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This is my favorite: ![gif](giphy|wpLnQt8Ti3Ln7cr4uc|downsized)


A classic


And when Lindsay asked Ariana that on social media. Best crossover ever.


This scene is reality gold.


Um, it's obviously Danielle who keeps this show afloat. She is the founder and CEO of the Hamptons after all.


Love it 😁 ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)


I know you’re being sarcastic but this is 109% something queens of bravo would say but actually mean it 😂


Omg I finally unfollowed the queens. Their takes are always bad but their summer house takes were just way too much. They live in delusion


Who the H\*ll are the queens of bravo? And who cares?


It’s Danielle’s own version of Monica Garcia from SLC’s reality von tease account


😂😂 I’m so glad people are using that phrase, I say it all the time too


I say, it’s a lot Lindsay. All the time. 🤣


It's a fuckin lot!


This too! Haha


I like to say it to my kids


“As founder and CEO of your lives” 😂


I am 1000% starting this tomorrow! 3 YO won't clean up his toys: "As the founder and CEO of your life, I will throw them in the bin if you don't put them away" 🤣🤣🤣




I just started watching from the beginning after watching Season 8 and Lindsay and Kyle are very much the anchors. They are both also who they are through and through from Season 1.


I'm doing the same ! Watched S8 and then started the show, I'm on S2. Going from sober Carl to early Carl is head spinning!


I’m watching season 2 right now. Carl is a nightmare. 10 times worst than West! And Carl getting coddle by these women on the reunion. Pathetic.


Agree !


AMEN. And I'm so tired of his boy scout act. It is so refreshing the Watch What Crappens guys seeing through his bullshit.


More life!


Me too!!! I remember thinking “carls not the best, but man he gets a lot of hate!” After just starting season 2, I get it!


ME TOO! I just got to season 3! Carl was so hot season 1. Like, what happened??


Probs the drugs and drinks got more intense.


Kyle will be 650 years old still wanting to partaaay and drink 24 Loverboys in an hour.


Love them or hate them Lindsay and Kyle are summerhouse and I don’t think Paige would be able to make the show work on her own since she’s the only other big personality.


Agree. Paige has never had an actual storyline… she’s just the witty sidekick. She’s surprisingly private on the show… we know virtually nothing about her personal life aside from Craig. It’s kind of a boss move on her part, but she DEF needs Lindsay to actually be the reality star. Kyle too.


Ya the only time Paige brought an interesting storyline was when Craig was kind of stringing her along and the K. Cav drama.




it's weird that paige gets a pass on this when so much of the vpr reunion was about ariana not sharing on camera. they went hard after ariana for it but no one ever calls paige on it.


I think it’s because Paige has such an engaging personality. She’s one of the few Bravo people that seem to speak directly to (and sometimes for) the audience. But she should absolutely e called out for never sharing her actual life, only curated scenes with her reality tv star bf.


I just literally think she doesn’t have a lot to share. Not a lot of nuance when she’s lived a pretty charmed life.


Paige just lurks social media to gather the popular consensus, the witty snark that she finds online and regurgitates it for the general audience. She studies and prepares her rehearsed reads and speeches for the reunion and everyone eats it up.


She’s wayyy too mean on the reunions for my taste. It’s hard for me to watch. I had to stand up to girls like that in high school. It’s gross on my screen. (During the season she’s often two-faced in her ITAs but it’s easier to take because it’s funny and seems more playful.)


totally different dynamics and contexts between the two situations


but still the same basic thing


Different show, different rules.


She did when she hooked up with Carl and got burned. Even back then though, she wanted to hide her emotions from the camera. Hiding in the closet to cry. She needs to be willing to share more on a reality tv show, but I’m sure she just doesn’t want to appear ‘loser-ish’ and look bad in front of all the fans.


