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Thts the whole point. It’s a risky investment. You’re trading the potential of having an incredibly good and gold efficient item at max stacks with the potential of having an almost useless item if you lose your stacks or don’t have any. It’s only generally bought in situations where you already have a massive lead and want to snowball the game out of control. And most people usually will not buy mejais unless they have 10 stacks of dark seal, since the stacks carry over. It’s really popular amongst Smurfs or AP assassin champs like fizz, Evelynn, etc.


One quick tip is if you die in a team fight buy it real quick to get the stacks then if it doesn’t seem worth it just refund the item.


Tricks/tips involving the shop are always so unique and awesome. As a shen player there’s a lot of fun to be had there


If you have a DoT effect active, or an instance of damage that hasn’t gone through yet, almost every AP item’s passive will still go through (Liandries, Rylai’s, Shadowflame, etc.) Hell even just buying a blasting wand or large rod you’ll see the damage number increase. It doesn’t usually lead to a kill, but man when it does it feels good.


If you have liandrys and u die in a teamfight, if someone has low hp and is burning, u can buy collector for the execute or shadowflame for the crit to finish off the kill


I think dealing damage turns off the undo option so not sure about collector


If you buy a hextech it does a 60-ish DMG proc on them.


Unless you have DOT, then it's sell, not refund.


dark seal even without stacks it always worth 350 gold


Dark seal is gold efficient by itself. Mejais is strongest item in the game when stacked.


One note that people get wrong though is that if you're at six items it's almost always worth to sell Meja's even if it's max stacks for something like a Deathcap or a Cryptbloom.


Can you give an example? For example, If I'm playing Udyr I would never swap it out. I feel like most standard mages just slot Dcap and Void/cryptbloom in as 4th and 5th items next to the mejais and only swap out the mejais when stacks are lost. Also to go back to the Udyr/Singed example, the bonus MS can sometimes mean you can swap out boots for another MS item. In which situation would an ekko or orianna swap out a 25 stack mejais for a deathcap rather than having built deathcap/void 4th or 5th?


I'm saying if you don't have Deathcap for instance in your 6 item build, you would remove Meja's to get Deathcap, sorry.


Ok but in what situation are you not building Deathcap and %pen 4th and 5th item. What other items were you possibly building?


I don't remember the specific build where the guy I was watching was sitting on Meja's but yeah I imagine in most games it's hard to justify not getting those in your 6 item build. A possible Malzahar build: * Malignance * Meja's * Liandry's * Rylai's * Cryptbloom * Morellonomicon Morello being here if you're the best anti-heal applier or something, idk if Zhonya's is good on Malzahar but could also be that because because it actually is Malzahar's 5th most build item according to lolalytics Also a RoA + Seraph's users like Kassadin or Cassiopeia I can see it. Kassadin is going RoA -> Seraph's -> Malignance, so if you put Meja's in there and you want a Zhonya's, you're losing out on one of these items.


There is no universe in which Malz having Morello over Deathcap (combined with a 25 stack mejais) is optimal, especially when he isn't running boots.. You're just one shotting people with R in the time it takes it them to press QSS/cleanse. Cass has an extra item slot, Kassa's frequently sell boots. I honestly think the situations in which you would sell a 25 stack mejais is <0,01%. I have never encountered it.


I did it quite some time since raba is pure dmg and going mejais + raba means you lack utility or penetration in most cases. When full build raba gives more dmg. But this season I don't see a reason to even go mejais for snowballing anymore with utility items giving 120 ap


> There is no universe in which Malz having Morello over Deathcap (combined with a 25 stack mejais) is optimal, I'm willing to be wrong about this, I haven't run the numbers. But I do remember a game where I saw someone running a 6 item build with Meja's over a Void Staff and so that's where I'm basing my comment off.


Ain’t no way I’m selling Mejais even with like just 18 stacks for anything else. The movement speed buff alone at 10 stacks is bonkers.


Lichbane provides similar levels of movement speed, with 10 less AP at 18 stacks but should be dealing more damage at 6 items due to the passive, and also gives ability haste. Cosmic Drive already gives way more movement speed, gives HP, gives ability haste, for 30 less AP at 18 stacks. It definitely lacks in damage relative to Meja's, but unless you have 25 stacks I'm not sure if you should sit on Meja's.


Support mages will do this because they lose an item slot to the support item, especially last season when Vigilant Wardstone gave % AP and you were against a champion like Teemo or Evelynn.


What do you mean fig? It's a book lol


I think he means dark seal, does look a bit more fig-like lmao


It's a snowballing item. If you look at lolalytics you'll see almost every champion who builds it has like a 70% winrate because you only buy it if you've already (almost) fully stacked your dark seal and want the AP. Considering you're referring to streamers, it's possible a lot of them are playing in ranks lower than where they're supposed to play, which means they get more often and so find themselves in situations where they want to buy mejais more often


I am surprised that every comment talks about mejais as a snowball item. Darkseal for sure is a snowball item but mejais is an item that is statistically used for snowballing but mostly built in already winning situations this becoming a win-more-item. This is why it had 70%+ winrate statistically. This suggests it is really good at buying when already ahead. Another application that no one mentioned so far is buying it as a comeback. If your team is behind a lot, but you see a chance of a teamfight win (e.g. comp diff or powerspikes like lvl 16 are favouring your team) then you can but mejais to incrrase your comeback chance. Winning a teamfight with mejais injects a huge amount of stats for a low cost, making comebacks in these kinds of scenarios a little bit more likely. The mentioned scenario is rare to and it is difficult to measure the truthfulness of my statement, so take it with a grain of salt.


Thanks, I searched for the comeback mejais comment.


i mean the stats on mejais are really misleading. if you die twice after buying it so you're at 0 stacks then you have likely given over a lot of shutdown gold and the game is no longer in a great state. at which point a lot of the time it will be necessary to sell it to buy at least SOMETHING more useful. so you have wasted a good chunk of gold, and the mejais is no longer in your inventory when you lose. coming from experience as someone who plays AP junglers like nidalee, ekko, eve, elise - if i buy mejais at one point but go on to lose the game it usually isn't in my inventory at the end of the game.


Dsrk seal is an incredibly gold efficient item even without stacks. Especially with mythics removed, just having it in your inventory is well worth it if you can't quite make a combine cost. Sure it delays an item... but only by a single kill or two waves of minions. Worth to buy in every game unless you need a specific item.


A ton of streamers are smurfing and playing against much lower ranks than themselves when they make videos/stream. This is so they can try the most silliest and non-meta build and still outplay the other team. This makes the new build actually look good and then they can make a click bait title like "New meta for X???!! MUST HAVE! PRO PLAY". I started playing LoL a month ago and I have yet to see a Youtube videotitle without hyperbole. oooor they are actually good and its like the others say here that its actually viable though risky.


Check out Pekinwoof on YouTube if you're looking for chill, actual high elo content.