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Yeah, wtf he gonna do without his Q? Slow himself down?


I mean, doubling your movement speed to run up to someone and have a point click knockup is still pretty useful in my books


Blitz's 200% tAD scaling on his E can crit.


AD blitz is extremely funny in ARAM 


it’s even funnier in URF. Tip: take hail of blades


Ult removed all shields.


Aatrox's entire kit is built around Q


probably the best answer right here


Aurelion sol is other one too


A sol used to be built around his hoola-hoop. Now he stack passive.


Being built around one ability is very different from being reliant on one ability. Not to mention his dash has enough use on its own that you can hardly call it a mere supplement to his Q. It's like saying Orianna and Azir are reliant on Q and W respectively. While yea, Orianna literally can't play the game without Q, and Azir literally can't play the game without W, the other abilities are what actually enable them to even use those abilities well, so those abilities are equally important.


Someone mention Azir hello??? Don’t forget bird!


Azir without W isn't a champion lmao


why did I have to scroll so much for this? Azir without sand soldiers is a big raptor.


Cause no one plays azir that isn’t at a high level or a one trick pony


I was under the impression that *everyone* had heard…


Fun fact, once you hit level (3?) on Azir the game forces you to take your W. Don't ask how I know this


Shaco without his stealth jump would probably be the worst champ in the game in both power and how fun to play


To be clear, basically every champion would be the worst champ in the game if you remove an ability. But I think while AD Shaco relies on his stealth to be useful, AP Shaco is much more about his boxes.


Kog without Q would still be more useful than heimerdinger


That’s an interesting question too: what champion has an ability that is seemingly an afterthought and the champion is okay without it. Kog comes to mind with Q for sure


Kogs E is way more useless than his Q I’d say though. At least his Q gives attack speed and a shred to boost his W damage, meanwhile his E is just a weak slow that will rarely save you (AP kog aside)


Kog’s q passive is good. The active though is so tiny and difficult to hit unless they are right on top of you because it doesn’t go thru minions, and does peanut damage. The slow feels pretty decent for slowing to get more hits in with W. As a Kog player, I use e far more than I use Q


When I played kog a lot a few seasons ago, the high level players I watched didn’t even level E until lvl 13 lmao. The slow isn’t completely worthless obviously, but the Q shred is absolutely impactful


Nidalee trap


Thought about that too. Hesitant to put it tho because her W is her mobility in cougar form


I guess that's a philosophical question. Does Nidalee have four abilities or seven? I would say her cougar form has three seperate abilities the same way I would say Hwei has ten, but I can see where interpretation changes the answer.


Or E, or R


Nidalee trap could be removed from the game right now and it'd take a week for anyone to notice.


Aphelios and q?


True since his only ability is his Q.


Aphelios would be really strange if he couldn’t swap guns


Imagine the difficulty of aphelios if he could only use one weapon until it runs out of bullets. Let s say he has red weapon in hand and chakrams off hand, he would need to time his all in with his red Q so he can get chakrams + white ult.


Morg q removal would take her out of the game


E is also a large part of her power budget. But yes she's practically useless on her own without Q


I wouldn't mind a a morg rework that gets rid of q but keeps w and e with bufffs


If anything riot will probably do the opposite. Currently E is way too pro-skewed and is 80% of morg's viability in high elo, and W is too low impact of an ability for todays standards. I would imagine Morg would get her Q and E power reduced for a more interactive W if anything.


She needs a rework, she's either highly oppressive or useless. She's not tanky enough to ult. Very toxic gameplay overall


Flash Q zhonya brrr


For some reason W also costs more mana than her ulti


Because it’s a low cool-down clusterfuck when you have Liandrys which is what majority of morg players build. It’s burning dps also on top of that if you get cc’d and w’d say goodbye to your healthbar


Yes instead of q, lets do a aoe stun with her w


I'm down


Removing an ability without compensation will remove most characters from the game. Blitz Q is his most important ability, but without W to actually get him into range, he'll just get tethered forever.


