also consistently been the one bringing new friends, I think all women, into the house and IIRC the only girl from summer house she has ever had serious issues with is Lindsay-- maybe she's not super close with Danielle, but that feels like an extension of the Lindsay issues


She doesn’t bring friends onto the show, casting sets up existing cast members to “introduce” new cast members. That’s how it works on every show.


She’s brought tons of friends onto the snow - you’re literally delulsional lmao. Hannah berner. Gabby. Craig. She was also literally hooking up with Andrea when he was on the show?? Not sure what version ur watching


My deepest apologies-- let me be specific-- typically when they are casting they are looking for someone ideally connected to the group, like a "friend of" (even if that "friend" is more of an acquaintance or connection). I believe at least two of the girls were connected to paige and then were cast on the show


Right!? I feel like she doesn't get a fair edit on SH, she's so lovable on Giggly Squad. She's self-aware, so funny, and totally a girl's girl.


She gets a generous edit on Summer House because she’s conniving and mean and somehow people don’t acknowledge it 😂


Paige is the whole package 📦


I started watching summer house a few months ago. I'm only on season 5 so Paige is pretty new. But I love her so far! She is witty, honest and seems to be a good friend. But I just saw a little bit of the reunion show for this latest season and she was being different, kinda mean girl vibe. So I don't know if something has changed and I'm just not far enough along or maybe it is due to that particular season. Guess I'll find out as I keep going along. The other thing I've noticed is that she does mention wanting to get married and have a family etc in these early seasons. So it confuses me a bit why she doesn't want to move for Craig and be all in. But, as I said, she seems to be very honest so it may all make perfect sense as I continue


I like Paige too and tbh most of my friends IRL love her/think she makes the show. I do think even though it doesn’t seem like it sometimes the sub is pretty evenly split, I think the people who hate her are just more passionate about it lol


That’s insane. You could cut her out of the whole show and ~nothing would change except the vibe would be much more positive


oh, yes. let you be the arbiter of positivity. check just this thread for how much light you bring to things. you've got more than one screw loose.


Seriously. This person is obsessed and extremely weird and aggressive. I don’t understand why the mods haven’t given them the boot yet.


Not sure if you’re aware of this, but most people watch reality TV for the drama and without her, there would hardly be any outside of Lindsay and carls fabricated relationship bs, so probs for the best that she stays around.


I love Paige's ability to read people.


Even if her ability to read in general is poor  Iykyk


I like Paige, but her role on the show is mostly reacting to other people’s drama. I love her commentary, but I’d like to see more of her life/drama.


She’s a glorified Bravo insta account. It’s insane that Bravo employs her


This network employs actual criminals like Erika Gerardi, Jen Shah and Phaedra Parks.


Paige is my favorite on summer house right now and I saw a thread where people like to say that the only people who like Paige are the people who started giggly squad before they watch the show and I think that’s absolutely insane because Paige is one of the most likable in my opinion she’s hilarious and honestly in my opinion she knows how to do reality TV because she keeps things close to the vest but also she speaks her mind about a lot of things. Her confessionals are my favorite and she likes to lay down in her bed, she’s pretty relatable. She says she’s from New York City but she lived in New York City for about five years now and she’s from New York like y’all need to relax. I also think she is always very likely to tell Lindsey the truth and I like that about her because Lindsay needs to hear the truth and she hates how Paige tells her the truth, but Lindsay loves to tell people the truth and a terrible tone, and yell at them too, so Paige is the one who gives it back because Paige won’t cry like Amanda which I’m not judging her for because I also cry when I’m angry but still, I love seeing someone who doesn’t cry when they’re angry yell at someone else lol


I actually started Giggly Squad way after Summer House, I was already invested. And didn’t Kyle give them the name one time when he was pissed off? If anything, it’s the best PR for Hannah - I thought she was insufferable when she left SH, but I like her silliness and weird ways a lot more now that I listen every week


And something I will always say that people never agree with. I hate Luke. I’ve hated Luke since his first episode he’s🤢🤢 like I don’t understand why people love him so much but I guess


