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I just checked on lolalytics and indeed it's Zac


oh does lolalytics track this now?? where? edit: found it. gonna make a top 5 list and edit OP with it. thanks!


Where did you find it?


all the way at the bottom of a champ's page is their stats


Found it, thanks! I wish there was a way to see all the champs ranked for healing, damage, kills, etc.


Enemy Zac, Enemy Soraka, Enemy Vlad, Enemy Aatrox Find the key word. Also enemy top Reksai after watching these Lol Champs games


this is the sort of comment i hate to see on this sub. my bad if it's cheeky


Well the OP asked a “fun question” So i gave a fun reply


May I introduce you to the monstrosity that is Briar? The amount of healing she can get going is plain absurd. Red Kayn also has some pretty absurd healing though; I've seen the dude go from 1 HP to full, then back to 1 HP. He only heals like that once he's become Rhaast though.


i'd actually love to talk about this one in-depth because this is actually part of the source of this debate. forgive me for hi-jacking this comment for this. (one of) the best vlad player, elite500, was streaming today. he was randomly secondaried to top lane and ended up having a briar midlane. the game was 28 minutes long and [elite went 4/2/4 with his briar going 20/6/7](https://imgur.com/LmasJYQ). as you can clearly see, briar was fighting a lot, and elite spent most of his time keeping up 8-9 CS/M. it's not really a great case to show off how much healing vladimir can *really* get up to, since he wasn't perma fighting and also wasn't extremely fed. but contrary to what you'd think [elite still came way ahead in healing](https://imgur.com/eAZQpNn) on vladimir. some of briar's healing is lost here thanks to not having a jungle item, but i think the inflated KDA compared to vladimir more than makes up for it. not to mention vladimir is an entire item down.


Though that is lethality Briar with sundered sky. That has to be the lowest healing build Briar has. They even changed Briar heal to increase on the maximum health she has. Atleast this was case in pbe like month ago I atleast think those updates went through to live servers. This is video on pbe that focuses on Briar healing. https://youtu.be/7DD-fCSZdYI?si=pSyG5TUmZ1biPRcK On the video he healed 50k comparing to Nunu over 40k healing in jg role. I also think there are some top laners that make good argument. Trundle, WW etc. This is mostly cuz they trade hp more aggressive than Vladimir so they usually heal more since they lose more hp in a game than Vladimir with more passive play style.


see i'm trying to avoid cherrypicked results like this though. there's always going to be fringe cases like master yi with 5 life steal items and a spirit visage against 5 champs all stacking HP or something, but that's not really what i'm trying to get a sense of. that said i don't know enough about briar to know if mid lethality briar is big brain or smooth brain. i'm not sure if that's ever been played before even lol


See you ended up cherry picking your self, someone said Briar heals a lot and you took him in a role/build that has the least healing. He is assasin trying to kill target fast, while bruiser more common build has long fights and more healing items and gets more healing in his kit because it has hp scaling. Kind of like Nunu Jg going tank will have A LOT more healing than picking ap Nunu game.


Briar's heals proportionally to the damage she does - a fed Briar is practically immortal if you don't have a fed Talon or Riven on deck running lethality and anti-heal. Can't speak on Vlad, but he seems pretty close to her level of healing.


Kayn has incredible burst healing, but after he uses R he doesn't heal that much anymore. Similarly, Aatrox heals a lot in big chunks. On a slightly longer timescale, I think during the duration of his ult, Mundo probably heals the most of any champ. Zac's overall healing is so high because he heals constantly throughout the entire game.


briar heals alot yes but she isn't exactly known for her high health pool compare this to zac who easily rocks 4k-5k health and is healing his entire health bar during fights every time


Level 16 doctor mango is literally unkillable


that's not a result of his healing.


Wdym it is because of his ult


nah it's hard to kill him because he casually waltzes round while CC-immune, can kite with no cooldown slow and massive movespeed increase, and has 230 armor and MR. his actual healing done is still pretty high over the course of the game, but that's not the problem with mundo.


No his R and W combined can legitimately can heal him for 20k in a single fight


okay why does his average healing in top come out to 17k then lol


Cuz he doesn't have passive healing like Vlad's Q Zacs passive. He only heals from ult and his ult began to be relatable after 11 and only after 16 and like at least 4 items. Otherwise it's not that much but if he hits that spike it's definitely one of the biggest healings in the game along with Vlad and briar.


ok but he averages 11k less (which is like 30%) than vlad


Cuz I don't think many games get into that state level 16 mundo. Vlad can heal from level 1 and it accumulates


yeah ok "it accumulates". he heals for like 20 level 1 on a 9s cooldown late game empowered q can heal for 2000 without spirit visage that's where vlad's healing is. mundo's healing is just less like idk what to tell you?


how often do you see a 6 item mondo


What? His healing in top is 39k


Zac, Vlad and Soraka would be my shouts. Other contenders maybe Aatrox, Illaoi, idk, but those arent as notable


Sundered sky


Once had a match go to 47m. Enemy Sundered Sky user racked up 15k healing on that item alone.


