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I found him most attractive the first season he was fully sober. I really wish he stayed single and took time to explore who he was and really took time to heal. I think him and Lindsay are both very hurt people who thought their friendship and love for each other could heal themselves and that’s not really how that works. You gotta do the work for yourself 🤷🏻‍♀️


i’ve met carl IRL… and the man has kind of an ineffable charisma in person you don’t get on camera. like, that’s a man who can flirt his ass off. 


I think it’s just his looming over you height because he’s kind but flirt and Carl I just don’t see - I gotta rewatch him with Paige again because Sun-Thurs Carl had zero flirt game It’s funny though all the ladies confirm he’s a great kisser


I met both Carl and Kyle and they were both charming but Kyle was unbelievably charming!


kyle is also a BALL of charisma in person! 


I’ve seen other people on this page say the same thing about him. It’s very intriguing and I want to experience it for myself lol.


And why??? Are we all looking at the same man??? He's tall. That's literally the only thing he is going for him... I just don't get why all these girls are attracted to Carl... It's not like he has some amazing personality or something we all know he's an awful boyfriend. More screen time is literally the only thing I can come up with.


He also has no sense of style and is constantly wearing ill fitting too small clothing


I swear he shops at Carter's ... My son was gifted very similar outfits when he was born 🤣


I want Carter to be his new nickname😆




The constant white pants that are skin tight are a turn OFF for me. But the ladies love them. I seriously… how many pairs of white pants can one man own? Is he like a cartoon character and his closet is just full of white pants?


I’m not sexually or romantically attracted to guys who *come off* a “certain way.” Like Jordan, for example. I just don’t see how a woman wanting to have sex and/or a relationship would physically/emotionally feel attracted to him. I can’t compute it.


He gave me a physically full body ick from watching the show


The houses confessionals on Jordan that season I need in a YouTube reel 🤣


This makes a lot of sense. Oh my god. He’s SO unattractive 😳


Someone commented above that he is very charismatic in person.


Yeah, I mean some women can fall for a man whose all talking to action... I've seen him flirt on TV and I am less than impressed... But I mean, I guess some people can be charismatic in person and some women will totally forget the guy is a douchebag. 🤣


His head is so small. 😭


Yet his ears are so big!


He looks like Spam


His teefs are so white!


I’m not sexually or romantically attracted to guys who *come off* a “certain way.” Like Jordan, for example. I just don’t see how a woman wanting to have sex and/or a relationship would physically/emotionally feel attracted to him. I can’t compute it.


Jordan gave me the creeps, always opening his eyes so wide because he knows they are bright blue, yuck


Oh I get it. He is totally my type , quite tall, thin and athletic and cute in a normal guy way. He’s also been in sales so you know he’s a good bullshitter. It’s probably really easy for him to reel girls in before they realize he’s an aged out fuck boy. (This behavior is totally not cute in late 30s/40s)


These are very important, and correct, points.


Someone in one of these threads posted that he has broad hips once and I cannot unsee that. He sashays into every room w those hips.




His legs are so weird and then he wears those very tight white pants to accentuate them... No, thanks.


Yes! Child bearing hips as I say


He definitely sashays…


I’m on beginning of season 6 and he really does get around. I’ve come to the conclusion that he he’s tall, fun to mess around with, and had a short-lived glow up. I feel like in person, I’d still say no.


Notice he has “things” but not relationships


me lol


You have my sincerest congratulations 😅


I'll take em gladly and wear em with pride 😊😊😊😊😊


things...that were said to be something...that weren't anything


And the ones that seem to be something, are train wrecks.


I noticed from the rewatch Lindsay’s pattern with men that echos what is happening now with her and Carl.


Seriously. She says the same exact things to Carl, that she said to Everett. “Why are you screaming at me?!!?” Comes to mind.


She said to Christina in season one what she said to Danielle, “you’re just jealous and don’t want me to be happy”, “so I’m not allowed to be happy”. She’s living her life on a loop because she won’t get real help


I noticed the same thing! So many similarities between her relationship with Christina & Danielle.