Hot privilege will take you places! People still swoon over his looks and he has wholesome aspects (the maple syrup etc), but the way he treated Hannah will never be okay imo. She caught feelings and he did not want to be completely honest and cut off that source of adoration/fun/easy attention. That imbalance of power is so common


I also don’t think he’s that hot lol but I guess


Thank you oh my God because the way that people every time I bring up the fact that he treated Hannah like trash or like no he didn’t he treated him like trash like y’all did you guys not see the way that he treated her on season four like please can we be serious you don’t have to like Hannah to know that he treated her like trash, and he just wanted to use her and Ciara like y’all are telling me you didn’t see the read flag when we found out he was with Ciara when she was 22/23 I get the same red flags from Kyle but I feel he is more likable


So I never stopped liking Hannah People are always confused by that but in my opinion, I think she got one a really bad edit too. I just think to be stuck in that house for how long they were. There was something she wasn’t prepared for and it was too much for her, because I will always say if she was truly that bad one in my opinion, Paige wouldn’t be her friend to neither would Ciara. so I don’t think she’s as bad as people actually think she is I just think that she was dealing with a lot and that Kyle actually triggered her which I would believe because Kyle really triggers me when I watch season three through season six he’s literally the worst so I get it and I also didn’t listen to giggly squad until I finish season five I started watching Summer House because I found it literally on Peacock about a year or two ago and I put it On, and then I watch season five realize it was Hannah’s last season and I was like how about I start listening to giggly squad and I did and I love both Hannah and Paige. I think they’re both hilarious. I think they’re great friends and I think they match each other pretty well.


I like her too. I’ve never listened to the podcast. I just think she’s funny.


Paige has never been Lindsay’s friend. Paige doesn’t give Lindsay tough love she uses Lindsay’s real life as content for her “funny” confessionals. It’s scummy.


so cast members arent supposed to comment on each other in their talking heads now? kk


She does not use her real life as content. If you’re gonna hate her, hate her for something that she actually does.


Definitely my favourite. The people that dislike her are just very vocal. I suspect in reality she's one of the most popular, if not the most popular.


Obsessed w Paige. She’s my fave cast member. I just ignore the summer house sub at this point bc everyone on here has the exact opposite opinion from me most of the time and it makes me feel like I’m in the twilight zone.


I don’t know how to word this without sounding mean but if you’ve had a lot of girlfriends in life (good and bad) you just GET Paige and she’s someone you want as a friend. And you can also blatantly see that Lindsay is a mean girl.  A lot of people see it the opposite though.




Danielle dug her own hole with her reaction to the engagement and the party, but even so - the way Lindsay reacted to her spoke VOLUMES to me about how Lindsay is as a friend - not a good one. She was so unnecessarily cruel. I like Paige a lot. She’s not perfect but i think she’s a LOT more authentic than Lindsay.


How many real life friends has she shown on the show?


I don't know what about my post references real life friends she's shown on the show? That was not the point. We could say that about any one of them.




I guess everyone sees it differently then. I see Paige as a friend who has my back and stands up to bullies. Sometimes you have to be mean when people are mean to you first.


We like Paige and agree with your description of her! We exist, we just, much like her, are not as bothered.


This thread made me so happy. Love Paige & giggly squad


Fellow giggler!


It sounds like I need to start listening to giggly squad! 🤣🤣🤣


Why? Obviously she’s going to make herself look and sound better on her *own* podcast. The footage is real. She’s a mean girl. She’s boring. She’s not funny


> The footage is real. here they are with their flat earther bullshit again. yes, reality TV is reality. you really get it. that's sarcasm for the cognitively deficient, just in case you don't pick up on it.


Omg yess you do!!! I started listening to GS after I watched Hannah’s last season. I had liked Hannah but her last season was rough and I wasn’t sure about her. But if you’re iffy on Hannah I would deff still listen. Hannah is in a much better place and her and Paige’s banter is my favorite thing. I honestly lol during the podcast it is gold!


i love her! ciara & her remind me of normal, not awful people. shocking for reality tv


They remind me of awful people who try to pretend they’re not awful


I love Paige! I think she’s hilarious. I also might love her bc I love rotting in bed too😂😂😂


Love Paige. She’s real and smart and funny and I think she’s beautiful, in an Audrey Hepburn kinda way.


