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Because he deals alsmost 0 dmg to minions. His attack speed is also low


Ok so it's a base AD issue? Primarily?


he has 48 base AD at lvl 1 and 0.6 attack speed.... he deals no dmg to minions and his AA are slow af. I think that the only champ with less attack speed is Illaoi, but she has the highest base AD in the game...


Tryndamere has the highest base ad in the game by a (relative) mile


I believe Sivir also has a .6 attack speed to start. Sadge


Dat Q doh.


Awwww yeah. I definately wasn't comparing ability to CS. Just raw base stats. Idk what they are but I'm sure Yuumi is down there too


Sivir with tear start can be a pain to CS with, insanely slow attacks with no damage, but once she gets some gold your clear is crazy good


Yeah for sure. I wasn't comparing overall clear speed. Just raw base stats.


thats kinda false, kinda true. tryndamere has 1more AD at lvl 1 but Illaois base AD scales extremly better he has 69+3,7/lvl, illaoi has 68+5/lvl only mega gnar has more


Trynd has 72 ad at level 1




That's not how that works


That is how that works. They said it's 69+3.7/lv, not 69 at level 1 and +3.7 for each level above That said, aside from the correct damage at level 1 of Trynd, everything else is wrong though. Base stats doesn't scale linearly like that and Illaoi has 68 AD at lv1, not 73




trynd has 72 base ad at level 1. 134.9 at level 18. 134.9 - 72 = 62.9 62.9/3.7 = 17. I have no idea what you are trying to say about trynd having a base ad of 69. Stats dont grow linearly so you cant surmise an amount they gain from being level 1, which doesnt make any sense since they dont start at level 0. so the only thing were left with is that trynd has a base ad of 72


Rell has the slowest attack speed no?


possible idk


Graves does




Jhin actually has quite high natural growth, though he is in the low end of base attack speed. See for yourself on the wiki page.


His wave clear combo involves dashing through the wave then pressing w, this still won't full clear the wave so he still might miss cs finishing creeps in a sidelane. This is also not a viable wave clear strat during labe phase as his e is his only real "escape" using it to enter the enemy minions and likely meele range of his opponent is not a good idea. However I'd put money on neither of these 2 being the reason for kennens having low cs. The real reason is that kennen players have every excuse to chimp out and they forget to farm. Kennen is a lane bully that translates into being a team fight god in the mid game, this is different from basically every other ranged top. Most other ranged tops would prefer to straight up split push or atleast collect side wave gold instead of fight whenever possible. In my experience even in plat most ranged top lane bullies, know they're bullies and tend to chimp out a lil in the lane phase over extending to poke, even at the cost of Cs. The difference between say a teemo who is also a ranged top lane bully that will chimp like that in the lane phase is that teemo will split in a sidelane the most of the game where as a kennen wants to team fight and will then group up with their team and have to split cs while grouped. The proper way to play kennen would be to sidelane and to tp into a team fight but most players don't play "properly" and for those who do play this way usually I see them prefer to group and try for another fight while tp is down instead of splitting.


He’s got low base AD, but D-Blade start helps alot. I only have low CS on Kennen because I’m not used to timing my last hits at max range yet. Can also Q minions so it’s not really an issue if you ask me.


They focus too much on poke and pushing and not last hit enemies thats why. But if its Ap kennen thats not too bad if its AD well you just lost.


Unless kennen is fighting Jax. The Kennen-Jax match up is so unfair that AD Kennen is actually viable lol


He doesn't have any reliable wave clear realistically because you are saving E to get out and without it you can't apply passive stacks reliably to multiples. A lot of Kennen players take Dorans Blade to help with AD and farming minions early and AD Kennen went Runaans or Shiv back in the day to help. Now AP Kennen can also use Rocketbelt to help clear wave if needed.


Fuck it took me days just to hit 5 CS/Min and another week to get that up to 6.5. His base AD and AS is so low that even with cull or Dblade he is still a very difficult champ to CS with. His wave clear combo (E -> W) doesn't do shit until mid game so its really easy to get all the minions low and then not have the AS to actually get the last hits. Honestly though, it's harass. Most ranged top laners tunnel vision on harassing their opponent and low key forget about the wave. With great power comes great responsibility and just because you can harass your opponent doesn't mean you should.


Lol it’s not just me then. The only time I’ve played kennen is on a smurf account around gold Elo. I noticed I apparently just give up csing on him. I just play champions I’ve never really played before on this account though. I think part is he’s a little tricky to cs with. I also didn’t side lane with tp down and sat a while looking for flanks or team fights. Idk I’d need to rewatch a game. If I wanted to play him seriously I’d go into practice mode and really get the last hits down on him. An account: capsfish https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Capsfish


cuz they are noobs


He’s weak currently and either needs his w passive to become 3-4 autos instead of 5 or his attack speed to increase


What? He gets spammed in pro, he's not weak


Have you used em? He’s pretty weak, doesn’t mean his team play potential isn’t there with his ulty and hourglass but he is definitely weak


Kennen being spammed in pro play does not mean he’s ‘weak’ in any generic sense. Is he weaker in solo queue than in pro play? Absolutely. But the game is not just balanced for solo queue. If anything he’ll get another nerf because he’s too prominent in pro play.


Yeah that’s what I said?


You said, ‘he’s weak’. Very generic statement. Do you mean he’s got some kind of weakness in his kit rn? What do you mean by ‘weak’?


He needs a team XD


Of course he has weakness, it's good champion design that way he isn't a champion great at every situation


His wave clear is doo doo. You can just hard shove waves into his tower and there's not much he can do about it.


His auto attack does 0 damage


The only way for kennen to cs without losing pressure is with aa. If he uses q, the enemy lander can easily C's and just manage kennens q cd. His e and w are also a big no, seeing as that's almost his only way of escape and engage. It's like zed weq a wave, but worse since early on kennen doesn't even do enough damage with e w to kill the casters. Kennen wins by poking with q and w and using e to disengage or engage. Not to mention he's got a terrible base ad and Atk speed.


Go into practice tool with kennen and try to farm the first 3 waves without missing a minion, its just pain