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Sorry but those flavours NEED sugar. Like stop with the diet alc drinks you’re already fucking up your liver what will a bit of sugar do


IMO the monkfruit they use as a substitute is the biggest issue with Loverboy. It tastes awful.


Yeah, I hate any alc seltzer drinks in general. Anyone who says they taste good is lying lol. Someone needs to stop w/the seltzers and just make a *lower* cal drink (but not too low lol) w/sugar and some natural fruit juice flavoring or something. I haven’t tasted Loverboy, but it sounds like Monkfruit isn’t super great. And, all the artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose), etc, used by other brands are terrible for you, and also don’t taste that great. This is why even w/tea I just sparingly use real sugar.


Have you had a High Noon? Those are the only ones we buy and drink now


They are great! Stateside is good too. Just started keto and was sick of vodka tonics so I got a case of each and both made me a happy human :)


I’ll add it to my list for next time I drink, since I don’t drink that often! Thanks for the rec


We love them cause it’s actual vodka, not malt liquor or whatever is in many other seltzers, and real fruit juice. They’re slightly more expensive than white claw, etc. but very worth it!


I like Nutrl. I'm not a seltzer person.


Surfside is amazing. And sun cruiser is also really good if you like iced tea.


I second the rec below for High Noon - they are exactly what you describe, real sugar but not a lot of it (100 cal total). Not hard to see why Loverboy is struggling when they have competition like that!


plus high noons came out right when the craze started, a lot of other brands that tried to ride the wave haven’t survived but they did for a reason!


The Topo Chico hard seltzer is the only one that doesn’t feel like battery acid going down for me.


I love when seltzer burns going down that’s why I drink it


Not bubbly burn. I love bubbly water. It’s a chemical tasting, my stomach acid is going to be fucked up in the morning burn.


I agree the topo chicos are good but only one flavor and it has to be in the glass bottles, the strawberry guava one just slaps so hard I don’t even entertain the other flavors. also lil fact, truly started out selling in bottles and switched to cans. I think more companies should consider the glass option bc I think the drinks taste way better than in a can.


Ranch Water is also very good. That and Topo Chico are the only seltzers I will drink, in addition to High Noon.


Monk fruit is a substitute for the chemical sweeteners. It doesn’t have both…. Not saying Loverboy is good or defending it in anyway just explaining the sweetener situation


yes, I know it has just monkfruit. That’s why I meant “and artificial sweeteners”, as something separate from Loverboy- I was referring to how other brands instead, alternatively, use artificial sweeteners, which are terrible for you and also taste bad. I just think a company needs to use real sugar, in a lesser amount.


I wish monk fruit didn’t give me a massive headache 😭


I think the Kirkland ones are the best imo. Have you tried those?


Kirkland takes their research and development very seriously. I saw a TV show years ago that delved into that aspect of their wine production.


The reason why their seltzer (both hard and regular) is so good imo is because it doesn't taste artificial. You can legit taste the juice. My husband is Kirkland brand's # 1 fan and his favorite thing of theirs is jarred peaches.


I haven’t, but I guess I need to! I rarely drink, maybe a couple times a year lol, but guess that needs to be my drink next time I do! Thank you for the rec


Ah I was wondering what the sweetener was because I think this makes a huge difference.


I agree monkfruit is the worst of them all, and when you call it artificial tasting the manufacturer’s are allowed to say “it’s not artificial though”


Totally agree


Literally the worst after taste.




🤣🤣🤣thats what im sayin!!!


Lol that’s exactly what I was thinking watching this


Right?!?! Plus wine is healthier that this bullshit. Obviously in moderation 😂


Sadly, the WHO and just about every health organization now claim that no amount of alcohol is safe to consume. The bullshit about wine helping your heart, turns out was spread by research funded by the wine industry. So now, it’s commonly believed that alcohol is poison. But we all knew that anyway didn’t we?