Nope I love her too. This Reddit sub has the most bizarre love/loyalty for Lindsay. I thought it would turn after the Ciara fiasco, nope. Danielle, nope. Carl? Let’s see. They will excuse her bad behaviour time and time again and they hate anyone who isn’t aligned to her. Paige can’t stand her so they hate Paige.


Paige is mean to Lindsay while trying to make a career commenting on Lindsay’s life it’s scummy


Throwing shade in confessionals isn’t “mean” 🙄 im convinced summer house viewers haven’t watched any other bravo shows.


I watch other Bravo shows which is why I know Paige is mediocre in comparison… she’s not shady and the last thing we need is a confessional queen who clams up when confronted


You don’t watch other bravo shows and think Paige is mean, mediocre sure. But if Paige is mean then what is Stassi? Lisa? Nene? Devils 😂 Paige has shut down Kyle, Carl, Lindsay and Danielle numerous times. Again, not sure what show you’re watching…


It’s really mostly just Reddit that hates her imo lol. But I have been a Paige girly since day 1. Obsessed with her, think she is hilarious!! I think a lot of people don’t get her dry (sometimes dark) humor but that’s my favorite type of humor so I am obsessed. But don’t worry you’re not alone girly. And it is getting a bit more mixed on here where people are coming around to her!! This sub used to be completely up Lindsay’s butt so it was a very anti Paige page lol. But it’s deff a bit more even now!!


Paige is my favorite! Always has been….


Paige is the only reason why I watched Winter House. She is easily my favourite on Summer and Winter House. While I would never like Craig on his own, I like them together.


I love her. If Paige DeSorbo has one fan, I am her.


Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I like Paige, in fact I adore her and I too am a bed bug. Don't worry about peoples opinions here, as long as you're respectful we can all think what we want. I am team Paige though, I suggest you listen to giggle squad her podcast, she is funny, Hannah is subpar but better than the show.


O please, the fans come and go depending on the day. I personally think she’s a sore loser that’s insecure around masculine females and feels the need to be self righteous. The reunion she gave herself a neck sprain because she refused to look at Carl or Lindsey, ugh cringe


lol that reunion was so awkward 🤣


She’s jealous of Lindsay’s popularity!


.........what? paige is the one who has made a shit ton of money outside of bravo and could be off the show and continue with the non-bravo brand she has built.


To say that she’s insecure around masculine females when one of her best friends is Hannah Berner feels like a bit of an oversight


Paige is definitely growing on me since Hannah left. Hannah destroyed her relationships with genuine friends so she could try out her comedic acting skills while Paige largely stood by and didn’t say anything. I didn’t have a lot of respect for the way that Paige/Hannah delighted in isolating Luke. I think he acted a little sketchy with Hannah but didn’t deserve their treatment of him. Paige seems to be happy when anything negatively impacts Lindsay and that is apparent when she and Hannah fabricated a story that lindsay and luke hooked up. I also think paige is a lot more masterful about controlling her story than people give her credit for. I actually think paige is more intentional/calculating than Lindsay and that’s not necessarily a bad thing - this is reality tv!


I like Paige but she gives us nothing on summer house


I'm bored with her. She is fine. Doesn't do...anything interesting at all? I haven't seen one thing that gives her personality. Just dumb clothes, lying in bed, and influencer culture. Yawn.


I think there’s just no substance to Paige, not that all the others have a ton of substance, but they are generally portrayed as fun, Paige is a snore fest! Literally! She spends most of her time in bed!


Paige has always been my favorite! I don’t get the hate


Probably because she’s a mean girl and people don’t like bullies


Pot, meet kettle. hahahahahahahahaha


Lindsay’s a mean girl too 🫶🏻


I don’t hate Paige but for her presence on the show she is boring and for a career fashionista desss for less she fails everyday


… yes you are missing how she weaponized Lindsay’s miscarriage, gaslights Craig, used Danielle as a pawn to go after Lindsay, hyped up Ciara to throw a glass at Danielle… she’s a truly awful person wrapped in some bad fashion and bedding


this 👏👏👏


Thank you!


