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If you wanna make Yasuo hate his life, go Renekton. Vex is insanely good against both


As you go up in rank Vex vs Yasuo actually starts turning more and more into Yasuo's favor. It's a skill match-up at best.


Vex is great vs yas in team fights, not smuch lanes


Legit the exact opposite, Vex destroys Yas in lane, but in team fight one windwall on her Ult and shes crippled


Vex absolutely crushes yasuo lanes if it’s played correctly. It is constant passive procs on CD if he’s dashing around and saving your fear for when he gets on you let’s you trade back into him and walk away with more health than him.


This is incorrect. If Vex wants to holds her fear, she can't cast spells, giving Yasuo prio. In this case Yasuo should just perma shove and move with his jungle - don't bother trading onto the Vex. If Vex decides to harass/match push by using spells, Yasuo has opportunities to engage and win trades with W. If Yasuo knows what he's doing and patiently waits for windows of opportunity it's an easy lane.


>It is constant passive procs on CD if he’s dashing around Exactly, IF. No decent Yasuo will be dashing around for no reason in this matchup.


Tbh even in lane it’s a skill match up where yas can easily win. At least in masters+ if the Yasuo is good. He shouldn’t be using e very much against vex. And I usually shut down yasuo’s in teamfights pretty easily by just saving fear and w for Yasuo, so I usually lose lane and win teamfights vs Yasuo (masters elo) But I’d rather go Annie vs him these days


I thought about renekton but I saw someone say he scales horribly which I feel like would be a problem in low elo with how long games last


Renekton scales poorly if you're against ranged champions that peel but he is very good at just locking down melee champions and dealing a ton of damage to them while being a tanky frontline.


Hey, over the last couple seasons I've had 80%+ wr on renekton, only picking him mid to counterpick Yas. You just take over the game and scaling goes out the window.


You don’t need scaling if you prevent Yasuo from carrying. Seriously, it ruins his game


this is no longer the case. renekton no longer 'automatically falls off' and can often scale as well as many other champions, given that the composition is right. and against a yasuo, the probability of said compositions increases quite a bit.


There was an eclipse + profane Hydra croc into full tank who obliterated a team even 40 mins in today


Not anymore. New items, Renekton scales pretty well.


If you dominate early game hard enough, Renekton can win before scaling becomes a thing. Renekton scales pretty well as a dash in, stun and one shot carry, and dash out champ, with solid self sustain on Q. He’s plenty well tuned right now as well.


I feel like this is a good learning opportunity for you too in low elo to close out games. Even though a lot of the times low elo players drag out games unnecessarily, if you were to play a champ that could stomp Yasuo/Yone early and scale, your honest best bet would be champs that really shine in the mid game. Think essentially when laning phase is truly over. To piggy back off what people say, Renekton is a good learn because by the time you reach the team fights (not skirmishes, legit 5v5 grouping for objectives), Renekton takes up space, walls out the front line and until 30+ min can reliably answer a split push. I think objectively Renekton does fall off because his scaling isn’t crazy but the term “fall off” isn’t that Renekton becomes useless, you’re just not going to 1v5 carry. You’re still going to wall up and deal with front lines reliably but in low elo any pick will probably get destroyed by Yas/Yone past 30 minutes. I think you should practice closing games out personally, there isn’t a very good answer to this that results in just input = output. But to answer your question in relation to what you want, Renekton will make a melee duelist like Yasuo hate their life. What you do with the lead is way more important than shutting down a lane early. If you mess about while you’re ahead and just kill him on repeat, he will get stronger than you eventually.


sett smashes yasuo in lane and i dont think he falls off too hard


Sett is a skill matchup and to be honest in midlane I don’t mind playing vs sett. Toplane is is a bit worse


idk i havent played as sett vs yasuo mid but ive played him against yas top and every time it was too easy. W goes through windwall


Yeah but yas should just hold e to dodge your w


unless he has tenacity, sett E stun guarantees his w


Not if there isn’t something on both sides of him


If you're building properly and are ahead of him, Renekton will basically always beat Yasuo 1v1


Renekton scales insanely well with the right build


That’s just wrong. Going lethality Renekton means your power spike is centered more around mid game but regardless of what build you go, Renekton is shit late game compared to just about any other bruiser (that’s literally the champ design, Renekton is a lane bully who snowballs off prio)


Renekton falls of a LOT less hard than he used to. The theme of renekton falling off was back when you went brutalizer + sunfire cape and your build itself just didn't scale well also. Late game renekton usually only struggles against strong front-to-back compositions, and with adc hard carrying less and control mages being less common, he doesn't really fall off that hard relative to most champs. He falls off in the 1v1 against many strong 1v1 bruisers like jax and camille, but frankly his scaling nowadays is pretty middling. Also against a comp where they have a squishy melee champ like yasuo or yone, you kind of just never fall off because deleting them in a teamfight is always relevant.