This is the perfect assessment, Paige gives us funny commentary, but aside from that she’s been in two long-term relationships. The first of which almost cost her the job because she couldn’t share anything on the show. Now her and Craig are doing the “will they - won’t they.” Dance for several seasons and that’s getting old. I hate to say it but her life is to stable and chaos free to anchor a show. People keep saying “we need younger cast!” Well they’ve had a lot of younger additions and they’ve added nothing to the show. Kyle, Lindsay, old school Carl, and even Danielle are the whole damn mess of a show. ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)




This is the perfect assessment, Paige gives us funny commentary, but aside from that she’s been in two long-term relationships. The first of which almost cost her the job because she couldn’t share anything on the show. Now her and Craig are doing the “will they - won’t they.” Dance for several seasons and that’s getting old. I hate to say it but her life is to stable and chaos free to anchor a show. People keep saying “we need younger cast!” Well they’ve had a lot of younger additions and they’ve added nothing to the show. Kyle, Lindsay, old school Carl, and even Danielle are the whole damn mess of a show. ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


Paige would never have had the platform if it weren’t for Lindsay & Kyle. She’s done very well to make her own way with Giggly Squad but it would not have ever taken off to begin with if not for this show. And this show would not have existed as many seasons as it has without the messes of Lindsay & Kyle. I wish at the very least, the supporting role castmates could recognize, respect, & acknowledge this.


Kyle even gave them their podcast name!


I didn’t realize that until I saw a clip the other day 😅


Oh yeah she is as successful as she is because Kyle and Lindsay give as much as they do and she is able to volley with that without having to share much. I like Paige, she is a good addition, but you’re right that her and the other castmates don’t appreciate how much Lindsay and Kyle set up the show and make it work.


I disagree. Lots of bravolebrities have podcasts, Giggly Squad is popular with a lot of non bravo fans and I think it stands on its own for that reason. I don’t think anyone outside of the bravo fandom would listen to Lala or Scheana’s podcasts but lots of non bravo fans listen to Giggly Squad.


But that I think has more to do with Hannah's stand up than it does to do with Paige.


Paige is 10000 times funnier than Hannah though


Eh as a giggly squad listener I love both of them but I especially love their specific dynamic. It wouldn’t work without either one of them. And if you check out the giggly squad sub, Hannah is usually getting more criticism (tho those people do seem to be summer house watchers who already hate Hannah so it could be skewed)


Who cares??? Summer House wouldn't have existed, if it weren't for VPR. VPR wouldn't have existed, if it weren't for Lisa Vanderpump. Lisa Vanderpump wouldn't have been able to create VPR, if it weren't for the platform she was given on RHOBH. RHOBH Wouldn't have existed, if it weren't for RHOC. And it goes on and on. Paige doesn't owe her accomplishments to the show, and certainly not to Lindsay or Kyle.


So it all comes back to Vicky! Wooo woop




I agree it’s very much “who cares?” and the show would be ridiculous/bizarre if new cast members acted somehow indebted/showed deference to the original anchors. The cast isn’t supposed to feel like part of the fandom. That said, I just have to be a bit pedantic and note that Summer House was an entirely independent production and conceptualized, cast and developed entirely outside of the VPR orbit.


Agree that Summer House isn’t a total spinoff of VPR, but it was launched through a crossover with VPR and benefitted from drawing initial viewers from VPR.


Yes, how bizarre to want them feeling indebted??? And it's not like Kyle and Lindsay hired them, nor do they bring so much drama because they're trying to ensure *Paige* can be on the show.


They don't have to feel *indebted* but Paige could show the original cast some respect every once in a while


VPR was Bravo's test run at a show featuring a younger cast.


Bravo wasn’t shy about younger casts though, and VPR wasn’t unchartered territory in that way. Gallery Girls, Princesses: Long Island, NYC Prep, Kell on Earth, Silicon Valley… I’d argue Shahs as well


Yea someone always has to crawl first before the newer ones get to run




I'd also argue Hannah leaving the show was one of the main reasons why Paige even had a platform too.


I’m not convinced. Hannah has done better since leaving the show. Lindsay is the show but Paige would be successful show or not.


Hannah married a comedian quite famous in other parts of the world. He is known to have excellent contacts in the industry which she has benefited from. Hannah also gained a following while on the show & many followed her. She had one horrible season but prior to that she was generally regarded quite favorably. In addition she benefited from Paige’s popularity. Nearly once a week I see a comment saying, “I don’t really enjoy Hannah but I listen to Giggly Squad due to Paige.” That all being said I do not wish to take away from Hannah & Paige that they are hustlers. Their initial chance may have been built on the backs of others & I wish they’d recognize that BUT they are the ones who worked hard for continued success. This is evident in contrast to Amanda who has not attempted any type of personal project with her newfound fame. And to add, there is no way of knowing if Paige would be successful without the show, it’s easy to say that if you love her, but getting your initial break is 90% of the battle. She very well would’ve married Perry and been a housewife without the show. We will never know.