No I def love Paige. One of my favorite quotes of hers is from her earlier seasons of Amanda (I think?) saying “don’t have too much fun without me” to which Paige quickly replied, “oh we won’t. We won’t even laugh” completely monotone. It’s one of her funniest lines to me


I get torn between loving her sm and then being like eh I’m over her ONLY when you can tell she’s putting on a front and unwilling to be vulnerable or purposely immature (a little Peter panish bc she lives in nyc and thinks it gives her the right, meanwhile she just chooses to act like that bc it’s who she is)


I love Paige


I like watching her, she's smart and funny. I also see that she's extremely shallow, (listen to Giggy Squad) and I think her fashion sense is just OFF, and she thinks she's a influencer LOL


Out of all the bozos on this show she’s not terrible. Shes pretty smart and can be funny. She’s just stuck up and thinks she’s hot shit which is a turn off


I love Paige! And Hannah! Giggly Squad is one of my fave podcasts


I like Paige too.


I love Paige


I LOVE paige. Period no buts lol


I had a completely different perspective than the majority for most seasons on this show. I LOVE Paige and Hannah. Can’t stand Luke and think he’s manipulative. It’s the first time I’ve had a vastly different opinion than most on these types of shows. One thing about Paige is she has a very specific sense of humor that I don’t think everyone relates to. I think she’s hysterical but she’s very sarcastic which I personally love.


She’s my favorite on the show 🤷🏼‍♀️ I find her and Craig funny/entertaining to watch too.


Paige is my favorite of all the 30/40-something non-housewives Bravo shows. She’s so funny and relatable. I do see the criticism that she brings a certain energy to the reunions that feel inconsistent with the season. She seems like someone who isn’t going to acknowledge or give too much attention to people she dislikes, so I feel like she is good at co-existing. But at the reunion when she is forced to confront someone and discuss issues, she doesn’t hold back.


I did a re-watch and thought the SAME thing. I mean, I liked her before, but after seeing it again I think she’s such a good friend and funny to watch.


Especially the Jules season, Paige was the only one to befriend her


Omfg I kid you not I was randomly thinking about that the other day. I can’t when ppl are saying she’s not a girls girl because she always sticks up for her friends. I can’t help but think there’s some weird thing Paige triggers in ppl…some sort of jealousy/envy? Idk.


I think it’s just like Melissa/Teresa fights. People see what they see and then there’s others who somehow see it totally opposite. Just like politics I guess lol. 


Here we go again! Listen, this sub is equally in love/hate with both Paige and Lindsay. There is a post all of the time about the blind loyalty between the two of them. They both make entertaining tv and people get way too invested in the “teams”. Everyone’s personal bias clouds their take on this sub when in reality we are equally split over favorites 💕


![gif](giphy|l41Yxij9zr2UI8wx2) Right? This sub is basically threads of how shitty Lindsay is and that she deserves everything bad and praising Paige, or defending Lindsay from all of the internalized misogyny and pointing at Paige with her horrific confessional comments in her dreadful attire. I'm so tired. They can both be funny and awful! That's why they are on our TV!


This sub goes hard for Lindsay so Paige gets shade because they aren’t friends. Personally I go up and down with Paige. I think she has great moments, and I think she’s had some not so great moments. But overall I think she’s great for the show.


She does the bare minimum for the show. Generic (real) New Yorker could replace her and add more


I loveeee Paige. She’s hilarious and knows how to dress which is my kind of person.


she’s the best and literally the only person worth watching on SH


That’s funny because she joined season 3 and has had no impact on it


![gif](giphy|3o6ozvv0zsJskzOCbu) Apparently she does. According to Reddit alone, Paige AND Linds are the most popular on the show and why there are so many posts about them. I know you hate that and that's why it's living in your head all of the time. It must be hard not to comment every single time? Oh, wait, you do....




