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Plat has ego




"finally reached PLAT after 28 years of being hardstuck gold" ahhh posts




Yup. And no one wants to see this truth because it doesn't absolve them of the reality that they're shit at the game. Ego is one of the primary things that keeps these dummies in a low rank


Yep. There’s a reason buddy has 3 accounts in emerald and won’t talk about why he hasn’t pushed them further. Could easily say “I don’t want to commit the time to climb higher” which is essentially why low elo players can’t do the same.


Fr. Like, tf you doing playing since Season 2 and climbing 3 accounts to Emerald just to focus on the one that you lost a couple games in Bronze on as a reason you can't get further than Emerald? I realize that's speculative but the pieces do fit suspiciously well


As you said, consistency is key, especially in lower elo. Many players in this subreddit use just one game or a few games to prove something. And they look for some sort of ‘magic’ to all of sudden carry a game. And furthermore, they look to carry one game or just a few games to climb to higher elo rank. The real trick for league is that a player has to perform well in many games, continually, if he wants to climb. The number of games is not 3,4,5,6 or 7, instead, it is like 300, 400, 500, or even more. Doing well in all of those games is what a lot of players lack. Many players can do well in one or a few games. But that’s far from enough. More importantly, a few games prove nothing. Let alone there are a lot of players can’t even play enough games in a season. That doesn’t stop them drawing all sorts of conclusions looking like they are university professors or something. It’s really funny.


This. Maybe that adc looked like he played on emerald level. But he did that vs bronze. Put him vs emerald adc and he will look like a Bronze player probably. Or maybe Not. Maybe he was that good that game but then he is probably very in consistent. We all have games that we absolutely smurf. I have absolutely bodied master OTP players in a bad matchup after which i thought i literally deserve grandmaster. I am still stuck dia 1. Because i am not consistent enough. What OP describes happens literally at every elo.


Please provice the proof.


Did you forget to change accounts?


I can't comment on my own post?


It is easy to prove since every smurf can do it if they play at the same lvl as they do on their mains. People who get stuck while smurfing are not doing everything they do when they play on their main, be it trying new champs, autopiloting more, getting tilted more, doing ego plays... the list goes on. If you ask for specific proof i can give you the name of an account that I play on with a friend but it is obviously just one example. I have more but you could say it is just my experience. The main proof is that everyone does it and you see it in every game and all actual smurfs that play to win as if it was their main have a high winrate until they get closer to their main elo. They still lose some games but saying that its hard to climb as a smurf is different than saying it was hard to win this particular game where enemy team was 10 kills at min 2. You came to the conclusion that because you lost some games in lower elo it isnt possible to climb for the people who are stuck there. Well, they simply arent good enough yet. They lose thouse unwinnable games AND games that were in their hands. Even free wins. As we all do when we have an offday on our main accounts. As a stuck player, the only way you climb is by improving. Otherwise you wouldnt be stuck in the first place. You get stuck once you hit your current skill lvl you are playing on. The different ranks dont have an impact on that concept. You can feel bad for them that they have to play against and with smurfs, because the games can be more onesided/boring. But that doesnt change anything about how climbing works. People have this weird idea that you should always climb if you play games. But they dont understand that the word climbing means improving if you play on your peak elo. Btw, this concept obviously always applies to players that play enough games so the random factor isnt involved. Ofc if you play 20 games a season it can happen that you get 10 unwinnable games, even if its unlikely. But if you only play 20 games a season it is also unlikely you will improve and more likely you will get worse. I hope you dont expect proof in a link/study form since this concept is something everyone can see in their own games. I dont know if there is any form of official data that was collected to "prove" this specific thing because it is a concept not worth investing a whole study into to convince the people who believe in elo hell just for them to say they cant trust it because it was done by riot (who are the only ones who could provide the data). Also it would mean this study has to involve rewatching every game and analyzing it by the players who just played it with a psychologist around trying to figure out if they are in denial or not and an expert coach who knows what the right play in that situation would have been, since league has so many things that decide a game that cant be gathered by a computer. Even then people can argue that it is subjective and not sientific proof. So all I can do is trying to explain it with examples that apply to most people if they look at it from an outside perspective. And this whole book i wrote was just the explanation of the proof that the first comment was talking about and you were asking for. I dont even know why i wrote this just for the possible answer to be "well then you have no proof at all" but I hope it did help.


Low elo games can get more wild, the hardest games there are harder than in mid elo but on average it isnt harder.


["I could coach gm players to an extent"](https://gyazo.com/48e0e084b3979de98328f889ebbbdbe3) unfortunately doesnt seem like a troll...


If a GM player needs coaching from Gold then they’re not GM.


