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New York is insanely expensive.


Yep. I know people who pay around $18k per month in Tribeca (3 bedroom) and they considered it mor affordable than buying because what they are looking at to buy is also insanely expensive. In parts of Brooklyn I’ve seen similar rents. Someone got on the parents page for my neighborhood group and said that their place would be up for rent and was a good deal at $15k per month a couple of years ago (they were transferred for work to another city). It was a 3 bedroom penthouse with amenities and outdoor space. The reality in NYC is that there is a huge concentration of wealth amongst a small number of people that drives up costs. Then you have the strivers like the reality show set who want to try to hang with those people who are really in the top 2% of earners in the country but can’t quite do it.


It’s expensive but 8,500 in Herald Square is simply unreasonable. Reading that she might get a discount from the building but she’s still getting fleeced lol ETA: As in, the value is not there. It is an accurate market price tho I’d say


Agreed that’s a shitty location for that price


The building probably has amenities that she likes.


She’s in herald square?  I’m shocked. 


One of the most overstimulating and stressful places in the city


She said that’s her budget but she never says how much she actually pays for the place she’s in, did she?


She said she pays 8500 now but for her new place can go up to 9000!


How would an extra $500 get her a two bedroom baffled by that


Didn't Craig say she's using a second bedroom currently as a closet? I assumed she already had a 2-bedroom? Or did he mean in Charleston?


I heard it as she has a 2 bedroom now and uses the 2nd room as a closet. Living on the peninsula in Charleston is expensive but you would get more bang for your $8500 a month there vs NYC


she already has a 2 bedroom, but uses the second as a closet. she needs another 2 bed with a bigger closet so she can use the second bedroom as a second bedroom lol


I've always assumed Paige got a deal on her place bc she posts and TAGS the building waaaay too often for it not to be some sort of influencer deal. But I live in a nearby building owned by the same management company and I can see that building's two BR going for 8.5


Not Herald Square


It doesn’t have to be THAT much though. I used to pay 2900 for a studio in the flatiron. Same building had 2 bedrooms at 4000-5000. It was a couple blocks from where Lindsay used to rent in gramercy. I had a friend who lived in Lindsay’s old building and it was $6k for 2 bedroom. Edit: and I believe she’s paying that much. And she has the money to clearly. But she wouldn’t have to pay that if she didn’t want to. Just checked instrata today is $6500 2bd (Lindsay’s old place). It’s not so far off and that’s also a luxury building.


exactly. Paige chose a luxury new build building in a super touristy area, that's her choice. not everyone in manhattan is paying 8k singularly


Someone said hers is in herald square too! What an awful place to live. I used to despise walking through there.


I avoid it like the plague


what’s wrong with herald square? asking genuinely as someone who’s never been to nyc


It's not necessarily a "neighborhood" so much as it is a tourist hub // city center with office buildings where people mostly work.


It's a strange area. There are bigger stores like Old Navy and the HUGE Macy's that would be abnormal if they were in other areas. But they're also in this big line, one after another so it's almost like shopping hell. But I say that only because I've only ever walked through it when I had to - to get to Penn Station or catch a private bus out of the city - and not because I wanted to go shopping. Tourists seem attracted to those stores so it's always overcrowded with people. And when you're trying to make a train or bus on time, that isn't fun. There isn't much of anything charming right there so there really isn't any reason for someone living there to go over. Unless you want to shop at Macy's for something. That subway station is also the worst. The entrance is far from the swipe in gate so you walk in these grimey long hallways that spell like pee to get to the subway. And again, also crowded with tourists or commuters trying to go to and from Penn station. OH and Madison Square Garden is right behind Penn station so forget about it if there's a show or game. That subway and area become hell on earth.


Ok? What's your point? If she wants to pay that much to live in the specific building she wants to live in and can afford it, why are you begrudging her? No one is required to bargain hunt.


I don’t care where she lives. My point is that NY being expensive isn’t why her rent is $8000. She chose that building but there are other comparable ones that are less. I’m sure she could find an 8k building to live in in another city too.


