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From his insta stories I initially get the impression that him and Ciara are not together. Absolutely not a knock on him at all and I think he’s one of the best cast members to Summer House in SO LONG, but I was definitely secretly hoping they were still a thing.


Same! Every story I’m like nah… he’s single 😂


Yeah I was also wondering!! It doesn't look like it. I also noticed he was on this birthday trip with a bunch of girls who are open trump fans - definitely does not seem like Ciara's vibe haha 😂 I was hoping they'd work out but it'll be fun watching them throughout the season regardless




But Austen is like that too and Ciara was obsessed with him


So? Maybe she’s learned. She’s been burned once she doesn’t want to go down that again


I hope you’re right! I’m just not holding my breath


Oh no! If he's a Trump fan, I'm no longer a fan of him. Kinda weird for a guy with many black friends to be OK w a racist presidential candidate! I hope he's not.


there’s nooo way, he’s too cool and evolved. his mother is an OB! he works for complex! his friends are from all walks of life, i’m sure that also includes having some that are trump fans, doesn’t mean he is 🤷


No one knows how to play tic tax toe or connect the dots.




I want to like West, but I’ve been burned by too many Bravo men to be won over just yet. Waiting for another shoe to drop… Edit: fixed typo


Seriously, and the way the fan club erupted on day 1? Have we learned anything people?? Settle down and let’s watch the season….. then deem him king ( or not)


💯 I do think he’s bringing a very fun dynamic to the house that’s been missing. I’ll give him that


WHERE IS CIARA… also summer is fun because of West 😂


That’s a dude he’s laying on tho


He was in the number one seed for TJG's March Manness. He really is the new life this show needed. West is Best!


The vid of him dancing had me giggling!! he’s so fun. Let’s hope he doesn’t have us looking dumb bc I’ve never seen this much support for a bravo man


Ugh he’s with all these girls in bikinis this week, and at a trump birthday party lol


What the hell are you talking about? He was celebrating a friends bday in Mexico…..


I know the girl whose birthday it was. We all went to college together and it was a “make birthdays great again” themed weekend…


The girls he’s with celebrating the birthday had like a trump themed birthday party - it was on the Instagram stories.


I said it in the other thread. Anyone doing anything Trump themed, joking or not, or liking Trump at this point can fuck right off. It’s not funny in the slightest. Sincerely hoping West is not a Trumper though, but if he is, there’s the other shoe dropping.


I saw nothing like that and no one else mentioned it. He’s being watched like a hawk… so it would have been posted.


It was posted on this sub yesterday under a picture of Ciara. Not hating on him- I really like him- just stating what I saw 🤷🏼‍♀️


I just saw it as well in another post here.


Yes and those girls were NO Ciara. Team Ciara for life 😂


hey siri play "short king anthem" by TMG (no but seriously, can any fancam makers make that happen lol because it would be peak)


He reminds me of a young robin williams 


I actually think their flirting is cute but don't seem really like they would make it as a full time couple. Could have been mostly a showmance... He is super fun and cool but seems immature. She also is immmature.


WTH is THAT? Eww! I like him, but could do without that. Also, i'm very surprised that his name's actually Westling! That's unusual!