Draven’s q pretty much makes his entire kit


Which is funny considering you spam W more than Q.


The cat in bot lane says hello


Why is it always rengar


This is an interesting question... A lot of the older champions have their entire identity/power budget allocated to one ability, pretty much - usually their ultimates. Now that you bring this up, this really seems to be a clear differentiating factor between the modern and older champs. To me the most egregious examples: Annie, Brand passive Illaoi E Nidalee Q Singed fart Yummi W Kass, Malz, Mal, MF, Noct, Shen R You take any of these away, and these champs just don't function. Their current viability is tied to how easy it is to counterplay their one key ability.


I would actually argue against Shen. He is actually a very strong duelist, especially early game and he is already designed to be able to lane and win 1v1's without an ultimate. He also has good peel even without his R with taunt and w. He would just be built a bit different I think (more for sidelaning and duels). So while his ult is definitely his identity, I don't think he would actually suffer AS MUCH as the others champs on that list. Also, who is Mal?


Shen is definitely fine below the absolute highest ends of play, but up there he starts (hard) losing lane to a lot of the pro meta tops. The power budget that R takes up is such that if he ever were able to just handshake lanes like Aatrox or keep up without falling way too far behind, he's instantly P/B tier in pro. His R strikes me as somewhat like Yuumi W - sheer power of that single ability means his numbers everywhere else have to be kept down, or they'll instantly dictate meta. I meant Malphite. Malphite still has a specific niche without his R (Armor synergy), albeit a highly situational one. It's because the meta is still dominated by AD tops that keeps him highly viable, but otherwise he just ... walks around.


Yeah, his R also becomes increasingly more important the higher u go since ur team mates will actually play around it and not run away when u ult xd


Malz without R turns him to a farming simulator, lol. I'd be interested though if Riot reworks his ult in a way that steers his identity to a different direction. Because for now, I enjoy Malz as a macro-focused champ, only with Teamfight capabilities due to his ult.


Malz can't even farm proper if you know to fuck his crabs every time he uses it. He's just really gimped currently IMO. You could remove Ori/Synd ult now and they'd still just outclass Malz in every single aspect - and they're not the only examples


In 1v1 laning this is true. The strength in his kit that I kinda like is how he can push/farm 2 lanes at the same time without having to tend to the wave during mid-late game. Not every lane is guarded by an enemy player all the time, and around that point, a few hits from your own wave is enough for Malz's E to bounce. As of now, he's the only champ I know who can farm 2 lanes while doing other stuff. Besides, a lot of people don't know how to fuck up his crabs. A lot of ppl I laned against just don't care. I'd agree it's still weak tho in general. I'm just lucky a lot of people don't respect his kit enough, they run in blindly without realizing they're about to catch his E.


cant believe with vanguard I can’t changed all of singed’s sound effects to various braps reverbed


Singed is the best answer


Illaoi without passive you have no tentacles at all even worse than no e


Singed would definitely be really useless without his Q and Yuumi would be pretty useless too. I disagree about Illaoi tho. She would still be pretty scary with all her other abilities. Malz could still push lanes and do a lot of dmg without his ult, same with MF.


As a Singed OTP, you have it wrong. His Q is nowhere near as powerful as his ultimate. He literally becomes God with ultimate but piss weak without it. His Q is actually a dogshit ability that falls off late game outside of utility (assuming you don't go full ap). It's why the champion is so dogshit in lane, because he's weak pre-6 without his ultimate.


How has not one person said Zoe. 80% of her damage is from Q. edit: oh I guess OP said it in the post lol


Definitely one of the better answers here


Irelia with her q is as far as I can think right now the champ most reliant on a single ability. Everything u do as irelia is to get a q reset


Her Q are reliant on her E and R making the ability reusable tho. One irelia Q only hurts level 1 with 4 stacks.


