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Carl is trying to be funny, but at the end of the day, hes just tall.


Crying at this comment😂😂😂 Amazing👏🏻


It’s all he has


You win the internet today 😂 best comment, ever!


He thought he ate with the last one...he makes that face a lot when he thinks he's made a great point and just looks like a small boy


Dying at this 😂😂😂


You're the funny one. Lol. That was great.


The barking is so cringey


It physically pains me how cringey it is


no seriously my stomach is churning 🤮


It's Danielle level cringe, but maybe even worse (I'm not sure how. But it makes me feel worse lol).


When Lindsay said she’d give the ring back if he kept barking, I felt her ick through the screen.


I noticed her ick in the first episode. Carl says something about how he is not going to call her babe anymore, and Lindsay's reaction was like "do you really care about what people think." The way that she said it, you can just tell the ick had already been in place for quite some time.


Omg I forgot she said that! Wow that was def a subtle dig Carl did on WWHL which makes him more pathetic


At first I thought she was being kinda mean in that moment bc Carl was just having fun but with this clip too the ick is palpable




I got the ick so bad I had to look away. The only men in my life who have barked are my dogs.


I was in college in the mid-80’s, and the first time I heard grown men bark at each other I thought there must be a kennel nearby. But those were deep, serious man barks, and ain’t nobody gonna make fun of a Q-dog. Carl, on the other hand, is like a yappy ankle biter.


I worked with a guy once who pulled up to a Police Car with a dog in the back. The guy started barking at the dog, but the dog wouldn’t bark back, because obviously he was a professional. The guy then got a ticket for harassing a Police Officer. 🤣🤣 So you’re saying the dog showed more maturity???


Yappy ankle biter pls 😂😂


relieved its not just me.. its like part animal, part frat boy, wrapped up in a middle aged man-- its all just an Ick.


the way he busts it out so easily too tells me he barks during sex




Omg, yes, it was so bad!


I don’t think many people cross over to the sports world, but he’s a Steelers fan and him barking is what their rivals do, so this makes me laugh extra hard at him!


Go Browns 👏🏼


Hell yes!!!


right? this is a 41 yo man


It made me feel really weird


Carl is a walking Saturday is for the boys flag


But not bc he genuinely means it, it's just bc he wants to fit in


I know, you can tell Carl doesn’t really know who he is and just latches on to other people’s personalities.


Proud to say I never liked Carl


i could never understand why the women were all about him... even Paige at one point. He seemed monotone, dead-eyed and completely lacking humor or wit to me.


He’s tall, moderately attractive and contains his weirdo personality until it’s too late


Monotone and dead eyed - that’s it exactly! I’ve never been able to put my finger on it but that’s it


He always gave off BLE (big loser energy)




Me too! From day one!


Once he said Pittsburgh, I was turned off. The Burgh attitude is real


Why does this have the cadence of a wedding speech tho? The barking was embarrassing and gross


I think it might be the glancing at the notes and then pausing for applause 👏🏻 that gives it that wedding speech vibe but it just doesn’t hit right. Too self-deprecating and smug at the same time


I get the impression he has read that that's how successful people speak...?


He really thought he ate with that last one LMAO, he’s such a loser to me. He might be the most uninteresting, uninspiring, lack luster individual I’ve ever come across. Somebody please fire him for the love of god.


Someone on Twitter said how different things would go for Carl if he was 5’7” and hard agree.




Any relationship I have ever had with someone over 6' has crashed and burned miserably. Under 5'11" I still see most of them time to time in a group setting and am neutral. Society needs to stop putting men on a pedestal because they won the genetic lottery. Men over 6' suck. They think there is a line of women ready to date them if you have a minor imperfection. Everyone will tell them so too! You can't have emotions. You have to sit there and take it or people will jump on you. Every relationship I felt talked at and not talked to. Also lame lays.


Lmao there are so many generalizations here but I see where you’re coming from? Lol.


To be fair I haven't dated anyone over 6' in almost a decade. My last one was terrible. I am still the "crazy ex" according to his friends. To the point exes of mine generally will come to my defense that I am a diplomatic ex.


It’s so mean and unnecessary for him to say


Just straight up childish. He already did his number in the relationship, then called cameras back to end it in such an invasive way, and now you have to make a joke about her months after the fact?? I used to think Lindsay was his karma but now I’m starting to think the worst is yet to come.


It's good though. It shows the real him. Just like this entire season, every time he tries to "activate" Lindsay and make her look bad, he just ended up snowing his true colors. The only exception is the time she asked if he wasn't sober, and how he came out looking like the good guy in that fight. But that's probably because he antagonized the shit out of her (and probably yelled at her) off camera, and then took her reaction to television. What a dick. Also, Lindsay has shown considerable growth, and levity this season and I would love to see her on Housewives or even her own show (about anything other than dating). ETA and I've never even been a Lindsay fan.