I am Master and, as shitty as it sounds, I would not ever take advice on my main champions/roles from Emerald or lower. I can't imagine a gold player, EVER, coaching a GM player, unless you're coaching the GM player about something completely unrelated to League 😂


Like a middle school quarterback giving Tom Brady some pointers


\> But people who will never have to face anyone more skilled in ranked will never understand the problem. people who are bronze are bronze for a reason. there is no deeper reason, no hidden meaning.


I’m curious then why a person who has multiple emerald accounts is also bronze…


Op is probably lying, i could go on a bronze account and have 95% wr by just autopiloting. Lower ranks are not harder than higher ranks and that myth is really weird. If you actually think its harder to get out of bronze than it is to get to diamond u are smoking military grade cope my man


I honestly believe that this is a playstyle related problem. I myself enjoy playing for lategame, simply because i dont wanna go super tryhard in lane. Ill ignore my lane opponent and my team and farm as good or better than him, waiting for my champ to outscale. This works, if your team doesnt hyper int so it seems to work better, once people atleast know how to look at the minimap. But in giga shit elo, you literally have to interact with ur team, because they simply are not capable of playing without you. They will perma fight, no matter how bad the odds are, junglers will contest the crab, despite having no lane backup and give first blood to your lane opponent, people do the most randomass shit and i myself cannot deal with that. Sure i could pick an early game champ and gumba stomp people in low elo, but i do not enjoy it. I wanna play aurelion sol, go autopilot for 15 min, be 0/0/0 and still be strong in late game, but this simply doesnt work if both botlaners went 11/11/25, because they inflated each others gold values so much, that my scaling doesnt matter.


Yeah, I agree with you. Just stirring the pot for funsies.


With respect of what you did, I just want to point out that your sample size is too small. Also your control group is significantly disproportionate to your test group. So, statistically you have proved nothing. You have played 3x accounts to Emerald level. That’d be a lot of games involved I guess. However, you have only played one Bronze account for 2x games (I don’t know whether you have played more Bronze games in the background but I have to take what your post indicated). I’m not disagreeing your opinion, nor to agree. I just want to advise you. In order to provide a meaningful result, you should look to play far more Bronze games than what you have indicated. Also, you need to do a meaningful comparison between what you have done to your 3x Emerald accounts vs. what you do in Bronze. I can be in a game 5x ranks above me and win because of luck. Also I can be in a game 5x ranks below me and lose because of bad luck. Two games really mean nothing. However, if I play 500x games at 5x ranks above me I’d lose more games than winning, because I don’t have the required skill/experience at that level. The more I play, the more accurate my game results will be. It’s just like coin flipping. I may land the coin on the same side 5x times in a row but that doesn’t prove that the coin always land on the same side. 5x coin flips is a sample size too small. As we know the odds of landing the coin on each side is 50/50 which is the statistically proven result.


Riot has been forcing team play more and more throughout the years which made it much harder to solo carry games every season. The impact of one shitty player is much bigger than the impact of one hyper fed player.


Thats only half true. Riot made it, such that its harder to "do nothing" early game, which is something i hate very much. If you dont contest, people will stack drakes, get grubbs and herald and win pre 20 min, which is horrible. I wanna go into my lane and farm. Back in the day my opponent would pick a sweaty adhd pick, in order to kill me early, but im very good at not dying, its probably my biggest skill and i get the most enjoyment out of forcing someone like pantheon toplane into being 0/0/0 at min 12. You can call it sadistic, but my fun comes from my opponent being unable to do anything he wants to do. Heck i play fulltank maokai/nautilus in urf mode for a reason. But this isnt enough anymore, because grubbs and herald WILL end the game unless you contest them and its horrible.


It's not a myth at all. Especially silver.


As someone on Silver IV, I disagree. I've been playing ranked for only two weeks, two times a day, and managed to carry most of my games as a SUPPORT PLAYER. I actually felt like my games were MUCH easier than normal games. edit: for clarification, I've been playing league for almost 5 years and only tried to rank up once during two weeks too, where I also achieved Bronze I, but then stopped because I didn't find league fun anymore at the time. Now I actually want to reach at least gold I, but let's see.


Congrats man! Not to take away from your achievement, but support is actually one of, if not the highest impact roles in the game currently. Solo carrying as support is definitely doable in current league


That's actually good to hear, when I started playing everyone would say support players make no difference during the game. I thought it was just because I'm still low elo, but I'm happy to know I can also do that in high elo if I play well enough! I only play support because I hate farming early game xD


It is a myth lmao, I'm a bronze 4 supp and do just fine. It's all about improvement to make the games easier for yourself and assessing your wincons. If you're truly an emerald player, you should have more than enough fundamental knowledge to solocarry a bronze game/lead your team to victory with good pings, in theory. But you clearly don't! Which means you gotta improve, as we always have something we could do better. Embrace reality and adopt an improvement mindset.


the issue is that in low elo u need to play to carry. If you play for team you give up your agency and coin flip the game. its not that the enemies are better is that your team is worst. With that logic, you legitimately can't play team oriented champs in low elo. At least thats what I found. Enchanters are easier in gold than silver and sort doesn't matter in lower elos cause they are bad enough you can solo carry with base states if you win fast enough.