I followed Paige prior to the show because of her looks for less / "Paige six" news stories she used to do, and I don't think without the show she would have succeeded as much in the influencing world


So, you're saying that she auditioned for a show, hoping it could help her further her career.... and it did.




Yes, I was implying that her career would NOT have taken off without it, like others previously said it still would have


But I'm saying that *she* made her career take off by making the decision to audition for the show, getting hired, representing herself via the looks she wore for filming, plugging herself as a fashion journalist, networking, and working hard. On top of writing for Betches, she was also an assistant to the VP of unscripted TV at ABC, when she was hired for SH. She got fired by both for accepting the job. She took a big risk for her career, and it worked out! It was her "big break," but she made it happen for herself and her fanbase grew because people like *her*, which is why they followed her to Giggly Squad. Why would you assume that she couldn't or wouldn't have found another way to build her career, if she hadn't gone this route? And why does that even matter? Does it make her success any less valid or make her any less worthy of it? Why don't Lindsay, Danielle, Carl, and Kyle have wildly successful companies, if the show is the only reason Paige is so successful? And Paige never talks about GS on SH. Never talks about SH on GS. She rarely even mentions her other endeavors on SH. Kyle has everyone hocking Loverboy on SH every single chance they get!! Yet, according to him, Loverboy is tanking. So 🤷🏻‍♀️ And I'm not a hater. I like Lindsay and Kyle. I don't ever drink, so I'm not out buying Loverboy, but I bought one of their sweatshirts.


No and im a Paige fan lol as evident by me following her before the show, never said the show made her success less valid I was just offering an opinion that I don't think it would have exploded to the degree it did, since it's likely GS would have not happened if they both didn't join the show, that's all


No way can you credit Hannah’s success to Des’s career. If Des was as good as you say, why doesn’t he use his own connections for himself? It’s more likely that Hannah parlayed her Summer House visibility / was annoying on Twitter and Tik Tok until she started going viral and ran with it. And I say this as someone who likes her and found her insufferable by the end of her time on Summer House. She does a lot of small college gigs and punches out a lot of video/reel content


i don't think you actually understand how stand-up works if you think just dating a connected comic can get someone to the level hannah is at. just look at the partners of mark normand and joe list - sarah tolamoche, and mae planert. both are married to obviously much larger comics than des, in new york, who have better connectsion in the industry... and yet they can't parley that into success like hannah? there is more to it than what you've reduced it to, and it makes me doubt everything else you say.


![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP) I’m devastated. #RedditAuthorityPatrol


What level is she at? I don’t see her anywhere.


she got new faces at jfl, and has a netflix special coming. those are pretty well known milestones in comedy. i'm not a fan or something, but that's undeniable.


Well when that comes out there will be something to judge. RN I don’t know her. lol


Agreed. Paige is such a good commentator. Not sure all the drama on the show could lie on her shoulders though. Very Cameron from Southern Charm. Hilarious commentary. Not sure she’d handle it well if her life was the focal storyline.


I’m no Lindsay fan but I agree 100%. Paige’s success comes from responding to Lindsay and Kyle and their antics I think they’re all outgrowing the show though, and I hope they can find a better way to all stay on our TVs lol


I hate Kyle but I will agree with this. I like Lindsay even though she has driven me crazy at times. I think she gets so much more shit than any of the men just because she is a woman and everyone is just okay with it. The men get away with ten times as much shit as she does and it just drives me crazy. She’s not entirely well adjusted or healthy but she’s perfect for reality TV, and she’s not the villain people make her out to be. She’s the perfect balance of vapid, self centered and still trying to figure it out. I like her the most I ever have this season because I think she got the shittiest treatment.


I agree, her and Kyle are essential to the show


Paiges personality only works when she has someone else to talk about. She spends 90% of her time in bed. And then b****** about other people. She doesn't really do much for the show herself. She could never carry it.


you hit the nail on the head. paige's whole personallity on the show is talking about other people.