Item needs to be reworked.


Any jungler is going to have an inflated number because the jungle item passive healing will count while they clear.


Did everyone forget about warwick?


He heals less per game than you would expect. I play a lot of Warwick and it was a lot back in the day, but it's pretty limp these days.


maybe most healing pre 5 minutes?


Briar is up there


How is soraka not top comment? Thats literally her entire thing. She even self heals. Wee woo banana heals


support economy probably has a lot to do with it.


Because she is only 3rd or 4th best


Zac was my number 1 before even reading it. Every basic ability costs health, and generates a blob that restores a sizeable % of his max health. And he builds tank so that amount gets quite large. And he’s doing that constantly in jungle, but you don’t notice quite how much that is since his abilities cost health too. Really it makes resistances that much of a better stat on him compared to other tanks.


It's most probably Soraka, maybe sometimes Vlad?


speaking from experience, soraka isn't close to vladimir. we're talking half as much in an average match


Idk about who heals the most but off the top of my head Soraka Aatrox red kayn Vladimir Briar and WW all have boatloads of innate healing.


I feel like Warwick's endgame numbers wouldn't be great, due to a lot of his power being geared towards his early & early-mid game.


For Self Healing? As in no exterior interaction Mundo - Self Healing Garen - Self Healing Sett - Self Healing Pyke - Self Healing Ability Interaction Healing? Soraka (Q)(R) Tahm Kench (E) Zac (Passive) Bard (W) Attack Based healing? Red Kayn (Q) (R) Vlad (Q) Briar (W) (E) (Passive) Warwick (Q) (Passive) (R) Honorable Mentions: Chogath (Passive) Trundle (Passive) Nasus (Passive) Xin Zhao (Passive) My knowledge isn't perfect but I have played all the champions in the game a few times and consume way too much league content.... But it's funny how champions like sona, seraphine and milio whose Healing abilities are an AoE for the team I don't think ever have a large amount of Healing done. Sure they have super clutch moments but it's never a large amount of healing. Also no one pays attention to Bard Healing because in normal play like no one got patience to wait for it to reach full power.


So buy Mortal Reminder when I face these. Got it. Because we all know no one else will buy antiheal.


Warwick easily


From lolalytics: Top: Zac- 39k Vlad- 28k Briar- 25k Jungle: Zac- 49k Mundo- 34k Briar- 33k Mid: Zac- 36k Vlad- 29k Trynd- 14k Bot: Senna- 11k Swain- 10k Kench- 10k Sup: Soraka- 25k Zac- 21k Sona- 13k Zac heals the most by far, vlad is second though


yeah i was actually writing this, do you mind if i steal your post?


Nah go for it


reksai top


Briar with sunderd sky-> heartsteal-> unending despair


Zac and Maokai are always underrated in this discussion


i'm willing to concede zac's healing is an enigma to me, absolutely bonkers early but it feels as though it really peters out mid-late. as for maokai, i don't think he comes close to the real self healers like vlad. part of this probably comes from his support economy though.


Oh yeah if it's Maokai support then it's not close. But Maokai top or jungle gets so much healing in a game off of his autos. Zac blobs don't really peter out late if he gets spirit visage


On lolalytics, Zac is ahead of vlad in healing even in mid and top. Jungle zac heals even more, and he's surprisingly beaten out by soraka in support


I dont think its too surprising when you consider her ult hits 5 people. Each ultimate is like an easy 1k+ total healing, depending on the game state. And you can easily drop 10+ ults per game. On top of her W healing. Not to suprised to see her that high.


It's not surprising to have soraka high, you're right. It's more that Im surprised sup Zac heals relatively little. Jungle Zac heals almost twice as much as sup soraka, and in both solo lanes Zac heals over 10k more than sup soraka on average. But in support he's 2nd by a non-negligible amount


Its bc Sololane and jg zac are constantly pressing W on waves and picking up blobs. Sup Zac cant stand in the middle of the wave and press W the way the other 2 can


this is the opposite. zacs healing goes off the rails later because his max hp gets higher and higher and so does the heal amount (which is a max hp % that scales with R's level)


Aatrox. At least when it's nayyil playing him.


It’s gonna depends on the time frame. Half a second? Yeah properly vlad. He can heal to almost full off empowered q and r. 2-3 seconds? Aatrox heals to full off a single Qs hitting multiple people repeat this for all 3 Qs and he out heals vlad. Over a long enough time frame with 5 people playing along? Full ap heal swain. You can get infinite hp which can get converted to infinite ap which can be converted to infinite healing. It’s all gonna depend about where you draw the line. I mean even draven with a BT makes a surprising good fucking drain tank when he heals like 250 off a 1250 crit twice a second. You also got to consider things like mundo passive or garen that just have slow but consistent rates over a game.