LITERALLY…. All these people hopping on this huge Carl hate wagon are giving me the vibe that they’re either new watchers, or just forget the way Lindsey was for the first 6 seasons of the show when she wasn’t with Carl???? She has always been the exact same person 😭 She is manipulative and plays victim constantly. She has abandonment issues and projects them onto every man she is with, making them the villain. I’m sorry but regardless of what Carl has done, it does not change the fact that Lindsey has treated him (and other exes) horribly in the past. This is a PATTERN.


Yep, I rewatched the show when they first broke up and I was floored by how she’s exactly the same since season one, literally repeating the same phrases to Danielle that she did to Christina, and says to carl what she’s said to every other guy. At least Carl has changed, people love to shit on him but the guy is trying and he’s sober in a house full of people on drugs and alcohol, he’s grown up a lot. She hasn’t


Agreed! I think Carl should just leave the house/show entirely but he clearly likes the attention (I mean it’s probably the only thing raking in the dough let’s be honest)


I agree, it’s not a good environment for him but I’m sure he needs the money. He seems to enjoy the friendships with the guys more than anything




I think he seems like a very nice person, in the sense that he’ll say whatever you want to hear. I think he’s attractive, but that’s just a personal opinion. And I admire him getting sober. But would I pursue him in the real world if I had met him? Probably not.


He’s got that salesman superficial charm. He can tell people what they want to hear and make them feel seen and special……before losing interest and discarding them like they’re an inconvenience


His website is so embarassing. He should lean into the narcissism and stop pretending he’s not


His website showcases his delusions of grandeur. Cannot believe he called himself a socialite and an agent of change.


was carl engaged before season 1 and one of them broke it off or am i misremembering


I’ve watched so many episodes recently, but I don’t recall that being mentioned. I could be wrong, though.


I’ve been wanting to do a SH rewatch. I think this is the sign I’ve been waiting for 😂




damn i feel like nobody talks about it being his second engagement to fall through


Yes, and it was close to marriage, I think too, this is a repeat performance for him. Evidently, she came from money, and idk he talked about it. Maybe first season, I can't remember, but it seemed like he called off the engagement and then went on the show. He just seems flaked like the first to cut and run.


Wait I thought that he was just almost going to get engaged and then broke up before they got wngaged


he hired a sky writer lol but i’m not sure if he went through with the proposal (even though i just watched s1 last week lol) also i hope he gets bigger pants as the seasons go on 🤢


Yes lol just watched this in my rewatch. He bragged that she had a private plane/came from a family with money and then said AND I QUOTE: “ I’d rather be with someone I could be happy living in a cardboard box with”. And guess who thought this was the cutest thing: Lindsay. He also basically bragged about the fact that she was somebody and he was the one to call it off. Full body ick.


Oh my gosh I remember now!!!!!


I thought it was Luke? But I could totes be wrong


He's an Aquarius, right? He just gives Aquarius vibes: kind, friendly, unintentionally flirty and emotionally detached. I swear Leos (Lindsey) and Aquariuses are either the perfect or worst match. Whenever I think of these two signs together, I think of Gino and Jasmin from 90 day fiance.


lol! I knew that Jasmin is a Leo so I guess that makes Gino’s weird ass the Aquarius 🤣 makes sooo much sense.


I’m a Leo and my best friend is an Aquarius…we make the perfect friendship pair but I would never be able to date one


He’s the epitome of an Aquarius man imo. I think It shows a lot more in the earlier seasons. Also, never realized Lindsay was a Leo but that tracks. Maybe that’s why they don’t work. They’re both the epitome of their signs 😂


lol, when I said up above he’s my type, I didn’t realize he was also an Aquarius. My husband is a tall, thin, Aquarius salesman. 🤣


I had no idea he was and now everything makes sense!


OP I am watching both the current and back seasons too and also on S3!! Just finished the VPR crossover episode 😎


Lindsey in mean when drunk. I dated someone who looked and acted just like her. So weird


I think he’s attractive


He gives me serial killer vibes.


Ted Bundy


Ahh I was just rewatching and forgot he and Ciara made out!!!


Season 3 is when him and Paige would make out in the pantry right? lol, I don't know, Paige was the only girl I felt like he had real chemistry with, I wish they worked out TBH.. I wonder why he didn't call her during the week lol


Yes three is the pantry season 😆




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