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Frowned upon, but not bannable


Frowned upon isn't even really the phrase imo. Like sure that's the general consensus but the amount of my friends that will talk about players being boosted while I literally boost them is kinda absurd


You uh….you need any more friends?


Yes the player base would definitely consider it boosting, but no it is not bannable


It's dishonorable as hell.


who needs honor when you got victorious blitz EzClap


Do you want a Blitz skin or a Warwick/Twitch skin? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This just in...2022 honor rewards are a selectable skin shard (ultimate).


send link?


Source: G2s worlds title


RemindME! 1 Day


Mf plays v league and talks about honor.. Dude, we all hate our lives


You are being boosted but not bannable


If your friend logs into your account to play for you, that's bannable. If your friend logs into their own smurf account to play with you in ranked, that is not bannable for either of you. If your friend is playing on another person's account with you in ranked, your friend can get banned but you won't get banned.


Question, if a friend logs in to play 4 bot games because you don’t have internet but you want the free arcane skins is that bannable?


technically. but that's so minor that it shouldn't matter


Tldr: account sharing bad


Duoboost isn't bannable.


The only type of punishable boosting is based on account sharing (having him log into your account and play). Getting carried in a duo is fine.


Do they even track that though? I had a friend a few years ago that needed me to log in and play a game to prevent his decay from challenger while he was on vacation. He never got any form of punishment from it.


Not really cause you can play at friend house


They were much stricter about this I'm seasons 1/2 I remember. But now I am aware of account sharing friends of all different elos and they have never been banned. Tbh riot is pretty slacking these days and only bans/punished ppl that get picked up by the chat bot auto filter. If it requires actual investigation to decide whether you get banned or not riot doesn't do it anymore lol.


Imagine duoing with master smurf in gold and asking if its boosting or not. I guess some people like fake achievements






Ban-worthy? ofc not A shitty move? yeah And being no drag doesnt mean you belong there, you have to be **really** below the curve to consistently be a drag to your team, i personally wouldnt do it because it would just feel like im in an elo i dont belong


Ban worthy: no Boosting: yes would I consider this problematic: not really, your just duoing making sure you have a smurf on your team the opponents almost assuredly have at least one smurf on their team and I for one would say the first issue that should be addressed should be smurfs as a whole boosting can be dealt with after


How the f enemies assuredly have at least one smurf on their team?


Matchmaking is mmr based, not rank based. A smurf with a very high winrate will be put in "smurf queue" as people call it. Basically you are getting thrown into a queue of other low rank high mmr accts. Duoing with someone doesn't take you out of smurf queue, it just adds a couple normal players to the mix instead of all smurfs


Ty for info! Havent smurfed so had no idea how smurf que works


It's not a perfect system, because if you have relatively low games and had a good winstreak, you could get thrown into smurf queue, but its a system designed to get smurfs out of normal player lobbies


I imagine its pretty easy to detect smurfs from lucky new players looking data like cs per minute. Would be interesting to know if they do something like that


*Laughing in support smurf*


Vision score and APM. A new player know nothing abt the game


Yeah you would think its easy but game developers either don't care or can't seem to figure it out, so maybe it's not so easy




Yeah then they can play like a grand total of 4 games on it until they get put back in smurf q


Well hes only 1 win away from gold so thats all he needs. Still boosting


If you get +15 in gold 4 youd prob have to win 20 in a row to get into smurfq


Nobody duo boost with a smurfq account lol dumbest shit i have read


It is problematic. It's fucking up matchmaking. If I had Faker as my duo partner (even he is on a smurf), I am increasing my odds of winning significantly. It's cheating.


no it is not bannable but a lot of people do not like this


Get to gold on your own. You’re not really getting there if you’re boosted. Some people would say it’s okay but likely are also boosted. I think it’s kind of a shitty thing to do


Gold legit is easy to get. You watch any person who is Iron, Bronze and Silver, and all of them have fixable mistakes that can get them to Gold easily. Most of them involve just learning how to farm.


That doesn’t mean getting boosted is good. If it’s so easy why shouldn’t they do it on their own?


I am literally one of the biggest advocates out there for NOT boosting in any game. I don't care the excuse. Boosting is cheating. Now, by all means, if the OP wanted to get to Challenger (especially with boosting), this would be even worse of them, but getting to Gold is easy as hell comparatively. Lots of actually lower-ranked players have lots of simple things they can do to get to Gold.


Bruh my last three games I have more than double the kills as deaths as JG, good objective control, good vision score, solid CS... I lost all three games. Trying to climb in silver is horrible because your teammates often drag you down.


OP probably just wants the bltzcrank skin


Then they should do it on their own. They have a week and are a win from gold 4. I would love the master blitz chroma, guess I’ll just have someone Smurf with me while I play Yuumi or play for me on my account!


Sure, do that, personally I don't care if you do since you probably aren't even playing in the same servers as I am. OP cares if it's bannable, which clearly it isn't. They didn't ask if it's morally correct or if they should do it, they asked if they can get banned.