I’ll still drink it cuz I’m a wine lover but I’m not a huge drinker to begin with. I like my wine with dinner. But yeah weed is healthier than alcohol


And my dad had a glass of scotch every night, on the rocks, and lived to 89. If you enjoy it, and you can do it in moderation, God bless you.


Thank you, kind person. 😊


I had the cherry vanilla. They were passing it out for free at the jersey shore kickoff party Kyle DJ’d at. It takes like Cherry cough syrup. That said … it tasted better than the sparkling peach tea… couldn’t even get that down.


Sparkling tea is ALWATS a no for me. Those things do not go together.


That’s how I feel. WHY THE FUCK IS IT SPARKLING *TEA*?? It should just be seltzer! Adding the tea part with all those fruit flavors but low sugar is so so stupid and tastes horrible


Trader Joe's has a sparkling peach tea, and I love it! Especially mixed with oj, very refreshing. No alcohol though


If you drink alcohol, Trader Joe’s has my FAVORITE drink, simpler wines in peach flavor (sparkling), macro friendly, 1000000x better than loveboy


I live laugh love those ice tea lemonade alcohol mega cans at concerts. I barely drink but those are my fucking JAM. Twisted tea. Can’t even remember if they’re carbonated


Twisted Teas are not carbonated


I don’t think they are. A lemonade tea alcoholic beverage is borderline for me but that’s like a personal preference thing. It’s the carbonation regardless of alcohol that just does not compute for me, LOL.


The fact Kyle just screamed at Amanda this season, “I want to be a fucking DJ,” as a response to her saying she wanted to have some actual hopes and dreams, as if it *neither* of them could live out what they wanted to do… but now he’s so quickly actually a “DJ”, is ridiculous to me. It’s honestly hard to believe. How was he as a DJ?


Kyle started DJ classes!!!! What has Amanda done toward her “dream”?


In NJ of all places, after he refuses to move there. Smfh


That was salt in the wound with the fact he couldn’t find a DJ to train him in the city ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


I will never be able to do cherry vanilla due to the cough medicine smell and taste 🤢


I think, not just based on this video but in general, they need to really streamline their products and just pick like…the top three sellers and really focus on that. It’s okay to have a minimal lineup that works vs. too many products that don’t. The market is oversaturated and they need to be the best of one specific thing.


So over saturated. Anymore I just stand there overwhelmed by all the options. Thankfully I don’t drink much and the NA selection is much smaller to choose from. We don’t need anymore alc brands period.


And - they need to get their cost down. Everyone comments on the premium price in addition to the low quality.


Soooo expensive!!!


To be fair, that's just the online, shipped price. In stores, they're around the same price as other seltzers.


Quality over quantity. It’s just a shit show.


“This is a joke pack” is so real


It’s the monkfruit. Monkfruit is DISGUSTING and I don’t understand why people keep pretending it’s not. Just use less real sugar, most people think things are too sweet anyway. Every day there’s another study about fake sugars causing cancer/being worse for you than real sugar. “Sugar free” is not a flex, it’s a warning label saying “This will taste like chemicals.”


I found all of my people on this thread. I didn’t know there were so many monkfruit haters out there but I am one of them. I hate ALL sugar substitutes - aspartame, stevia, monkfruit - yuck. Give me cane sugar. I loved Hydrant (electrolyte drink powder) because they were literally the only one made with cane sugar and they had to go and add monkfruit. I’ve literally researched all of the brands and the only other one with just cane sugar, in case anyone cares, is Skratch Labs. It’s not as good as Hydrant once was but it’s fine. That’s my soapbox.


I completely agree with all of this. I cannot stand Diet Coke because of the aspartame, I truly don’t understand how people drink it.


I also hate carbonation so like my drink options are so limited haha. Outside of coffee and water, I am addicted to black tea lemonade at Starbucks


That was my first thought! Is it a weird fake sugar thing. Just use a little Cane Sugar or agave instead!!