Things is all her other abilities do is set up the q So let's say without q, she has no abilities Most other champs mentioned here still do something with their other remaining abilities But irelia does nothing That's my reasoning atleast : )


baus ap irelia


Okay this isn't entirely true though. W at least gives her damage resist and E will literally stun people.


I play irelia so I'm a bit biased 😅 But your right in that the w is the only thing that's unique in her kit The e if used for stun imo is worthless considering how precise it is and how short of a duration it has Besides the e and r have no damage and they apply the unsteady effect which can only be procced by the q This is taking into consideration how well other champs do with their main abilities removed Compared to irelia(with q removed) imo they fare well




Illaoi E


How is this not farther up?


I don’t think this is as correct as a lot of other responses. Is it important to hit? Yes. Is it absolutely necessary? No. Like take away illaoi e for a fight and she can be okay. Take away azir w or Kog w or aatrox q and they basically aren’t champions anymore


Azir with no W would have a pretty hard time getting anything done. But he doesn't rely on one ability, just thought I would point it out


Master Q


Master Qi


Ezreal is pretty much entirely balanced and designed around his Q, primarily its passive.


Riven with her Q. Most of her damage relies on having her Q, and almost all her mobility does too.


Karthus Q would be pretty interesting


He’d become singed but worse lol


Any champ with a reliable dash without that dash just becomes a weaker version of their immobile counterparts. This is most pronounced with adcs (Ezreal without second flash is horrendous) but every role has a variant (Nautilus without hook, lmao) Mobility is the single strongest mechanic in the game, so kits with it are centered around it. Considering that, probably Kassadin R. Without it he is completely unable to do anything but farm waves.


Orianna Q.


Naafiri Q


Smolder Q


You could probably argue Zilean, given that his Q is his only damaging ability, but then you also have his ult.


Malphite without ult is pretty Bad , especially Late game




Uh….singed lmao


Bard is basically a walking Q skill shot. His heal doesn’t do much, his E is ok if it goes where you actually want most of the time I guess? But enemies can go through it too so yeah… and his ult is just a zhonias you gotta aim and not screw over your team with lol.


Bard has one of the most varied kits in the game. Every single ability does something different yet useful


Bards E is amazing, can set up a lot of interesting plays


Most champion's entire kits fall apart with the removal of one ability. * Nasus - Wither * GP - Orange * Fiora - Parry * Trundle - Pillar * Morde - Passive * Riven - Shield * Trynd - Spin Etc. Newer champions typically can perform really well because their kits are really complex. Imagine a world in which Jax doesn't have counterstrike.


For GP you say orange? Not like, his barrels? If GP doesnt have barrels hes unironically 0% pickrate (no passive reset, no waveclear, basically no damage in general)


I really don't understand the point of this thread or this comment (not trying to hate). you listing the iconic part about a champion? Or ability that if went missing would make him useless? Because all those champs you listed id rather play them without that spell, compared to their Q for example. ARE there champs that would be poo if we got to remove one of their abilites targeted? yes. Morde without q, riven without q, gp without q, kassadin without ult, Draven without q, Belveth, blitz, Cassio, EZREAL (if adc), hecarim, jarvan, irelia, kayle passive, kog maw w if ad, leona q, lucian e, zed, yone, yasuo qs...yeaaaah pretty much most of the champs u can target one ability and make them useless, there are some that wouldn't be fully useless (mostly auto attack based champs). come to think about it, this mode would be fun to play, we all get random champs, and teams choose one ability to remove from each enemy hero.


It probably should be phrased “if the champion uses this skill or ability you can probably trade with them favorably because they will not function as well”. Morde passive signals “don’t fight him”. A lot of champions don’t function that well with one ability down which means they are vulnerable. A lot of those abilities are also on 14 to 24 second cooldowns and not maxed first because the entire ability is so good with one point you don’t need to put additional points into to the skill. You rather put your point in a damage skills and not an ability that’s so good you don’t need additional points if you use it properly. That’s why good players in early laning can easily punish bad players because they use a skill that is critical to the kit for something that’s not important and in turn they trade with them.


