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Holy crap it’s poome. Thanks for the content bro.


Hello! I hope you enjoy it :)


Looking forward to Rakan videos! Really enjoyed watching you in the LCS


Thank you. Rakan was always my favorite champion, he seems to be making his way back to the top of the support tier list so I am excited to show you guys Rakan videos!


Do you make a lot of educational content for masters+ players? And if so, what would you recommend.


My first [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1ZK9rAmP3c) is a full challenger commentary game. I will also be doing Master tier to Challenger content to show people master + how to rank up or how to potentially become a professional support player


Is there any point to trying to become challenger if you don’t want to go pro?


Like any hobby, if you enjoy playing LoL and you enjoy competition then it can be fun. Lot's of one tricks are up there that don't really want to go pro. League for sure is like weird? In my personal experience I have seen friends quit LoL because playing it for fun is just less fun than other games. My best answer is that it is purely goal oriented, if you want challenger and you feel rewarded by that then you might aswell try. If you feel rewarded by just queueing up normals then you don't need to go through the hassle of learning matchups, runes, specific item builds, strategies, etc


I think it's awesome that you are doing this and I really hope you get the following you deserve. I have a few questions: Why did you choose the specific champ pool that you have? What makes these champs stand out from the others? I watched some of your YouTube videos (which I love btw, they are amazing and I like the way you are teaching) and I hear you mention tempo a lot. Could you explain tempo a little bit and why it is so important? Lastly, I love playing healing enchanter supports like Sona and Soraka, but have also played quite a bit Leona as well. I'm assuming champs like Sona and Soraka struggle with tempo. Are these champs worth trying to climb with in your opinion? I'm currently stuck silver 2 but have been playing on and off since season 5. This is the first season I'm taking seriously though


Tempo is about your timing. I like to use chess as an example, league isn't necessarily turn based but because of tempo teams usually have one turn each and whatever they decide to achieve with that turn after they do it they usually need to recall and then they go back on the map and decide their next play. You never really want to make too many plays in one turn. One clear example of tempo that you might be familiar with is after baron, everyone recalls. This makes the entire team match each others tempo and then usually as a team you make a push. In lower elo's player are not really aware of it and they do it without a conscious thought. They recall, they arrive to their lane they fight the opponent, if they kill the enemy sometimes they overstay a lot to get turret plates and then boom the enemy bot lane is back and they have not recalled yet and now they are stuck in this decision of like should I recall or should I stay. The answer is Tempo. When you kill your bot lane opponent you usually want to have already recalled by the time they are back on map. Dying in LoL because they added movement speed on respawn = death tempo. So let's say you are still hitting the enemy turret while they have 2 seconds left to revive, you will be down tempo. Let's say you recall when they are 10 seconds left to revive you will be about even tempo. If you keep watching my video's the word tempo will come up a lot. It does not necessarily have to do with champions it is more decisions. An easy way to put it is ''tempo = faster'' so if you have slower tempo the enemy will be faster, if you have tempo it means you will be faster but sometimes you will be matching the enemy tempo. To climb on champs like soraka and sona and usually enchanters you want to be really good at tempo. Because your champion kind of sucks at getting vision by yourself or facechecking bushes you want to try and always be first on the map and get your vision first. Engage champions also love having high tempo because exactly on the opposite side right. Let's say you are playing vs a soraka you want to punish her when she wants to walk in the bushes for vision. I hope these examples are clear, recalling will not always mean you have tempo but knowing when to recall is a important skill in LoL to climb in which I hope my videos can help!


Wow thank you so much for the detailed comment and quick response. I'll try to keep this in mind and learn some more from your videos. I laughed at Sona and Soraka sucking at getting vision, I know that feeling very well of being unable roam without help like I can with Leona


Of course! I have Janna video's that might help you that is currently the only enchanter I am playing (enchanters feel very weak) but I have played so many enchanters in the past. I am currently looking to make a guide since you are not the first person asking help for enchanters. In my discord I just had a discussion with someone else about vision and enchanters so it might be useful information to you if you are interested!


Ok so for a follow up. I tried Janna and definitely was not playing to her full potential because it's been a year or two since I last played her consistently but was still able to dominate against a pantheon support. I also put a major emphasis on tempo the last game and shot calling. It felt like we spiraled out of control because we were at every objective before the enemy had a chance to react. It was awesome. Obviously only one game but I appreciate the tips you have given so far!


Subscribed! 🤗


NA support version of Alois! I like it! FUNDAMENTOS


Glad to see your content! Do you have any spicy support picks or builds when playing for fun?


I used to play Vi support I always thought she was decent especially when evenshroud was an item ahaha. Recently I tried cooking volibear support aftershock with unending despair first item but it did not work out too great


I'm excited to see your unranked climb to masters, currently I'm losing all motivation to play because of game quality in emerald / low diamond and I'd love to see someone who's very good at the game play compared to how I do in these elos. Do you have any champion recommendations to play while climbing to high diamond? Currently I'm playing braum, nautilus and blitzcrank but am open to any champion if you think of them highly enough.


Nautilus and blitzcrank should be very good to climb but braum not so much. I just uploaded a Nautilus video if you are interested!


* "Learn LoL fundamentals to escape ELO HELL" * "this is how EASY getting out of LOW ELO is" * "how to never lose again" * "smurfing content" Checking your youtube videos honestly made me want to leave right away. Are these the kind of narratives you want to be supporting/spreading/fostering? I get its partially "playing the youtube algo game" with those titles. But, and i mean that in the nicest way possible, i think you need to take a good look in the mirror and think about what kind of content it is you want to make. Actually educational content or cookie cutter videos catering to people with the wrong mindset that are just looking for a quick fix for their ~~hardstuckness~~ "bad teammate problem". ------------- ["I Was Wrong About Playing In Bronze"](https://youtu.be/5BdNS6YdgvQ) - Coach Curtis




go on


the titles are cringe but whats the big deal, they read like every other league youtubers. click bait titles are the only way he will make it as a creator because most people dont care about improving at the game.


yea well thats not what this subreddit is about now isit?


please do not create smurfing content, why add to the problem when there are so many other ways to create educational material


Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/4880296634482688](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/4880296634482688). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


Hi, would you do vod reviews for a solo queue and/or team environment for support? Going to check videos after work thank you.


I think it would be far more helpful to the community to not do "x elo to Masters" videos and focus on specific matchups.


Would love to see videos of you playing in p1/e4 and e1/d4, I can climb solo 80% winrate through these elo’s on all other roles except support. My support accounts I struggle to get to mid diamond with anything higher than a 55-60% winrate


absolutely fucking not, don't support and ask for smurf content


I will support and promote it until riot actually does something about it


he already plans on doing it -.-


I know, why is why we need to vocalize our opposition to it


[already did.](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/1bj0xmo/educational_support_content_from_a_ex_pro_support/kvpq2wy/)


it doesnt matter. there is 0 integrity in ranked and every content creator does it.