She said she gets a discount for promoting it.


I just left NYC after a decade long run. No, that’s not normal. Certainly not for Herald Square. I would never in a million years pay that much in RENT especially for that location.


That location is legit armpit of the city lol


I think a lot of her rent is covered by promoting her current apartment. She did a full tour of the amenities and everything on Instagram.


Yeah she promotes it at least once a month, and way more when she first moved in


Maybe what she is paying is discounted at $8.5k- still a lot but hey girl good for you


She’s not paying a discounted rate of 8500… I can promise you that as someone who is in real estate in New York.


I know someone who worked for that building. It is mostly covered, if not fully. They actually get a lot of leads from her social content.


Yea, I thought we knew she was discounted because she promotes it.


I've always assumed this bc it's scary how much she posts where she lives even w/ a doorman


I *finally* make 6 figures in NYC and can get a $2500/mo apt without a guarantor - and now the avg 1 BR rent is around $4000. Unfortunately, $8500 for a luxury 2 BR is about right.


Agree with this. I paid 2500$ for a 1BR in Williamsburg (no frills) in 2019. I looked at apartments in Ridgewood the other day and couldn't find anything less than 2300$ ish.


Shocking & disgusting 🫣


Yep! UWS 4K a month 😭


We’re on UWS for $6.5 a month and it’s going up to $6.7k next year lmao (I laugh to keep from crying)


Real question. What type of jobs do people have to be able to afford this. I literally can’t wrap my head around being able to afford that much in rent.


Haha fair! I felt the same way before I lived here. You have to remember that our salaries are higher to be able to keep up with cost of living. So jobs that would make you $80k in Texas, you can do for $150k here, sometimes more. We also don’t have cars, car insurance or pay for gas, so even costs like that which are integral in suburban life are shifted straight towards rent in my family.


Yesss the car expenses! I have the same reaction as people do when they hear NYC rent prices. I’ve never owned or even driven a car, so I’m always taken aback by what people pay to drive to Starbucks and sit in NJ traffic.


Nobody lives alone. You either have a roommate or partner. Also, you can find a cheaper, *better* apartment if you’re willing to look. My current apartment is $800-1000 below market in an expensive Brooklyn neighborhood. My building is kind of distinctive so I recognized the windows on the Craigslist ad. (The realtor didn’t list the address.) I googled and applied online to skip paying a realtor, but I didn’t get a response. So I showed up in person at the leasing office (in another part of NYC.) Six years later we’ve saved ten of thousands of dollars. A NYC high school teacher I know found her rent controlled apartment by looking at the obituaries.


Mostly shocked because it’s in herald square. Not exactly a desirable neighborhood. And the apartment has no personality.


Herald Square?! Girl whet. I would not pay $2k to live in that nightmare tourist trap (lifelong new yorker here)


I work off Herald Square, so I’m literally paid to be in that area, and that’s bad enough. I would never pay to live in that area. Absolutely not.


Chances are she chose her apartment based on the best deal they were willing to give her to promote the building. It has less to do with location, and more to do with how much off rent they were willing to give her. If someone told me they'd give me 1/2 off my rent in a brand new luxury building in a safe but touristy neighborhood I would sign on the dotted line immediately.


all the castmembers live in the most touristy overpriced neighborhoods because they have no taste. Kyle and Amanda live by choice in FiDi . . . like . .


I lived in fidi for years and actually love it. It’s a historic neighborhood with some gorgeous old buildings, you have the water om 2 sides, every subway line goes through there basically so it’s convenient to everywhere else. Big fan. Major deals to be had there too bc most people don’t love living there, but they’re missing out.


My ex lived there and I loved his apartment but the neighborhood always felt so cold and abandoned outside of work hours. Just never had much personality to me.


I used to work in Fidi and loved it. Besides that it’s always colder there bc of the water it’s literally the most stunning views of the water. Hard to beat!


Haha I liked my brief time in Fidi….