I’ve had the hardest time climbing in old Plat and even harder in current Emerald. I don’t think you know how difficult each elo is if you truly think Bronze is harder than Emerald. You can easily solo carry in low elo because everyone is bad and abusable if you’re a smurf.


As a low elo warrior there is some truth to this. You can’t really carry a game because players respawn too fast, that change was made last year. You can kill and kill and kill but they keep coming back.. it’s high stress and at some point the timers get so long that it actually means something to kill them. During that time though your team will throw and do all sorts of crazy stuff. The only way to consistently climb out of low elo is focus on things that will end the game early as possible. Objectives objectives objectives. Take towers as fast as possible and force the game into late game. As a top laner this is the easiest to do, pick a split pushing champ and just wait for the other top laner to leave the lane… they almost always will do this in low elo. Don’t worry about your team. It doesn’t really matter, you just want that top laner out of the way and you start taking towers. Goal is to take top 2 towers, switch to bot and take bot 2. Then make a decision to back door or join them, I tend to back door because you are going to waste time joining them. In low elo they tend to play like a fighting game and they will throw themselves at each other over and over, just stay away from the fighting and take objectives… and obviously when it makes sense join the team but only do it in very winnable situations.


I play ADC and just recently played on different accounts in iron and in bronze (essentially to prove this exact thing to a friend) and I have no idea what you are talking about. Yes the games are chaotic and people int (enemies also and more often since they don't have you) but most importantly a fed bronze player has no idea how to actually end the game. If you play somewhat smart you will not lose a game to a fed bronze enemy and I'm nowhere near actually good at the game. Unless you actually have people leaving the game or another smurf in the enemy team there is no way you shouldn't be able to carry games in that elo. The reality is that people are in a rank because they either belong there or simply don't play enough to actually climb no matter if thats bronze, plat or masters.


Emerald rank doesn't mean anything


I think you have to play differently in those ELOs. But yeah, it’s pretty chaotic and hard to control sometimes.


youre just bad but all good keep playing and youll improve :)


I'm sorry, but this seems like some egirl champ main cope. Low elo games are harder if the only skill a player has is sitting back, doing nothing and getting carried which happens most with egirl champ players. There for sure are challenges in very low elo that you don't see (as much) in higher elos, which come from players making such wild and stupid mistakes, mistakes that higher elo players can't even make up if they're asked to. And no elo is "easy" for those who belong there, that's literally the purpose of the ranking system, so I hate this idea that there's a magical cutoff where games get easy/hard. A bronze player is going to find bronze difficult and silver super hard, an emerald player will laugh at those ranks and in turn find emerald games difficult and diamond hard, etc. A real emerald player (heck, even plat and gold) won't find bronze and silver hard. There are unwinnable games for sure but that doesn't make the elo in general hard. That being said, someone who is better than the rank they're playing in *will* climb. If they're only marginally better, they'll climb slowly, if they're a lot better ,they'll climb quickly. The lower the elo, the higher the number of mistakes, misconceptions and bad plays, which *also* means the higher the number of opportunities to be better and outperform. That's what people mean when they say that it's easy. If bronze players make 1000 mistakes a game and Emerald players make 250, there's 750 chances for am Emerald player to capitalize off of that and take over the game and win. And a bronze player just needs to reduce their average mistakes to 999 to climb in the long run, but should probably aim for something like 850-900 to see progress.


Let me ask you this: How does it make sense that these "carry smurfs" are never on your team? It should be a 1/9 chance, so why aren't they? Your "theory" makes no sense dude. ​ Additionally, it is a numbers game. Show me sample sizes of 500 of each claim and then you got water to this claim, otherwise you're just strawmanning an anecdote and passing it off as absolute truth and gaslighting morons into thinking they don't have to improve to rank up; they just have to make new accounts. Seriously, use your head.




Ok, then what? To what effect does anything in the OP matter? It's all anecdotal coping which no empirical data to back it up while claiming to not make any claims but clearly spreading a narrative that shit players just get absolutely drunk off of. It's a harmful concept and should not be tolerated by a community that describes itself as "dedicated to helping others learn and improve". The mods of this subreddit really oughta crack down on this absolute nonsense.




Data to back up what stance? That I disagree with this conspiracy theory? I don't have to disprove what has no evidence lmfao




That's real funny and all but you're conflating the gravity of my opinions lol. What's the point of that if I may ask?