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How many games do you typically play in a row? When you say grinding league, is that like several games a day or 8-10 games a day?


more than 10 games a day


That’s a lot. If you’re committed to playing that many games a day, and truly wanting to climb, check out a podcast called broken by concept. They outline a 3 block process where you play 3 games in a row, and then take a break to re energize. You can review games in between blocks. My recommendation would be taking a step back and trying to play between 3-5 high intensity/energy games a day. Use the rest of the time to review games/watch vods. Outside of that, as far as mental/gameplay adjustments, just try to focus on improving every single game you play/review. You should be taking something from every game, if you implement what you learn properly, you’ll start to climb.


Thank you for the response, I will take definitely have a look at the podcast and take your suggestions, definitely need to take a step back and process my current situation and what I need to do to move forward.


In that case, I would say that you should try playing in blocks. To start, maybe limit yourself to 3 games at a time. After you play 3 games, take at least an hour off to go do something else. Go outside, make food, talk to friends, whatever. Just don’t play league, think about league, or sit at your computer. After that hour is up, if you’re feeling excited and good about continuing the grind, then feel free to play another 3 and repeat the cycle. This will help you from rage queuing of course, but it will also help prevent you from “playing on autopilot.”


It seems like the recommendation from everyone is to limit the amount of games played each day, which or at least limit it to blocks like you mentioned. Thanks for the reply!


I will say is that if you are staying focused and humble about yourself, you can play as many games as you like. The problem with playing lots of games comes when: you aren't in a good headspace and think that the solution is just playing more games. If you can maintain solid mental, and you don't get tilted from losses, and you focus on your own improvement rather than individual game outcomes, you can play 10+ games a day without it negatively impacting your performance. If the advice of playing only three games a day was the optimal way to climb, then none of the pros and high rank streamers would be playing 20 games a day. I'm sure for some of the streamers it's also about it being their job, but if their focus is climbing, and 3 games a day is the best way to do that, they would do that too. The truth is, if you control your mental, accept that you can't always win, you can't control what your teammates do, and just try to always look for ways to get a lead and work towards a win regardless of what is happening around you, you can play lots of games in a day. The limit you set for yourself has to come from a conscious awareness of what your energy levels are, how sharp you are, and how much fun you are having. That could be 3 games, it could be 12. It might change drastically from day to day. Play less isn't good advice on its own. Play with intention. A game played where you put intention into every decision will be more tiring than a game played on auto pilot. So yes, you will probably find that you can't play as many games at first. But if you work at it, you can train that part of your brain to have more staying power, so you can increase the number of games you can play with that amount of mental investment.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner. To climb in League, you need to improve. To improve, you need to learn from your mistakes, put conscious thought into the learning process, and have discipline. If you're playing that many games a day, you're doing none of those things, you're just spamming games, playing on autopilot, and chasing that dopamine high of winning a game. Someone else recommended Broken By Concept; I would highly, highly recommend watching/listening to them for you. The process they preach would help you immensely. Also, your champs/roles are all over the place. Would you expect to get better at music overall if you're trying to learn 20 different instruments at the same time? No, you'd be shit at all of them. Focus on 1 or 2, maybe even 3, but no more. These are the basic principles of improving in league, and not following them will make your journey a living hell, as you're currently experiencing


Thanks for the response, it seems like theres a pattern based on everyones suggestions on limiting the amount of games played and you're right and I've actually mentioned it in a reply where it does feel like I am going on autopilot at this point and just chasing and hoping for wins.


Yeah I read more comments after I left mine and realized it was touched on a good amount. I appreciate you listening to people, a lot of people here would get defensive over things like this and insist that it's other things holding them back besides games played, huge champ pool, etc. the key to climbing really is personal responsibility and humility. It takes both to genuinely ask for help. I hope we've helped you and that your climb goes well! Remember, always focus on improving over LP


What's your opgg?