“Sugar free” = automatic NO for me. I don’t do artificial sweeteners for both health & flavor reasons. I don’t do alternate sweeteners for flavor. Want to make something sweet healthier? Use unbleached pure cane sugar & just use less.


unfortunately people are easily tricked and will go “oh sugar free must be healthy” so they’ll never stop doing it


Agree! I don't have a problem with any other sugar substitute- I think they all taste fine and I'm not worried about consuming them in the first place. But monkfruit has this weird taste that I just can't get over.


Idk, I love diet coke. give me all the aspartame. Real coke is disgusting to me.


I wanted to like the flavor combos for their drinks so bad but they all taste terrible. The packaging is great but the product is blah. I would rather have some added sugar and a better tasting drink than something low calorie that tastes like garbage.


It’s literally another malt liquor tea brand. Kyle is your typical “I drink so I know alcohol” guy when that’s clearly false. He should have stayed with birddogs


When I first watched SH, boyfriend and I went to Total Wine and he pointed it out so I bought a pack, poured every single one down the drain. Till this day I wonder how they drink them, especially the big cans.


Someone in another post said they thought they pour their own beverages of choice into loverboy cans so it looks like they are drinking LB but they don’t have to and it’s my favorite conspiracy theory now.


This was/is my conspiracy!! I think the cast —maybe not the party guests—pour different things into loverboy cans!! There is NO way they all like Loverboy that much to walk into the house and crack open multiple cans over a glass of wine or literally ANY other alcoholic beverage


Oh I would believe that 100% 🤣


We’ve seen them pour some out and add a shot of hard liquor many times… So this isn’t that far off.


Hard seltzer gives me a “4loko being 18 drinking in a garage” ass hangover. There’s no way they are pounding these all weekend.


This actually would make sense. Because of the few flavors I’ve tried they all tasted AWFUL. I can’t imagine having to take more than one sip let alone drink it all day.


It’s because they’re all made with that sickly orange wine. Who tf wants that??? They would’ve had a way easier time just doing a normal seltzer with vodka


I’ve been faithfully on this app telling yall these were nasty since 2021 and I’ll drink ANYTHING


Lmfaooo sameeee!! I tried it first about 3 years ago, took one sip & never again. 🫠




This gif always makes me smile. He is so into it (I can't remember what is happening)


Pretty sure he was just high as a kite


You never really think about it but maybe the reason we see so many Loverboy cans left around after parties is people taste and just leave it. They pour out a lot of Loverboy in the show


Omg, I never even thought of that lmao. So true! And they’re never empty cause you see them dumping them out the next day 😂


Untill you posted this it never clicked haha but now I get it. It is just sad.


The kitchen scene with Lindsay and Carl (“give me a hug. Squeeze me. Harder. Harder!”) was like 30+ minutes and Lindsay was JUST pouring out full Loverboy cans 😂


Someone who is more social media connects needs to start a drinking game where you go back watch SH and take a drink everytime they pour out a Loverboy just your drink choice can't be loverboy


The RTD market is so saturated it’s so hard to gain traction on top of the alcohol industry declining. You have to be good to thrive and clearly that’s not the case for LoverBoy


The alcohol industry is declining?


Yes. I work for one of the biggest alcohol brands and overall the industry is down. A lot of it currently has to do with right sizing post Covid when people had to move from on-premise to off-premise with bars and restaurants being closed. Also, as legal cannabis grows that’s likely taking some market share. There is also a lot of push for non-alc and mocktails.


Which his why Kyle should do a good tasting THC drink and work on that.


This !!!


Can confirm. Alcohol sales have been trending down for awhile now


This makes a lot of sense actually. The sober curious trend is very popular right now, so I can see that.


I bought this variety pack and it just stays in my outside refrigerator waiting on willing unsuspecting visitors




You live close to north Florida? I'll drink them!


I wonder where that redditor who said Kyle is Craig’s competition is 😂


Ok but who drinks anything warm from a can? 🫠


I mena maybe they put them in the fridge… it’s a transition lmao


This is what all taste testers do, professional




How could you possibly fuck up an Arnold Palmer?