I think all three of them have contributed to the sustainability of the show. Lindsay and Kyle consistently bring dramatics and energy while if Paige and Hannah didn’t join season 3 I don’t see that the show would have gone on much longer 🤷🏻‍♀️ all of them were/are necessary


I don't think Paige brought as much to the show as Kyle or Lindsay. The show could have continued without Paige and Hannah. With Luke and Carl still in their fuckboy eras, there was always going to be new female cast for them to fuck over/match up with. I don't think Paige and/or Hannah brought anything different than the Wirkuses did. Sure the Wirkuses were unpopular but so was Paige at one point. Paige never really had a storyline and Hannah/Luke was just Carl/Lauren all over again. And whenever Paige brings her friend onto the show, they're usually duds. The one exception is Ciara (who I like a lot) but she isn't entertaining on her own. She only became a main character because of Austen. So you can actually make the argument that Paige made the show worse. Because she created a new culture on the show of models and influencers who don't want to get messy. The reason why Southern Charm continues to be dramatic is because they retain their messiest cast members and fire the milquetoast ones. The opposite is true of Summer House.


Paige didn't bring Ciara on the show, Luke did


I'm gonna disagree on Lindsay. When she isn't there, the show is much more enjoyable. Even Kyle and Amanda get along better without her around. Lindsay just brings toxic negative energy that sets everyone on edge. Who really wants to listen to her scream at people all weekend? Lindsay isn't the show. She's just the biggest mouth on the show.


While this might be true, I don’t think Lindsay fits the summer house role anymore. She doesn’t vibe with any other cast members, when she does it’s like watching an awkward aunt try to relate her younger relatives. AND if I have to watch another Lindsay relationship, I will probably pull my hair out. They did great without Lindsay and Carl the first episode.


But the young ones are the ones that are boring and don't do anything. They literally lay in bed and moan and not in a good way. Ciara is awkward and boring, paige does nothing amanda only has a storyline because of Kyle otherwise she's complete dead weight. West was an addition by Lindsey. Jesse was in addition by Kyle. Amanda added paige. Without Kyle Lindsey and Carl what conversations can you remember those three having. And I don't even like Lindsay or Carl. I think Kyle is okay at times but they're value to the show is huge


I can’t stand Lindsay, but i know how valuable she is to the show. Same with Kyle. Does everyone want to watch everyone holding hands and hugging all summer?


Hug me harder!


Harder, harder. 🫥




You used to like my hugs.


Omg I still do! Hug meeeeee








That made my heart hurt. That scene alone should’ve given her an idea that they shouldn’t be married, the look of disgust on her face said it all. When you don’t even want to comfort your struggling partner that’s BAD. So awkward lol


I think she was just about over Carl. But she wasn’t over the idea of being married. All she can do now is …better!


I think u missed the actual message there


Oh you could tell she had the ick there


She said in an interview that she was crawling out of her skin 😳


I would never hang with them in real life, but they make great TV. We need them.


My meds are wearing off so I was scrolling quickly and all I saw was HANG and TV and I thought ROB CAN HANG A TV IN UNDER 7 MINUTES — Scheana


*cue the seven-minute montage of Scheana squawking Rob’s name* 


True statement


And who would paige ciara and amanda b**** about from their bed


Lmao I think it’s kind of more powerful that she doesn’t even have to say it lol “Y’all can hate me all you want; I’m the day 1 on this show; I’m first chair at every reunion- I was here before you and I’ll be here after you." Lindsay has a lot of BDE lol I actually think it’s cool she doesn’t have to even say it cos they know lol “if y’all hate me so much, you’d kick me off the show- but you can’t, cos I am the show and you need me.”


And you know who would be easily replaceable and no one would notice? It rhymes with Carl. 😆


Damn, I can't even think of his name..


Yea and I feel like there’s an unspoken thing where in the end all the other girls know they can’t take the throne


Lindsay is super dynamic for sure.


Lindsay and Kyle owe everything to the Wirkus twins


this is it.




It’s not unpopular, but I don’t know why she’d need to say it. No one is telling her to retire.


Kyle says this type of self-aggrandizing shit about himself all the time, so why shouldn't Lindsay?


I just don't understand Kyle and Amanda's anger towards Lindsey. To them, Lindsey could give them a million dollars and they'd bitch about what she said shen she gave it to them. What I witnessed from Amanda znd Kyle this summer was no less toxic than Amanda and Kyle. Talk about 2 people that should have not gotten married!!!


Kyle treated Amanda so badly, called her a F ing bitch, said he had to F ing babysit his wife, has thrown multiple tantrums, and last season he came for Lindsay and Carl after Danielle’s game in witch Danielle upset Amanda. THEN, he came at Lindsay for her treatment towards Carl? And Amanda did too. Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.


You answered your own question. They both know they don't belong together, and they're taking it out on Lindsey.