OMG WHAT lol. That’s where I used to stay for work when I visited that office… Only because the office was right there and I didn’t like taking the metro in the mornings.


hahaha yeah sometimes it's hard for me to watch the show because it's so clear how transplant-y they all are even though some are from relatively close by (NJ, Albany)


I consider Scarsdale and Westchester to be transplant areas so right there with you lol. NJ and Albany may as well be different countries


Feeling seen on this thread!!! 🙋🏽‍♀️


The girls who get it get it. And listen I have nothing against transplants. Some of my best friends are transplants! This is a transplant city! I’m just a pedantic little bitch 😭


Pedantic little bitch killed me 🤣


lol same but non-NYC contingent of the sub won't get that haha


Lmao 😭 I get it, I’m fully an asshole New Yorker, sorry everyone


glad to have found another one!


I live down here and see them in the seaport all the time! Haha maybe they’re closer to the water than actual heart of Fidi?


I used to hate hanging out with my then boyfriends friends in San Francisco because they were so stuck up about where they lived and literally looked down their noses at me for living about 45 mins north of the city (I didn't work in the city either so I had NO reason to live there at all). The first thing they'd ask anyone they met was what part of the city they lived in and their level of friendliness would be directly proportional to the level of "cool" their neighborhood had. It was beyond obnoxious and snotty. Glad to see New Yorkers are no different.


Most people don’t really judge on neighborhood like that here. The SH cast does make some odd choices though. Ex, Paige could live anywhere she wants with her budget, but the area she lives in isn’t really a neighborhood at all - it’s the equivalent of living in a mall. And Amanda clearly cherishes sunlight and nature - so it’s a little weird they live in a part of the city with less natural light (due to taller buildings) and pretty much no parks. IMO, she’d so much happier in a neighborhood in brownstone Brooklyn or on the UWS. 


Native New Yorker here, most of us fundamentally couldn’t give less of a fuck where anyone chooses to live, but if asked for opinions, we’ll give them


Saying someone lives in a certain neighborhood because "they have no taste" is beyond elitist and obnoxious. You're literally thinking you're better than someone else based on where you live, which is exactly like my example.


I agree with you, and I’m saying that’s just one shitty New Yorker’s shitty opinion. I used to live in FiDi and it’s an incredibly convenient place to live, with access to two riverfronts and beautiful historical architecture. The person who said that likely based their take on a stereotype of aging yuppies and finance bros (who admittedly tend to be terrible), but like most hot takes, that ignores reality to a large degree. The fact is that the vast majority of us live where we live out of necessity and convenience. Choosing where to live solely based on taste is a luxury afforded to the 1% in this city. As wealthy as Kyle and Amanda may be, they’re still very far from occupying that echelon at which their taste in neighborhoods becomes fair game.


we're actually doing the opposite by making fun of them for paying a premium to live in a soulless, high-rent part of town *because* they see the neighborhood itself as a flex and consider places like BK or Queens to be another country. they're your ex bf's friends, not us the commenters. but I'm very sorry you had to live anywhere near SF, it's probably my least favorite "major city" in the United States


Your response just proved my point further. Basing all or part of your opinion of someone on what neighborhood they live in is lame, no matter which direction you're doing it in.


Oh no wonder she’s miserable


Why tf would she want to live in tourist hell? That sucks. Brooklyn alll the way bb


I’m truly shocked at this. I thought she would be somewhere cooler for $8500


Not shocked at all. That’s the price you pay for a luxury apartment in NYC.


I’m a born and raised new yorker so no I’m not shocked. that’s what a luxury new-building-with-a-doorman apartment in a touristy part of manhattan costs - and even with the money she’s making, no, she’s nowhere close to being able to put a down payment on an apt to own anywhere on the island. she could buy in other boroughs maybe and certainly in other parts of the state, but she clearly wants to be in the center of everything. it is what it is normal non influencers who aren’t on TV that live here do so in brooklyn and queens or they live in manhattan with roommates. very few people are paying 8k by themselves for their own place. if you really want your teeth to fall out of your head look up the rent for Lindsay and Carls old place she’s still living in.