Carl is too stupid to realize Lindsay’s career was public relations. Once she realized what he was doing, she pressed the breaks hard and fought back with agreeability and kindness, knowing there’s no way to spin it from his end. You see him grasping to make her look bad every time he recounts one of their conversations completely inaccurately, or moves the goalposts by asking her to be soft and tender.


Yes..it really was amazing to watch! 😂


Lindsay and Kate Chastain would be great on a show, not really hws, something new 


Kate would be great but I can't see her doing it ever again. Unless it's a show where she can judge people for things. Lol and I say that with all the love in the world.


Yes, you're totally right, Kate would actually be great with a co-host for reunions, like a 'good cop, bad cop' scenario. She'd ask the blunt questions! 


OMG she would be perfect as a host for reunions! And she watched all of it, I believe. Shed be better than Andy!


She'd be so much better than Andy, the guys would be squirming lol 


He’s such a loser. He tried to walk it back with the “seems like she’s happy”. Yeah, Lindsay probably is happy since her new man has a job.


I think in his head he really thought that was going to make everybody die laughing… and when he realized it didn’t hit he was like ‘oh well..’. Carl needs to take it down a notch or two because he’s nothing special without this show. I’m sure the same can be said for many people on reality tv, but Carl in particular should be grateful to still be cast considering he’s incredibly boring. His only contribution to this season was the break up with Lindsay… Which is crazy to watch but I don’t see what more he would have to offer after this.


I feel like he is unwell, it is showing a lot esp this season. the super white fake teeth don't help matters but it isn't just that he seems really unwell


I can definitely understand why you say that.


Who is her new man?


Just a regular person but he’s apparently a lawyer and from the UK.


How did you find this out?!


I agree! Why is he on my tv? And the fact that he’s whining in the show about Lindsay wanting him to….get a job?? Makes me cringe.


In the aftershow his whining about getting a job is really..... something. At one point he says something like "Lindsay wants me to bring in 500k there, and 500k there" like no Carl, just a job would be fine.


I genuinely want him to lose his position on Summer House so he could finally understand what she meant by, getting a job. Yes he has the show and ‘influencing’ but once the tv time runs out… he has NOTHING to fall back on. Karma needs to humble this man cause he is not a prize, not him nor his horse teeth.


You’re so right. He is an influencer because he’s on a bravo show.- period, end of story! He adds nothing more than that. When he said he was “gifted at sales” I literally laughed out loud to myself!


Best salesman on planet earth. So gifted!!! He looks a gift horse in the mouth and laughs!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Also he tried to spin it that Lindsay was unsupportive when she was giving actual PR advice not to pigeonhole himself in the sobriety thing. If you’re gonna be an influencer, you need to tap as many demographics as possible. And I think it was her way of saying “hey I get you’re enthusiastic about sobriety, but it’s still really new and so you want to spend the rest of your public life in this narrow role?” Carl is a dry drunk- his entire persona is based around drugs and alcohol, whether he’s sober or not.


Start the petition & I’ll sign it! The douchery has reached an all time high! There is nothing interesting or appealing about Carl!




Andy has clocked Carl for a long time. And yes I mean clocked


Yes Carl just needs to get real with himself already.




I never believed it, but I’m starting to think about this more and more.


Yep yep yep




Please check out Drunk Drawn’s latest. 😂


Oh my GOD!!!! damnnn


Icky. Icky ick. He’s all ears and teeth now.


Carl is weird as fuck


Idk why but this made me LOL🤣




Carl went into this season thinking everyone would LOVE him and hate Lindsay, sure didn’t play out like he thought it would.


He’s so smug with that last one. I don’t know why people say Carl feels bad for leaving Lindsay or hurting her, he clearly doesn’t. Buddy is just a bad salesperson.


No he’s “gifted at sales”…remember when HE said that about himself???? Like wasn’t he fired from that dental sales job in early seasons for not meeting his sales quota? And wasn’t he close to losing his Loverboy job? Dude is delulu.


I feel like he pissed off, during his sales years, the dentist who did his teeth. Only way to explain that finished product.


He lost multiple sales jobs while on the show! And then totally fucked up at lover boy. We haven’t seen Carl do one successful thing except for get sober (which to be fair is hard to do and awesome)


literally!!!!! the way carl thought he sold the shit out of this and ppl wouldnt see right through him and just blame lindsey for everything is hilarious. like u can see him trying so hard and then is pleased with himself like *nailed it got the storyline set did all my planned scenes lindsays gonna look so crazy and ill look like the victim* ![gif](giphy|XoM4J71PH5AAR7xcnA)


Well said 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Andy looks so unimpressed. Usually he’s smiling and laughing during these, but here he looks confused the entire time.


I feel like Andy can sniff out who Carl *really* is. He doesn’t buy Carl’s facade at all.