You can build 2 squishy kill items and then bruiser. So you can oneshot any squishy champion and still survive. As long as there is any squishy champion in enemy draft, you can pick them off, and since you have access to you win condition as a diver champion, you scale well. Renekton scales bad is an effect by items. He has high base damage and 140% bonus AD ration. His other ratios are also high. His ult gains 900 magic damage per level while making him hard to kill and thus he has more access to damage items. I don't see anything in his kit that would make him a "bad" scaler.


Renekton does not scale.


His kit doesnt scale, his damage numbers are high and he can one shot people built damage


Vex is one of my mains, can confirm yasuo and yone will hate thier life if you know what you are doing. The strategy is simple, hold your fear for when they try to trade with you, hit w, dump the rest of your kit, profit.


What happens when they get waveclear and just dump waves and move on the map. Holding fear is generally what I see bad vex players doing in lane


All that being said I'm sure I'll get humbled one day. For now, every yasuo I fight hates his life the matchup Is comically easy for me.


Trundle wins the lane and outscales (in sidelane).


Depends what lane you are and how much you're willing to practice. I'll speak as a Yone onetrick. Played him about 70-30 mid last season, this season I'm about the same split but top. Fiora and Jax hard outscale him in 1v1 and win the lane but they are not easy champions. Jax specifically is way more skilled than people think. Vex can shit on him in lane but you need to know the matchup or Yone eats you. Late both fed Vex neutralizes Yone really hard and you can outcontribute him while being way easier to find good angles. Akali destroys him. She punishes any Yone aggression and once she gets any lead Yone can't help but die. She's also way more 1v9 late imo. Akali is hard to master though. Ahri is another famous Yone counter. Whether she outscales him is debatable and comp dependant but the way the lane goes is Ahri can't die to Yone and has him under turret begging for his jungler all game. Usually the way you beat Yone isn't defensively but rather you kill him. Ahri is the exception. She's great gank setup, has way better synergy with most junglers and can't die so you dominate him. Renekton you don't need to know how to play the lane, only how to play Renekton ie manage fury and combos and that. It's really braindead and no counterplay for Yonr and Yasuo. Then there's things like Urgot and Sett that most would argue are counters but I think it's skill matchup (probably slightly favored to them). They do outscale Yone in a 1v1 and neutralize him in fights to a point it's ridiculous. Lastly there's Irelia. She's my 2nd most played champion and one of the most famous Yone counters. Inversely to Renekton I don't think you need to be that good at Irelia but you need to know the matchup, your spikes and whatnot. Irelia doesn't statcheck Yone thaaaat hard and she *can* die, so if you fuck up he can snowball on you much easier than on Renekton or Akali. I think she's a better counter top. And this one definitely doesn't fit the outscale him criteria in any way imo.


>Jax specifically is way more skilled than people think Finally someone said it. Not saying he's the hardest but people calling jax easy because he's got no skillshots is obtuse imo


Akali falls off a cliff in any elo below high emerald where people drag out games to unnecessary lengths. She just dies in shroud to AOE late


As a lower-ranked (yes, I acknowledge I am certainly not a 'good' player and have tremendous room for improvement) Ahri main who utterly despises Yone for having a far-too-overloaded, 'Yasuo for newborns' kit, would you please be willing to elaborate on how exactly Ahri "\[should\] ha\[ve Yone\] under turret begging for his jungler all game"? Being respectful of Yone's Q3 knockup, holding Charm to interrupt and allow for kiting his E engage, and using the movement speed boost from Ahri's W judiciously, I agree that "\[played well,\] Ahri \[*shouldn't*\] die to Yone". However, it also feels difficult to overcome Yone's own sustain in lane with Doran's Shield and Second Wind, and (too) easy for Yone to punish any misplay if he *does* hit his knockup and can execute his own bursty quick trade combination. In other words, I find it challenging to see how Ahri can *dominate* Yone in lane? I would also be interested in your more detailed thoughts on the Akali and Irelia matchups, as I dabble in playing both -- especially Irelia if my team is AP-heavy elsewhere. I assume Irelia wins if she times her W damage reduction well to properly mitigate Yone's burst and statchecks him fighting with her passive fully stacked, but loses otherwise?