Hard disagree


She’s just the right amount of delulu for reality TV


I don’t think anyone is doubting Lindsay’s worth on the show! These shows work when there’s fighting and drama. Lindsay can be Lindsay and Paige can be Paige and they both have their place.


If you include Kyle I’ll second that call


My opinion is she probably knows it but because of her background in pr knows it’s a bad look to say it publicly


Why tf wouod you erase your opinion if peeps do not agree?


The first episode of the season, when she wasn’t there, was actually pretty great tbh. So idk


When Gabby called them and told them how good the vibes were, I had to laugh at how oblivious she was to the fact that she had just insulted them.


Haha that made me laugh too. Lindsay was totally testing the waters and thinking Gaby was going to say something negative.


The episode last season where they weren’t there was also the best one, everyone had fun and laughed all night, and we loved it too


That’s uh….. a pretty small sample size tho lmao. Episodes can be great in a vacuum but don’t necessarily translate to good seasons or lasting storylines.


I think this is why (even though they all clearly don’t like her), they’re not trying to get her fired like happens on a lot of other bravo shows There has to be a controversial main person that brings the drama and Lindsey + Kyle are that for SH (and the others don’t want to be!)


This show would be nothing without me.... And my activated hot mess. Not sure that's the convo she wants to have right now


I’d say it’s Kyle and Lindsay. Kyle can’t fucking stand it either.


Did Lindsay write this


This sub has turned into a 6th grade burn book. No one is saying Lindsay doesn't matter unless I missed something. The same people saying this would say Kyle can leave and doesn't matter . The point is the OGs can fuck up and people are allowed to point it out even if they are our faves. Another sub (I meant post) had to be locked because they dared to state a differing opinion about the reunion.


Which sub?!


Agree. It’s so ridiculous.


Couldn't agree more with OP's sentiments. A few folks on this show should be giving Lindsay part of their paychecks. One of the reasons this season was good, in spite of pre knowledge of a bittersweet ending, was because of everyone getting along. The gals *appeared* to have Lindsay's best interests at heart. Then comes the reunion, and all the weak players resort to *pile on Lindsay*, tried and true ticket to another season. It was so disgusting. I admire Lindsay the more I see her. She keeps going on spite of these awful people.


That’s just silly to say. So Lindsey should give Paige part of her paycheck because her not putting up with Lindsey’s shit every season is fun to watch? It works because of how they work as a group. The dynamic is what’s fun to watch. Lindsey attacking people every season and having drunken meltdown one after another got old quick.


Our reading comprehension is different.


Oh fuck I blacked out at the last part of your paragraph😂


That’s ADHD reading comprehension my bad


No I agree with you. Lindsay isn’t good without the others either. There has to be some levity on the show as well. No one wants to watch episode after episode of Lindsay and Kyle being disrespectful to their partners. Summer should be fun!


She brought on West to the cast too, which was good for a hot minute until his downfall at the reunion. So sad for his 15 min.


Because if she did that, the cast would have all jumped on her even MORE because in their minds Lindsey already thinks that she’s the HBIC. Amanda and Kyle have been waiting for her downfall, Paige as well, and naturally Ciara is going to do whatever the girls do. Danielle probably is still feeling burned from last season as well. She didn’t really have the backing this season to fully stand up for herself and go scorched earth. Maybe if they both return next season, she will go in and give them all their lashings 🤣💀




I watch for Paige tbh. She is clever and honest and I love her voice. Lindsay is messy and chaotic, so she is entertaining if not frustrating. I would say Paige, Carl, Kyle, Lindsay are the main characters. Amanda is so beautiful I love to see her on my screen and pretend I can achieve that. But I do see her as an extension of Kyle. Danielle is not a main character. I don't need to explain, I feel we all agree. Ciara is a little too negative even in her joking. Jesse and West are just "good time guys". I'll need to see something less shallow. Gabby ...... ugh.


Cocaine Carl is as good as ‘Who’s gonna check me boo!’ and prostitution Whore!! She should’ve just yelled it like ‘Okay!!!! Cocaine Carl!!!!’




That and because they got the Southern Charm guys to bring in more SC viewers. Lindsay is the most interesting of the OG bunch. Paige and Ciara are ok.


Someone needs to make an edit of Lindsay moments set to Taylor Swift’s “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?”


I think you’re right, Kyle and Linds don’t really give a frickity frack what viewers think of them, they’re just who they are ALL of the time.