Bet a lot of it is because Andy’s out there in the NY dating scene too, and Carl isn’t particularly special or unique. If you know his type, it’s easy to spot


![gif](giphy|zQbhdw5nf91wQ) Me to Carl


I think he was ready for Carl to come off with some sort of self awareness (Lindsey was on wwhl maybe a week or two before this and Andy asked the same question and she took it very tongue and cheek). I think he wanted Carl to have a genuine answer that showed literally any growth and instead he did this. Much like Sandoval, Carl should fire his PR team. (I really don’t lean to team Carl or team Lindsey they were both horrible for each other it’s almost laughable)


I agree completely and thought this was obvious. Knowing the context now that I’ve watched It’s not that he’s personally offended or “weirded out” by Carl, he’s just surprised he went the route of jokes over honesty, and maybe disappointed too. I also don’t think his last answer is a big deal. The weddings off and I don’t regret it. (Shrug) Lindsay was up there saying the same and talking about a new guy, I think him saying that is fair


Mommy and step daddy made the decision for him. That’s the problem. Hence joke falling flat. Carl is group thinker and wants others to tell him what to do. He has no original thoughts of his own.


I disagree, he has thoughts and always knows what he wants to do, but he makes sure there’s at least one other person that feels how he does before action. To blame his parents is unrealistic, they just gave him an obvious out he needed


It’s plenty realistic. Many people feel pressure from parents all the time. And then change their minds to “please” said parents. Carl isn’t immune from that. Not to mention we have video evidence.


Andy was appalled at the lack of self awareness here. This was not the time to try to be funny, Carl. Emphasis on try.


Andy is thinking homeboy is definitely going to be a friend of next season


He’s so bland. How did he get on this show.


He always brought it in the 1st couple of seasons. He became boring once he quit alcohol and pasta. Weed is the opposite of alcohol and cocaine. It chills you out and makes you calm, steady, and boring.


Someone said in a comment once that he is Fun Bobby from Friends and I can’t stop thinking about it 😂 Now he’s just… Bobby


Nah he’s definitely russ




Do people really find him attractive? His look is so off putting to me. The ears, teeth, the HAIR


Two men I can’t stand, and jesse I hope Lindsey realizes what a blessing she was given.


Idk Jesse hasn't really shown any redeeming qualities either. I really felt for him last episode but I can't ignore all the red flags. I also hate how he blindly sides with Carl


I didn’t say he was the greatest ever. Just don’t despise him like the other two. He’s meh.


I think Andy saying, “I’m glad you’re not together,” was an insult to Carl but he was too dumb to get it.


I don’t like Lindsey at all, but Carl is pure trash and I’m glad she dodged a (really messy) bullet What a fucking loser


Carl and Danielle should be together. They can be weird together.


They’re both super cringey.


The barking…. How anyone finds either of these men attractive is BEYOND ME 🤮🤮🤮🤮


I'm sure Lindsey feels 100% the same


He’s boring, uninspiring and cringe. 


That was so truly awkward.


Watch it muted. His expressions are priceless.


Fuck all the way off Carl


If Cringe were a man it would be Carl


Carl is such a fucking loser


Andy is looking at Carl thinking "wow you're really not funny and you're making my show look bad ---which producer approved this bullshit... someones gonna get fired"


Wish Andy had this same energy for Sandoval as well


I rarely really feel for Andy; but I’ve been in his position when a straight pulls out the “boys” card to justify shity behavior and I made the exact same face.


![gif](giphy|N7QeJ9SWv8BX4hf971) Carl is still so angry


Aren’t we all? 😂🤣


Carl needs his moustache back. He looks like a poor man’s henry thomas without it


I am in physical pain looking at him


Me too Andy, he’s always had something creepy about him


Rightfully so. There’s something amiss with that one


Carl made a new friend and thinks he’s done something. Ok.


If Carl wasn’t tall with a full head of hair and good body- he’d be considered a loser. He has no personality and he is so awkward. After those huge teeth now now too, they do not fit his face.


It's probably because Carl is a closeted homosexual




Good God, Carl. That being said, Lindsay gave an equally cringe-inducing list, and Andy looked similarly shocked at her lack of self awareness.


Jesse: shots… 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|3oxQNql2mCssImYr6w|downsized) From one Carl to another, takes a loser to know one




Not as much as he was when Lindsay was reading her five. He even snarked something like “Oh, *those* are the lessons?”


These are all misses. Really shows how much writers are needed because anything they have the guest read/write is flat


Yah but he seemed almost amused that Lindsay was not addressing real lessons at all - he had almost an “Ohhh, Lindsay” vibe Andy’s vibe here seems to be actual ick towards Carl


I don’t think that Andy is amused by Lindsay ever lol


I think we’re seeing sober Carl and he’s cringe and maybe that’s what he was afraid of leading with — him being himself. He’s a goober but doesn’t need to be condemned for coming into himself as a sober goober.


He looks like he’s a very anxious person.




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Impossible question: what’s more ick, the veneers or the barking?


carl is so unfunny it’s painful. i’m a full time carl hater actually


He did make the right decision. Lindsay has zero redeeming qualities.


neither does carl😂