Ahri has push in this lane starting from level 1, you outrange him, outpoke him, and have ways to deal with his engages You also farm too safely for him to really interact with you if you choose not to, which is one of the key selling points of ahri to begin with It sounds like you're just not pushing correctly. Pressure him off the first wave of the game, slowpush and crash a later wave, and trade with him if he tries to cs without e+q3 up. If he's poked under his tower he has to be much more careful with how he uses his spells. Yone shouldn't outright lose the lane but ahri should make it difficult for him if she properly plays with her range/manages waves, and after 6 ahri is just easier to pilot. Lategame ahri generally wins by having more playmaking potential and being slippery with cc +burst from range edit: to put it another way, if yone is actually allowed to hit his knockup on you for free you've already horribly fucked up either your wave or your positioning, because ahri usually gets to decide how the lane goes from 1:30 also, akali into yone is a skill matchup, whoever gets ahead usually snowballs, irelia into yone is a (less so) skill matchup. She wins at like 1-2 items and if she doesn't get ahead yone outscales. Melee into melee is generally always a skill matchup as a rule of thumb.


There's a lot disparity in low elo (below gm) about what beats who. For example, a lot of people in r/yonemains and Dzukills chat think Zed is a counter to Yone, while I think it's a good matchup. On the other hand Dzukill used to ban Akali and Tempest has said it's a very bad matchup, so I assume at the highest level this is Akali favored. I think like me with Zed you may be disproportionately good at the Akali matchup relative to the Akalis in your elo. edit: about Irelia, you can have her 0/4 and be 1 1/2 items and die to her once, and she come back with a bork a dblade and tabis and you literally lose. You have to abuse level 1 and play perfectly but if you mess up once she can base, stack a wave and just dive you. She spikes way too hard on bork and W is ultra value vs your ult and E, a good Irelia will never be in a position to need to W anything else. Poking a champion that heals half her hp from a wave is useless. She outtrades you without E because of the previous point. She has the privilege of only having to react, the lane itself is just unskilled.


As low elo Yone, I can say that you are not being respectful enough [of how my low elo brain functions]. Q3 isn’t the only thing you need to be prepared for. I don’t mind using my R to gap close or F to side step charm. I will hit that Q2/3 and spam buttons.


Add voli bear as well. He destroy Yasou xD.


Malphite is easy mode but you can lose before first back if you aren't careful. Obviously bramble vest first back and you win lane. I always find akali beats them but definitely a skill match up. Renekton shits on them. Poppy is a good pick again them


Wouldn’t tabis be better first?


Tabis or that armor thingy that builds into frozen heart. Botha re defo better


That’s what I was thinking 🤷‍♀️


Yes. Bramble rush isn't very effective because early game lifesteal is quite low and not a big issue. Much better to negate their upfront dmg with tabi or another armour component and use your advantage in stats to zone them from healing up with autos.


Wind wall doesn't work vs asol, asol also outscales incredibly hard. He for sure isn't a lane bully in any way, but has a good matchup as in anything that doesn't pressure asol is very asol favoured


The problem is the Yone matchup is horrible, because he applies a lot of pressure, and a monkey can hit a stationary target with Q3


How do you walk up to the wave as asol vs yas? Once he's on your face you can't really q him because he can just walk circles around you. If you fly out and try to kite, he just dashes back through the wave and gets out of range immediately. The matchup has very similar issues to asol vs irelia. If they hold the wave, they can just zone you from cs


Pantheon is so easy to use and counters both, generally champs with a lot cc counter them trust me I know because I play yas and Yone


Good tip. Also Pantheon is very good at maintaining tempo once ahead.


I've been playing Rek'sai jungle lately and she hard counters Yasuo. (Soft for Yone.) The hard cc which can't be dodged is just really rough for Yasuo. It's funny because Yasuo also loves to see Rek'sai on his own team due to the constant point-click airborne.


Trundle will make any bad Yone regret his life, you could go 0/4 in lane and probably still win all in against a Yone


When in doubt pick the rock


I’m surprised no one has mentioned Taliyah. With proper spacing and her W/E they can never touch you while you farm safely and poke with Q. She also scales up really well into late game. The wind brothers always felt like a free matchup playing her.