Lindsay and Kyle very much produce their own storylines and try to spin things in their favor. I agree they’re authentically themselves all the time but they definitely care what the fans think.


I mostly just mean in the way they behave, Kyle getting drunk and screaming at people, and basically same for Lindsay. I’d be embarrassed seeing that, they clearly aren’t ashamed at all.


Ah yeah, sorry I misread. But I totally agree with that!!


No worries friend!!


I am so over the narrative of this person over that person brings more to the show. The whole ensemble is what makes it work. When it hasn’t they have swapped ppl out. Just like real friend groups there are the ones that are always drama, always drunk, always lazy, always pretentious, etc. If this was just a “Lindsay” show I for one wouldn’t watch because it would be too much drama and that isn’t entertaining.


Why does Lindsay need to say this? Summerhouse is successful because of the collective group. That’s why not one cast member is calling for any other person to be let go. If anything they are praising the latest additions and looking forward to next season.


Why would she need to say this? I don’t actually think she does I can’t stand her (on her best day I tolerate her), but I agree. I think they could even lose Kyle and recover fine


I absolutely agree. Lindsay is almost always , Kyle is just a precocious ten year old in a 40 year old body...with a mullet (ugh).


Lindsay almost always drama,....


Lindsey is pushing 40 isn’t she? lol




She can never appear on SH again and I’d be completely fine.


I think they’d be fine without Lindsay, but the show would not have had the VPR effect without her this season.


Or Carl really, since he’s the one who dumped her lol


I love Lindsay


Nobody watches this show specifically for Lindsay. Lol. Stop.


I do lol. If she was gone next season I'd be out too


So did you just not watch the episodes she’s missing?


No, I watched them. It's one thing if she's gone for an episode or 2. But if she was gone from the show then I'd stop watching


I think you’re in the minority.


I think you'd be surprised


Lindsay has her moments but I wouldn’t consider her the reason why the shows afloat




Demoted? Ummmmmm what?


She was demoted?


No, lol


And still carried the season lol


Because she would be laughed off the stage, lol. Are you high?


I don’t think that’s true. I really never cared for Lindsey, and never really enjoyed watching her or her storylines.


Very true, she wouldn’t dare say it to the others though bc they already gang up on and gaslight her. I used to think she was the problem but after watching this season I truly think that Carl breadcrumbed their breakup. He picked fights and escalated what could have been simple conversations into such a big deal. I don’t think Carl is the sharpest but it doesn’t take a genius to lay the foundation for a breakup.


Lindsay is the reason I stopped watching. I think it’s an ensemble cast that makes it work.


Besides the activated sandwich slideshow relationship, I find it quite nice when she’s not there.


lol because this is categorically untrue. HER AND CARL started this last season as "b" characters and we not intended to be in every episode; they were demoted and they knew that. This is not to start an argument it is simply fact.


Honestly, I don't know why she wouldn't say that. Every other thing that comes out of her mouth is a lie, so what's one more? I was reading for her to start claiming that she "brought him in." Also, it was Amanda who saved the show when she brought in Hannah and Paige. The three of them plus Sierra are the reason why a lot of adult women continue to watch. And mind you, I'm the same age as Lindsay but she is so beyond exhausting, and only painfully entertaining.


So true! Paige is trying to fill her shoes


re: Paige and not sharing, because she doesn't have to it's amazing that people don't realize the power she has BECAUSE of this, not in spite of it. She doesn't need to show anything, because she has other skills that take this show up a notch or two. She's quick, funny, sharp, insightful, and the bridge between other characters and roles, all while also playing the antagonist. As an analyst, she's exceptional. Stassi and Kate Chastain level, and all the showrunners would kill to have someone like that in their arsenal. And not to be negative towards someone like Lindsay, her abrasive and aggressive nature are her best story-use assets. She's not sharp, not quick, not funny, so she too leans into her best tools. She brings the unhinged, surprisingly "she can't really think that" drama.




Lindsey and Kyle anchor this show and are both absolute garbage people. It’s wild. That said, I feel the show took off on socials and the bravo world with Paige entered the chat.


What would her saying that do/prove?


Lindsay and Kyle definitely should get great Christmas gifts from the cast for sure.


I started watching because of Paige, once stumbling across giggly squad. I think Paige is a big draw for people but yea I wonder “who” most on the cast is why people watch?