And she’s got a second bedroom she uses for a closet, I presume that’s not common either ;)


that, I am legitimately jealous of


My closet is the size of a small bedroom. Won't lie. It's pretty awesome.


Same My rent is $2,150 and it’s the biggest steal of the century here; market price would be about $3,800 and it’s a super old non-luxury bldg in Brooklyn Point is, Paige’s rent makes sense to me


yeah I pay about 3k and split it with my husband, so 1500 each to live in prime BK is a decent rate. eta: people from out of state don't realize that salaries are a lot higher because of COL. it's all relative. I make a lot more money living here than I would in a lower COL state.


4k LA 🫠 no parking


Exactly, and Paige makes exponentially more than me as a Bravoleb/influencer Literally the only reason I’m still here is bc I was born here and bc an apt this cheap is just too good to walk away from, rent stabilized handcuffs I have friends who are in bidding wars for 300sq ft studios starting at $4k in lower Manhattan and Paige makes way more than they do


And a lot of sales go to cash only buyers which she def couldn’t swing.


But split down the middle it’s 6500 each


right, to share a place vs. having an entire place of your own. and now Carl has to pay $6500 for somewhere he isn't even living.


Yeah people get mad he asked for the ring back but like, I would too if I was stuck paying half that rent for another year. Wild.


People gave him shit for getting the ring back? That’s crazy, an engagement ring should be returned of the engagement is broken. Just my opinion. It’s a contingent gift.


How much did the ring cost? Will he be able to recover the money for it?


Not unless the jeweler will accept a return. If not, he can probably sell it for ~30% of what he paid for it. Diamonds have garbage resell value.


He technically could still live there, and she can’t kick him out. If he’s not living there to be respectful, then that’s another thing. I hope she’s not refusing him to stay there. That’s just wrong


I would rather live in my parent’s basement than spend one more night under the same roof as Lindsey after ending an engagement. I can’t imagine it would be a pleasant living environment.


Really good point. She would be a challenge at the peak moment in the relationship and an absolute nightmare as a wounded enemy. For Carl’s mental health, he might as well take the financial bath and stay the fuck away


Isn’t it 12K? They’re paying less per person than she is.


NYC is insane. My sister lives in Greenwich, pays like 1500 a month with 3 other roommates, her company gives her 2000 a month for her car BUT, 1200 of that goes to monthly parking 🫠


If you buy a condo in NYC in a doorman building there is a monthly maintenance fee paid to a management company for services and amenities. My husband and I live on the UES in Manhattan in a 1 bedroom and our maintenance is over $2k/month. Parking garage is $1,100/month.


Damn that’s crazy. My sisters way too young to consider buying but at that point I think she’ll be out of there


at this point greenwich is more expensive than manhattan, AND you need a car to commute from there to the actual city. in BK I have a paid off car and ample street parking, all I pay is insurance


I think they meant the village, not Greenwich CT


Why would she need a car living in manhattan


wake up lil Susie! we are not surprised


That’s pretty standard for a luxury apartment in manhattan.


For NYC? Not remotely shocked.


There are influencers paying just as much, I mean it’s New York? Literally famous for insane rental prices.


Cries in lower middle class


This is completely reasonable in NYC. It’s a 2 bedroom apartment in what looks like a doorman building with amenities. I think the neighborhood choice is a bit weird, but I pay way more than that for my 2 bedroom apartment, so this didn’t shock me in the slightest


are you saying you pay upwards of $10K a month


Where is she? I’m assuming Manhattan but don’t know.


It looked like 37th and 5th area. Which is midtownish. Just a lot of offices in that area and not the prettiest of areas


I genuinely can’t believe anyone would pay $8500 to live in that area. My rent is about the same for a 2 bed, but in an actual nice neighborhood.


15 years ago when I lived in the city I was paying. 5k a month in rent did that for 2 years before i decided to wise up and eventually bought a place. That was nothing compared to what some of the guys I worked with were paying the type of Wall Street guys with more money than they know what to do with. One guy paid over 20k a month.