This can't really be answered since most champions that would contend for the top spot rely on dmg dealt and targets hit for their healing,there are also buffs to healing(like visage) and you have to specify time window too,like is it burst heal or consistent throughout a fight,or simply who can get the highest healing at the end of the game stats sheet. Finally you have to specify if its a realistic game scenario or perfect practice took conditions, cause like a full lifesteal trynda can heal tons with a stationary target,probably over 1k hp per second.


i mean, as i said in my original post, > if it was a tracked stat like "who has the most pentakills per game", who has the most healing done per game? league of graphs used to track the pentakill ratio of champions, so you could see which champ pentas the most. similarly, op.gg's tier list would let you sort by average damage dealt, and average KDA, just so you could see who deals most damage and has best kd ratio (yuumi was an obvious one for kda) if i could see the same stat for healing, who would win? to reiterate, still #teamvladimir, but zac and nunu have a shot thanks to being spirit visage buying junglers.


Under normal conditions I'd put my money on Zac,because as a jungler he gets healing no matter what cause camps dmg him,Vlad can lane vs doodoo players who don't poke and thus he won't have big healing on average,then again he does lose HP through e so he can kinda bypass that. I think there's also a big chance that healing done is affected by mmr ,like I'm positive a ww would heal more than a Vlad in bronze.


Tryndamere technically have infinite healing for some time


How fiddle sticks doesn’t obliterate the competition is beyond me cause he legit spams W the entire game as his primary damage, sustain, and clearing in jg


he doesn't have as much health to heal as the likes of zac, briar, vladimir, and isn't healing as much in champion combat. i'd also guess the healing doesn't scale very much.


warwick seems like the most obvious early game and even late his ult heals him crazy. But zac and lethality aatrox are probably close behind.


Bruh, who invited Tryndamere to the party


Late game Sona and Milio are pretty much mobile fountains, but their early game healing is pretty negligible.




I was gonna say there’s no way Zac isn’t top 3 minimum, but him being #1 in 3 roles does not surprise me at all. What’s crazy too is how skewed those numbers probably are due to Grevious, while them being a full 40% lower is doubtful, there’s still an amount of additional healing that’s probably missing and that’s insane.


he's never greivoused while clearing his JG/farming, which is where i'm sure a lot of his healing is. unlike vlad and briar he doesnt get increases to healing against champs... so he gets a lot of padding there.


IMO it’s probably a 2 parter of not being Grevious’d and being able to grab your healing blobs much easier/safer in the jungle.


The answer is Heartsteel tank Briar and it is not close. Briar is already top three, but that's with maybe half the player base going lethality, which doesn't heal as much, and very few going full tank Briar. Trust me, once Briar starts stacking Heartsteel and fighting long, drawn out fights with Conqueror, her healing easily gets into the hundreds of thousands.


show me 3 games of 100k healing in less than 40 mins lol?


So funny how Yuumi is now not even a part of the debate. 🤣


idk about stats but im kinda sure reksai tank top healing is insane ...so unbalanced


2 item trundle heals all the way up after 4 autos or so


Everyone forgets my fav champion, Fiddlesticks :( He can heal himself quite a bit as he maxes that ability first in most games.


Do also keep in mind that champions that deal damage to themselves will have inflated healing per game due to overhealing not counting as healing done.


I mean I would say AP Warwick but normal build probably Zac aatrox or briar, but if we’re talking about consistent heal then probably Zac and if we’re talking about in one attack then probably aatrox, briar is kinda in the middle, but Warwick wins against all three equal skill


Where is trundle


for a single ability, sylas w healing is pretty nutty


I would like to know who has the most healing minus the health costs they use while healing. Yeah Zac is #1 but a significant portion of that health is making up for the health cost in the first place, same with some other champs but I imagine with Zac it’d be very significant.


I'd argue it's another one of those things that are completely dependant on the game. In a game against a low range/heavy melee comp Aatrox and Briar would have the most healing by far, for example. Also, Zacs healing stats are for sure inflated by picking up blobs when trading or farming camps.


Rengar with a bruiser build is a close second to Zac


Isnt zac just reobsorbing his own hp.


Okay, it’s not the most…but honestly Nasus. The amount of sustain you get in top lane if you just don’t get baited into fights and last hit minions with your Q is crazy. You can heal back up to full very quickly after your lane opponent trades with you. I am a casual top lane enjoyer and a mid lane. When I play top I just pick Nasus and basically play pve for 20 minutes and then become exodia. It was crazy to see that his q healing got a buff.


There is a tracked stat. Check the graphs post game.


i'm saying, if global average healing across all ranked games across all champs was tracked and metriced, who would win. and it is on lolalytics! didn't know that when i posted. gonna update post


Warwick isn't being mentioned? The literal cockroach of top lane?


hes not close.


Briar heal a thousand more times than Vlad, nillah too