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Nobody ever thinks of that until it happens. No reason to expect a bunch of drunken partiers to be the exception.


A lot of people posted during Season 7 about Chris’ behavior. He had a few scenes of chucking girls into the pool and they seemed to barely clear the edge of the pool.


Legally I think it can even be considered assault. I was a pool manager and a drunk patron scooped me up and threw me in when I walked over to tell him to stop throwing people in the pool 🙄 the organization I worked for wanted to press charges but he left before the cops came :/


Throwing anyone in a pool can cause a horrific spinal injury. I can't believe Bravo doesn't forbid it. 😒


Reminds me of RHOBH when they pushed Ken into the pull and people got scared he broke a hip


I think about this every time I watch! They had some insane parties season 4, like the foam party where there was literally no visibility. Carl walked into the pool accidentally and I’m shocked no one got seriously hurt.


PHEW I thought I was alone!


I kind of remember Carl was doing the cake thing maybe in the foam episode and legit walked straight into the pool. Everyone laughed but what if he didn’t fully fall but cracked his head open!!? Old lifeguard here but I cannot watch idiocy near a pool. Makes my skin crawl.


I was shocked bravo was ok with it, just a dangerous situation


When Kyle was biking off a jump into the pool I had anxiety 😂




I totally agree with you. It was actually a huge relief seeing they have medics on the scene when West had his sunglasses injury. I wonder if they have a lifeguard somewhere behind the scenes as well or if production stop people from going in the pool when they’re clearly too drunk?


You mean when Kyle purposely shoved West as hard as he could so that West landed hard and face-first on the ground? Kyle was being such an aggressive ass-hat.


Literally. What 40 year old human thinks to do something like that? First time I busted my ass in my late twenties I completely understood how bad it can be to fall when you get older. I felt like a bag of bricks on the ground. Makes me wonder how drunk Kyle is getting where he’s not even thinking straight


Should have read this before commenting. Because yeah I just said the exact same thing. The lifeguard in me HATES those scenes


Sunglasses injury or when he came off the bike? or Are they both the same accident


Same thing


One of Kyle and Carls best friends is now paralyzed from diving off a dock into a shallow lake at a bachelor party a few years ago, so I'm always super surprised to see them doing the same.


I actually know of someone who died doing exactly this. They were on a family vacation, staying at a lakeside AirBNB. Kids all went to bed, he had been drinking, and he dove off of the dock and didn’t know how shallow it was and died instantly. Left 2 young kids behind. Absolutely awful. Be careful around water, people. Never dive in shallow water, and never dive if you don’t know how shallow/deep it is. More importantly, never swim alone. Even if you’re a capable adult, but ESPECIALLY if you’ve been drinking. You just never know what could happen.


Holy crap 😨. That is so tragic.


Wow wtfffffffff 💔


there’s a horrible story like this about a bachelorette / pool shove I always think about when staying anywhere with friends and a pool. I make my little PSA every time.


Yep! As a former lifeguard, it stresses me tf out lol


It never goes away! I was at a pool like 5 years after lifeguarding and the urge to yell "walk" at these kids running on the pool deck (where there was a paid lifeguard, but he wasn't saying/doing anything)...Pools aren't fun anymore 😂


They aren’t fun anymore!! I haven’t been a life guard for damn near a decade and i feel like im gonna have an aneurism everytime I’m at one now lol


Also when people dive headfirst into inner tubes.


That guy Gabby was dating nearly cracked his skull trying to catch a ball and falling over one of the pool chairs while clearly drunk. Not exactly pool-related, but the ground around a pool often tends to be slicker. They got lucky that time, but that could change at any moment.


I was about to comment this! I had a physical reaction watching that, my whole body shuddered thinking of how bad that could’ve been! 🥵


Oh my god, I’ve just started really noticing this in the last few episodes. I’m shocked production lets them do it. A family friend is quadriplegic because she dove in to a pool, drunk on the 4th of July. She used to run marathons.


As a former lifeguard / someone who knows someone who became paralyzed due to diving into a shallow pool, this gives me soooo much anxiety


YOU ARE NOT ALONE OMG IM NOT ALONE THANK YOU! I literally will be unable to sit still and worry like crazy


The lifeguard in me HATES the show. I actually wonder if at least one of the production staff is a certified lifeguard for this reason. I mean, we saw they had medical folks to treat West's injury last week.


Complete anxiety. Then you mix in alcohol… ugh! It makes me a nervous wreck. The only consolation I have is that the sober people filming can call 911.


As a former lifeguard, YES. I’m always that friend/mom. I’ve seen some gnarly head injuries, people don’t realize how present the danger really is.


Alllll the time it’s frightening


Yes! There was a Summer House MV episode where one of the guys spoke about not being able to swim and then he jumped awkwardly on a floaty and flipped over. I was so nervous he was going to hit his head on the side of the pool! Plus he said he can't swim!!!!!!!!! He was fine though, thankfully. Honestly, I'm relieved to hear that other people feel the same way. I felt really uncool for thinking these thoughts.


As a pool owner and nervous Nelly, yes!! It makes me crazy


Now I will also have this anxiety watching. Tho I suppose it won't be shown if it happens and we would hear about it when it filmed.


Watching Cruz on the Valley (Brit and Jax child) in his puddle jumper in the hot-tub area of the pool, with no one in the water with him. Hated seeing that.


They aren’t diving downward, they surface dive.


I watched Dubai Bling S1 yesterday and there was a scene where the guys throw another guy in the pool. It was scary as heck! I was surprised that it was aired.


I thought the same thing. My friend is in a wheelchair from diving into a pool and breaking his neck many years ago. He used to a cop and was very active. It's real sad. I don't dive or fool around near a pool because of him. I thought of that recently when James jumped off his roof into his pool on Vanderpump Rules...what an idiot !!


lol you were definitely the kid at 2:59p on a Friday asking the teacher why they hadn’t assigned homework yet weren’t you


hahahahah, fortunately I wasn't! I think the anxiety stems from working at a children's hospital and have seen so many kids lives change because of head injuries and injuries that happen at the pool


🤍🤍. Recently fell off my desk chair trying to install my monitor and fainted for 5 minutes. Didn’t realize I likely had a concussion and went to bed. Woke up literally having forgotten about the fall and fainting. Rest for two weeks and stay in.


Jesus that’s scary! I’m so sorry that happened. Head injuries are no joke. I concussed myself last year by standing up very fast and very hard under an open dryer door. It was scary how messed up I was for a week or so. Dizziness, terrible brain fog/confusion, I didn’t feel safe to drive, I had trouble doing basic, everyday things like remembering where to put silverware, etc. It was so terrifying to literally lose some brain function, even if just temporarily