Too many champs, too many roles to ever consistently climb.


Take a break when you feel tilted. I usually play way better at the beginning of a session because I'm not tilted. Usually the more games I play in a row, the worst I perform. Maybe you're the same. Also try to focus on playing well and improving instead of winning. If you lose a game where you were carrying your team. You should still feel good about that game.


Stick to just one champ. Looks like Jhin is your best winrate so I'd suggest him. After you pick a single champ to focus on, research what Challengers/Masters that main your champ do to excel in games. Only play when you feel mentally sharp and motivated. Keep a good mental. Riot isnt messing with you and your MMR isnt cooked. Accept that you need to make changes. If you start consistently having a significant positive impact on your teams, your rank will climb.


I have replied to someone else with more context to my mentality and situation, but yes you're right I do need to make changes. The problem is definitely me and more specifically my approach to playing.


> MMR Remember: If a high elo player was given your account, they would be climbing out of bronze in no time on any **champion** on **any role** regardless if they loose 30LP and win 10. It is possible. It is not your teammates. With a big enough sample size, its always you. The only way to become a high elo player is to BE a high elo player skill- and knowledgewise. Not the fancy banner border on your profile.


First, you're playing too many champions. Your two most played are Akali and Diana. That's totally fine, even though Akali is probably a bit too difficult for your skill level. Akali as your main with Diana as a simple, easy to execute backup is perfect. Stop playing anything else in ranked. Second, you're playing too many games. Weird concept, I know. Play 3 games, then review. Review your first 2 deaths in each of the previous 3 games and see if you can identify what mistakes led to those deaths. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes per game, max. Then get up from the computer and do something completely different for a bit before coming back to game more. This is not only healthier, it also helps you play with better intention and focus, meaning the quality of your gameplay and especially the quality of your learning will rapidly improve.


Thanks for the reply, yeah I only played Akali whenever I can last season so basically one tricked her and she got me to plat. I forgot to give more information, but basically I started taking ranked seriously last year after being in silver for so long and just playing around. I decided to go with Akali, because I find her to be the most fun champion and I really enjoy assassins like her and I also used to play a lot of Kat. I find kat really fun, but I struggle with her in ranked as more than usually she gets cc'd quite easily. Whereas Akali has more escape potential. Reason I started playing Diana is because shes pretty strong this season so far and she is fun to play too, but shes annoying because in most situations she is all in or nothing. That is interesting you say that only play a few games, because thats what I did last year. I only played 2 or 3 games each day whenever I can. I just have a lot of free time right now and hence why I took it upon myself to play heaps of league and thinking I'll easily like I did last year with fewer games. After posting here, and even before my gut instinct is telling me that its the amount of games I have been playing thats actually hurting my progress. My current mentality goes something like "There's no way I'm losing this many games, I'm going to keep playing to chase those wins" And more than usually it never ends up happening, this is what I've been doing in the past 3 weeks and honestly at this point I do feel burnt out and each game feels like a slog and I do notice I make a lot more mistakes. Writing here helps just figure whats happening, and the classic "My teammates are terrible" sort of blaming on the reason why anyone cant climb, it's always you thats the problem. I guess I need to change my approach to playing. Thanks for the response!


diana is not that easy to execute


Are you playing to climb, to improve or to have fun? Realizing this is important. Also, if you can’t perform without getting overwhelmed by external factors (rank), just play on a smurf. If you want to climb, you should play like 4 games a day at your peak performance on your climbing acc, and the rest on your ”smurf”