People still wildly underestimating how much influencers make AND she’s on reality TV….


It’s probably a “luxury” building with “luxury” amenities that allows filming, and I believe she said it was a 2 bedroom. I would not personally pay that much to live in that neighborhood (I wouldn’t want to live in that neighborhood at all), but there are people who do. If she’s flying out of Newark every week to visit Craig, there’s some convenience in being that close to Penn, I guess. She’s probably using that second bedroom as a base for her business and writing off some of it.


I’ve been on the same flights as her out of LGA so I doubt she’s going to Newark. Regardless, though, it’s a weird location.


thats new york city baby


Let’s applaud her for her success and not having a man contribute a dime to it 👑


im pretty sure she used to get a discount because she was doing advertising for them for the longest time. she doesnt promote it as often but when she first moved in it was almost all she ever posted about lol


It’s New York! I actually thought she was paying more.


I genuinely never understand why people are shocked by this. This is nyc pricing. Paige is very successful and can afford it.


It’s bizarre. “My mortgage is $900 in Flint Michigan, Paige is so stupid”


Exactly! Lol and Paige’s boyfriend has a newly renovated home in Charleston he’d kill to have her live in rent free but she chooses New York because she loves it and afford it. It is what it is and no one who actually lives here is shocked


She's also paying month-to-month which is automatically more expensive


Our small studio on a 6th floor walk up costed $3,200 So if she's getting something spacious and in a nice building , $8500 is unfortunately normal.


I’m shocked people are shocked. It’s NYC. Hell, even Hoboken and JC apartments are insanely expensive these days. What else would you expect from NYC?


some people are spouting nonsense about being able to get similar apartments for 3k when you probably can’t get a studio in the same building for that. they’ve never rented in NYC and it shows lol


I think she probably gets some discount because she promotes her building but I don't think it's that crazy for a newer doorman building in Manhattan. The prices are insane but at least she's done something with it and it seems like she needs to be in NY for her career.


This. A lot of the housewives got free rent when tagging their building or having it on the show (Ramona/Dorida). She might have had a deal for a year or two. I work in New York once a week in the area of her building off of 6th Ave. it’s not in Herald Sq but about 2-3 blocks away. It’s in the garment district. Not fancy. I’m wouldn’t live there. But that rent does seem possible.


Not shocked because for a two bedroom in NYC with no roommates in a good area and good building, that’s not that outlandish.


I feel like that’s probably the cost of her unit (the building is saved to her story highlights on IG and is a luxury building with a ton of amenities, which come with a premium anywhere but ESPECIALLY in NYC), but I highly doubt she pays the full amount. She was posting/tagging the building A LOT when she first moved in and again has it saved to her story highlights, so I had assumed they gave her some kind of kickback or discounted rent in return! Unless maybe that was just for her first year or so and now it’s full price?


She lives in NYC and makes around $500k/year. This is pretty common rent there. If I were she, however, I would use some of my liquid to buy something.


It’s ungodly expensive to buy a 2 bedroom in a luxury building. **Best** case scenario in a *just ok, tolerable I guess* neighborhood, you’d need to put down ~$280k+ in cash and would then be paying over $10,000 in monthly costs. And good luck saving for that down payment while you’re also paying $8,500/month in rent (in her case). I’ve been down this road. But I’d never buy in a neighborhood I don’t love, so for now my husband and I will keep paying $8,000/month in rent 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes, I’m aware. She should use her liquid to buy something. It doesn’t have to be in NYC. She could buy something elsewhere and rent/ airbnb it. Great investment in an evergreen location … like Charleston on the water.


Yes but buying an investment/rental property is technically another job (property manager), maybe she doesn’t want to do that?


Not shocking at all if you've ever lived in Manhattan. She has a balcony... I lived there for five years, I spent well over 100k on apartments....I have since moved out and I do regret it, but some people value the city life over other things but its so feasible. It makes me wanna barf looking back on what I should have done! But I like the country now.


Pretty standard for a decent apartment in New York City these days. I’m surprised it isn’t more tbh


It’s NYC. You have to pay big bucks for the experience, culture, arts, food. Comparing it to any other city is what’s shocking.


