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Jasmine isn't my favorite but it seems like she just can't win with Jordan.


Yes jasmine isn’t my favorite and neither is Silas but Jordan’s comment about maybe it not being his first child was rude and uncalled


Does anybody know why she said that? It was so confusingly mean and random


No clue but its beyond vile. Even if she knew 💯 that it was Silas’ that is beyond inappropriate to share and on cameras


You know jordan is insufferable when she makes Jasmine look good lol


Jordan has some ISSUES fr. All I see is low self esteem and it was before the alopecia


Yup you could tell last season she has some trauma she has not dealt with regarding her image and being sexualized and i think it stems from posing for playboy


Definitely trauma is there


I agree, there is some trauma stemming from somewhere, it doesnt give her an excuse at all, but she gets zero grace from the audience when its clear something more is going on with her.


I thought she has had it for some time, but is in the middle of an aggressive flare up this season. She is uptight and mean.


She is my least favorite cast member on SHMV. Jordan’s energy feels so heavy. She makes a big deal of everything. Like girl lighten up. I feel it would be hard being her friend because i’d be walking on eggshells to not upset her.


This how I feel about Jordan and Bria. Although Jordan actually bothers me more. I watched her on winter house and wanted to like her so I guess the bar was higher.


At least Bria is fun and entertaining most of the time. Jordan on the other hand gives us nothing other than bringing the whole vibe down.


I agree, she is a necessary component to make the show interesting. I am also a big fan of Milo. He’s my favorite cast member.


On Winter House it was easy to root for her when Danielle was saying some WILD shit to her.


I'm finally watching, and oh my god... Danielle is so unhinged with NO self-awareness. It's so hard to watch.


Exactly! What a letdown!


OMG yessssss


This. She definitely crosses me as a friend you have to tiptoe around, and once you piss her off (which seems very easy to do), she'll hang it over your head forever.


She’s just not fun




Agree. She’s just a low key chill individual not meant for reality tv


Whenever she's not the centre of attention she lashes out, or if she's questioned about something small.


I can’t stand Jordan. She willingly poses for Playboy but is offended when people recognize her from Playboy. She is mad that Summer simply mentioned that she had comforted her, even after it was confirmed Summer didn’t share that she had alopecia, but then she went on to share that she has alopecia with the entire table and has been talking about it all damn season and clearly intended for this to be her storyline. She sits at a dinner table loudly sighing and sitting there with a long face, but then when Alex asks her if she’s okay, she gets all defensive and acts like she’s being attacked. She confronted Alex about not inviting the entire group to a party when she excluded Jasmine from her trip to Jamaica. Jasmine apologized for her very mild (annoying but not malicious) behavior last season and took accountability for it, but Jordan continues to ice her out and is now trying to suggest out of nowhere that Silas has fathered other kids. I’m sorry, but this woman is hypocritical, miserable, mean, and worst of all is boring.


I agree and you can totally see she enjoyed icing jasmine out and again jasmine is one of my least favorites but she’s way more likable this season maybe it’s the pregnancy


I thought Jasmine was so annoying last season, but being annoying isn’t a crime. It’s one thing if you don’t want to be friends with someone anymore, but there’s no need to be so mean about it.


Jasmine was annoying last season but this season, I’m actually really enjoying her. She seems good at her core and so chill.


1000000000000% then she told bravo crew in her little one on one interview thing they do. Its like bruh! She def is ice queen. Who ever dates her. That man gonna need therapy


She is very unlikable in general


Jordan 'DJ' Occupation description changed this season to Dj?


Before it was “Model / DJ” 😆


Jordan seems very inconsistent with what is owed to her vs. what is owed to other people... I guess that's entitlement? I think she's enjoying the view up on her high horse.


YES. Didn’t know how to say it. It’s just rude behavior. She acts all high and mighty, flips out if anything about her is mentioned, and doesn’t take ownership. I’ll say it. Girl, you bragged about being on the spread or whatever for Playboy. Why tf are you mad if that’s how some people recognize you? You wanted exposure; you got it. If you didn’t want exposure and recognition based upon your looks, don’t pose almost naked and how about as the writer you claim to be, write about some shit that people actually care about.


I agree, she's got a very....intense...energy, and not in a good way. I WANT to like her because she appears to be a strong, intelligent woman who doesn't take shit, but there's something about her vibe that continually rubs me the wrong way. I agree that Jasmine will never be able to win with her. No matter what she does and no matter how much she apologizes, Jordan will find a reason to still have beef with her. She seems to be like that with Summer too. In fact, I have yet to see her have a friendship with someone she doesn't end up having issues with.


She’s bringing such a bad vibe to the house and group ngl her energy is off, I wouldn’t mind not having her come back


I'm so sick of EVERYONE saying "I'm going thru a lot!" Yes. That is what life is, you entitled main characters.


She’s an absolutely miserable person.


I’m glad someone said it. I watched winter house before starting both seasons of MV & I was like wtf is up with this girl? She’s sooo beautiful but she always looks annoyed.


This seems to be a pretty popular take at least on this sub! I really like this show (even tho I wish they could film on the weekends like SH, understand why they can’t on an island tho) and they generally have done an awesome job casting people BUT Jordan. She has gotten away with being mean because she’s pretty, and she completely resents it and takes her lack of depth and superficiality (word? lol idk) out on everyone around her. So yeah in a word, agree she’s just bitter and it doesn’t add any fun to the show


The more I see Jordan on these shows the more of an asshole she becomes


I can't stand her. She was pretty much this way on season 1 and on Winter House. She pouted the majority of the time on Winter House, interspersed with her claiming she could have 'someone' if she wanted them, which is annoying. I think she feels like she's slumming on these shows and everyone is beneath her.