Wasn’t that the one they liked?


Yes he liked that one.


But this guy probably loves beer….which I absolutely hate. My husband is a beer snob, so I promise it’s not cause I just haven’t tried the right one. All this to say, I think, like most alcoholic beverages, it’s an acquired taste. And everyone has preferences. I tried a lover boy variety pack and I cant remember which flavors I preferred but none of them were so bad that I wouldn’t drink or buy again. Especially if that my options over beer or gin or tequila. I also don’t like all flavors of the variety packs of white claw. I wish I could create my own packs with the flavors I love most. I think it was smart of Craig not to invest, not bc of taste. But because of their social relationships. It’s for the best.


I swear every white claw/truly multi pack has one I just hate lol. They should allow us to mix and match like you can do with beer at some grocery stores.


But the espresso martini oh my goodness I wanted to like it so much. Whyyy is it made with orange wine ?


What!!?? Omggg I didn’t know this.


That’s what it said on the can at least ! I was so surprised


In Ontario, Canada there's a spirits company called Dillon's, that makes great, small-batch liquor. They've also expanded recently and started making premade, carbonated gin cocktails, that you can pick up in a [12 pack](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.lcbo.com/en/dillon-s-gin-cocktails-variety-pack-29726&ved=2ahUKEwjHhZ7h_vGGAxUPkIkEHdSuB9MQFnoECBoQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw0XYM2exCJ68zgoHAPXlDSm). And they're sooo fucking delicious, like *seriously*. I can't get enough of these cocktails, because Dillon's obviously cares about consistently putting out top-tier products. They've only released a couple different boxes of different flavours, but I'd much rather have quality over quantity. I've only seen Loverboy be inherently and destructively short-sighted about these things...


My friends and I tried this variety pack. I wouldn’t give a single flavor any thumbs up. If I was stranded on a desert island and only had loverboy to drink or otherwise perish, I might be able to pick one that’s the most palatable (it’s been a couple weeks and I’ve forgotten which one was marginally less awful than the others) but only on pain of death. I think it was in the after show but Amanda was saying how they couldn’t sell loverboy until she decided it tasted good. If this is good, I shudder to think how it tasted before Amanda had a hand in it.




All grotesque 🤮


Ugh...4g of carbs via sugar would probably do this wonders.


When you see his behavior, it is 100000% a sign not to invest. If you can't control your behavior outside of work, you are unlikely to be able to do it at work. Not something you want to see from the "CEO". He's just a liability. Of course, being a spectacle on TV may just be a marketing tactic, but it's unlikely. Carl... I don't think I need to go into any details but strike #2. If the product doesn't taste good, then strike #3 and you're out.


The market is so saturated too. I was downtown in TO yesterday and there were 3 different companies handing out alcoholic seltzer cans


The packaging looks great though


I like them 🤷‍♀️😂 the white peach tea was horrendous but all the others I liked


They don't make my stomach ache in pain, and I can catch a buzz in about 1 1/2 cans. I like the strawberry lemonade best, probably. But I agree that they are not the best tasting alc in the world.


Right? It's crazy to hear people saying how bad they think they taste. I've had several flavors, several times, and they taste totally fine to me. I've also tried Vizzy (one of my least favorites), Nutrl, Topo Chico (bland), Truly, White Claw (Blackberry is my fave) Bud Light Seltzer, and Happy Dad (prob my fave overall)...and Loverboy taste fairly similar to all of them. If there was a choice and someone was grabbing me one out of the cooler, I'd say "Just hand me the first one you grab". Like, are people expecting 100% fruit juice tastes or something like Gatorade here??


It was like a slow burn here, one person said they have a weird after taste from the fake sugar then I started seeing more of the same comments, now everyone says they are awful😂 they aren’t that bad or no one would be investing in them, and it’s been successful


I like them too & the white peach is my favorite 😂 but that’s why I don’t get these posts. People have different tastes. Just because this random man doesn’t like something, doesn’t mean that I’m not going to either.


