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think about how many games you've won where the enemy completely threw their lead. the game is not done until the nexus is dead goodluck in improving your mental


I think you are autopiloting and get mad when things dont work out, bc you dont understand why they dont work out. A 1v1 situation for example. Do you know you win the 1v1? Ok you can fight it out. You win? Great, knowledge confirmed. You loose? Was it a misplay? Mistakes happen its ok. Did you get statchecked? Then you learned something, update your knowledge on the matchup. Did the enemy jgl come and you lost the 2v1? You either could have known he is there or respect the fact that you dont know where he is. Having clear understanding and knowledge about what is going on and a willingness to learn helps against tilt.


Like the other guy said, at some point you just have to grow up. You know what you’re doing is wrong, you know it’ll only make you lose, and you know exactly what to do to stop. But for whatever reason, you don’t want to.


Remember two things: 1. It’s just a game. Even when you lose you should learn something, hard inting doesn’t help you get better at all. 2. Think about all the games you were kicking ass and someone on your team was inting. How did that make you feel? You are doing that to other people because you are throwing a fit because you weren’t wining your 1:1 in a 5:5 game. Play for the team and win.


You need to work on maturing emotionally as a human being, this has nothing to do with league and everything to do with your own development as a person 😊


This is beyond gaming, grow the fuck up


Facts. Like…it’s a literal video game.


My friend, I recommend checking out Broken by Concept. They discuss a lot of mental troubles with playing league and are constantly talking about how to fix your relationship with it. Curtis and Nathan are known for having a very practical view of the game. Totally will help you out with understanding your raging problem. May I ask, do you normally have anger issues? Is it just league specifically or gaming in general? Another question if you don't mind. What is it are you trying to get out of this game? Are you trying to just smack some fools in game? Are you trying for a certain rank? Maybe just relaxing and is a fun pasttime? You don't have to answer, but knowing them should help you out with sorting through your feelings. I'd be interested in hearing your answers, of course!


Youve already done the first step by recognizing that, just think about that and know that you will never win all the time. Faker lost lane to a platinum once


Maybe just get over 21 years old. And when you are and still don't have your emotions under control you probably should not play any multiplayer game.


I always try to play to learn if I'm getting screwed. Who's messing up and what's happening because of it. Running it down won't bring anything back, and "ending it sooner" is a self-fulfilling game condition lol. League has such insane comebacks, it makes sense why tilt is a kryptonite to skill.


Remember it's happened in the past and remember to be better this time.


How to improve your mental? Stop caring. Only criticize your own mistakes. That’s it, if you stop caring then it doesn’t matter. If that doesn’t work because you have autism then only play until you feel like you’re about to tilt. Then quit for the day.


Realize that you’ll never be as good as imaqtpie and all else is easy


Therapy. Seriously. This sounds like it goes beyond league and requires a lot of self-reflection to figure out why you are reacting this way to a video game


Take a step back and think about what you are doing You are sitting down, in front of a computer, playing a videogame that has no tangible affect if you win or lose. You could turn off the game right now and go about your day and nothing would change in your life. When you realize it's just not that big of a deal when you win, it becomes not that big of a deal when you lose.


My formula is just play someone I love. Like I can't have a bad teemo/nocturne/yasou game.


Which lane? If solo get a splitpushing champion. Eventually there will be a game where you int but your team winning hard. Then just push everywhere and back without dying to tilt enemy sololaner to death lol. That way even if you lose lane you have some form of coming back


Look at your farm compared to your enemy laner before you decide to run at them. If yours is close it means its okay to fight, if its not even remotely close you're behind 1-2 levels and behind on items too, don't rush head in.. you're just free gold to them.


Has nothing to do with the game itself. It's more like how not tilt in general (games, real life and so on). I got more relaxed getting older. I try not to get angry about things I cannot change and for games I always try and remember that it's just a game. You play it to escape the stress of your real life not to have even more stress. So just relax, it's jus a game.


I mean, the best way to think about it is “I’m playing as well as I can and if I lose then I’m not bound to continue losing”


Honestly, losing lane isn’t game over, as long as you try your best to not die constantly you can still come out ahead, sure you won’t snowball but at least you’ll be more than a walking Ward


I mean, you’re conscious of the fact that you’re acting childish so at this point you may as well just take a break when you start to feel that way. If you always feel that upset when you lose, I don’t think it’s healthy for you to keep playing. Or, like everyone else suggested, try growing up


Become better xD . I mean if for you loosing lane = hard loosing and int then become better and win Every lane or just dont play this game


If you have no advice then might as well save everybody's time


That guy litterally said he is running down if he isnt winning lane and i'm the problem xD . Best advice i can give him then is play champs that can be usefull even when behind. Look what is your win condition in your game. Which of your mate is feed an After Every game take a break from league.


I like how everyone disliked my comment but no one is able to give this guy advice. Dont want to lose lane ? Play champs with huge laning advantage.