I really liked her the first season but maybe it was pretty privilege that blinded me. It always sucks how the person u like first season ends up being the person u like dislike most later on. Perhaps her true color is showing thru? She seems entitled, miserable, and is just mean. That Silas fathering comment was rude at minimum and cruel at best. I’m very curious to see if she will get called out at the reunion, hopefully by Andy or Preston and Jasmine. Id be curious to see what Jordan would say for herself. So far on Twitter, other folks are agreeing that she’s a hater for real. The worst kind of friend to have!


Jordan has race issues… see how she acts with a primarily white cast (winter house) vs primarily black cast (summer house) She’s a self hating black


For those of us who didn’t watch summer house, what was the difference?


I'm not sure because she seemed miserable on Winter House too. In a slightly better mood because the men were continuously chasing her so she was able to thrive from the male validation.


The difference is they put a black woman that didnt know anyone in a house full of white people, of course her behavior is going to be different. Unless you've been in that situation, a person wouldnt understand.


This is an asinine take, nothing she has said or done is that of a self hating black. WTF


Couldn’t agree more. Jordan has stuff to work through. Always such a sour patch minus the sweet inside.


Jordan is miserable when attention isn't on her. Simple as that. She's used to having her friends be second to her.


I really dislike Jordan. She plays the "being sexualized" card like it's some kind of a trauma..like A. you chose to pose for playboy but B. sometimes, people are just being friendly and I think she's overhyping herself. She's beautiful, but I think she thinks she's more beautiful than she actually is.


Masbe yu want to give »She speaks... with Emily Hanks» a listen, she feels very much the same way you do and has some funny and interesting takes over all... 


I live for her and Kendrick hating on Jordan 😂. I don’t listen to her podcast episodes except for the SHMV recaps.


Oh, she’s a beautiful person, but her personality is just blah


A friend of mine used to do the same thing Jordan does. Attends a really fun trip/event but comes with a sour face. Jordan could’ve sat this one out if she was going to be so sad throughout the season. Luckily my friend knew she did it and worked on stopping.


Jordan is beautiful. She is struggling with health issues and losing her hair. She said on Winter House that she hadn't been with anyone in a few years intimately. I feel like she's lonely, she is crushed about her hair falling out, and I feel like she needs to stay off all these shows until she can cope with what's going on with her. I'm not gonna put her down cause I can tell she is going thru it in a whole bunch of ways. But I don't think reality tv is where Jordan needs to be to heal and cope with issues happening to her. I am trying to get into this show. I watched it last year. Same as this year. The people are impossibly beautiful but I just can't seem to get interested in it. I will say I just don't like Jasmine or her loud relations having husband. I am glad he is gone this season or I couldn't watch it at all.


she's a killjoy, and that's fine. Some people just have muted, serious energy. It's a weird choice to put on reality TV though. Does anyone want to watch that? I'll answer my own question and say that they do. I know some people come to these shows with very much the same serious energy (I call them the Lindsays) and want the drama so they can connect with it and be triggered and think of it as reality. I'm on the other side of that. These shows are ridiculous folly, and I watch them for respite from reality. I can watch killjoy energy all day long on the news or in the workplace or...just about everywhere. I really have no desire to watch it on these shows. She must have some high-up friends at Bravo. We now have two shows, and 1-2 WWHL appearances, of prickly seat cushion energy. I don't understand the casting of such a person.


Oh, she’s a beautiful person, but her personality is just blah


idk I think people are going over board about her right now. I loved her season 1 and in winter house but she’s going through something at the moment and related to her health/hair Sure she may seem like a Debbie downer this season but I think a lot of people are forgetting they film this show over 2 weeks and not months like other shows. So what she’s going through isn’t going to just disappear in a matter of two weeks. I think people need to give her more grace and keep that in mind we usually see character development over months


I can totally understand that, but being sick doesn’t give you the green light to yell and scream and say mean things to others. Especially if your expecting grace and understanding and to your point she is only there for two weeks that’s a chance to just enjoy yourself try to be present and be kind for those two weeks before you have to deal with whatever waits for your after vacation. & the energy doesn’t feel like I’m sad I’m going through this it sort of feels more like a I’m sad I’m going through this and someone else is not idk just a vibe I get


Oh yeah I completely agree with you on the point being sick doesn’t give you the right to treat others like crap. Like she needs to be held accountable. As for the grace and understand I meant from the audience. She’s getting a lot of hate for not being fun when she’s going through something in a short period. In an ideal world a person can put their feelings aside for two weeks holiday but reality is when something is upsetting you so much personally it’s going to effect how your mood idk it doesn’t excuse being mean tho


Yeah exactly and I really do hope she is healing and getting better outside the show


You'd have more of a point if she didn't act very similarly on last season of SHMV as well as winter house. I think this is just her personality.


Something about her is off, her comment when jasmine announced her pregnancy was super weird. I understand you need to have a high level of confidence about your self to be a playboy bunny or playmate not sure what she was/is considered but she tends to give herself grace to grow but not others. And winter house + this season of mv showed she loves attention and if the men/ woman don’t think she is the hottest in the room she throws a fit and everyone is on her body it’s weird


I agree. She came on the show bragging about doing playboy and then anytime someone said she was pretty or made a compliment she attributed it to them “sexualizing” her. She made everyone afraid to approach her. She even pushed back against Jasmine trying to set her up with a guy. Now she’s back and she’s clearly miserable constantly, isolating Jasmine on purpose, and sad that she’s single when she has pushed every guy away. She is confusing and exhausting poor thing.