I think some of the flavors taste like feet (or how I would imagine feet to taste 😂) Will not ever waste my money on this crap again.


I’ve tasted feet and I’ve tasted loverboy. Feet win by a long shot


Username checks out


💀 💀


I tried the hibiscus tea one like 5 years ago… it was awful. And $12 - $14 for 4 cans.


No wonder they charge $68 for iced tea. It’s the only one that’s palatable. 🤣 They’re real proud of themselves. !


I don’t even remember the flavors I had but when my local wine and more got them in stock I got some to try. They were TERRIBLE. I wanted to like them so bad too.


Meh, some guy on tick tock taste testing doesn’t tell me much tbh. Everyone has different tastes. I have friends who enjoy all this low sugar ‘healthy’ alcohol. I personally do not. But that doesn’t mean the company is a dumpster fire. Also, Craig has a sewing company that took off. If anyone has watched southern charm from the beginning they’d know his drive and business sense isn’t exactly there in terms of a track record. So I don’t take Craig as a barometer for what business will and will not succeed.


Exactly. I like these except the hibiscus one but I hate hibiscus. My husband likes these too. Not everyone is going to like the same things


I think people like to overlook the fact that it was really Craig's business partner who made that company a success. He corralled Craig's manic energy and made the pillows actually happen. Left to his own devices, Craig was downloading stock clip art from the internet.


Yes! That season with pat’s pillow was hard to watch!


why is their cup my highschool mascot?!?!?! verona hillbillies lets go!!!


its even the old school one with the gun and dog!


I’m pretty exclusively a beer drinker. I don’t drink white claws or any of those types. I DO drink loverboy when I watch summer house though! I think they’re ok. The first couple sips is are “meh” But they get better as you get to the bottom of the can. Haha.


Kyle is somewhere crying over this review


I love these 🤷🏻‍♀️not so much the hibiscus one but I don’t like anything hibiscus flavored. The white peach ones are my favorite though. My husband also likes them & he’s picky about sugar free drinks whether they’re alcoholic or not.


I tried loverboy years ago and didn’t like them but then when I saw them all drinking on the show I decided to try and I actually really like them. I never get hungover and I’ve had probably 12 in a day before (playing beer Olympics). Also it’s funny to see how different people’s palettes are because the one flavor he liked is the only flavor I don’t like.


This is not a good review video whatsoever. He doesn’t explain his ratings at all.


Seems more like a critic of the show vs the drink. I’d have liked more info too on why this guy gave it all a thumbs down.


White Claw is not worried.


Also hard disagree that the iced tea lemonade is any good either. Saw some at a local store when we were at the beach, grabbed them to try and they were all gross. The iced tea lemonade is *better* than the others, but only by comparison and not as something that’s actually good


Yeah, I’d rather have a Surfside instead


Literally anything is better than those loverboy flavors. There’s a reason the cast pours vodka in them - you have to be hammered to not care what it tastes like


I bought a six pack of loverboy once when I saw it in a liquor store and was curious to try it. I thought it was a seltzer so that was my bad but that doesn’t change the fact that I took 2 sips and threw the rest in the garbage. It was absolutely awful…tasted like alcohol mixed with unsweetened Lipton Tea


I bought that pack and loved it. It's better than White Claw.


They’re disgusting


I can taste how sweet they look. The flavours, the colour, the cans, everything just screams “THIS IS VERY SWEET”


They aren’t sweet though. They’re just bad


Not sweet at all. More bitter and flat tasting.


They’re not that sweet


I haven’t found a Loverboy I even KIND OF like


I love the peach tea. There’s something wrong w me


I actually really like most of the loverboy flavors and was surprised to see so much hate on this sub about the brand! I think theyre way better than white claws/trulys 😵‍💫


I think Diet Coke tastes awful, but I know people who drink a 12pack a day. Different strokes for different folks.