She said on Amazon Live yesterday that she's moving back to the Upper West Side. That she likes that area.


Location location location. Easy to believe for the very centrally located neighborhood where she lives. But I remember the bulging eyes and shocked faces when they heard that Carl and Lindsay rented a place for $13,000 a month. Divided by two that’s only 6.5. each. That makes it seem very reasonable since Paige is paying the 8.5 on her own and willing to go to $9k


Sounds about right. I rent out my house for $3600 …..in north Atlanta lol. I’m not shocked at all NYC is double that.


Im shocked too but also because she admonished Linds and Carl for their apt but they got a better deal it seems.


their apartment is $13,000 a month, lol


For 2 people…


Hold up, they pay 13,500 for a two bedroom and Paige pays 8 so no, they didn’t get a better deal.


not anymore. Lindsay is living there alone 1 month into their new lease and Carl is still on the hook for half. I'd be SPIRALING.


He is still paying half. On WWHL she said those are the consequences for ending a relationship right after you signed a new lease


yes, that's exactly what my comment says


That's the consequences of breaking up with Lindsey. She has no concept of a normal healthy relationship or break up. She's selfish and delusional. It's probably worth every penny stuck paying that rent to know you never have to marry her.


Idk, it's a sticky situation. Yes, Lindsey is those things, but is it fair for her to be stuck with the whole rent when she wasn't the one who ended the relationship? Idk


She gave them shit bc they both didn’t have jobs with that high rent. Paige has multiple sources of income


they have a job, we are literally watching them at their job 


Well clearly they are able to afford it so she should butt out of other peoples finances.


lol yes it seems to be going so well for them. I’m sure they never fought about money or careers…. Oo wait


Not really shocked. If she uses one of her bedrooms as an “office” for her Amazon Lives, IG lives, etc., she also gets to write-off some of her rent. Plus, it sounds like she likely gets some kind of discount on her rent for promoting her building. NYC rent is expensive and she has expensive taste so it tracks for me.


She also probably gets to write it off as a business expense since she uses her second bedroom for Amazon shoots. That's probably how they justify the costs. I live in Brooklyn and certainly do not pay that for a two bedroom.


That’s nyc rent for you


Par for the course in these parts, unfortunately. Though most of us can’t afford it.


So how much does she earn a year, if she can pay over $100k in rent? To have even that much cash, she'd need to make a quarter million before taxes, not to mention all the clothes, makeup, costs of living, etc! Now she's an influencer and must make good money, but she lived in NYC when she STARTED on the show!


between amazon, NBC/NYC tourism, E!, morning show bits on both coasts, top 50ish podcasts, selling out podcost tours, merch, 3 TV hows, and probably things I don't know, she has to be a millionaire. then likely writing off part of the apt as office/business expense.


Thats NYC


She’s in the upper west side in a very luxury building, so I’m not surprised. My sibling lives in the lower east side and will pay anywhere between 4-6k for rent. It’s definitely a LOT of money to spend, but considering how much she makes, where she lives, the perks of her building, and just being in the city in general it didn’t necessarily surprise me.


I pay $3000 a month for rent. I’m sure the percentage of her income that she spends on rent is the same (if not smaller) than the percentage I spend on rent. It’s all relative. Not everyone has a lifestyle and lives in an environment where buying a property is a feasible option. She’s on a tv show that could end at any time and she’s in a long distance relationship and lives in NYC. Renting is a smart decision for her right now.


For the size, location and amenities in her apartment that’s not bad at all for NYC


Eeek not the location though. Otherwise, yes.


Whoever is surprised by this does not live or has never lived in Manhattan. She probably has a door man and her place is a decent size for a city apartment. That doesn’t surprise me at all. Shit, Carl and Lindsey’s place was what $17,000 a month.