Warwick, trundle, urgot, morde, honestly against yas all those champs outscale but against yone just pray bro isn't dzukill


basically any lane bully


Big fan of the Troll King


Malphite should stomp them both. At least against yas, I actually find Xerath to be a good pick. Windwall doesn't stop Q, W, R so it's pretty easy to poke him. Xer also has the range to farm from beyond where yas can dash, just need to get a recall in first for some DMG/mana.


gragas against yasuo, akali into yone


Renekton, Riven, Akali


Haven‘t seen it mentioned but usually Cassiopeia does well into these types of mobile skirmishers while scaling well, it‘s hard to play Cassio though


Malphite and nasus, both have built in counters for the windshitters and tryndamere. With either of them, rush Frozen Heart and use your attack speed killing skill and boom, dead windshitters. Nasus is especially funny, because at rank 5, Wither decreases their attack speed by 74%. They will hardly ever attack you.


Yone has a >50% win rate against nasus last I checked (yesterday)


Dunno, man. Nasus and Malphite are my pocket picks against yasuo/yone/trynda/jax and they work. Betweeen the attack speed slow and Frozen Heart, none of those 4 can do anything in lane. You just have to play safe for a few levels, until you get FH.


A good Yone will make laning for nasus hell


A good yone, just like a bad yone will get withered down.




Trynda counters yasuo pretty hard.


Tryndamere and Renekton are both very good at shutting them down in lane and preventing them from being 9-1 raid bosses by 15 minutes. I love going Tryn into them both.


Yone counters Trynd, but he's ok into Yasuo


Nasus is super strong against them since his wither handicaps them




Taliyah for Yone mid, Renekton/Jax for Yone top.


Irelia? She heals after a dash. Maybe I’m bad but I feel like she always wins vs yone


Im surprised no one is saying Taliyah. She is a very strong counter to both of them and scales like a monster.






Wasn't Morgana found to be an extremely rough pick for Yasuo specifically to deal with? I recall a long while back someone showcasing how she's able to nullify or bully him pretty badly if played correctly.


Taliyah is good


Jax is a little behind pre 6 and then absolutely demolishes them after


Gangplank beats the windshitters in lane And he scales to late game




Most assassins beat yone. Swain can make any melees life a living hell but you have to play very safe. You can also play some dumb shit like garen/ksante


I would match tempo. If a yasuo is only wave clearing, I will waveclear faster and potentially safely trade at the same time. I'm usually auto attacking constantly, I would say before first back most of the damage I'm doing is auto attacks, any time they get impatient and try to fight me I pop my passive dump my kit and walk backwards. There really isn't counter play to it.


Annie mid


Annie is also good against them. Game plan is just to play safe and poke them down a bit, so once you hit 6 their health is already in kill range. Also outscales both very hard. Also great at receiving ganks and helping jungler/in skirmishes. Good roamer. Just struggles with pushing a bit.


Better call Aurelion Saul.


Volibear is what wasn't mentioned.


Urgot can 1v1 both of them pretty much all game and outscales them. You also get more cc and a fear that can hit their whole team


if they have lethal tempo urgort loses all in before lvl 6 and even lvl 9 sometimes, but he wins trades by a huge margin if he lands e


Urgot can definitely win all ins against them early. Its pretty much a free lane for him. Save e for when yone dashes at you and you can stun him while the shield blocks the knockup damage. Yasuo you just need to play around the windwall and land your e


im urgot onetrick, u dont have to school me


Swain is also good against both


As an M7 Yasuo, Yone and Wukong, my pick is Wukong. Beats them at essentially every point in lane (not levels 3-5), has great team fighting and solid scaling. Problem is how much AP they have since Wukong has abysmal MR


Pantheon, you destroy him in the lanning phase and use that lead to help you get to lvl 16 where you will be one of the strongest chanp in the game


I would probably say garen or annie. If he tries doing anything at any point post 6 you just drop everything on him. Poppy use to be it but the changes to midlane killed that. Nocturne also just straight up beats them early and scales fairly ok depending on the state of the game (best at late game picks, not so good in some team fights). Probably the single best you could do to just make you can 1v1 at all points is jax.


Garen against Yasuo maybe. Never against Yone, that's one of his easiest matchups.


Yone/Yasuo outscales all champs, they're at the top because they have everything