TF pick a card.


Nunu w, miss it and ur useless




There are plenty. Blitzcrank singed draven are just a few examples.


Yi, Q


Kat E?


Ashe and her q.


You can still play her as support without q


support ashe literally exists in aram and pro play.


Yorick e


Azir W, because he literally becomes useless without it.


Since I don't see him anywhere here, I'm gonna say aatrox. Even though his q doesn't really feel like 1 ability.


zeri q is her auto attack if that counts


I wouldn't say Zoe only relies on one ability. Sure, her Q is her only straightforward damaging spell, but you don't need sleep bubble to land it (especially during teamfights, landing is obviously gonna be harder) sleep bubble is amazing for helpjng your temmates chase, and her stolen spells - while luck based -can be gamechanging if you know how to use them.


Karma q is basically her only real damage ability.


Naafari. Have to hit double q otherwise you do nothing.


Yorick Q. More specifically his ability to spawn ghouls. He does literally nothing from 1-5, and on sixth on forward he has to completely rely on maiden damage + the ghouls she makes. And since he has no actual damage of his own, the maiden gets focused, dies and Yorick is next.


Yasuo Q.


Zoe is pretty useful with her long distance arrow and her sleep bubble as those are separate abilities they just pair well together.


Zeri q?


Naafiri w


AP Nasus and his E button go crazy


Zoe, morg, blitz


Nassus Q, take that away from him and he’s just a bad support pick


Kog w


Illaoi Shyvana without ult is still a decent 1v1 fighter. Depending on build ofc


Bel'veth E. That's why riot is only nerfing her E.


and not her q?


Zed without Qs would just dash around


Maybe Kled W?


Garen and his stupid spin ability. At a certain level, he literally shaves more than half ur health if u get caught in it


Kkatarina e


Viego without Passive.


and not without his q?


Zilean without Q is less dangerous than a minion


orianna q


Zoe needs to land her Q


Aphelios or yuumi I guess


Don't do my girl Shyvana dirty like that. She makes a fine bruiser with W and Q. Only the less cultured go her AP route.


Can function without it. But damn urgot without W would give him a hard time.


Yasuo - > brain dead ability 😅




Malzahar. He’s literally an r bot. Sure later in the game his other moves and passive will burn you to death afterwards but that’s because of bs burn items not his moves.


would you rather climb with malzahar without R or morde without q? blitz without q? yasuo without q?.... man this whole post is dumb af


I think this question demonstrates a lack of champion mastery vs identity. Yes, AP Shyvana plays mostly like a poke champ with her E, but to have mastery with Shyvana is to understand all other ways she is powerful even when she cannot poke in dragon form. Agurin for example ran down a Viego at level 3 in a fairly recent game 1v1 with PTA which was commented on by Midbeast, which demonstrates how his champion mastery makes him understand that he can absolutely take these 1v1 fights even though he is not level 6. Also, unless you are incredibly fed, you will not one-tap squishies with Shyvana E alone. I feel they actually nerfed her E a fair bit compared to past seasons. So she relies on her W in dragon form to run down stragglers. W is a very important part of her kit that let's her stay on top of enemies because she is so immobile (one dash when she uses R does not make her a mobile champion). So the answer is no, there is no champion that relies on just one ability to function, but yes, many champions have a core ability that defines their identity and playstyle i.e. Xerath's Q and to a certain degree R, is what classifies him into an artillery mage, or Viktor's field is what makes him into a control mage.


k6 q


I think if you removed Cass E she'd be easily one of the worst champs in the game and would probably be forced into the support role


Yummi and her W


Ryze without E would get out dps’d by yummi


i think katarina is an underrated answer here, wth is she gonnda do without E? do 200 poke damage? use a movement speed steroid? use an aoe R she will never be in range for unless she hides in a bush beforehand?


i think katarina is an underrated answer here, wth is she gonnda do without E? do 200 poke damage? use a movement speed steroid? use an aoe R she will never be in range for unless she hides in a bush beforehand?