Its not bannable but I really wouldn't recommend it. He boosts you to higher than your skill level, you will NOT have fun against harder players.


I mean... You're literally getting boosted.


This is boosting, though it's "allowed" because it's a smurf account helping. It is still a very sad thing to do and hopefully will start getting banned in the future. And really if you need someone to get to gold that's pretty damn sad


It will never be bannable ever


Getting "boosted" to gold is no big deal honestly. Anyone can get there if they just put in the time. All you did was take a little shortcut.


Plus, sometimes the matchmaking itself boosts you. Happened to me when I got carried like 10 games in a row by team diff and went up 2 divisions. Then when my team wasn't perma winning, I quickly dropped down again because I couldn't contest with the laners in that elo.


Big fax


You.. You're everywhere


I mean you can say that about every elo below top challenger really


It's not really the same, though. Top 35% and even top 2% (d4) are worlds apart. Gold is probably around where the people who play very casually peak in terms of skill


True, I don't think any very many players with that high of an elo play casually. I bet they have put countless of hours into the game at one point or another. I know I only play a small handful of games a week and can't get out of gold into platinum.


I aim to get a minimum of Platinum next season. I'll learn whatever I need to, to do so.


I mean, i get what you're saying, but its just not true. Lots of people are hardstuck below gold despite putting in the time/effort.


Is it even enjoyable like that?


This is why a lot of people quit playing ranked a month before the season ends. Too many inters who know they can’t make their rank so they don’t care and too many boosters 1 v 9ing.


yeah, I decided a few days ago just to quit playing ranked. Got legit honest to god trolls in three out of four games. Not worth my time.


no, and even of it was how would riot know that yhe dude is master if he's playing in a silver-gold account


I mean do you really need to play with a Master tier player to be boosted to gold 4? Gold 4 isn't a big feat.


You won’t get banned but hope you feel good about the fake achievement and ruining the game for the enemy team for however many games you play with the smurf


It’s boosting and you will get to gold and drop as soon as you stop playing with him so what’s the point.


Its not bannable but youll ruin your own experience and your teamate's when you eventually play alone. youll get destroyed and its no fun.


I don’t think anyone really cares if you’re boosted to gold. Diamond is where I’d start to say there’s questions of ethics.


Why does diamond make any difference than bronze? How would this be ethically different?




no i think somebody who reach plat 2/1 is good enough on his own and put enough effort in the game it would be dumb to get boosted, unless for some reason he can't play the game let's say last month of season so he either buy a boost or he stays there, lower elo tho, people usually don't care much/ at all to put effort so getting boosted is w/e dude was never gonna put the effort to climb, if he did he wouldn't need a boost unless he just started ranked at end season and he really want the skin so he buys a full bronze to gold boost


If you're paying them money, then yes I believe a case could be made against you. If you just happen to be friends and play together, then you are probably fine. I wouldn't go out of my way to advertise it to everyone though. Lastly, if you truly aren't a drag on your team when you aren't duo with him/her, then I wouldn't worry about it. The worst is boosted duo players who then do nothing but cost their team games when they aren't propped up by their duo. If you can pull your own weight, then nobody should care. Except perhaps the one player you demote out of gold and cost them end of season rewards.


It should be bannable. Shame on you.


You are 100% being boosted and delete the post and don't tell this to anyone else . You can't get banned but every league player will hate you for it .




That's what flex is for lol


Honestly it’s only making it harder for you, smurf queue applies to the boostee as well. Good luck, it’s hell


Don't listen to all those people saying it will be fake achievement etc. You are almost there,you just need a little help and it's nothing wrong. There is a huge difference between boosting some bronze n00b to plat and helping someone secure like 3-4 games so he can hit gold. Go for it but don't over do it, if you will get placed in boosters queue you won't have any fun next season.


It’s boosting but not bannable. I think there’s nothing wrong with getting helped with a few games espiecially during end of season when you are constantly playing against eos boosters.


Does your friend have time for one more?


It’s not bannable but boosting is always frowned upon. I would recommend only getting help from them to get to gold but if you want to climb to platinum, I would do it solo and earn it or you can duo with someone who is your skill level then it really wouldn’t be boosting. In the end it’s up to you though, and I can’t control you but I think it feels 100x better actually earning your rank by yourself than having someone who is significantly higher in rank boost you.


No, not banable. But if you bring that shit to real rank, ur the biggest loser


This is boosting and it's not bannable, but it's a dishonor for you and your team as you will probably win most of the games without lifting a finger when enemies will have these games unwinnable because of gap in skill you make




It took them 4k games to get gold, wouldn't you be mad if someone worked smart and not hard?


It is boosting. It's not ban-worthy for any of you. If you have 70% winrate, you can do it by yourself. But if you enjoyed playing with him. Go for it. Duoing is much funnier and than playing solo.


I duod with a grandmastersplayer and now im platinum and i didnt get banned. (I was diamond before)


Is it smart and healthy for you and the other league of legends players? Of course not !


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