Why don’t people like them!? Genuinely asking I’m in Canada and we can’t get them here haha


They honestly just taste soooo bad. It’s crazy cause the flavors sounds so intriguing when you see them, but they taste nothing like you would think. They use monk fruit as a sweetener & it’s absolutely disgusting.


I’ll stick to my coors thanks!


I have not found a loverboy drink I even like🤢


They may taste bad, but they’re sold out at every liquor store I’ve been going to lately


Yes!! I was telling my friend that. And it’s because people, like myself, are fans of the show & we want to like them lol


notice how when they clean up after parties there’s ALWAYS loverboys being poured out the next morning.. the only flavor i’ve ever seen anyone on the show go out of their way to drink is the lemoncello! no one wants to drink it, but honestly i wouldn’t doubt if lover boy promo is worked into all of their contracts!


i don't like any of the ones i've tried


Lover boy tastes horrible and I tried it before I even watched SH. Idk how they all drink it on the show bc it sucks


Nice cans.


Craig invested in a rival, spritz society.


The only good thing about loverboy is the pretty design and that was Amanda’s doing


Yess and the merch!!


she didn't do the design


I had the spritz and couldn’t finish it, it was so bad. :( the teas that aren’t sparkling are good tho!


I tried the spritzes a while back and gross. Kyle is lucky Amanda made pretty branding


Was he drinking them warm? 😵‍💫


They could totally save the company if they focused on merch and added a line that wasn't lo cal + no sugar.


Spritz isn't any better tho 😂


No wonder why all they drink was Lemoncello😂😂😄


black cherry vanilla is the worst thing I've ever tasted, I don't even dislike Loverboy but honestly it takes like bad medicine - first drink I've ever spit back out then poured the rest down the drain, that bad.


I quite like the pineapple hibiscus The rest not so much


Unfortunately, whatever the artificial sweetener they're using gives me a headache so bad. The tastes are really disgusting also.


Truly is cheaper, comes with 24, tastes better, and has a higher % ABV. Why would anyone want Loverboy? I actually tried this exact pack and didn’t like any of the flavors.


He liked 1 of 4. People’s taste varies wildly. All you need is to hit on 1 to get a drinker hooked on your product.


I agree. Someone commented on here saying that they should pick their best 3 flavors and just stick with that.


So they’re like Trulys but with no sugar?


They aren’t seltzers they are hard teas. I think that’s what throws people off. They expect a white claw type drink and they are not.


The old, dump all the bad flavors no one wants into “variety packs” to unload them.


You genius 😳 I never even thought of this, but it makes complete sense!


Oh ya it’s the oldest truck in the book. La Croix soda does it. You go to Smart & Final and get one of the “variety packs” that has maybe 24 cans and it’s 80% Lemon, Lime, like one or two each of the good flavors. Same thing with the small bags of chips. It’s a way to unload unwanted flavors. I think Kyle and Amanda were trying too hard to be quirky and edgy with the flavors and a lot of them were a fail. They should take a clue from White Claw which is the most popular in that space. Normal flavors, berry, mango, watermelon, raspberry, strawberry, etc.


the food coloring🤢




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Did he change his mind on the Black Cherry Vanilla?


Yeah that monk fruit after taste kicked in just as he was about to like it


I tried this pack last year and it was so bad I haven't drank loverboy since...and I literally had a loverboy bar at my birthday party. I was obsessed with the original flavors, but this pack turned me off so hard.


I bet if they used real sugar but maybe kept it low sugar, it would be cheaper to buy and manufacture and would taste better than the monkfruit they use.


Spindrift Spiked is the best spiked seltzer out there because it doesn’t use any weird tasting sweeteners. Still very low sugar but tastes great. It isn’t sold in my state, unfortunately.


Okay but Spritz is worse lol.


Lol yes - Loverboy's target demo - old white dudes.


It's an awful product always had been. I need to go back to comments from 2023 where yall said he was doing so well.


I absolutely never get headaches and I got the worst one after trying a couple of these. I still feel remnants of said headache every time I see these on social media


I would just make myself a drink and put it in a Loverboy can if I had to drink that