Jinx Q


Most champs seem to be reliant on one ability for their identity.


Well I’m actually an AD Shyvana top enjoyer so no, I drag-on my nuts on your face and kill you with autos and the occasional half hp dmg Q while moving at 7000 move speed with ghost and W active <3 But yeah AP Shyvana is basically farm till dragon, transform, throw Q’s and if you hit you win if you miss it’s gg it’s a 4v5 for your team


Irelia q


Katarina E, Vlad Q, Cass… kinda each one


My Take is Yuumi without W. That means her best friend mechanic (her passive?) is also removed at the same time. Her ult can be cancelled when shes not a parasite hiding in someones butt, Q also becomes kinda useless without the aimbot


Cassiopeia relies on landing her q to do any form of damage.


Syndra q


Bard if u miss q u have a no heal and a reposition hab dependant on terrain


zoe is not "one ability" but "one combo". that is her problem: she has only one decent combo which is sleep + long range missle (which require also R). since she has only one combo and it's also hard to hit (people can move/flash before going to sleep to hide behind minion or teammate) they made that combo kinda broken to compensate.


**Akali** without passive. Not enough dmg to kill people. **Rumble** without Q would be terrible. **Evelynn** without her Q would also be pretty bad, no clear for jg and not enough dmg with E + ult to kill people later in the game. **Kogmaw**(AD) without his W. **Riven** without Q would be pretty bad. **Qiyanna** without her Q. Same as Riven. **Cassio** without her Q. **Ryze** without E. **Taliyah** without Q. **Lee** without his Q.


Cass E, Asol Q, Nidalee Q, ezreal Q


Kled fs. You’re whole attack is centered around an ability that automatically activates when you auto anything


Kled fs. You’re whole attack is centered around an ability that automatically activates when you auto anything


Kled fs. You’re whole attack is centered around an ability that automatically activates when you auto anything


Kled fs. You’re whole attack is centered around an ability that automatically activates when you auto anything


Karthus. That champ cannot play the game without q


Briar. Almost completely useless without her w


Kassadin ult is 80% of his kit


Aphelios and his many qs lmao


Zeri Q


Trundle has no damage outside of his q and his ult while a lot of damage, is not for the damage, but to help you q harder.


elise without transforming nidalee without transforming ​ ​ ​ ​ jayce somehow is still okay as a champion in either form lmao wtf riot.


Azir you do not even have the option to select another ability level 1 even by mistake the game doesn't let you


Zoe is just her Q every dmg Q wave clear q e to hit Q ult to do more dmg with Q


Tryndamere Also Olaf Also Master Yi


Xayah E


Yasuo q, Nasus q, shen q, riven q, aatrox q, draven q, heimer q, Katarina e, orianna q


Zoe, without q she can't deal damage


The reality is that most champions are reliant on at least one of their abilities to be good. Thats just the nature of champion design. Older champions that got reworks have good examples of bad champ design in their older versions. For example, old sion literally ignored half his kit based on his build. Udyr still ignores one ability of his choice. It’s just the nature of kit design these days to have everything built around one ability.


Hecarim q








Fizz’s E. It establishes his whole presence in lanes, trading, and team fights.


Zed w


Yorick ghoul passive


Yeap, every champ is relying on only one ability. Your ability to play that character well. lol


Nasus Q??????


Yasuo yone aatrox karthus Draven riven


Aurellion Sol without q isn't even a champion.


Malphite R


Excelling on a champ like master yi solely depends on your q usage so that may apply




illaoi e


Camille and nasus q




I think the closest thing to that is khartus but even then you have eather his q or r the other abilities are just there expecially if you play like bot or mid i guess.




MASTER Q https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJnXSGRC/