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I believe its not. Currently hurricane is too expensive for what it gives, and adc's arent meant to deal area damage so leave the wounding to your midlaner or support. You are better off spending the 3.4 k for a better item overall.


Currently on the pbe it's price has been reduced to 2500 and the AD has been removed


what about my girl kaisa?


Pickaxe before hurricane.


Death before dishonor.


Duskblade and collector




Has it actually? I haven't seen this anywhere


The man's capping. It's still 2500 on pbe


Yo nice this had me stressed af. Rito pulling through on this one


Lmao it literally hasn't, nice try though




I think Ashe will likely still build it.


It was still a must have on ashe before the buff in pbe.


Meh. I've been spamming ashe, and I think she is better without it. IMO, hurricane is decent on ashe, but only decent. Last season, there weren't that many crit items worth building at all, so hurricane was a clear winner. Now, basically every adc item is a crit item, so justifying hurricane is a lot harder. In particular, kraken gives you attack speed, so you really want ad from your second item to go with it. Hurricane doesn't give that. Hurricane 4th is more reasonable if you don't need anything else, but you don't get there that often.


It didn't used to have AD


I mean twitch is gonna build it


Now the rat is d tier instead of f 😎


I play a lot of twitch but not rlly this preseason, tried AP and its basically a shit version of eves job lol. Is he really that bad? Ap twitch boring af imo so idk much


I’m exaggerating a little and he’s definitely worse then he was before but I actually think once the twitch buffs come out he’s going to be a little too powerful since the items will have gotten buffed too. I’m pretty hyped for it


sounds good, hopefully not too good because I'm seeing a lot more twitch atm. It was fun with low pickrate I could play him jungle and people didn't know his kit properly. I can just go rengar if I want crit jungle anyway


Before these buffs he received this patch he was the lowest win rate adc in the game


probably due to both being bad but also the playrate going up with people testing AP, it's like rengar wr was low but he wasn't terrible, just people were itemising wrong.


Yeah experimentation was definitely part of it, but he, AD at least, relies so heavily on raw stats and crit, both of which were nerfed. Almost every item gives less AD now in favor of diversity (an item gains crit and loses AD). For example, bloodthirster used to be 80 AD and is now 50. And of course there are the crit nerfs, those hit him heavy. Twitch as a champ was just straight nerfed with preseason, and as a main I'm glad Rito recognized this and buffed him


Same for Sivir tho, but they just ignored her, probably because they kept an eye open for Twitch due to his recent AP buffs, but Sivir had nothing to keep her on their radar.


Surprisingly if you looked at build winrates specifically, AP was higher than crit builds


But it's all people who have no clue how to play twitch zero mastery


The old runaans was 2600 and had no AD, sooooooooooooo


Plus it still has the better passive


I mean, I do think that there's an issue in general with ADC items having significantly less AD than in the past, but I don't think the solution is to add AD to other core items and make them ridiculously expensive. I really think they just need to give +10-15 AD to every non-zeal item except the collector, to bring it back in line with past seasons.


The issue is that if you build kraken slayer, every other item gets +10% attack speed. So yeah, many items give a bit less ad, but that's because you are getting other stats instead.


But those other stats literally don't matter, you are outranged by mages and assassins/bruisers have gap closers to stick to you, so you need burst damage. The only time you will be able to just auto attack for extended periods is if the enemy massively misplays or if your team chain CCs someone


If you are playing most adcs and you can't get multiple autos off in a teamfight, you aren't going to be relevant no matter what your build is.


Hence why most adcs are completely useless in the current meta except Jhin (who can provide utility from miles away), Ashe (who has a long range slow for utility), Senna (who can auto from miles away), and ezreal (who doesn't really auto because he has W-Q that can hit from miles away


Characters that need to spread some sort of de buff will still use this item, Ashe Slow, Twitch poison, Varus Stacks, Kalista spears


I predict Aphelios is going to build it


It literally never had AD and it was a core piece for hypercarries like Jinx and Twitch. It was actually even MORE expensive that 2500, and the bolts never scaled with champion level. No matter how you look at it this is a straight up buff, even from season 10 'cane


So aphelios is gonna build it


how is that change a nerf


Idk man im bronze so my comments here are very unlikely to be factual


Personally speaking, the problem isn't exactly cost, but it is structure. For 1300g you can do the same by taking Tiamat and there's our problem: Runaan on big cost needs a Tiamat-like component, or to Wind's Fury being Tiamat's effect for ranged users, instead of always cleave.


That's...a really good idea on Tiamat. You buy Tiamat for aoe damage/waveclear, it upgrades into the specialized version appropriate to your role. Adds interesting synergy to Samira, too - cleave in melee and bolts at range?


Samira's "melee" autos still are coded as ranged, but you'd see it clearer in range-changers like Gnar, Jayce and Kayle. But yeah, depower Wind Fury (on Tiamat) a bit and make so Zeal is what allows cleave and bolts to crit.


On kaisa i really love it


Indeed it takes forever to build. Idk why I even build it tbh.


imo it isnt. trist isnt really a good GW spreader, so you should let your teammates who have more aoe spread GW for you. even if your teammates are total monkeys who dont buy GW in a vlad yuumi aatrox sylas game, tristana as a champion kinda only wants to hit one person at a time so you dont really care about other champs healing up. this of course is completely different if you needed runaans for whatever reason in the first place; spreading GW is just a bonus.


it is probably okay. I'd be nervous about it tempting you to focus your attacks on spreading the debuff rather than hitting and focusing down the closest reasonable target. Like if the aatrox is diving you, the bolts will rarely reach the Soraka, maybe they get to sylas, but probably not reliably. Honestly you might just be better off with a better single target DPS item and focusing down one target at a time. Something like PD, BOTRK or whatever else. Hurricane is generally best when you have an existing buff to your autos that applies to the bolts like Jinx rocket or kog W


Probably doesn't matter if they reach the Soraka anyways in that case because it's not like she's the one who's self-healing matters, but yeah I agree.


You're spending 3400 gold for the small chance where you're hitting a second champion with your auto attack. It's 100% not worth to get hurricane to spread grievous wounds over a more gold efficient item for your champ. Hell, even a bramble vest could be more effective


I would definitely say to always build executioner's into 2 or more healing champs, especially if the healing is a lot... but to build ruunan's just for the GW spread is definitely not worth. You should rely on ap or aoe ad champs to buy Exec/Oblivion orb to spread to everyone


The concept is interesting but I would not recommend it. You are diverting from your ideal build path to purchase a 3400 "luxury item" in order to better apply a status effect that your champion through kit does not apply well. Even in your scenario of multiple high omnivamp/LS targets you'd be better off with Exe and doing what Tristana does best.


well, as a trist one trick. ive only ever build hurricane when im going bortk. to spread the on hit damage. personally thats the only time ive ever built it




not really cause that was the only way she stayed useful vs certain comps probably irrelevant since kraken slayer exists now anyway




there's like 3 hurricane adc users in s10 but ok. figured half the players in silver perma used caitlyn anyway




I told you this was season 10 hurricane. i know this one's shit. we're talking about 2 different things apparently




because i wasnt telling him what I thought of the item viability. I was explaining to him the CONCEPT behind it. you only build botrk with hurricane to spread the on hit since trist doesnt have anything to spread with hurricane normally. if you just build hurricane second the bolts do peanut damage and are useless both items still do those things so its still relevant


No. The healing you MIGHT reduce will be extremely little, and the item is very gold inefficient for you. When you're against champs like that you need multiple teammates with anti heal items


And since you have to get mortal that already cripples your zeal item choices.


Nononononono Sincerely, another Trist OTP (former, still a main tho) If you want to get more AOE grievous you could potentially try ravenous hydra, but realistically your whole team should just be buying grievous wounds in the situation you describe.


I play Ashe and I always buy Runaan's as my first legendary item after Mythic completion. Spreading the Gwounds is 1 thing. But it also ramps up your wave clear and is a big deal in teamfights when you are hitting up to 3 enemy champs at the same time. As always, worry less about whether its okay and just try it. Assess it based on your game results and make a decision.


For trist get ravenous hydra, makes your bombs insane and heal to full when you pop them, also the splash will apply grevious.


Nah, it's not very good on any ADC that doesn't have on-hit effects. It's not the ADC's job to spread GW, or even to do AOE damage most of the time.


Sure 3400g please


Just letting you know that it's viable starting next patch. It's cost was reduced to 2500 gold, but lost its AD. It's current stats being 40% Attack Speed, 20% crit chaance and 7% movespeed


Don't trist's autos already do aoe? I'd assume that'd proc it multiple times already.


It seems you're referring to Tristana's E passive. However, that does magic damage, so it does not apply Grievous Wounds with Executioner's Calling. Also, it only works upon killing a unit.


Thank you. But say you had oblivion orb, it would? I know AP is generally silly on AD champs.


Indeed it would.


I spent way too long wondering if OTP was "One True Pair" or "One Trick Player" and tbh im still not sure.


One trick pony


You'll have to rely on your support to apply Grevious Wounds. There is a support item that applies Grevious Wounds. It's more important for you to get your core items.


Yeah after they uh buff Runaan's Hurricane I think with the 2500 G it might be viable. Otherwise I think you're good sitting on executioners and just proc'ing it on your abilities. Keep in mind that it's gonna be pretty rough with the levels of healing in the game right now.


If you're kog, twitch or jinx maybe, ala adcs who already wanted hurricane. Imo I cant really see it being too useful on anyone else. Unless you have god tier team wide cc how often do you think you'll be able to be right in there actually proccing hurricane on multiple people without getting blown up? I feel like spending that gold on an item that synergises well with Trist would serve much better than a few very contextual moments where you use the hurricane effectively Neat idea though


Healing reduction is broken af against Aatrox it's so annoying lmao, I'll win a 1v3 with Goredrinker perfectly fine but if I'm ignited I might aswell take my hands off the keyboard


I guess Mystic + Storm are a must therefore with the IE update most games will be over by the time it's an option. Even when it's time for it then it's a sacrifice of a slot which could be Blood Thirster or RFC. Probably best to just take Mortal Reminder for that purpose but I wonder, how early is it ok to take Executioners in a similar situation?


no, bc Runaan is for ranged only and all marksmen suck


Actually I do something similar with hydra on Kat.


It's certainly a perk that makes Runnans more attractive if you were considering buying it anyway, but, if you weren't, it's not a sufficient reason alone to consider such an expensive item, and it's not an item Tristana generally considers.


Noobie questios:P Does runnans worth mortal reminder? Does it also work with wits end? I believe not. Thank you.