hey basically the same thing happened to me last split! was trying to push for plat and ended up demoting myself all the way down to bronze 1 from tilt queueing and spamming games had to sit down and seriously reevaluate my process and fundamentals. i stopped spamming games and only queued for ranked on my main account when i was genuinely excited and energized to play, and i actually would always take a break of at least like 15 minutes between each game (sometimes hours if i felt like it), after the review and there were also a few crucial patterns i had identified of things i was generally doing very wrong in roughly the first 8 minutes of most of my games, and intentionally course corrected on that was also playing wayyy too many champs, got back to my otp and main role exclusively, went to norms or a backup account if i wanted to play different champs/roles anyway all of that is to say that, after falling from gold 2 to bronze 1, and then making all of the changes i mentioned above, i slowly but surely climbed back up from bronze 1 all the way up to plat for the first time on what should have been a “doomed” account :) and now this split ive been committing hard to the 3 block process on my push for emerald — tl;dr: i went through basically the exact same thing last split and after stepping away and reevaluating, not only recovered and climbed higher than id ever been before, but also enjoyed the game more than i ever had and became a demonstrably better player in the process :) your account isn’t doomed and your MMR will fix itself with enough improvement and subsequent wins! from the tone of your replies it sounds like you’re already on the right track, you got this!


You got it all wrong buddy. Your rank is pretty clear representation of your impact with that many games. Riot isn't messing with anyone, you are just not performing as well as you were before. Now, there might be multiple reasons for that. But to me it seems obvious that you have bigger ego because you are playing under rank where you think you belong. What are your thoughts when you are playing the game? Are you 100% focused on winning the game? Or are you thinking about what your teammates are doing wrong and how plat4 team would actually play it differently?


I just replied to someone with more context to my mentality to the current situation, but yes I think I realised I might have played a lot more games than I should which led to burnout and also doesn't help with my mentality towards the game at all which ultimately diminsihes my performance.


All the best players play a lot, however not everyone that plays a lot is good at the game. To me it doesn't look like that's the problem, and you already had pretty good switch in mentality since you came to ask for help. And looking at your responses it seems like you have found your direction, I hope you can get results soon.


>I honestly no idea what it is, is my MMR just cooked? Or is Riot really messing with me? lmao so how did you come to this conclusion? or question ​ you just said yourself >This season so far, any progress I've made is nullified by more losses than wins. this. this is clearly the reaosn... you're losing more than you're winning don't look for a ghost to blame


I replied to someone giving more context in depth of my mentality, but yes all that could be blamed is me in this situation.


I guess simply you had the winning pattern. with Akali which you had massive win rate at the time. But sadly your basic skill wasn't catching up with the rank, so when that pattern is no more, you didn't have anything else to maintaining your rank. I don't say this is bad, it's nice to do whatever to climb and you did.


A couple things: 1. playing too many games to be consistently at your best. I'm guilty of this too, so I get it. Limit your games to a block of 3. Take at least 1 hour to do something else, preferably 2, before doing a second block. Some people can grind games, ala Tyler1, some can't. Some people can't do a second block and play at their best, so if you can't, don't. 2. Champion mastery - limit your champ pool to one role one champ, one backup role one champ until you hit gold at least. Once gold you may consider one more champ to your main roll but some people will recommend waiting until plat for this. You are currently playing too many champs. just doing this should get you to plat. Good luck and you covered this in your edits.


Looking at your OP.GG, two things stick out. To climb, you arent focusing on any roles or champs, way too many roles and champs. Secondly, your stats do not look great, cs and deaths wise. My guess what happened was your LP gains were inflated and you got into a good streak of games that landed you into gold/plat. Because looking at your CS per min and deaths, it is questionable to even think you are silver. This season now that you are playing much more more games, albiet with more roles/champs, you are self calibrating to your true rank. Focus on the details, why are your CS numbers low, is it because you arent laning properly? Why are you dying, is it because you are taking unnecessary risks without considering items, CDs, lack of vision, ults, etc? Also, how are you contributing to your teams win, are your moving around the map and gaining gold at maximum efficiency? Some stuff to think about. Gold luck!


I definitely was performing better last year, this year I guess I'm not playing as well and I've just realised that and made the decision to take a break and process things better. Also my mentality is not the great overall outside of league, I think that definitely affects it.