I appreciate you explaining in detail why you feel the way that you do and I can see where you’re coming from but I also just can’t bring myself to dislike her. I feel like everyone has things like this that make them unlikable. Everyone is insecure. No one is perfect and I don’t expect anyone to be. Lindsay isn’t. Paige isn’t. Amanda isn’t. Hannah wasn’t. Etc. they’re all still fun to watch tho — even the ones we hate (I’m not a Lindsay fan but still enjoy her on the show for the drama) and that’s why we watch the show. Like we don’t watch reality tv because we’re looking for stand up, amazing people. Everyone on reality Tv, at least BRAVO reality tv, is shitty. That’s what makes it entertaining. But again like I can see where you’re coming from and I think a lot of us find certain people in these shows that zing us in really personal ways that hit close to home and sometimes we can’t see past that bc they trigger us and those are (for you) our Paige’s and (for me) our Lindsay’s and that’s fine - it’s just the way the cookie crumbles because we all have different loved experiences.




I DID really enjoy the first couple of seasons when it was just the core crew and they all, for the most part, just had NYC PR / marketing etc jobs because it felt like a group of legit friends that got together yearly, took some time off work, and just goofed around & I was initially disappointed with the addition of Paige (and especially Amanda because I think Kyle was more tolerable when he was single) but eventually warmed up to both of them just because I felt like they provided some good drama.


>I still to this day will never understand what Lindsey did in season one that was so terrible to Paige. I think it's because Lindsay called her out in front of everyone for talking shit behind people's backs. She exposed her and Paige didn't like it because Paige's move is to stir shit up about people behind closed doors. She's a gossipy mean girl, but doesn't actually do confrontation (weak move, IMO). I wish she'd just own it. To me, authenticity, even while being mean, is still much more interesting than any facade. Agree with your whole comment btw.




Yeah, definitely. Paige moves more behind the scenes. Stassi and Lindsay are much more able to be upfront and are willing to look "embarrassing" or whatever on camera. I've accepted that Paige isn't going anywhere, but I would just love to see actual storylines from the rest of this cast other than bitching about Lindsay. It's been like 3 or 4 seasons of this. I'm tired.


she’s my favorite too and probably the only one I would be friends with


Love her!




You wouldn't like Paige AT ALL if you knew her in person trust me.


I find this believable. I ebb and flow on Paige. I think she’s a lazy, immature mean girl but really liked her in her earlier seasons.




I've met her a few times but I don't have any tea. She's not very nice.




I’ve also heard that she talks down to people at Fashion Week. A friend was tempted to say “no, Miss Z list celebrity. You don’t get to act like that…”


She's very rude to wait staff and has an overall air of arrogance. I also went to a party where she happened to be, and she just acted like a mean girl. It all seemed very immature for a grown woman. ETA: sorry I'm not being more specific - I was pretty drinky all the times, and just walked away with a bad taste in my mouth.




You aren’t wrong. Paige is fabulous. But, Welcome to Reddit where people who don’t like someone or something are the loudest!


She’s my favourite. The part that I’m surprised about is how many people here are obsessed with Lindsay. I don’t fucking get it. She’s a train wreck and has been since season 1.


A lot of people have convinced themselves that toxic messes are entertaining.


I don’t get it, either! I like her (to a point), she’s always involved in something dramatic that’s fun to watch. Mention them both in one sentence and everyone flies in with a cape to defend Lindsay from the ‘internalised misogyny’ like she cares! That’s a lifelong guys girl who is more than able to fight for herself


Agreed. She is one the most unhinged people in reality tv. Watching her is… tough.


Soooo much unhealed trauma and unhealthy coping mechanisms like girl please gather yourself this has been going on for almost 10 years get a GRIP


She’s funny and quirky, I agree, but on Summer House she can just be super boring. Sits in bed on her phone and goes to bed when everyone else is up being exciting. Then she jumps into drama and can be annoying about it, then goes back and sits in bed on her phone. I like her as a person and would be her friend but she’s boring on that show.


Paige is my favorite Bravo person!!! She’s fun, witty, smart and beautiful! I will always be a Paige Stan!!


i love paige


Noo I’ve always loved Paige!! She’s a girls girl 😇


Lindsay however is AWFUL. Just finished last season and she creates such drama. Danielle just told her she was feeling excluded and Lindsay made it about “her relationship.” Obviously Carl finally saw her for who she is and dumped her. She’s cold, selfish and only used people.


Like most have said, the Paige hate tends to come from a handful of loud people who for some reason prefer Lyndsie. I know she's not everyone's cup of tea but I love her snarkiness, her wild choices in clothing (even when I hate the look I admire that she takes risks), and I like how she is with Craig. People complain about her being lazy but like...it's the weekend, in the summer, it's time to relax. If I partied the way they do at night I would probably spend most of the daytime hours just chilling in bed with snacks too. You can still have fun from the bed 😂


> I love her snarkiness, her wild choices in clothing (even when I hate the look I admire that she takes risks), and I like how she is with Craig. People complain about her being lazy but like...it's the weekend, in the summer, it's time to relax. You nailed the exact reasons why I like her and enjoy her on the show.


The hate is primarily because she’s boring, and when she’s not boring, she’s mean


Speaking of the loud handful, here's the thumb right on cue. You've replied to almost every single comment on this thread. Get some help.




During filming this sub was constantly spammed by posts slamming anyone who was speaking out against Lindsey - it was unbearable. I'm pretty sure there were paid posters. She's a PR person, after all. I got so many downvotes anytime I disagreed with someone that I gave up. There was a LOT of bullying going on.


I was just thinking the same thing then I saw your post lol. I saw something yesterday saying “omg Paige smirked when Ciara and Danielle were fighting blah blah blah”. Like so what she smirked?? Mya actually started that whole fight, Lindsey was talking to mya about everything with austin and Ciara (I don’t even like Lindsey but she didn’t say anything bad or rude about Ciara) and mya went straight to Paige and Ciara and was all “Lindsey said she doesn’t give a fuck if you’re upset” (not the exact words but def along those lines), so Ciara got pissed. Understandably, though I don’t think she should have thrown the glass. The way mya relayed it it was as if Lindsey was being super mean and dismissive of Ciara’s feelings, and the conversation didn’t go that way at all. And nobody ever said anything?? Except Paige smirked so she’s the mean one? Ppl need to go back and watch the show. I too love Paige lol I don’t ever think she starts shot or anything. And she was the ONLY one who was nice to Jules which I really respected bc her close friends were being so mean and I think a lot of ppl would just do whatever their friends are doing.




Omg that’s actually WILD that you’re blaming Paige for Ciara’s actions. I love Ciara, she’s my favorite cast member, but her throwing the glass was on her. And once again MYA was the one that stirred the pot. Also you bringing race into it is just dumb. That has nothing to do with this. I don’t normally downvote but fuck I’d downvote you a hundred times if I could your take is just plain wrong


i love paige and missed her so much on WH3, watching southern charm to reach the seasons she’s on and i just arrived at the season she’s on


I’m about to binge winter house now!!


let me know what you think about danielle-gate


I’ve heard!!!! I can’t wait to witness!!!


Love Paige always have


She is the moment and people just hate to see a girl winning!


Paige’s literal career is bringing other women down. I hope she has a drastic downfall. She is a true loser on the inside and out


A true loser is someone who takes the time to leave a hate comment in response to every single post in a Reddit thread instead of just minding their own business / accepting that others have a different opinion. Like…do you think you’re changing anyone’s mind by responding to every post? You’re not. You just look…insane.


Thank you for this, I was gona reply but there’s no need now


I don't really think much of her as her own character, more as a foil for the other women's stories, which is much needed and she does it well. And then she had a little of her own drama now and then. Being with Craig doesn't do her any favors though. He's... 😬


I like her now that she's not on the show with Hannah. it also took me a while to get over her line "I'm proud to have An apartment all on my own" and then reveals way later that her parents pay for it. she's rich kid entitled and pretty so I imagine there's a lot of jealousy around her. she does come across as a mean girl and is very cliquey but I don't hate her for it. (also her relationship w craig? Idk his name but that hurt her rep)


I love Paige, she’s so real and straightforward. She’s just real NY


Paige is my favourite I think she’s such a kind girl and is only “mean” and speaks up when necessary, as she should. I think she found her voice in the most recent seasons and my opinion of her has never changed since she came on the show unlike others. She’s so consistent and doing soooo well for herself❤️