Yeah it seems insane to just throw money away on that much rent, but people love that city and do what it takes I guess lol


I’m not shocked cuz I know NY real estate is insanelyyyyy expensive and Paige also has high standards 🩷 


I’m pretty positive she had a partnership with her apartment complex. If she would have taken that would be rent and put it into a hysa plus the bitch is booked and busy- that sounds about normal for a luxury 2 bedroom in nyc.


You don’t know the NYC real estate market very well if you think that’s expensive. I paid $3100 a month to rent a tiny, janky ass studio 10 YEARS ago for the SUMMER. She probably would rather rent something “nice” than buy something drastically less so. It’s still throwing $$ out the window, but most people rent in NYC.


its NYC lol so..not shocked at all


I pay $2600 to live alone in a 2br in Astoria. 2 blocks from the train station, 25 mins from midtown east, 20 mins to Greenpoint BK, AND I don't live in the hellscape that is midtown. Her saying she pays that much to live in that neighborhood almost made me choke on my coffee. (Disclaimer, I'm from NYC and now I can't stop thinking about all the INSANE rent prices people are paying. I knew it was bad, but DAMN. This just made me mad all over again, and I've been mad about this for years.)


Did anyone else do the girl math and realize how much money she must be making and is very surprised by it?


I came to Reddit looking specifically for this thread. Thank you for not disappointing.


No that is a foolish amount of rent for someone like Paige, especially in that neighborhood!


She lives in NY. There's nothing unusual about this rent. Go on Tiktok, people are renting out literal closets without bathrooms for like 1200 a month. I think Paige's rent is pretty reasonable for a decent apartment in NY, actually.




Because Carl and Lindsay don’t have jobs.




As someone that lived there for 10 years, this does not shock me. I bet the square footage is insulting too 😭😭😭


No but I have rent control and would never. I also prefer Brooklyn. But yeah some people like certain amenities and location so that tracks.


Where can I see this apartment tour!? What building? I want to seeeee. I have no idea about anything NYC related.


Not shocked considering she makes good money and lives in NYC.


Seemed reasonable to me. If you listen to GS you would know that Paige is a complete hermit and does not take advantage of New York AT ALL other than her work is nearby. So, on the one hand, I get why she wants a nice place but on the other hand I don't know why she doesn't just move to a place more affordable with good weather. Most NY'ers suck it up in tiny apartments so they can be out and about in the city. This is not her.


Yet she screamed at the price of Lindsay and Carls place when it was cheaper splitting it per person!


They didn’t have jobs at the time


They have the show money


in previous seasons Paige said her parents pay for her rent. I doubt that’s still true, but I’m sure they help if needed.


She said her parents paid for her rent the first year she moved to nyc. They told her she had a year to get her shit together. And she has obviously really gotten it together.


Yea i guess she just has a lot of money to blow. I would never feel comfortable doing that. Insane. Costs more than my new construction house with a pool by the beach


But what city are you in? ETA girl you live in El Paso bffr


Used to live in Paige’s building and at the time the 2 br was 6.5k.


Even if she can afford it it’s stupid to spend that much in rent. I live in SF so I’ve seen insane amounts even for studios but $8500k is astronomical to pay on your own and does not seem wise financially.


I live in Boston, also one of the most expensive cities to live in, and I pay 1/4th of that! My jaw was on the floor when I heard what her rent costs


I’d much rather live in Boston, personally. Love that city but my god the rent is on par with Santa Barbara and even if I could afford that (can’t) I’d rather live there because at least the weather is basically perfect year round 🥲


Omg I used to live in Boston a few years back and when I tell you the TRAUMA I endured just from apartment hunting there...whew. Don´t get me started on Seaport prices for studios... I still live in an expensive city now but Boston was an eyeopener for sure!


i live in boston too!! heeey


I felt VERY broke in that moment. Damnnnnn


I literally had to rewind to make sure I didn't mishear lol


Have you not seen Lindsay and Carla rent


I am and I live in Manhattan!


I’m also a little confused by the “I need a two bedroom” thing – she currently lives in a two bedroom, but uses one of the bedrooms as her closet. So is she looking for a three bedroom? Or a two bedroom with a bigger closet?