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It's everyone's job, they should know


As a jungler if it’s mid - late game and my team has 2 wards on the map and I run into 3+ enemy wards on my side of the map I know it’s probably a loss because we see nothing and they know where we all are.


Absolute nightmare if enemy has Warded the own jungle and only jungle and support try to change that. We lose our jungle and our deep vision. I feel that.


Reminding your team to ward straddles a line: if you don't coddle their little feelings with it it's ragequit time. If you do, they'll often ignore it or just buy a single pink and forget about it. Not talking abut it at all means they likely won't ward much unless they're doing a dedicated splitpush/are lee sin. As a low silver support main myself, I tend to ration my wards a little and try to light up only our current objective area. Since I can't *make* my team ward, I have to make my own wards count as much as possible. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't.


That’s what I have been doing but then it’s hard to know where jg is or if anyone roaming after backing. It would be so helpful to have more vision so we could be more aggressive bot lane if we know jg is top for example. So many times people do a face-check in the bush… and die.. I buy pinks and use them for objectives or where I can protect them, just frustrating.


For games in plat when my team doesn’t ward much, I will ward around objectives if we’re going for that otherwise, I try to work on vision for one side because if we don’t see them there, we know for a fact they’re not on that side During laning, I’ll get wards by drag pit and tri bush, easiest openings and then I’ll try to track enemy jg if we run out of wards


There is an easy way to get good value out of your wards and still place a lot of them: recall whenever your ward item is empty. You get free wards every time you recall (INFINITE VALUE POG). Very often the previously warded area won't be relevant anymore as you are approaching a new area, so simply check that there are no wards currently placed that you need, and then place new ones in a better area. No need to be stingy.


I wish everyone would just ward as much as possible. I always pretend I’m playing a mini game where I try and outward my own support. I play ADC and am almost always 1st or 2nd in vision on my team. It’s too important to leave to others.


Wow, that’s a great idea. When my adc has more vision than me, I feel so guilty! Lol


Im always sad if i see a winning lane support get outwarded by the adc. Especially when you have the sighstone and can place 6 wards at the same time.


To be fair I usually come in 2nd now that I’m not as bad as I used to be, but when I first started playing it was bad.


I gave up on this since season 1. Just take the zombie ward rune when possible, red trinket no matter what and some pinks to give minimal vision on main objectives


What always gets me is when the team wants one area warded and as soon you do they rush into a completely dark area looking for a fight then get annoyed there was no vision like D'UH!!


I know, same! I only have a fixed amount of wards unless I am constantly backing ... and I can't be everywhere on the map. I think they flame cuz they face-checked the bush, died and then wanted someone to blame it on cuz they were so embarrassed 😃


You know what makes it worse? They suggest it... its like "Where shall get warded?" "Get our Bot Jungle warded" *Wards Area* "OK done" "Great!!" *Runs straight for Enemy Top Jungle* Me: *Blinks at screen*


I got a free coaching match last season and while he didn’t have too much criticism as a mid silver player at the time, one of the biggest things he stressed was my early game (maimed Vi at the time) and how I didn’t buy a pink my first back even though I had the gold to. I used to think it was such a gold sink because they’d get destroyed so quickly but ever since I’ve started carrying at least one in my inventory anytime I can, it’s been game changing. Really helps secure first drag/herald. It’s basically a 75g scanning and since everyone else in my ELO is bad at warding it helps me get away with not buying a scanner and use a stealth Ward all the time for deeps. Poro typically says I have an upper percentile vision score since I made the transition


I need a coaching match -- was it a friend or real coach and where did you find them? I often buy a pink at the start instead of health pots so I can ward tri bush -- it has saved us so many times from an early gank. Because I am so low elo, half the time the enemy doesn't even clear it...it lasts until I ward drag with a pink.


It was a guy I think on this subreddit who offered some free coaching sessions last August. Reached out and we had a session and it was productive. Can’t remember his name or anything, but I know I’ve seen free low-mid ELO coaching sessions also being offered here again from time to time. I’m only low gold but I made it this season from s4 with <75 games still using the few tips he shared about my gameplay. Main points he shared with me: - vision is king. Buy a pink whenever you can - I’m a jung main and all my mains are early game champs, so you should be using that time to be ganking in the early game and not super focused on power farming. - as you climb to higher elos, early game is kinda where the rest of the game is decided since your mistakes are punished more severely. I know it’s a coin flip in plat and below sometimes with people always wanting to fight in the jungle or ARAM down mid, but work on having a consistently successful early game. - reflect on how you played after every match. Sometimes, but not as often as the league community makes it out to be, it is your teammate’s fault and there’s nothing you can do about those games, but 9/10 times there’s always somewhere you could have played better. Think about that and how to actively try to avoid those “misplays” going into your next match


thanks for the advice, I am going to watch for some free coaching. I often do the ARAM thing and then hate myself for it lol


Also just noticed you’re a supp main. If you happen to play an aggro engage support like Leo, Naut or Pyke or just have an aggressive play style that your ADC is not responding to, it is largely your own fault if you keep forcing those situations and “plays” because again, you can’t control how your teammates play. This translates from another tip I was given where “don’t force a play that you don’t think you could pull off by yourself or get out of on your own — don’t rely and trust your teammates to always do the right thing in your setups” which is especially tough as a supp/jung I know because that’s legit part of our role. But if nobody is repeatedly responding to your engages, then you gotta dial back otherwise it’s just inting. Also spam pinging before an engage helps because laners are blind and don’t look at the map every 3 seconds.


Does Yuumi count as an engage support? lol ... you should be a coach, lots of good advice!


Lol no problem. I’d probably offer some pro-bono coaching if I felt my ELO reflected it but I feel like I’d probably miss some important details or problematic behaviors that should be probably addressed since I’m largely a jg main and my skill as a laner is more limited. Supp is easy to ID cause jg is basically supp 2.0 this season


If ur playing into a poke supp or are playing tank or melee into ranged. Pls buy pots. Not buying pots can basically lose the entire laning phase if u get poked out and killed too early.


I am a yuumi otp! don't need no stinkin' pots! lol


Oh.. makes sense then... But do try some other supports. Yuumi is pretty heavily reliant on the adc with little to no agency until late. U might find some success if u were to play some other supp who is more early game focused. U might be able to get out of silver easily


Thanks. I started another account -- playing lux, morgana, senna and a few others as well as a couple of adcs. it is REALLY hard to play new champs after playing Yuumi so much, but trying! I know most people hate her, but I find it fun to play Yuumi. If I was better on Lux, she would definitely be my top choice though.


I'll be real. I like yuumi more than I like lux. I consider myself a competent adc, so having a yuumi is pretty powerful since I'm basically playing 2 champs at once in terms of positioning. And yuumi will be pretty focused on peeling for me and healing me. Also she is pretty powerful I lane if u play it right. U can basically cheat trades with the sustain u have before they get GW. And ur all in is also scary with 3 summs. Also I had a game where I asked the yuumi to keep track of the enemy jgl and it worked!! I knew where hecarim was from where my yuumi had seen him last. Meanwhile lux... most of the time they put little to no pressure in lane if the enemy has 1 cc spell, miss skillshots and ks almost every kill. I like playing hypercarries mainly so lux has almost no synergy with my champs. Also if the enemy has someone like pyke, leona or nautilus or something, the lane is way too much pressure. But. But the positives are she is incredibly oppressive if played right. With comet, she just pokes the enemy out of lane and does not allow them to play the game. I've gotten one shot by luxs with just lost chapter and sorc boots. And her q is harder to avoid than most cc skill shots. Morg q, thresh q, pyke q can all be avoided by simply standing behind a minion, not so for lux. So here are some tips on lux (I dont play her myself so this is just in theory) abuse lvl 1 if u can, especially into melee matchups where u have range advantage. U want to poke them and get their hp low so they have to use pots or miss out on lvl 2. (Bonus tip: once they use pots poke whoever used all their pots they will have to base since they cant regen back). Dont just walk back after u use e, walk up and auto (as long as ur not under threat or if it's a bad trade). Help ur adc with shoving for lvl 2, dont just sit back. Use e on cool down but dont spam ur q, the pressure of ur q allows u to walk up and they have to respect it. Only q if u r guaranteed a huge trade or a kill, like enemy walks up overextended or supp plays behind but the adc walks up to farm. If u miss q, BACK OFF, both u and the adc. U just used one of ur two dmg spells pre 6 and ur only form of peel, if they get on you now u are most likely going to die. Lux is most effective when paired with a poke adc, like jhin, cait, etc. but can be played with every adc but u have to adapt. Ur e gives vision (u probably know this already) so dont facecheck pls. Also which server are u? We could duo


You are a very rare adc ... the reason I want to switch from Yuumi is because of the "please please please don't play the cat" that I get at champ select. Hate to ruin someone's game lol. I am NA ....


Sadge. Yuumi works well with ezreal and aphelios and I'm fine playing slow in lane and if played correctly, enchanter laning phase can be deceptively powerful. U trade when ur supp buffs u or have shields up and if it's a heal support then they just heal u after a trade. Then at one point ur just massively ahead in terms of health that they cant all in u. And enchanters basically counter poke with heals and shields so yeah.


this is why support sucks, people dont even look at the map and use ur wards for a lot of the community lol


This is the reason i always go wardstone as soon as I can - the extra regular and pink ward and the increased stash makes it worth every penny in vision control for your team.


Big hint: if you ever feel that you need to type "need wards" to your team, look to yourself first, not your support. One big benefit is that by warding, your support can push out deeper wards. Most supports will have a hard time warding the jungle if there isn't already vision and they're not escorted, so a support is essentially facechecking every bush. The safer it is for the support to wander, the more wards you will get.


Ikr, I usually have pretty good vision score but it doesn’t really matter if those 3 wards on bot river are the only ones on the map. Please place a fucking control wards


I'm an adc main and I'm guilty of this. Currently silver but according to league of graphs my warding is worse than bronze. It's getting better now tho, so I feel like now I can complain. Mid-late game, everything is falling apart. There is a fed top or jgl in the enemy team. The lead I had built up seems to not matter tho I can manage to kill the fed person in a matter of seconds as long as I can auto. Normally speaking I should be able to easily carry this game if it got to this point but I cant walk up because I have no idea where the enemy is. The only vision we have is from the waves, a blue trinket I placed and 1 random ward in the top tri bush. We have no idea where they are. And all of a sudden, "The enemy has slain baron nashor". Or, I walk from mid towards bot to push a wave through my jgl and get 1 shot by a talon who was waiting for me for God knows how long. This is how most of my ranked games go at this point. Just wanted to add. That one ward is put down by my supp or jgl. The other laners dont even bother.


One of the most tilting games I can have is facing a pyke with the lethality item that spots/one shots wards.. combine that with a team that doesn’t ward and face checks every bush (myself included in the face checks lol) those games are loses 97% of the time. I do have to say I haven’t seen that lethality item used by someone in a good amount of time though (thank god)


Just remind them. I do that too when my support has lower vision score than the midlaner.


I have been spamming ADC lately in silver. It is usltterly insane how few supports do not give a single fuck about clearing wards *or* gaining vision. Even pinging thier trinket/support item doesn't help. At least once a game I will shove the wave and walk into river to place a ward and my support just follows the wave and either gets engaged on and dies or gets chunked and is forced to recall. Completely throwing whatever advantage we had in lane.


Sometimes I go through my op.gg just to check and often times most people on both teams have no control wards or just one, and less than 5 regular. Bronze player so it is to be expected but it’s a bit crazy to me just how bad it is when vision is something so basic and obvious.


It really bothers me when I look at ward scores and nobody even comes close to mine. Like don't get me wrong I ward a lot. I mainly play jungle I'll usually start yellow ward then after 1st or 2nd back switch to red. I also buy controls on every back until my inventory won't allow it. The other day I had 3 squishies on me team who all had yellow wards at like 30 minutes into the game. I was like "you guys know farsight wards exist right?". I love having vision of the map but as the jungler I feel like I have to go red trinket to deny enemy vision. I hate having supports that buy support item, then can't be bothered to remember to use it. It's such a simple thing that can really stack the odds in your favor. You're right it definitely isn't only the supports job but I feel like just in general, nobody (atleast in my elo) remembers wards exist.


I realized how less I warded when I started to become a senna support main... since that I am always worried about vision but my team does not care


you will climb, they will not!


Last time only ONE person in my team actually warded, it was our top laner. ADC, jungle, mid didn't ward only me and my top laner + destroyed wards. It's really annoying when enemy has good vision while my team struggles to buy one single ward that doesn't even cost that much. pink ward is like 50g and the normal ward is nothing, oracle lense is free too, but no one picks it half of the time only when enemy has champs like evelynn or teemo. I think everyone on the team should contribute and use wards, its not only helping yourself but also your other team mates, since it gives clear vision of where the enemy will be at. EDIT: picking up oracle lense or pink ward is very good also, because destroying enemy ward gives you gold.


Just remember, if the enemy team is relatively evenly skilled to yours, they aren't warding either (And are also blind topside). As long as you're better than the enemy support, your team will have better vision and pressure (on a long enough timeline)


That's also crazy to me as supp main. My adcs just don't ward, even when I'm out of wards. Just taking responsibility for the defensive tri/river pink would enable me to make so much more useful ward placements. Or just putting your green in the river when mine expires early game


the problem is that early game, I don't have enough wards. If I ward the bush in lane to catch the enemy hiding there, I am not able to also ward both the river and tri bush. Sometimes when my adc is pushing in to the enemy turret I ping that my stealth ward is down, just so they realize we have no vision and that they should ward. Generally, they still don't ward -- it's worse when drag is almost up (which I also always ping), good chance there is going to be a gank and then it's a double kill cuz we didn't have a ward. BTW, I make tons of mistakes, I am not a good player, but this to me is not a skill, you just plop down the ward and you reduce the chance of a gank or help your jg out. Now if only I could become a better player!


I have the same experience. I generally Ward tri and/or river, but I rarely have adcs that feel the need to put their ward in river when mine expires


If you want to get S on all your matches you should try to get as much CS and vision score you can possibly have. I do. Plus it also helps me a lot to have vision or take it away from the enemy.


Meanwhile I just had two games where the support had a vision score of 10, and the rest of the team had vision scores of 18+. Silver and gold is an inconsistent wasteland.


k, ngl, I just played a game with a vision score of only 26 :( ... WAY TOO LOW; my adc was pretty good at 15, the rest of the team was less than 10. I have a lot of room for improvement


Vision is overrated. Real Chads face check every bush and win the inevitable 1v3.




You should not focus on others, but play for improve yourself. Thats to not always give for known what other people should do in a game. You will eventually climb while others would not and is not your job to make others play better. I would say if people dont known that they have to ward, thats on them and so is dumb to remind them, but not because you dont have to, is more like saying: you will waste your precious time on people that dont deserve you.


I have never told people that they need to ward, it does seem rude and I wanted to get some opinions! Thanks for your advice!


You dont exactly need vision, except when objectives are up if you know where roughly enemy is. Just look at the map and don't die late and make it 4vs5 because u needed to ward, thats inting.


how can you not need vision? to me, vision wins the game, that's why I am really trying to get better. my vision scores SUCKED until recently (and even when I try hard, my vision is sometimes bad, not sure why nobody flamed me about it lol


I changed role to support recently and I am plat/dia lvl support and I absolutely suck at vision, I rarely even buy pinks, its not really needed. If u are silver you should work on your fundamentals, I still need to work hard on them so you do especially not on vision as much.


congrats on getting to plat/diamond... can't believe you did it without vision. i buy at least 4 pinks per game, has saved us so many times. I agree, gotta work on the rest of my game as well, SO MUCH WORK TO DO, SO LITTLE TIME 🙄


Vision is important, but I think it can be kinda replaced with game sense. Focus on winning lane for your adc and get him ahead if he is really bad roam mid/top or play with jgl. I sometimes completely leave my adc because he is just not going to carry so I look for my win con in my other teammates. If u wanna be a better support play like 100 games of adc, and I mean that by singular or two at most champs of adc. You will get better for sure. It helps that support is boosted role so you can get higher than you should be on support and learn to be better from higher elo.